import gradio as gr |
from pyvis.network import Network |
import networkx as nx |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import os |
from datasets import load_dataset |
from datasets import Features |
from datasets import Value |
from datasets import Dataset |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import re |
from collections import defaultdict |
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download |
pattern = r'"(.*?)"' |
Secret_token = os.getenv('HF_token') |
dataset = load_dataset('FDSRashid/hadith_info',data_files = 'Basic_Edge_Information.csv', token = Secret_token, split = 'train') |
edge_info = dataset.to_pandas() |
features = Features({'Rawi ID': Value('int32'), 'Famous Name': Value('string'), 'Narrator Rank': Value('string'), 'Number of Narrations': Value('string'), 'Generation': Value('string')}) |
narrator_bios = load_dataset("FDSRashid/hadith_info", data_files = 'Teacher_Bios.csv', token = Secret_token,features=features ) |
narrator_bios = narrator_bios['train'].to_pandas() |
narrator_bios.loc[49845, 'Narrator Rank'] = 'ุฑุณูู ุงููู' |
narrator_bios.loc[49845, 'Number of Narrations'] = 0 |
narrator_bios['Number of Narrations'] = narrator_bios['Number of Narrations'].astype(int) |
narrator_bios.loc[49845, 'Number of Narrations'] = 327512 |
narrator_bios['Generation'] = narrator_bios['Generation'].replace([None], [-1]) |
narrator_bios['Generation'] = narrator_bios['Generation'].astype(int) |
features = Features({'matn': Value('string'), 'taraf_ID': Value('string'), 'bookid_hadithid': Value('string')}) |
dataset = load_dataset("FDSRashid/hadith_info", data_files = 'All_Matns.csv',token = Secret_token, features = features) |
matn_info = dataset['train'].to_pandas() |
matn_info = matn_info.drop(97550) |
matn_info = matn_info.drop(307206) |
matn_info['taraf_ID'] = matn_info['taraf_ID'].replace('KeyAbsent', -1) |
matn_info['taraf_ID'] = matn_info['taraf_ID'].astype(int) |
isnad_info = load_dataset('FDSRashid/hadith_info',token = Secret_token, data_files = 'isnad_info.csv', split = 'train').to_pandas() |
isnad_info['Hadiths Cleaned'] = isnad_info['Hadiths'].apply(lambda x: [re.findall(pattern, string)[0].split("_") for string in x[1:-1].split(',')]) |
taraf_max = np.max(matn_info['taraf_ID'].unique()) |
isnad_info['Tarafs Cleaned'] = isnad_info['Tarafs'].apply(lambda x: np.array([int(i.strip(' ')) for i in x[1:-1].split(',')])) |
cmap = plt.colormaps['cool'] |
books = load_dataset('FDSRashid/Hadith_info', data_files='Books.csv', token = Secret_token)['train'].to_pandas() |
matn_info['Book_ID'] = matn_info['bookid_hadithid'].apply(lambda x: int(x.split('_')[0])) |
matn_info['Hadith Number'] = matn_info['bookid_hadithid'].apply(lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1])) |
matn_info = pd.merge(matn_info, books, on='Book_ID') |
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download |
file_path = hf_hub_download( |
repo_id="FDSRashid/hadith_info", |
filename="hadith_lookup.json", |
repo_type="dataset", |
token=Secret_token, |
) |
with open(file_path, 'r') as f: |
hadith_lookup_dict = json.load(f) |
hadith_lookup = defaultdict(list, hadith_lookup_dict) |
def value_to_hex(value): |
rgba_color = cmap(value) |
return "#{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}".format(int(rgba_color[0] * 255), int(rgba_color[1] * 255), int(rgba_color[2] * 255)) |
def get_node_info(node): |
node_info = narrator_bios[narrator_bios['Rawi ID'] == int(node)] |
student_narrations = node_info['Number of Narrations'].iloc[0] if not node_info.empty else 1 |
student_gen = node_info['Generation'].iloc[0] if not node_info.empty else -1 |
student_rank = node_info['Narrator Rank'].iloc[0] if not node_info.empty else 'ููุงู' |
node_name = node_info['Famous Name'].iloc[0] if not node_info.empty else 'ููุงู' |
return node_info,student_narrations,student_gen, student_rank, node_name |
def visualize_isnad(taraf_num, yaxis): |
taraf = matn_info[matn_info['taraf_ID'] == taraf_num] |
taraf_hadith = taraf['bookid_hadithid'].to_list() |
hadith_cleaned = isnad_info['Tarafs Cleaned'].apply(lambda x: taraf_num in x) |
isnad_hadith = isnad_info[hadith_cleaned] |
lst_hadith = [] |
for i, hadith_parts in enumerate(taraf_hadith): |
isnad_hadith1 = isnad_info.iloc[hadith_lookup[taraf_hadith[i]]][['Source', 'Destination']] |
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(isnad_hadith1, source='Source', target='Destination', create_using=nx.DiGraph()) |
nodes = [int(n) for n, d in G.out_degree() if d == 0] |
if nodes: |
bio_data = narrator_bios[narrator_bios['Rawi ID'].isin(nodes)] |
for n in nodes: |
gen_node = bio_data.loc[bio_data['Rawi ID'] == n, 'Generation'].squeeze() |
gen_node = gen_node if pd.notna(gen_node) else -1 |
name_node = bio_data.loc[bio_data['Rawi ID'] == n, 'Famous Name'].squeeze() |
name_node = name_node if pd.notna(name_node) else 'ููุงู' |
lst_hadith.append([ |
taraf.iloc[i]['matn'], |
gen_node, |
name_node, |
taraf.iloc[i]['Book_Name'], |
taraf.iloc[i]['Author'], |
taraf.iloc[i]['Hadith Number'], |
str(n), |
i |
]) |
df = pd.DataFrame(lst_hadith, columns=['Matn', 'Generation', 'Name', 'Book_Name', 'Author', 'Book Hadith Number', 'End Transmitter ID', 'Hadith Number']) |
isnad_hadith['Teacher'] = isnad_hadith['Source'].apply(lambda x: narrator_bios[narrator_bios['Rawi ID'].astype(int) == int(x)]['Famous Name'].to_list()) |
isnad_hadith['Student'] = isnad_hadith['Destination'].apply(lambda x: narrator_bios[narrator_bios['Rawi ID'].astype(int) == int(x)]['Famous Name'].to_list()) |
isnad_hadith['Teacher'] = isnad_hadith['Teacher'].apply(lambda x: x[0] if len(x)==1 else 'ููุงู') |
isnad_hadith['Student'] = isnad_hadith['Student'].apply(lambda x: x[0] if len(x)==1 else 'ููุงู') |
end_nodes = df['End Transmitter ID'].tolist() |
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(isnad_hadith, source = 'Source', target = 'Destination', create_using = nx.DiGraph()) |
isnad_pos = nx.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(G, prog='dot') |
x_stretch = 4 |
y_stretch = 4 |
net = Network(directed =True, select_menu=True, cdn_resources='remote') |
for node, pos in isnad_pos.items(): |
node_info,student_narrations,student_gen, student_rank, node_name = get_node_info(node) |
if node == '99999': |
net.add_node(node, font = {'size':50, 'color': 'black'}, color = '#000000', label = f'{node_name} \n ID: {node} - Gen {student_gen}', x= pos[0]*x_stretch, y= -1*pos[1]*y_stretch, size= 70) |
elif node in end_nodes: |
end_matn_info = df[df["End Transmitter ID"] == node] |
net.add_node(node, font = {'size':30, 'color': 'red'}, color = value_to_hex(student_narrations), label = f'{node_name} \n {student_rank} \n ID: {node} - Gen {student_gen} \n Hadith {" ".join(end_matn_info["Hadith Number"].astype("string").tolist())}', x= pos[0]*x_stretch, y= -1*pos[1]*y_stretch, size= 50) |
else: |
net.add_node(node, font = {'size':30, 'color': 'red'}, color = value_to_hex(student_narrations), label = f'{node_name} \n {student_rank} \n ID: {node} - Gen {student_gen}', x= pos[0]*x_stretch, y= -1*pos[1]*y_stretch, size= 50) |
for _, row in isnad_hadith.iterrows(): |
source = row['Source'] |
target = row['Destination'] |
net.add_edge(source, target, color = value_to_hex(int(row[f'{yaxis} Count'])), label = f"{row[f'{yaxis} Count']}") |
net.toggle_physics(False) |
html = net.generate_html() |
html = html.replace("'", "\"") |
df = df.rename(columns = {'Generation': 'Gen.', 'Book Hadith Number': 'Hdth Num', 'End Transmitter ID': 'End Narrator ID', 'Hadith Number': 'Index', 'Book_Name': 'Book', 'Name':'Final Narrator'}) |
return f"""<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 600px;margin:0 auto" name="result" allow="midi; geolocation; microphone; camera; |
display-capture; encrypted-media;" sandbox="allow-modals allow-forms |
allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups |
allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-downloads" allowfullscreen="" |
allowpaymentrequest="" frameborder="0" srcdoc='{html}'></iframe>""" , df.drop('Hdth Num', axis=1) |
def visualize_subTaraf(taraf_num, hadith_str, yaxis): |
hadith_list = hadith_str.split(',') |
hadith_list = [hadith.strip() for hadith in hadith_list] |
hadiths = np.array([], dtype=int) |
for hadith in hadith_list: |
if '-' in hadith: |
if hadith.count('-') > 1: |
raise gr.Error('Please use only one Dash mark!') |
hadith_multi = hadith.strip().split('-') |
if any([not had.isnumeric() for had in hadith_multi]): |
raise gr.Error('Invalid Begining') |
elif len(hadith_multi) != 2: |
raise gr.Error('Two numbers for a range of Hadith numbers please!') |
hadith_multi = [int(had) for had in hadith_multi] |
hadiths = np.append(hadiths, np.arange(hadith_multi[0], hadith_multi[1] +1)) |
elif hadith.isnumeric(): |
hadiths = np.append(hadiths, int(hadith)) |
else: |
raise gr.Error("Invalid Data format!") |
hadiths= np.unique(hadiths) |
taraf = matn_info[matn_info['taraf_ID'] == taraf_num] |
num_hadith = taraf.shape[0] |
if np.max(hadiths) > num_hadith: |
raise gr.Error(f'Hadith index outside of range. Total Number of Hadith in this Taraf: {num_hadith}') |
taraf['Index'] = np.arange(num_hadith) |
sub_taraf = taraf[taraf['Index'].isin(hadiths)] |
taraf_hadith = sub_taraf['bookid_hadithid'].to_list() |
taraf_hadith_split = [i.split('_') for i in taraf_hadith] |
hadith_cleaned = isnad_info['Tarafs Cleaned'].apply(lambda x: taraf_num in x) |
isnad_hadith = isnad_info[hadith_cleaned] |
subtaraf_filter = isnad_info['Hadiths Cleaned'].apply(lambda x: any(i in x for i in taraf_hadith_split)) |
isnad_hadith = isnad_hadith[subtaraf_filter] |
isnad_hadith['Teacher'] = isnad_hadith['Source'].apply(lambda x: narrator_bios[narrator_bios['Rawi ID'].astype(int) == int(x)]['Famous Name'].to_list()) |
isnad_hadith['Student'] = isnad_hadith['Destination'].apply(lambda x: narrator_bios[narrator_bios['Rawi ID'].astype(int) == int(x)]['Famous Name'].to_list()) |
isnad_hadith['Teacher'] = isnad_hadith['Teacher'].apply(lambda x: x[0] if len(x)==1 else 'ููุงู') |
isnad_hadith['Student'] = isnad_hadith['Student'].apply(lambda x: x[0] if len(x)==1 else 'ููุงู') |
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(isnad_hadith, source = 'Source', target = 'Destination', create_using = nx.DiGraph()) |
isnad_pos = nx.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(G, prog='dot') |
x_stretch = 4 |
y_stretch = 4 |
net = Network(directed =True, select_menu=True, cdn_resources='remote') |
for node, pos in isnad_pos.items(): |
node_info,student_narrations,student_gen, student_rank, node_name = get_node_info(node) |
if node == '99999': |
net.add_node(node, font = {'size':50, 'color': 'black'}, color = '#000000', label = f'{node_name} \n ID: {node} - Gen {student_gen}', x= pos[0]*x_stretch, y= -1*pos[1]*y_stretch, size= 70) |
else: |
net.add_node(node, font = {'size':30, 'color': 'red'}, color = value_to_hex(student_narrations), label = f'{node_name} \n {student_rank} \n ID: {node} - Gen {student_gen}', x= pos[0]*x_stretch, y= -1*pos[1]*y_stretch, size= 50) |
for _, row in isnad_hadith.iterrows(): |
source = row['Source'] |
target = row['Destination'] |
net.add_edge(source, target, color = value_to_hex(int(row[f'{yaxis} Count'])), label = f"{row[f'{yaxis} Count']}") |
net.toggle_physics(False) |
html = net.generate_html() |
html = html.replace("'", "\"") |
return f"""<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 600px;margin:0 auto" name="result" allow="midi; geolocation; microphone; camera; |
display-capture; encrypted-media;" sandbox="allow-modals allow-forms |
allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups |
allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-downloads" allowfullscreen="" |
allowpaymentrequest="" frameborder="0" srcdoc='{html}'></iframe>""", sub_taraf[['matn', 'Book_Name', 'Author', 'Book_ID', 'Hadith Number']] |
def taraf_booknum(taraf_num): |
taraf = matn_info[matn_info['taraf_ID'] == taraf_num] |
num_hadith = taraf.shape[0] |
taraf['Index'] = np.arange(num_hadith) |
return taraf[['matn', 'Book_ID', 'Hadith Number', 'Book_Name', 'Author', 'Index']] |
def visualize_hadith_isnad(df, yaxis): |
df['bookid_hadithid'] = df['Book_ID'].astype(str) + '_' + df['Hadith Number'].astype(str) |
hadith = matn_info[matn_info['bookid_hadithid'].isin(df['bookid_hadithid'])] |
taraf_hadith_split = [i.split('_') for i in hadith['bookid_hadithid'].to_list()] |
hadith_cleaned = isnad_info['Hadiths Cleaned'].apply(lambda x: any(i in x for i in taraf_hadith_split)) |
isnad_hadith = isnad_info[hadith_cleaned] |
isnad_hadith['Teacher'] = isnad_hadith['Source'].apply(lambda x: narrator_bios[narrator_bios['Rawi ID'].astype(int) == int(x)]['Famous Name'].to_list()) |
isnad_hadith['Student'] = isnad_hadith['Destination'].apply(lambda x: narrator_bios[narrator_bios['Rawi ID'].astype(int) == int(x)]['Famous Name'].to_list()) |
isnad_hadith['Teacher'] = isnad_hadith['Teacher'].apply(lambda x: x[0] if len(x)==1 else 'ููุงู') |
isnad_hadith['Student'] = isnad_hadith['Student'].apply(lambda x: x[0] if len(x)==1 else 'ููุงู') |
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(isnad_hadith, source = 'Source', target = 'Destination', create_using = nx.DiGraph()) |
isnad_pos = nx.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(G, prog='dot') |
x_stretch = 4 |
y_stretch = 4 |
net = Network(directed =True, select_menu=True, cdn_resources='remote') |
for node, pos in isnad_pos.items(): |
node_info,student_narrations,student_gen, student_rank, node_name = get_node_info(node) |
if node == '99999': |
net.add_node(node, font = {'size':50, 'color': 'black'}, color = '#000000', label = f'{node_name} \n ID: {node} - Gen {student_gen}', x= pos[0]*x_stretch, y= -1*pos[1]*y_stretch, size= 70) |
else: |
net.add_node(node, font = {'size':30, 'color': 'red'}, color = value_to_hex(student_narrations), label = f'{node_name} \n {student_rank} \n ID: {node} - Gen {student_gen}', x= pos[0]*x_stretch, y= -1*pos[1]*y_stretch, size= 50) |
for _, row in isnad_hadith.iterrows(): |
source = row['Source'] |
target = row['Destination'] |
net.add_edge(source, target, color = value_to_hex(int(row[f'{yaxis} Count'])), label = f"{row[f'{yaxis} Count']}") |
net.toggle_physics(False) |
html = net.generate_html() |
html = html.replace("'", "\"") |
return f"""<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 600px;margin:0 auto" name="result" allow="midi; geolocation; microphone; camera; |
display-capture; encrypted-media;" sandbox="allow-modals allow-forms |
allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups |
allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-downloads" allowfullscreen="" |
allowpaymentrequest="" frameborder="0" srcdoc='{html}'></iframe>""" , hadith[['matn', 'Book_ID', 'Hadith Number', 'Book_Name', 'Author', 'taraf_ID']] |
def visualize_narrator_taraf(taraf_num, narrator, yaxis): |
taraf = matn_info[matn_info['taraf_ID'] == taraf_num] |
num_hadith = taraf.shape[0] |
taraf['Index'] = np.arange(num_hadith) |
hadith_cleaned = isnad_info['Tarafs Cleaned'].apply(lambda x: taraf_num in x) |
isnad_hadith = isnad_info[hadith_cleaned] |
isnad_hadith['Teacher'] = isnad_hadith['Source'].apply(lambda x: narrator_bios[narrator_bios['Rawi ID'].astype(int) == int(x)]['Famous Name'].to_list()) |
isnad_hadith['Student'] = isnad_hadith['Destination'].apply(lambda x: narrator_bios[narrator_bios['Rawi ID'].astype(int) == int(x)]['Famous Name'].to_list()) |
isnad_hadith['Teacher'] = isnad_hadith['Teacher'].apply(lambda x: x[0] if len(x)==1 else 'ููุงู') |
isnad_hadith['Student'] = isnad_hadith['Student'].apply(lambda x: x[0] if len(x)==1 else 'ููุงู') |
taraf_hadith = taraf['bookid_hadithid'].to_list() |
taraf_hadith_split = [i.split('_') for i in taraf_hadith] |
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(isnad_hadith, source = 'Source', target = 'Destination', create_using = nx.DiGraph()) |
if narrator not in G.nodes(): |
raise gr.Error('Narrator not in Isnad of Taraf!') |
matns_with_narrator = [] |
end_node = {} |
for i in range(len(taraf_hadith_split)): |
isnad_in_hadith1 = isnad_hadith['Hadiths Cleaned'].apply(lambda x: taraf_hadith_split[i] in x ) |
isnad_hadith1 = isnad_hadith[isnad_in_hadith1] |
G1 = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(isnad_hadith1, source = 'Source', target = 'Destination', create_using = nx.DiGraph()) |
node = [n for n, d in G1.out_degree() if d == 0] |
if narrator in list(G1.nodes): |
matns_with_narrator.append(taraf_hadith[i]) |
for n in node: |
if n not in list(end_node.keys()): |
end_node[n] = [] |
end_node[n].append(str(i)) |
matns_with_narrator_split = [i.split('_') for i in matns_with_narrator] |
hadith_cleaned = isnad_hadith['Hadiths Cleaned'].apply(lambda x: any(i in x for i in matns_with_narrator_split)) |
isnad_hadith = isnad_hadith[hadith_cleaned] |
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(isnad_hadith, source = 'Source', target = 'Destination', create_using = nx.DiGraph()) |
isnad_pos = nx.nx_agraph.graphviz_layout(G, prog='dot') |
narrator_matn_info = taraf[taraf['bookid_hadithid'].isin(matns_with_narrator)] |
num_hadith = narrator_matn_info.shape[0] |
narrator_matn_info['Subset Index'] = np.arange(num_hadith) |
x_stretch = 4 |
y_stretch = 4 |
net = Network(directed =True, select_menu=True, cdn_resources='remote') |
for node, pos in isnad_pos.items(): |
node_info,student_narrations,student_gen, student_rank, node_name = get_node_info(node) |
if node == '99999': |
net.add_node(node, font = {'size':50, 'color': 'black'}, color = '#000000', label = f'{node_name} \n ID: {node} - Gen {student_gen}', x= pos[0]*x_stretch, y= -1*pos[1]*y_stretch, size= 70) |
elif node in list(end_node.keys()): |
net.add_node(node, font = {'size':30, 'color': 'red'}, color = value_to_hex(student_narrations), label = f'{node_name} \n {student_rank} \n ID: {node} - Gen {student_gen} \n Hadiths {", ".join(end_node[node])}', x= pos[0]*x_stretch, y= -1*pos[1]*y_stretch, size= 50) |
else: |
net.add_node(node, font = {'size':30, 'color': 'red'}, color = value_to_hex(student_narrations), label = f'{node_name} \n {student_rank} \n ID: {node} - Gen {student_gen}', x= pos[0]*x_stretch, y= -1*pos[1]*y_stretch, size= 50) |
for edge in G.edges: |
row = isnad_hadith[(isnad_hadith['Source'] == edge[0]) & (isnad_hadith['Destination'] == edge[1])].iloc[0] |
source = row['Source'] |
target = row['Destination'] |
net.add_edge(source, target, color = value_to_hex(int(row[f'{yaxis} Count'])), label = f"{row[f'{yaxis} Count']}") |
net.toggle_physics(False) |
html = net.generate_html() |
html = html.replace("'", "\"") |
return f"""<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 600px;margin:0 auto" name="result" allow="midi; geolocation; microphone; camera; |
display-capture; encrypted-media;" sandbox="allow-modals allow-forms |
allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups |
allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-downloads" allowfullscreen="" |
allowpaymentrequest="" frameborder="0" srcdoc='{html}'></iframe>""" , narrator_matn_info[['matn', 'Book_Name', 'Author', 'Book_ID', 'Hadith Number', 'Index', 'Subset Index']] |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: |
with gr.Tab("Whole Taraf Visualizer"): |
Yaxis = gr.Dropdown(choices = ['Taraf', 'Hadith', 'Isnad', 'Book'], value = 'Taraf', label = 'Variable to Display', info = 'Choose the variable to visualize.') |
taraf_number = gr.Slider(1,taraf_max , value=10000, label="Taraf", info="Choose the Taraf to Input", step = 1) |
btn = gr.Button('Submit') |
btn.click(fn = visualize_isnad, inputs = [taraf_number, Yaxis], outputs = [gr.HTML(), gr.DataFrame(wrap=True, column_widths=[43, 8, 11,11,10,8, 9])]) |
with gr.Tab("Book and Hadith Number Retriever"): |
taraf_num = gr.Slider(1,taraf_max , value=10000, label="Taraf", info="Choose the Taraf to Input", step = 1) |
btn_num = gr.Button('Retrieve') |
btn_num.click(fn=taraf_booknum, inputs = [taraf_num], outputs= [gr.DataFrame(wrap=True)]) |
with gr.Tab('Sub Taraf Visualizer'): |
taraf_num = gr.Slider(1,taraf_max , value=10000, label="Taraf", info="Choose the Taraf to Input", step = 1) |
Yaxis = gr.Dropdown(choices = ['Taraf', 'Hadith', 'Isnad', 'Book'], value = 'Taraf', label = 'Variable to Display', info = 'Choose the variable to visualize.') |
hadith_str = gr.Textbox(label='Hadith Selection', info='Choose which range of Hadith you would like visualized from the Taraf (eg "1, 2, 4-7")') |
btn_sub = gr.Button('Visualize') |
btn_sub.click(fn=visualize_subTaraf, inputs = [taraf_num, hadith_str, Yaxis], outputs=[gr.HTML(), gr.DataFrame(wrap=True)]) |
with gr.Tab('Select Hadith Isnad Visualizer'): |
yyaxis = gr.Dropdown(choices = ['Taraf', 'Hadith', 'Isnad', 'Book'], value = 'Taraf', label = 'Variable to Display', info = 'Choose the variable to visualize.') |
hadith_selection = gr.Dataframe( |
headers=["Book_ID", "Hadith Number"], |
datatype=["number", "number"], |
row_count=5, |
col_count=(2, "fixed")) |
btn_hadith = gr.Button('Visualize') |
btn_hadith.click(fn=visualize_hadith_isnad, inputs=[hadith_selection, yyaxis], outputs=[gr.HTML(), gr.DataFrame(wrap=True)]) |
with gr.Tab('Taraf Narrator Isnad Visualizer'): |
Yaxis = gr.Dropdown(choices = ['Taraf', 'Hadith', 'Isnad', 'Book'], value = 'Taraf', label = 'Variable to Display', info = 'Choose the variable to visualize.') |
taraf_number = gr.Slider(1,taraf_max , value=10000, label="Taraf", info="Choose the Taraf to Input", step = 1) |
narr = gr.Textbox(label='Narrator', info='Choose a Narrator (Refer to full isnad from previous tab)') |
btn_narr = gr.Button('Visualize') |
btn_narr.click(fn=visualize_narrator_taraf, inputs=[taraf_number, narr, Yaxis], outputs=[gr.HTML(), gr.DataFrame(wrap=True)]) |
demo.launch() |