Hemg's picture
Update app.py
95b6be4 verified
import gradio as gr
import joblib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
# Load the trained model and scaler objects from file
REPO_ID = "Hemg/marketforecast" # hugging face repo ID
MoDEL_FILENAME = "market.joblib" # model file name
SCALER_FILENAME ="marketscaler.joblib" # scaler file name
model = joblib.load(hf_hub_download(repo_id=REPO_ID, filename=MoDEL_FILENAME))
scaler = joblib.load(hf_hub_download(repo_id=REPO_ID, filename=SCALER_FILENAME))
# model = joblib.load('D:\gradioapp\X.joblib')
# scaler = joblib.load('D:\gradioapp\Xx.joblib')
# Define the prediction function
def predict_enrol(Year, Instagram_Advertising, Facebook_Advertising, Event_Expenses,
Internet_Expenses, Facebook_Enroll, Instagram_Enroll, Internet_Enroll,
Recommendation, Total_Expenses):
# Prepare input data
input_data = [[Year, Instagram_Advertising, Facebook_Advertising, Event_Expenses,
Internet_Expenses, Facebook_Enroll, Instagram_Enroll, Internet_Enroll,
Recommendation, Total_Expenses]]
# Get the feature names from the Gradio interface inputs
feature_names = ["Year", "Instagram Advertising", "Facebook Advertising",
"Event Expenses", "Internet Expenses", "Facebook Enroll",
"Instagram Enroll", "Internet Enroll", "Recommendation",
"Total Expenses"]
# Create a Pandas DataFrame with the input data and feature names
input_df = pd.DataFrame(input_data, columns=feature_names)
# Scale the input data using the loaded scaler
scaled_input = scaler.transform(input_df)
# Make predictions using the loaded model
prediction = model.predict(scaled_input)[0]
return f"Predicted House Price: ${prediction:,.2f}" # Price is our dependent variable
# Create the Gradio app
iface = gr.Interface(
gr.Number(label="Instagram Advertising"),
gr.Number(label="Facebook Advertising"),
gr.Number(label="Event Expenses"),
gr.Number(label="Internet Expenses"),
gr.Number(label="Facebook Enroll"),
gr.Number(label="Instagram Enroll"),
gr.Number(label="Internet Enroll"),
gr.Number(label="Total Enroll"),
description="Predict market"
# Run the app
if __name__ == "__main__":