File size: 4,660 Bytes
2dd0525 a4cc6d9 c96eef2 2dd0525 91aa056 a1747c9 2dd0525 6cef789 2dd0525 a4cc6d9 91aa056 a4cc6d9 d090873 fd1accb a4cc6d9 fb2ccc3 a4cc6d9 2dd0525 a4cc6d9 fd1accb 2dd0525 a4cc6d9 2dd0525 91aa056 02c56b0 91aa056 02c56b0 2dd0525 db58b1f 2dd0525 db58b1f 2dd0525 a1747c9 a4cc6d9 0ccc523 6487bd3 0ccc523 a4cc6d9 c96eef2 fd1accb a4cc6d9 fd1accb a4cc6d9 c96eef2 02c56b0 c96eef2 a4cc6d9 3d61b6e a4cc6d9 52cf732 |
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from flask import Flask, request
import requests
import os
import re
import textwrap
from transformers import AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from langdetect import detect
import subprocess
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/bart-base")
model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(
vn_model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(
map_words = {
"Hello and Welcome to 'Ask A Doctor' service": "",
"Hello,": "",
"Hi,": "",
"Hello": "",
"Hi": "",
"Ask A Doctor": "MedForum",
"H C M": "Med Forum"
word_remove_sentence = [
def generate_summary(question, model):
inputs = tokenizer(
input_ids =
attention_mask =
outputs = model.generate(
input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, max_new_tokens=4096, do_sample=True, num_beams=4, top_k=50, early_stopping=True, no_repeat_ngram_size=2)
output_str = tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True)
return outputs, output_str
app = Flask(__name__)
VERIFY_TOKEN = '5rApTs/BRm6jtiwApOpIdjBHe73ifm6mNGZOsYkwwAw='
# paste your page access token here>"
def get_bot_response(message):
lang = detect(message)
model_use = model
template = "Welcome to MedForRum chatbot service. %s. Thanks for asking on MedForum."
if lang == "vi":
model_use = vn_model
template = "Chào mừng bạn đến với dịch vụ MedForRum chatbot. %s. Cảm ơn bạn đã sử dụng MedForum."
return template % post_process(generate_summary(message, model_use)[1][0])
def verify_webhook(req):
if req.args.get("hub.verify_token") == VERIFY_TOKEN:
return req.args.get("hub.challenge")
return "incorrect"
def respond(sender, message):
"""Formulate a response to the user and
pass it on to a function that sends it."""
response = get_bot_response(message)
send_message(sender, response)
return response
def is_user_message(message):
"""Check if the message is a message from the user"""
return (message.get('message') and
message['message'].get('text') and
not message['message'].get("is_echo"))
@app.route("/webhook", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def listen():
"""This is the main function flask uses to
listen at the `/webhook` endpoint"""
if request.method == 'GET':
return verify_webhook(request)
if request.method == 'POST':
payload = request.json
event = payload['entry'][0]['messaging']
for x in event:
if is_user_message(x):
text = x['message']['text']
sender_id = x['sender']['id']
respond(sender_id, text)
return "ok"
def send_message(recipient_id, text):
"""Send a response to Facebook"""
payload = {
'message': {
'text': text
'recipient': {
'id': recipient_id
'notification_type': 'regular'
auth = {
'access_token': PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN
response =
return response.json()
@app.route("/webhook/chat", methods=['POST'])
def chat():
payload = request.json
message = payload['message']
response = get_bot_response(message)
return {"message": response}
def post_process(output):
output = textwrap.fill(textwrap.dedent(output).strip(), width=120)
# lines = output.split(".")
# print(lines)
# for line in lines:
# for word in word_remove_sentence:
# if word in line.lower():
# lines.remove(line)
# break
# output = "\.".join(lines)
for item in map_words.keys():
output = re.sub(item, map_words[item], output, re.I)
return textwrap.fill(textwrap.dedent(output).strip(), width=120)
subprocess.Popen(["autossh", "-M", "0", "-tt", "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
"-i", "id_rsa", "-R", "guysmedchatt:80:localhost:7860", ""])
#'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i id_rsa -R guysmedchatt:80:localhost:5000', shell=True)