openx_lerobot_visualizer / templates /visualize_dataset_template.html
Tavish9's picture
add docker file and visualized script
<!-- copy from -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<!-- # TODO(rcadene, mishig25): store the js files locally -->
<script src="" defer></script>
<script src="[email protected]/dist/dygraph.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<title>{{ dataset_info.repo_id }} episode {{ episode_id }}</title>
<!-- Use [Alpin.js](, a lightweight and easy to learn JS framework -->
<!-- Use [tailwindcss](, CSS classes for styling html -->
<!-- Use [dygraphs](, a lightweight JS charting library -->
<body class="flex flex-col md:flex-row h-screen max-h-screen bg-slate-950 text-gray-200" x-data="createAlpineData()" @keydown.window="(e) => {
// Use the space bar to play and pause, instead of default action (e.g. scrolling)
const { keyCode, key } = e;
if (keyCode === 32 || key === ' ') {
$refs.btnPause.classList.contains('hidden') ? $ : $;
}else if (key === 'ArrowDown' || key === 'ArrowUp'){
const nextEpisodeId = key === 'ArrowDown' ? {{ episode_id }} + 1 : {{ episode_id }} - 1;
const lowestEpisodeId = {{ episodes }}.at(0);
const highestEpisodeId = {{ episodes }}.at(-1);
if(nextEpisodeId >= lowestEpisodeId && nextEpisodeId <= highestEpisodeId){
window.location.href = `./episode_${nextEpisodeId}`;
<!-- Sidebar -->
<div x-ref="sidebar" class="bg-slate-900 p-5 break-words overflow-y-auto shrink-0 md:shrink md:w-60 md:max-h-screen">
<a href="" target="_blank" class="hidden md:block">
<img src="">
<a href="{{ dataset_info.repo_id }}" target="_blank">
<h1 class="mb-4 text-xl font-semibold">{{ dataset_info.repo_id }}</h1>
Number of samples/frames: {{ dataset_info.num_samples }}
Number of episodes: {{ dataset_info.num_episodes }}
Frames per second: {{ dataset_info.fps }}
<!-- episodes menu for medium & large screens -->
<ul class="ml-2 hidden md:block">
{% for episode in episodes %}
<li class="font-mono text-sm mt-0.5">
<a href="episode_{{ episode }}" class="underline {% if episode_id == episode %}font-bold -ml-1{% endif %}">
Episode {{ episode }}
{% endfor %}
<!-- episodes menu for small screens -->
<div class="flex overflow-x-auto md:hidden">
{% for episode in episodes %}
<p class="font-mono text-sm mt-0.5 border-r last:border-r-0 px-2 {% if episode_id == episode %}font-bold{% endif %}">
<a href="episode_{{ episode }}" class="">
{{ episode }}
{% endfor %}
<!-- Toggle sidebar button -->
<button class="flex items-center opacity-50 hover:opacity-100 mx-1 hidden md:block"
@click="() => ($refs.sidebar.classList.toggle('hidden'))" title="Toggle sidebar">
<div class="bg-slate-500 w-2 h-10 rounded-full"></div>
<!-- Content -->
<div class="max-h-screen flex flex-col gap-4 overflow-y-auto md:flex-1">
<h1 class="text-xl font-bold mt-4 font-mono">
Episode {{ episode_id }}
<!-- Error message -->
<div class="font-medium text-orange-700 hidden" :class="{ 'hidden': !videoCodecError }">
<p>Videos could NOT play because <a href="" target="_blank" class="underline">AV1</a> decoding is not available on your browser.</p>
<ul class="list-decimal list-inside">
<li>If iPhone: <span class="italic">It is supported with A17 chip or higher.</span></li>
<li>If Mac with Safari: <span class="italic">It is supported on most browsers except Safari with M1 chip or higher and on Safari with M3 chip or higher.</span></li>
<li>Other: <span class="italic">Contact the maintainers on LeRobot discord channel:</span> <a href="" target="_blank" class="underline"></a></li>
<!-- Videos -->
<div class="max-w-32 relative text-sm mb-4 select-none"
@click.outside="isVideosDropdownOpen = false">
@click="isVideosDropdownOpen = !isVideosDropdownOpen"
class="p-2 border border-slate-500 rounded flex justify-between items-center cursor-pointer"
<span class="truncate">filter videos</span>
<div class="transition-transform" :class="{ 'rotate-180': isVideosDropdownOpen }">🔽</div>
<div x-show="isVideosDropdownOpen"
class="absolute mt-1 border border-slate-500 rounded shadow-lg z-10">
<template x-for="option in videosKeys" :key="option">
@click="videosKeysSelected = videosKeysSelected.includes(option) ? videosKeysSelected.filter(v => v !== option) : [...videosKeysSelected, option]"
class="p-2 cursor-pointer bg-slate-900"
:class="{ 'bg-slate-700': videosKeysSelected.includes(option) }"
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-x-2 gap-y-6">
{% for video_info in videos_info %}
<div x-show="!videoCodecError && videosKeysSelected.includes('{{ video_info.filename }}')" class="max-w-96 relative">
<p class="absolute inset-x-0 -top-4 text-sm text-gray-300 bg-gray-800 px-2 rounded-t-xl truncate">{{ video_info.filename }}</p>
<video muted loop type="video/mp4" class="object-contain w-full h-full" @canplaythrough="videoCanPlay" @timeupdate="() => {
if (video.duration) {
const time = video.currentTime;
const pc = (100 / video.duration) * time;
$refs.slider.value = pc;
dygraphTime = time;
dygraphIndex = Math.floor(pc * dygraph.numRows() / 100);
dygraph.setSelection(dygraphIndex, undefined, true, true);
$refs.timer.textContent = formatTime(time) + ' / ' + formatTime(video.duration);
}" @ended="() => {
@loadedmetadata="() => ($refs.timer.textContent = formatTime(0) + ' / ' + formatTime(video.duration))">
<source src="{{ video_info.url }}">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
{% endfor %}
<!-- Language instruction -->
{% if videos_info[0].language_instruction %}
<p class="font-medium mt-2">
Language Instruction: <span class="italic">{{ videos_info[0].language_instruction }}</span>
{% endif %}
<!-- Shortcuts info -->
<div class="text-sm hidden md:block">
Hotkeys: <span class="font-mono">Space</span> to pause/unpause, <span class="font-mono">Arrow Down</span> to go to next episode, <span class="font-mono">Arrow Up</span> to go to previous episode.
<!-- Controllers -->
<div class="flex gap-1 text-3xl items-center">
<button x-ref="btnPlay" class="-rotate-90" class="-rotate-90" title="Play. Toggle with Space" @click="() => {
videos.forEach(video =>;
<button x-ref="btnPause" class="hidden" title="Pause. Toggle with Space" @click="() => {
videos.forEach(video => video.pause());
<button title="Jump backward 5 seconds"
@click="() => (videos.forEach(video => (video.currentTime -= 5)))"></button>
<button title="Jump forward 5 seconds"
@click="() => (videos.forEach(video => (video.currentTime += 5)))"></button>
<button title="Rewind from start"
@click="() => (videos.forEach(video => (video.currentTime = 0.0)))">↩️</button>
<input x-ref="slider" max="100" min="0" step="1" type="range" value="0" class="w-80 mx-2" @input="() => {
const sliderValue = $refs.slider.value;
videos.forEach(video => {
const time = (video.duration * sliderValue) / 100;
video.currentTime = time;
}" />
<div x-ref="timer" class="font-mono text-sm border border-slate-500 rounded-lg px-1 py-0.5 shrink-0">0:00 /
<!-- Graph -->
<div class="flex gap-2 mb-4 flex-wrap">
<div id="graph" @mouseleave="() => {
dygraph.setSelection(dygraphIndex, undefined, true, true);
dygraphTime = video.currentTime;
<p x-ref="graphTimer" class="font-mono ml-14 mt-4"
x-init="$watch('dygraphTime', value => ($refs.graphTimer.innerText = `Time: ${dygraphTime.toFixed(2)}s`))">
Time: 0.00s
<table class="text-sm border-collapse border border-slate-700" x-show="currentFrameData">
<template x-for="(_, colIndex) in Array.from({length: columns.length}, (_, index) => index)">
<th class="border border-slate-700">
<div class="flex gap-x-2 justify-between px-2">
<input type="checkbox" :checked="isColumnChecked(colIndex)"
<p x-text="`${columns[colIndex].key}`"></p>
<template x-for="(row, rowIndex) in rows">
<tr class="odd:bg-gray-800 even:bg-gray-900">
<td class="border border-slate-700">
<div class="flex gap-x-2 max-w-64 font-semibold px-1 break-all">
<input type="checkbox" :checked="isRowChecked(rowIndex)"
<p x-text="`${rowLabels[rowIndex]}`"></p>
<template x-for="(cell, colIndex) in row">
<td x-show="cell" class="border border-slate-700">
<div class="flex gap-x-2 w-24 justify-between px-2" :class="{ 'hidden': cell.isNull }">
<input type="checkbox" x-model="cell.checked" @change="updateTableValues()">
<span x-text="`${!cell.isNull ? cell.value.toFixed(2) : null}`"
:style="`color: ${cell.color}`"></span>
<div id="labels" class="hidden">
const parentOrigin = "";
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams();
searchParams.set("dataset", "{{ dataset_info.repo_id }}");
searchParams.set("episode", "{{ episode_id }}");
window.parent.postMessage({ queryString: searchParams.toString() }, parentOrigin);
function createAlpineData() {
return {
// state
dygraph: null,
currentFrameData: null,
checked: [],
dygraphTime: 0.0,
dygraphIndex: 0,
videos: null,
video: null,
colors: null,
nVideos: {{ videos_info | length }},
nVideoReadyToPlay: 0,
videoCodecError: false,
isVideosDropdownOpen: false,
videosKeys: {{ videos_info | map(attribute='filename') | list | tojson }},
videosKeysSelected: [],
columns: {{ columns | tojson }},
rowLabels: {{ columns | tojson }}.reduce((colA, colB) => colA.value.length > colB.value.length ? colA : colB).value,
// alpine initialization
init() {
// check if videos can play
const dummyVideo = document.createElement('video');
const canPlayVideos = dummyVideo.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="av01.0.05M.08"'); // codec source:
this.videoCodecError = true;
this.videosKeysSelected = => opt)
// process CSV data
const csvDataStr = {{ episode_data_csv_str|tojson|safe }};
// Create a Blob with the CSV data
const blob = new Blob([csvDataStr], { type: 'text/csv;charset=utf-8;' });
// Create a URL for the Blob
const csvUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// process CSV data
this.videos = document.querySelectorAll('video'); = this.videos[0];
this.dygraph = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("graph"), csvUrl, {
pixelsPerPoint: 0.01,
legend: 'always',
labelsDiv: document.getElementById('labels'),
labelsKMB: true,
strokeWidth: 1.5,
pointClickCallback: (event, point) => {
this.dygraphTime = point.xval;
highlightCallback: (event, x, points, row, seriesName) => {
this.dygraphTime = x;
drawCallback: (dygraph, is_initial) => {
if (is_initial) {
// dygraph initialization
this.dygraph.setSelection(this.dygraphIndex, undefined, true, true);
this.colors = this.dygraph.getColors();
this.checked = Array(this.colors.length).fill(true);
const colors = [];
let lightness = 30; // const LIGHTNESS = [30, 65, 85]; // state_lightness, action_lightness, pred_action_lightness
for(const column of this.columns){
const nValues = column.value.length;
for (let hue = 0; hue < 360; hue += parseInt(360/nValues)) {
const color = `hsl(${hue}, 100%, ${lightness}%)`;
lightness += 35;
this.dygraph.updateOptions({ colors });
this.colors = colors;
let url = new URL(window.location.href);
let params = new URLSearchParams(;
let time = params.get("t");
time = parseFloat(time);
this.videos.forEach(video => (video.currentTime = time));
//#region Table Data
// turn dygraph's 1D data (at a given time t) to 2D data that whose columns names are defined in this.columnNames.
// 2d data view is used to create html table element.
get rows() {
if (!this.currentFrameData) {
return [];
const rows = [];
const nRows = Math.max( => column.value.length));
let rowIndex = 0;
while(rowIndex < nRows){
const row = [];
// number of states may NOT match number of actions. In this case, we null-pad the 2D array to make a fully rectangular 2d array
const nullCell = { isNull: true };
// row consists of [state value, action value]
let idx = rowIndex;
for(const column of this.columns){
const nColumn = column.value.length;
row.push(rowIndex < nColumn ? this.currentFrameData[idx] : nullCell);
idx += nColumn; // because this.currentFrameData = [state0, state1, ..., stateN, action0, action1, ..., actionN]
rowIndex += 1;
return rows;
isRowChecked(rowIndex) {
return this.rows[rowIndex].every(cell => cell && (cell.isNull || cell.checked));
isColumnChecked(colIndex) {
return this.rows.every(row => row[colIndex] && (row[colIndex].isNull || row[colIndex].checked));
toggleRow(rowIndex) {
const newState = !this.isRowChecked(rowIndex);
this.rows[rowIndex].forEach(cell => {
if (cell && !cell.isNull) cell.checked = newState;
toggleColumn(colIndex) {
const newState = !this.isColumnChecked(colIndex);
this.rows.forEach(row => {
if (row[colIndex] && !row[colIndex].isNull) row[colIndex].checked = newState;
// given time t, update the values in the html table with "data[t]"
updateTableValues(time) {
if (!this.colors) {
let pc = (100 / * (time === undefined ? : time);
if (isNaN(pc)) pc = 0;
const index = Math.floor(pc * this.dygraph.numRows() / 100);
// slice(1) to remove the timestamp point that we do not need
const labels = this.dygraph.getLabels().slice(1);
const values = this.dygraph.rawData_[index].slice(1);
const checkedNew = this.currentFrameData ? => cell.checked) : Array(
this.currentFrameData =, idx) => ({
value: values[idx],
color: this.colors[idx],
checked: checkedNew[idx],
const shouldUpdateVisibility = !this.checked.every((value, index) => value === checkedNew[index]);
if (shouldUpdateVisibility) {
this.checked = checkedNew;
updateTimeQuery(time) {
let url = new URL(window.location.href);
let params = new URLSearchParams(;
params.set("t", time); = params.toString();
window.history.replaceState({}, '', url.toString());
formatTime(time) {
var hours = Math.floor(time / 3600);
var minutes = Math.floor((time % 3600) / 60);
var seconds = Math.floor(time % 60);
return (hours > 0 ? hours + ':' : '') + (minutes < 10 ? '0' + minutes : minutes) + ':' + (seconds <
10 ?
'0' + seconds : seconds);
videoCanPlay() {
this.nVideoReadyToPlay += 1;
if(this.nVideoReadyToPlay == this.nVideos) {
// start autoplay all videos in sync