-- Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. -- -- This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the -- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. -- -- Usage: convert_model.lua <model_epoch1.th7> require 'torch' local fairseq = require 'fairseq' model = torch.load(arg[1]) function find_weight_norm(container, module) for _, wn in ipairs(container:listModules()) do if torch.type(wn) == 'nn.WeightNorm' and wn.modules[1] == module then return wn end end end function push_state(dict, key, module) if torch.type(module) == 'nn.Linear' then local wn = find_weight_norm(model.module, module) assert(wn) dict[key .. '.weight_v'] = wn.v:float() dict[key .. '.weight_g'] = wn.g:float() elseif torch.type(module) == 'nn.TemporalConvolutionTBC' then local wn = find_weight_norm(model.module, module) assert(wn) local v = wn.v:float():view(wn.viewOut):transpose(2, 3) dict[key .. '.weight_v'] = v dict[key .. '.weight_g'] = wn.g:float():view(module.weight:size(3), 1, 1) else dict[key .. '.weight'] = module.weight:float() end if module.bias then dict[key .. '.bias'] = module.bias:float() end end encoder_dict = {} decoder_dict = {} combined_dict = {} function encoder_state(encoder) luts = encoder:findModules('nn.LookupTable') push_state(encoder_dict, 'embed_tokens', luts[1]) push_state(encoder_dict, 'embed_positions', luts[2]) fcs = encoder:findModules('nn.Linear') assert(#fcs >= 2) local nInputPlane = fcs[1].weight:size(1) push_state(encoder_dict, 'fc1', table.remove(fcs, 1)) push_state(encoder_dict, 'fc2', table.remove(fcs, #fcs)) for i, module in ipairs(encoder:findModules('nn.TemporalConvolutionTBC')) do push_state(encoder_dict, 'convolutions.' .. tostring(i - 1), module) if nInputPlane ~= module.weight:size(3) / 2 then push_state(encoder_dict, 'projections.' .. tostring(i - 1), table.remove(fcs, 1)) end nInputPlane = module.weight:size(3) / 2 end assert(#fcs == 0) end function decoder_state(decoder) luts = decoder:findModules('nn.LookupTable') push_state(decoder_dict, 'embed_tokens', luts[1]) push_state(decoder_dict, 'embed_positions', luts[2]) fcs = decoder:findModules('nn.Linear') local nInputPlane = fcs[1].weight:size(1) push_state(decoder_dict, 'fc1', table.remove(fcs, 1)) push_state(decoder_dict, 'fc2', fcs[#fcs - 1]) push_state(decoder_dict, 'fc3', fcs[#fcs]) table.remove(fcs, #fcs) table.remove(fcs, #fcs) for i, module in ipairs(decoder:findModules('nn.TemporalConvolutionTBC')) do if nInputPlane ~= module.weight:size(3) / 2 then push_state(decoder_dict, 'projections.' .. tostring(i - 1), table.remove(fcs, 1)) end nInputPlane = module.weight:size(3) / 2 local prefix = 'attention.' .. tostring(i - 1) push_state(decoder_dict, prefix .. '.in_projection', table.remove(fcs, 1)) push_state(decoder_dict, prefix .. '.out_projection', table.remove(fcs, 1)) push_state(decoder_dict, 'convolutions.' .. tostring(i - 1), module) end assert(#fcs == 0) end _encoder = model.module.modules[2] _decoder = model.module.modules[3] encoder_state(_encoder) decoder_state(_decoder) for k, v in pairs(encoder_dict) do combined_dict['encoder.' .. k] = v end for k, v in pairs(decoder_dict) do combined_dict['decoder.' .. k] = v end torch.save('state_dict.t7', combined_dict)