Sync from GitHub repo
Browse filesThis Space is synced from the GitHub repo: Please submit contributions to the Space there
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Currently support **30s for a single** generation, which is the **total length**
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To avoid possible inference failures, make sure you have seen through the following instructions.
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- Uppercased letters will be uttered letter by letter, so use lowercased letters for normal words.
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- Add some spaces (blank: " ") or punctuations (e.g. "," ".") to explicitly introduce some pauses.
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- Preprocess numbers to Chinese letters if you want to have them read in Chinese, otherwise in English.
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To avoid possible inference failures, make sure you have seen through the following instructions.
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- Use reference audio <15s and leave some silence (e.g. 1s) at the end. Otherwise there is a risk of truncating in the middle of word, leading to suboptimal generation.
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- Uppercased letters will be uttered letter by letter, so use lowercased letters for normal words.
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- Add some spaces (blank: " ") or punctuations (e.g. "," ".") to explicitly introduce some pauses.
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- Preprocess numbers to Chinese letters if you want to have them read in Chinese, otherwise in English.