Sync from GitHub repo
Browse filesThis Space is synced from the GitHub repo: Please submit contributions to the Space there
@@ -1472,6 +1472,9 @@ If you encounter a memory error, try reducing the batch size per GPU to a smalle
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with gr.TabItem("test model"):
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exp_name = gr.Radio(label="Model", choices=["F5-TTS", "E2-TTS"], value="F5-TTS")
1476 |
list_checkpoints, checkpoint_select = get_checkpoints_project(projects_selelect, False)
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1474 |
with gr.TabItem("test model"):
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1476 |
SOS : check the use_ema setting (True or False) for your model to see what works best for you.
1477 |
1478 |
exp_name = gr.Radio(label="Model", choices=["F5-TTS", "E2-TTS"], value="F5-TTS")
1479 |
list_checkpoints, checkpoint_select = get_checkpoints_project(projects_selelect, False)
1480 |