from threading import Thread from pathlib import Path import gradio as gr import subprocess import shutil import time import copy import glob import json import os CURRENT_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent MODELOS = CURRENT_DIR / "modelos" INFERENCE_OUTPUT_DIRNAME = CURRENT_DIR / "inference_output" def get_container_format(filename): command = ["ffprobe", "-v", "error", "-select_streams", "v:0", "-show_entries", "format=format_name", "-of", "default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1", filename] process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = process.communicate() if error: raise ValueError(f"Error: {error.decode()}") return output.decode().strip() def cleanup_dirs(): dir_path = Path(INFERENCE_OUTPUT_DIRNAME) if dir_path.exists(): shutil.rmtree(dir_path) def get_speakers(): global speakers speakers = [] for _, dirs, _ in os.walk(MODELOS): for folder in dirs: cur_speaker = {} g = glob.glob(os.path.join(MODELOS, folder, 'G_*.pth')) if not len(g): continue cur_speaker["model_path"] = g[0] cur_speaker["model_folder"] = folder cur_speaker["cluster_path"] = "" cfg = glob.glob(os.path.join(MODELOS, folder, '*.json')) if not len(cfg): continue cur_speaker["cfg_path"] = cfg[0] with open(cur_speaker["cfg_path"]) as f: try: cfg_json = json.loads( except Exception as e: print("Archivo json malformado en" + folder) for name, i in cfg_json["spk"].items(): cur_speaker["name"] = name cur_speaker["id"] = i if not name.startswith('.'): speakers.append(copy.copy(cur_speaker)) return sorted(speakers, key=lambda x: x["name"].lower()) def run_inference(speaker, path, f0_method, transpose, noise_scale, cluster_ratio): model_path = speaker["model_path"] config_path = speaker["cfg_path"] cluster_path = speaker["cluster_path"] cluster_args = f"-k {cluster_path} -r {cluster_ratio}" if cluster_path and cluster_ratio > 0 else "" inference_cmd = f"svc infer {path.absolute()} -m {model_path} -c {config_path} {cluster_args} -t {transpose} --f0-method crepe -n 0.4 -o {INFERENCE_OUTPUT_DIRNAME}/{} --no-auto-predict-f0" result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) if result.stderr: if "AttributeError" in result.stderr: return None, gr.Textbox.update("⚠️ Modelo SVC incompatible.") if not list(Path(INFERENCE_OUTPUT_DIRNAME).glob("*")): return None, gr.Textbox.update("⚠️ Error.") def convert(speaker_box, audio): speaker = next((x for x in speakers if x["name"] == speaker_box), None) if not speaker: return None, gr.Textbox.update("⚠️ Selecciona un modelo.") if not audio: return None, gr.Textbox.update("⚠️ Sube un audio.") file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), str(audio)) transpose = 0 cluster_ratio = 0 if os.path.exists(INFERENCE_OUTPUT_DIRNAME): cleanup_dirs() os.makedirs("inference_output", exist_ok=True) ts0 = time.time() run_inference(speaker, Path(file_path), 0, 0, 0.4, 0) final_filename = f"output{Path(file_path).suffix}" shutil.move(Path(INFERENCE_OUTPUT_DIRNAME, Path(file_path).name), Path(final_filename)) cleanup_dirs() os.remove(file_path) ts1 = time.time() tiempo1 = int(ts1 - ts0) return final_filename, gr.Textbox.update("👌 ¡Voz cambiada!", label=f"Tiempo total: {tiempo1} segundos") def clear(): shutil.rmtree(INFERENCE_OUTPUT_DIRNAME, ignore_errors=True) tmp_files = glob.glob("*.tmp") for f in tmp_files: os.remove(f) return gr.Dropdown.update(value="Elige un modelo de voz"), None, gr.Textbox.update("🗑️ Datos borrados.", label=f"Información") css = """ .gradio-container { font-family: 'IBM Plex Sans', sans-serif; } footer { visibility: hidden; display: none; } .center-container { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } """ with gr.Blocks( css=css, title="VoiceIt! - Pavloh", theme=gr.themes.Soft( primary_hue="cyan", secondary_hue="blue", radius_size="lg", text_size="lg" ).set(loader_color="#0B0F19", shadow_drop='*shadow_drop_lg', block_border_width="3px") ) as pavloh: gr.HTML( """

Licencia GitHub

🗣️ VoiceIt! - Un proyecto de Pavloh

Cambia la voz de audios utilizando modelos pre-entrenados de streamers.

""" ) with gr.Row(elem_id="1").style(equal_height=True): with gr.Column(): d1 = gr.Dropdown([x["name"] for x in get_speakers()], label="📦 Selecciona un modelo", value="Elige un modelo de voz") audio = gr.Audio(label="🗣️ Sube un audio", type="filepath") with gr.Column(): a2 = gr.Audio(label="🔊 Resultado", type="filepath") t1 = gr.Textbox(type="text", label="📄 Información", value="Elige un modelo y un audio para cambiar la voz.") with gr.Row(): b0 = gr.Button("🗑️ Borrar") b1 = gr.Button("🎤 Cambiar voz",variant="primary"), outputs=[d1, audio, t1]), inputs=[d1, audio], outputs=[a2, t1]) with gr.Row(): with gr.Accordion(label="Información importante", open=False): gr.HTML("""

Ten en cuenta que los audios deben contener solamente una voz y estar libres de ruido o música de fondo.

Asegúrate de que el nombre del archivo no contenga espacios ni símbolos raros, utilizando solo caracteres alfanuméricos y guiones bajos (_) para separar palabras si es necesario.

Al utilizar este sitio web, aceptas la licencia y condiciones de uso.

""") if __name__ == "__main__": pavloh.launch(enable_queue=True)