#!/usr/bin/env python3 import cv2, os, subprocess, argparse from PIL import Image import torch from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, SamModel, SamProcessor from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np from datetime import datetime from deep_sort_integration import DeepSORTTracker from scenedetect import detect, ContentDetector from functools import lru_cache # Constants DEFAULT_TEST_MODE_DURATION = 3 # Process only first 3 seconds in test mode by default FFMPEG_PRESETS = [ "ultrafast", "superfast", "veryfast", "faster", "fast", "medium", "slow", "slower", "veryslow", ] FONT = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX # Font for bounding-box-style labels # Detection parameters IOU_THRESHOLD = 0.5 # IoU threshold for considering boxes related # Hitmarker parameters HITMARKER_SIZE = 20 # Size of the hitmarker in pixels HITMARKER_GAP = 3 # Size of the empty space in the middle (reduced from 8) HITMARKER_THICKNESS = 2 # Thickness of hitmarker lines HITMARKER_COLOR = (255, 255, 255) # White color for hitmarker HITMARKER_SHADOW_COLOR = (80, 80, 80) # Lighter gray for shadow effect HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET = 1 # Smaller shadow offset # SAM parameters device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # Initialize model variables as None sam_model = None sam_processor = None slimsam_model = None slimsam_processor = None @lru_cache(maxsize=2) # Cache both regular and slim SAM models def get_sam_model(slim=False): """Get cached SAM model and processor.""" global sam_model, sam_processor, slimsam_model, slimsam_processor if slim: if slimsam_model is None: print("Loading SlimSAM model for the first time...") slimsam_model = SamModel.from_pretrained("nielsr/slimsam-50-uniform").to(device) slimsam_processor = SamProcessor.from_pretrained("nielsr/slimsam-50-uniform") return slimsam_model, slimsam_processor else: if sam_model is None: print("Loading SAM model for the first time...") sam_model = SamModel.from_pretrained("facebook/sam-vit-huge").to(device) sam_processor = SamProcessor.from_pretrained("facebook/sam-vit-huge") return sam_model, sam_processor def load_sam_model(slim=False): """Load SAM model and processor with caching.""" return get_sam_model(slim=slim) def generate_color_pair(): """Generate a generic light blue and dark blue color pair for SAM visualization.""" dark_rgb = [0, 0, 139] # Dark blue light_rgb = [173, 216, 230] # Light blue return dark_rgb, light_rgb def create_mask_overlay(image, masks, points=None, labels=None): """Create a mask overlay with contours for multiple SAM visualizations. Args: image: PIL Image to overlay masks on masks: List of binary masks or single mask points: Optional list of (x,y) points for labels labels: Optional list of label strings for each point """ # Convert single mask to list for uniform processing if not isinstance(masks, list): masks = [masks] # Create empty overlays overlay = np.zeros((*image.size[::-1], 4), dtype=np.uint8) outline = np.zeros((*image.size[::-1], 4), dtype=np.uint8) # Process each mask for i, mask in enumerate(masks): # Convert binary mask to uint8 mask_uint8 = (mask > 0).astype(np.uint8) # Dilation to fill gaps kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) mask_dilated = cv2.dilate(mask_uint8, kernel, iterations=1) # Find contours of the dilated mask contours, _ = cv2.findContours(mask_dilated, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # Generate random color pair for this segmentation dark_color, light_color = generate_color_pair() # Add to the overlays overlay[mask_dilated > 0] = [*light_color, 90] # Light color with 35% opacity cv2.drawContours(outline, contours, -1, (*dark_color, 255), 2) # Dark color outline # Convert to PIL images mask_overlay = Image.fromarray(overlay, 'RGBA') outline_overlay = Image.fromarray(outline, 'RGBA') # Composite the layers result = image.convert('RGBA') result.paste(mask_overlay, (0, 0), mask_overlay) result.paste(outline_overlay, (0, 0), outline_overlay) # Add labels if provided if points and labels: result_array = np.array(result) for (x, y), label in zip(points, labels): label_size = cv2.getTextSize(label, FONT, 0.5, 1)[0] cv2.putText( result_array, label, (int(x - label_size[0] // 2), int(y - 20)), FONT, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA, ) result = Image.fromarray(result_array) return result def process_sam_detection(image, center_x, center_y, slim=False): """Process a single detection point with SAM. Returns: tuple: (mask, result_pil) where mask is the binary mask and result_pil is the visualization """ if not isinstance(image, Image.Image): image = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # Get appropriate model from cache model, processor = get_sam_model(slim) # Process the image with SAM inputs = processor( image, input_points=[[[center_x, center_y]]], return_tensors="pt" ).to(device) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**inputs) mask = processor.post_process_masks( outputs.pred_masks.cpu(), inputs["original_sizes"].cpu(), inputs["reshaped_input_sizes"].cpu() )[0][0][0].numpy() # Create the visualization result = create_mask_overlay(image, mask) return mask, result def load_moondream(): """Load Moondream model and tokenizer.""" model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "vikhyatk/moondream2", trust_remote_code=True, device_map={"": "cuda"} ) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("vikhyatk/moondream2") return model, tokenizer def get_video_properties(video_path): """Get basic video properties.""" video = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) fps = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) frame_count = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) width = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) height = int(video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) video.release() return {"fps": fps, "frame_count": frame_count, "width": width, "height": height} def is_valid_bounding_box(bounding_box): """Check if bounding box coordinates are reasonable.""" x1, y1, x2, y2 = bounding_box width = x2 - x1 height = y2 - y1 # Reject boxes that are too large (over 90% of frame in both dimensions) if width > 0.9 and height > 0.9: return False # Reject boxes that are too small (less than 1% of frame) if width < 0.01 or height < 0.01: return False return True def split_frame_into_grid(frame, grid_rows, grid_cols): """Split a frame into a grid of tiles.""" height, width = frame.shape[:2] tile_height = height // grid_rows tile_width = width // grid_cols tiles = [] tile_positions = [] for i in range(grid_rows): for j in range(grid_cols): y1 = i * tile_height y2 = (i + 1) * tile_height if i < grid_rows - 1 else height x1 = j * tile_width x2 = (j + 1) * tile_width if j < grid_cols - 1 else width tile = frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] tiles.append(tile) tile_positions.append((x1, y1, x2, y2)) return tiles, tile_positions def convert_tile_coords_to_frame(box, tile_pos, frame_shape): """Convert coordinates from tile space to frame space.""" frame_height, frame_width = frame_shape[:2] tile_x1, tile_y1, tile_x2, tile_y2 = tile_pos tile_width = tile_x2 - tile_x1 tile_height = tile_y2 - tile_y1 x1_tile_abs = box[0] * tile_width y1_tile_abs = box[1] * tile_height x2_tile_abs = box[2] * tile_width y2_tile_abs = box[3] * tile_height x1_frame_abs = tile_x1 + x1_tile_abs y1_frame_abs = tile_y1 + y1_tile_abs x2_frame_abs = tile_x1 + x2_tile_abs y2_frame_abs = tile_y1 + y2_tile_abs x1_norm = x1_frame_abs / frame_width y1_norm = y1_frame_abs / frame_height x2_norm = x2_frame_abs / frame_width y2_norm = y2_frame_abs / frame_height x1_norm = max(0.0, min(1.0, x1_norm)) y1_norm = max(0.0, min(1.0, y1_norm)) x2_norm = max(0.0, min(1.0, x2_norm)) y2_norm = max(0.0, min(1.0, y2_norm)) return [x1_norm, y1_norm, x2_norm, y2_norm] def merge_tile_detections(tile_detections, iou_threshold=0.5): """Merge detections from different tiles using NMS-like approach.""" if not tile_detections: return [] all_boxes = [] all_keywords = [] # Collect all boxes and their keywords for detections in tile_detections: for box, keyword in detections: all_boxes.append(box) all_keywords.append(keyword) if not all_boxes: return [] # Convert to numpy for easier processing boxes = np.array(all_boxes) # Calculate areas x1 = boxes[:, 0] y1 = boxes[:, 1] x2 = boxes[:, 2] y2 = boxes[:, 3] areas = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) # Sort boxes by area order = areas.argsort()[::-1] keep = [] while order.size > 0: i = order[0] keep.append(i) if order.size == 1: break # Calculate IoU with rest of boxes xx1 = np.maximum(x1[i], x1[order[1:]]) yy1 = np.maximum(y1[i], y1[order[1:]]) xx2 = np.minimum(x2[i], x2[order[1:]]) yy2 = np.minimum(y2[i], y2[order[1:]]) w = np.maximum(0.0, xx2 - xx1) h = np.maximum(0.0, yy2 - yy1) inter = w * h ovr = inter / (areas[i] + areas[order[1:]] - inter) # Get indices of boxes with IoU less than threshold inds = np.where(ovr <= iou_threshold)[0] order = order[inds + 1] return [(all_boxes[i], all_keywords[i]) for i in keep] def detect_objects_in_frame(model, tokenizer, image, target_object, grid_rows=1, grid_cols=1): """Detect specified objects in a frame using grid-based analysis.""" if grid_rows == 1 and grid_cols == 1: return detect_objects_in_frame_single(model, tokenizer, image, target_object) # Convert numpy array to PIL Image if needed if not isinstance(image, Image.Image): image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Split frame into tiles tiles, tile_positions = split_frame_into_grid(image, grid_rows, grid_cols) # Process each tile tile_detections = [] for tile, tile_pos in zip(tiles, tile_positions): # Convert tile to PIL Image tile_pil = Image.fromarray(tile) # Detect objects in tile response = model.detect(tile_pil, target_object) if response and "objects" in response and response["objects"]: objects = response["objects"] tile_objects = [] for obj in objects: if all(k in obj for k in ["x_min", "y_min", "x_max", "y_max"]): box = [obj["x_min"], obj["y_min"], obj["x_max"], obj["y_max"]] if is_valid_bounding_box(box): # Convert tile coordinates to frame coordinates frame_box = convert_tile_coords_to_frame( box, tile_pos, image.shape ) tile_objects.append((frame_box, target_object)) if tile_objects: # Only append if we found valid objects tile_detections.append(tile_objects) # Merge detections from all tiles merged_detections = merge_tile_detections(tile_detections) return merged_detections def detect_objects_in_frame_single(model, tokenizer, image, target_object): """Single-frame detection function.""" detected_objects = [] # Convert numpy array to PIL Image if needed if not isinstance(image, Image.Image): image = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # Detect objects response = model.detect(image, target_object) # Check if we have valid objects if response and "objects" in response and response["objects"]: objects = response["objects"] for obj in objects: if all(k in obj for k in ["x_min", "y_min", "x_max", "y_max"]): box = [obj["x_min"], obj["y_min"], obj["x_max"], obj["y_max"]] # If box is valid (not full-frame), add it if is_valid_bounding_box(box): detected_objects.append((box, target_object)) return detected_objects def draw_hitmarker( frame, center_x, center_y, size=HITMARKER_SIZE, color=HITMARKER_COLOR, shadow=True ): """Draw a COD-style hitmarker cross with more space in the middle.""" half_size = size // 2 # Draw shadow first if enabled if shadow: # Top-left to center shadow cv2.line( frame, ( center_x - half_size + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, center_y - half_size + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, ), ( center_x - HITMARKER_GAP + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, center_y - HITMARKER_GAP + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, ), HITMARKER_SHADOW_COLOR, HITMARKER_THICKNESS, ) # Top-right to center shadow cv2.line( frame, ( center_x + half_size + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, center_y - half_size + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, ), ( center_x + HITMARKER_GAP + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, center_y - HITMARKER_GAP + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, ), HITMARKER_SHADOW_COLOR, HITMARKER_THICKNESS, ) # Bottom-left to center shadow cv2.line( frame, ( center_x - half_size + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, center_y + half_size + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, ), ( center_x - HITMARKER_GAP + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, center_y + HITMARKER_GAP + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, ), HITMARKER_SHADOW_COLOR, HITMARKER_THICKNESS, ) # Bottom-right to center shadow cv2.line( frame, ( center_x + half_size + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, center_y + half_size + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, ), ( center_x + HITMARKER_GAP + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, center_y + HITMARKER_GAP + HITMARKER_SHADOW_OFFSET, ), HITMARKER_SHADOW_COLOR, HITMARKER_THICKNESS, ) # Draw main hitmarker # Top-left to center cv2.line( frame, (center_x - half_size, center_y - half_size), (center_x - HITMARKER_GAP, center_y - HITMARKER_GAP), color, HITMARKER_THICKNESS, ) # Top-right to center cv2.line( frame, (center_x + half_size, center_y - half_size), (center_x + HITMARKER_GAP, center_y - HITMARKER_GAP), color, HITMARKER_THICKNESS, ) # Bottom-left to center cv2.line( frame, (center_x - half_size, center_y + half_size), (center_x - HITMARKER_GAP, center_y + HITMARKER_GAP), color, HITMARKER_THICKNESS, ) # Bottom-right to center cv2.line( frame, (center_x + half_size, center_y + half_size), (center_x + HITMARKER_GAP, center_y + HITMARKER_GAP), color, HITMARKER_THICKNESS, ) def draw_ad_boxes(frame, detected_objects, detect_keyword, model, box_style="censor"): height, width = frame.shape[:2] points = [] # Only get points if we need them for hitmarker or SAM styles if box_style in ["hitmarker", "sam", "sam-fast"]: frame_pil = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) try: point_response = model.point(frame_pil, detect_keyword) if isinstance(point_response, dict) and 'points' in point_response: points = point_response['points'] except Exception as e: print(f"Error during point detection: {str(e)}") points = [] # Only load SAM models and process points if we're using SAM styles and have points if box_style in ["sam", "sam-fast"] and points: # Start with the original PIL image frame_pil = Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) # Collect all masks and points all_masks = [] point_coords = [] point_labels = [] for point in points: try: center_x = int(float(point["x"]) * width) center_y = int(float(point["y"]) * height) # Get mask and visualization mask, _ = process_sam_detection(frame_pil, center_x, center_y, slim=(box_style == "sam-fast")) # Collect mask and point data all_masks.append(mask) point_coords.append((center_x, center_y)) point_labels.append(detect_keyword) except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing individual SAM point: {str(e)}") print(f"Point data: {point}") if all_masks: # Create final visualization with all masks result_pil = create_mask_overlay(frame_pil, all_masks, point_coords, point_labels) frame = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(result_pil), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # Process other visualization styles for detection in detected_objects: try: # Handle both tracked and untracked detections if len(detection) == 3: # Tracked detection with ID box, keyword, track_id = detection else: # Regular detection without tracking box, keyword = detection track_id = None x1 = int(box[0] * width) y1 = int(box[1] * height) x2 = int(box[2] * width) y2 = int(box[3] * height) x1 = max(0, min(x1, width - 1)) y1 = max(0, min(y1, height - 1)) x2 = max(0, min(x2, width - 1)) y2 = max(0, min(y2, height - 1)) if x2 > x1 and y2 > y1: if box_style == "censor": cv2.rectangle(frame, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 0), -1) elif box_style == "bounding-box": cv2.rectangle(frame, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 3) label = f"{detect_keyword}" if track_id is not None else detect_keyword label_size = cv2.getTextSize(label, FONT, 0.7, 2)[0] cv2.rectangle( frame, (x1, y1 - 25), (x1 + label_size[0], y1), (0, 0, 255), -1 ) cv2.putText( frame, label, (x1, y1 - 6), FONT, 0.7, (255, 255, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA, ) elif box_style == "fuzzy-blur": # Extract ROI roi = frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] # Apply Gaussian blur with much larger kernel for intense blur blurred_roi = cv2.GaussianBlur(roi, (125, 125), 0) # Replace original ROI with blurred version frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] = blurred_roi elif box_style == "pixelated-blur": # Extract ROI roi = frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] # Pixelate by resizing down and up h, w = roi.shape[:2] temp = cv2.resize(roi, (10, 10), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) pixelated = cv2.resize(temp, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) # Mix up the pixelated frame slightly by adding random noise noise = np.random.randint(0, 50, (h, w, 3), dtype=np.uint8) pixelated = cv2.add(pixelated, noise) # Apply stronger Gaussian blur to smooth edges blurred_pixelated = cv2.GaussianBlur(pixelated, (15, 15), 0) # Replace original ROI frame[y1:y2, x1:x2] = blurred_pixelated elif box_style == "obfuscated-pixel": # Calculate expansion amount based on 10% of object dimensions box_width = x2 - x1 box_height = y2 - y1 expand_x = int(box_width * 0.10) expand_y = int(box_height * 0.10) # Expand the bounding box by 10% in all directions x1_expanded = max(0, x1 - expand_x) y1_expanded = max(0, y1 - expand_y) x2_expanded = min(width - 1, x2 + expand_x) y2_expanded = min(height - 1, y2 + expand_y) # Extract ROI with much larger padding for true background sampling padding = 100 # Much larger padding to get true background y1_pad = max(0, y1_expanded - padding) y2_pad = min(height, y2_expanded + padding) x1_pad = max(0, x1_expanded - padding) x2_pad = min(width, x2_expanded + padding) # Get the padded region including background padded_roi = frame[y1_pad:y2_pad, x1_pad:x2_pad] # Create mask that excludes a larger region around the detection h, w = y2_expanded - y1_expanded, x2_expanded - x1_expanded bg_mask = np.ones(padded_roi.shape[:2], dtype=bool) # Exclude a larger region around the detection from background sampling exclusion_padding = 50 # Area to exclude around detection exclude_y1 = padding - exclusion_padding exclude_y2 = padding + h + exclusion_padding exclude_x1 = padding - exclusion_padding exclude_x2 = padding + w + exclusion_padding # Make sure exclusion coordinates are valid exclude_y1 = max(0, exclude_y1) exclude_y2 = min(padded_roi.shape[0], exclude_y2) exclude_x1 = max(0, exclude_x1) exclude_x2 = min(padded_roi.shape[1], exclude_x2) # Mark the exclusion zone in the mask bg_mask[exclude_y1:exclude_y2, exclude_x1:exclude_x2] = False # If we have enough background pixels, calculate average color if np.any(bg_mask): bg_color = np.mean(padded_roi[bg_mask], axis=0).astype(np.uint8) else: # Fallback to edges if we couldn't get enough background edge_samples = np.concatenate([ padded_roi[0], # Top edge padded_roi[-1], # Bottom edge padded_roi[:, 0], # Left edge padded_roi[:, -1] # Right edge ]) bg_color = np.mean(edge_samples, axis=0).astype(np.uint8) # Create base pixelated version (of the expanded region) temp = cv2.resize(frame[y1_expanded:y2_expanded, x1_expanded:x2_expanded], (6, 6), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) pixelated = cv2.resize(temp, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) # Blend heavily towards background color blend_factor = 0.9 # Much stronger blend with background blended = cv2.addWeighted( pixelated, 1 - blend_factor, np.full((h, w, 3), bg_color, dtype=np.uint8), blend_factor, 0 ) # Replace original ROI with blended version (using expanded coordinates) frame[y1_expanded:y2_expanded, x1_expanded:x2_expanded] = blended elif box_style == "intense-pixelated-blur": # Expand the bounding box by pixels in all directions x1_expanded = max(0, x1 - 15) y1_expanded = max(0, y1 - 15) x2_expanded = min(width - 1, x2 + 25) y2_expanded = min(height - 1, y2 + 25) # Extract ROI roi = frame[y1_expanded:y2_expanded, x1_expanded:x2_expanded] # Pixelate by resizing down and up h, w = roi.shape[:2] temp = cv2.resize(roi, (10, 10), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) pixelated = cv2.resize(temp, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) # Mix up the pixelated frame slightly by adding random noise noise = np.random.randint(0, 50, (h, w, 3), dtype=np.uint8) pixelated = cv2.add(pixelated, noise) # Apply stronger Gaussian blur to smooth edges blurred_pixelated = cv2.GaussianBlur(pixelated, (15, 15), 0) # Replace original ROI frame[y1_expanded:y2_expanded, x1_expanded:x2_expanded] = blurred_pixelated elif box_style == "hitmarker": if points: for point in points: try: print(f"Processing point: {point}") center_x = int(float(point["x"]) * width) center_y = int(float(point["y"]) * height) print(f"Converted coordinates: ({center_x}, {center_y})") draw_hitmarker(frame, center_x, center_y) label = f"{detect_keyword}" if track_id is not None else detect_keyword label_size = cv2.getTextSize(label, FONT, 0.5, 1)[0] cv2.putText( frame, label, (center_x - label_size[0] // 2, center_y - HITMARKER_SIZE - 5), FONT, 0.5, HITMARKER_COLOR, 1, cv2.LINE_AA, ) except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing individual point: {str(e)}") print(f"Point data: {point}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error drawing {box_style} style box: {str(e)}") print(f"Box data: {box}") print(f"Keyword: {keyword}") return frame def filter_temporal_outliers(detections_dict): """Filter out extremely large detections that take up most of the frame. Only keeps detections that are reasonable in size. Args: detections_dict: Dictionary of {frame_number: [(box, keyword, track_id), ...]} """ filtered_detections = {} for t, detections in detections_dict.items(): # Only keep detections that aren't too large valid_detections = [] for detection in detections: # Handle both tracked and untracked detections if len(detection) == 3: # Tracked detection with ID box, keyword, track_id = detection else: # Regular detection without tracking box, keyword = detection track_id = None # Calculate box size as percentage of frame width = box[2] - box[0] height = box[3] - box[1] area = width * height # If box is less than 90% of frame, keep it if area < 0.9: if track_id is not None: valid_detections.append((box, keyword, track_id)) else: valid_detections.append((box, keyword)) if valid_detections: filtered_detections[t] = valid_detections return filtered_detections def describe_frames(video_path, model, tokenizer, detect_keyword, test_mode=False, test_duration=DEFAULT_TEST_MODE_DURATION, grid_rows=1, grid_cols=1): """Extract and detect objects in frames.""" props = get_video_properties(video_path) fps = props["fps"] # Initialize DeepSORT tracker tracker = DeepSORTTracker() # If in test mode, only process first N seconds if test_mode: frame_count = min(int(fps * test_duration), props["frame_count"]) else: frame_count = props["frame_count"] ad_detections = {} # Store detection results by frame number print("Extracting frames and detecting objects...") video = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) # Detect scenes first scenes = detect(video_path, scene_detector) scene_changes = set(end.get_frames() for _, end in scenes) print(f"Detected {len(scenes)} scenes") frame_count_processed = 0 with tqdm(total=frame_count) as pbar: while frame_count_processed < frame_count: ret, frame = video.read() if not ret: break # Check if current frame is a scene change if frame_count_processed in scene_changes: # Detect objects in the frame detected_objects = detect_objects_in_frame( model, tokenizer, frame, detect_keyword, grid_rows=grid_rows, grid_cols=grid_cols ) # Update tracker with current detections tracked_objects = tracker.update(frame, detected_objects) # Store results for every frame, even if empty ad_detections[frame_count_processed] = tracked_objects frame_count_processed += 1 pbar.update(1) video.release() if frame_count_processed == 0: print("No frames could be read from video") return {} return ad_detections def create_detection_video( video_path, ad_detections, detect_keyword, model, output_path=None, ffmpeg_preset="medium", test_mode=False, test_duration=DEFAULT_TEST_MODE_DURATION, box_style="censor", ): """Create video with detection boxes while preserving audio.""" if output_path is None: # Create outputs directory if it doesn't exist outputs_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "outputs" ) os.makedirs(outputs_dir, exist_ok=True) # Clean the detect_keyword for filename safe_keyword = "".join( x for x in detect_keyword if x.isalnum() or x in (" ", "_", "-") ) safe_keyword = safe_keyword.replace(" ", "_") # Create output filename base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(video_path))[0] output_path = os.path.join( outputs_dir, f"{box_style}_{safe_keyword}_{base_name}.mp4" ) print(f"Will save output to: {output_path}") props = get_video_properties(video_path) fps, width, height = props["fps"], props["width"], props["height"] # If in test mode, only process first few seconds if test_mode: frame_count = min(int(fps * test_duration), props["frame_count"]) print(f"Test mode enabled: Processing first {test_duration} seconds ({frame_count} frames)") else: frame_count = props["frame_count"] print("Full video mode: Processing entire video") video = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) # Create temp output path by adding _temp before the extension base, ext = os.path.splitext(output_path) temp_output = f"{base}_temp{ext}" temp_audio = f"{base}_audio.aac" # Temporary audio file out = cv2.VideoWriter( temp_output, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"mp4v"), fps, (width, height) ) print("Creating detection video...") frame_count_processed = 0 with tqdm(total=frame_count) as pbar: while frame_count_processed < frame_count: ret, frame = video.read() if not ret: break # Get detections for this exact frame if frame_count_processed in ad_detections: current_detections = ad_detections[frame_count_processed] if current_detections: frame = draw_ad_boxes( frame, current_detections, detect_keyword, model, box_style=box_style ) out.write(frame) frame_count_processed += 1 pbar.update(1) video.release() out.release() # Extract audio from original video try: if test_mode: # In test mode, extract only the required duration of audio subprocess.run( [ "ffmpeg", "-y", "-i", video_path, "-t", str(test_duration), "-vn", # No video "-acodec", "copy", temp_audio, ], check=True, ) else: subprocess.run( [ "ffmpeg", "-y", "-i", video_path, "-vn", # No video "-acodec", "copy", temp_audio, ], check=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Error extracting audio: {str(e)}") if os.path.exists(temp_output): os.remove(temp_output) return None # Merge processed video with original audio try: # Base FFmpeg command ffmpeg_cmd = [ "ffmpeg", "-y", "-i", temp_output, "-i", temp_audio, "-c:v", "libx264", "-preset", ffmpeg_preset, "-crf", "23", "-c:a", "aac", "-b:a", "192k", "-movflags", "+faststart", # Better web playback ] if test_mode: # In test mode, ensure output duration matches test_duration ffmpeg_cmd.extend([ "-t", str(test_duration), "-shortest" # Ensure output duration matches shortest input ]) ffmpeg_cmd.extend([ "-loglevel", "error", output_path ]) subprocess.run(ffmpeg_cmd, check=True) # Clean up temporary files os.remove(temp_output) os.remove(temp_audio) if not os.path.exists(output_path): print( f"Warning: FFmpeg completed but output file not found at {output_path}" ) return None return output_path except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Error merging audio with video: {str(e)}") if os.path.exists(temp_output): os.remove(temp_output) if os.path.exists(temp_audio): os.remove(temp_audio) return None def process_video( video_path, target_object, test_mode=False, test_duration=DEFAULT_TEST_MODE_DURATION, ffmpeg_preset="medium", grid_rows=1, grid_cols=1, box_style="censor", ): """Process a video to detect and visualize specified objects.""" try: print(f"\nProcessing: {video_path}") print(f"Looking for: {target_object}") # Load model print("Loading Moondream model...") model, tokenizer = load_moondream() # Get video properties props = get_video_properties(video_path) # Initialize scene detector with ContentDetector scene_detector = ContentDetector(threshold=30.0) # Adjust threshold as needed # Initialize DeepSORT tracker tracker = DeepSORTTracker() # If in test mode, only process first N seconds if test_mode: frame_count = min(int(props["fps"] * test_duration), props["frame_count"]) else: frame_count = props["frame_count"] ad_detections = {} # Store detection results by frame number print("Extracting frames and detecting objects...") video = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) # Detect scenes first scenes = detect(video_path, scene_detector) scene_changes = set(end.get_frames() for _, end in scenes) print(f"Detected {len(scenes)} scenes") frame_count_processed = 0 with tqdm(total=frame_count) as pbar: while frame_count_processed < frame_count: ret, frame = video.read() if not ret: break # Check if current frame is a scene change if frame_count_processed in scene_changes: print(f"Scene change detected at frame {frame_count_processed}. Resetting tracker.") tracker.reset() # Detect objects in the frame detected_objects = detect_objects_in_frame( model, tokenizer, frame, target_object, grid_rows=grid_rows, grid_cols=grid_cols ) # Update tracker with current detections tracked_objects = tracker.update(frame, detected_objects) # Store results for every frame, even if empty ad_detections[frame_count_processed] = tracked_objects frame_count_processed += 1 pbar.update(1) video.release() if frame_count_processed == 0: print("No frames could be read from video") return {} # Apply filtering filtered_ad_detections = filter_temporal_outliers(ad_detections) # Build detection data structure detection_data = { "video_metadata": { "file_name": os.path.basename(video_path), "fps": props["fps"], "width": props["width"], "height": props["height"], "total_frames": props["frame_count"], "duration_sec": props["frame_count"] / props["fps"], "detect_keyword": target_object, "test_mode": test_mode, "grid_size": f"{grid_rows}x{grid_cols}", "box_style": box_style, "timestamp": datetime.now().isoformat() }, "frame_detections": [ { "frame": frame_num, "timestamp": frame_num / props["fps"], "objects": [ { "keyword": kw, "bbox": list(box), # Convert numpy array to list if needed "track_id": track_id if len(detection) == 3 else None } for detection in filtered_ad_detections.get(frame_num, []) for box, kw, *track_id in [detection] # Unpack detection tuple, track_id will be empty list if not present ] } for frame_num in range(props["frame_count"] if not test_mode else min(int(props["fps"] * test_duration), props["frame_count"])) ] } # Save filtered data outputs_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "outputs") os.makedirs(outputs_dir, exist_ok=True) base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(video_path))[0] json_path = os.path.join(outputs_dir, f"{box_style}_{target_object}_{base_name}_detections.json") from persistence import save_detection_data if not save_detection_data(detection_data, json_path): print("Warning: Failed to save detection data") # Create video with filtered data output_path = create_detection_video( video_path, filtered_ad_detections, target_object, model, ffmpeg_preset=ffmpeg_preset, test_mode=test_mode, test_duration=test_duration, box_style=box_style, ) if output_path is None: print("\nError: Failed to create output video") return None print(f"\nOutput saved to: {output_path}") print(f"Detection data saved to: {json_path}") return output_path except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing video: {str(e)}") import traceback traceback.print_exc() return None def main(): """Process all videos in the inputs directory.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Detect objects in videos using Moondream2" ) parser.add_argument( "--test", action="store_true", help="Process only first 3 seconds of each video" ) parser.add_argument( "--test-duration", type=int, default=DEFAULT_TEST_MODE_DURATION, help=f"Number of seconds to process in test mode (default: {DEFAULT_TEST_MODE_DURATION})" ) parser.add_argument( "--preset", choices=FFMPEG_PRESETS, default="medium", help="FFmpeg encoding preset (default: medium). Faster presets = lower quality", ) parser.add_argument( "--detect", type=str, default="face", help='Object to detect in the video (default: face, use --detect "thing to detect" to override)', ) parser.add_argument( "--rows", type=int, default=1, help="Number of rows to split each frame into (default: 1)", ) parser.add_argument( "--cols", type=int, default=1, help="Number of columns to split each frame into (default: 1)", ) parser.add_argument( "--box-style", choices=["censor", "bounding-box", "hitmarker", "sam", "sam-fast", "fuzzy-blur", "pixelated-blur", "intense-pixelated-blur", "obfuscated-pixel"], default="censor", help="Style of detection visualization (default: censor)", ) args = parser.parse_args() input_dir = "inputs" os.makedirs(input_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs("outputs", exist_ok=True) video_files = [ f for f in os.listdir(input_dir) if f.lower().endswith((".mp4", ".avi", ".mov", ".mkv", ".webm")) ] if not video_files: print("No video files found in 'inputs' directory") return print(f"Found {len(video_files)} videos to process") print(f"Will detect: {args.detect}") if args.test: print("Running in test mode - processing only first 3 seconds of each video") print(f"Using FFmpeg preset: {args.preset}") print(f"Grid size: {args.rows}x{args.cols}") print(f"Box style: {args.box_style}") success_count = 0 for video_file in video_files: video_path = os.path.join(input_dir, video_file) output_path = process_video( video_path, args.detect, test_mode=args.test, test_duration=args.test_duration, ffmpeg_preset=args.preset, grid_rows=args.rows, grid_cols=args.cols, box_style=args.box_style, ) if output_path: success_count += 1 print( f"\nProcessing complete. Successfully processed {success_count} out of {len(video_files)} videos." ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()