import argparse import codecs import os import re from importlib.resources import files from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import soundfile as sf import tomli from cached_path import cached_path from infer.utils_infer import ( infer_process, load_model, load_vocoder, preprocess_ref_audio_text, remove_silence_for_generated_wav, ) from model import DiT, UNetT parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="python3", description="Commandline interface for E2/F5 TTS with Advanced Batch Processing.", epilog="Specify options above to override one or more settings from config.", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--config", help="Configuration file. Default=infer/examples/basic/basic.toml", default=os.path.join(files("f5_tts").joinpath("infer/examples/basic"), "basic.toml"), ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--model", help="F5-TTS | E2-TTS", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--ckpt_file", help="The Checkpoint .pt", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--vocab_file", help="The vocab .txt", ) parser.add_argument("-r", "--ref_audio", type=str, help="Reference audio file < 15 seconds.") parser.add_argument("-s", "--ref_text", type=str, default="666", help="Subtitle for the reference audio.") parser.add_argument( "-t", "--gen_text", type=str, help="Text to generate.", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--gen_file", type=str, help="File with text to generate. Ignores --gen_text", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output_dir", type=str, help="Path to output folder..", ) parser.add_argument( "-w", "--output_file", type=str, help="Filename of output file..", ) parser.add_argument( "--remove_silence", help="Remove silence.", ) parser.add_argument("--vocoder_name", type=str, default="vocos", choices=["vocos", "bigvgan"], help="vocoder name") parser.add_argument( "--load_vocoder_from_local", action="store_true", help="load vocoder from local. Default: ../checkpoints/charactr/vocos-mel-24khz", ) parser.add_argument( "--speed", type=float, default=1.0, help="Adjust the speed of the audio generation (default: 1.0)", ) args = parser.parse_args() config = tomli.load(open(args.config, "rb")) ref_audio = args.ref_audio if args.ref_audio else config["ref_audio"] ref_text = args.ref_text if args.ref_text != "666" else config["ref_text"] gen_text = args.gen_text if args.gen_text else config["gen_text"] gen_file = args.gen_file if args.gen_file else config["gen_file"] # patches for pip pkg user if "infer/examples/" in ref_audio: ref_audio = str(files("f5_tts").joinpath(f"{ref_audio}")) if "infer/examples/" in gen_file: gen_file = str(files("f5_tts").joinpath(f"{gen_file}")) if "voices" in config: for voice in config["voices"]: voice_ref_audio = config["voices"][voice]["ref_audio"] if "infer/examples/" in voice_ref_audio: config["voices"][voice]["ref_audio"] = str(files("f5_tts").joinpath(f"{voice_ref_audio}")) if gen_file: gen_text =, "r", "utf-8").read() output_dir = args.output_dir if args.output_dir else config["output_dir"] output_file = args.output_file if args.output_file else config["output_file"] model = args.model if args.model else config["model"] ckpt_file = args.ckpt_file if args.ckpt_file else "" vocab_file = args.vocab_file if args.vocab_file else "" remove_silence = args.remove_silence if args.remove_silence else config["remove_silence"] speed = args.speed wave_path = Path(output_dir) / output_file # spectrogram_path = Path(output_dir) / "infer_cli_out.png" vocoder_name = args.vocoder_name mel_spec_type = args.vocoder_name if vocoder_name == "vocos": vocoder_local_path = "../checkpoints/vocos-mel-24khz" elif vocoder_name == "bigvgan": vocoder_local_path = "../checkpoints/bigvgan_v2_24khz_100band_256x" vocoder = load_vocoder(vocoder_name=mel_spec_type, is_local=args.load_vocoder_from_local, local_path=vocoder_local_path) # load models if model == "F5-TTS": model_cls = DiT model_cfg = dict(dim=1024, depth=22, heads=16, ff_mult=2, text_dim=512, conv_layers=4) if ckpt_file == "": if vocoder_name == "vocos": repo_name = "F5-TTS" exp_name = "F5TTS_Base" ckpt_step = 1200000 ckpt_file = str(cached_path(f"hf://SWivid/{repo_name}/{exp_name}/model_{ckpt_step}.safetensors")) # ckpt_file = f"ckpts/{exp_name}/model_{ckpt_step}.pt" # .pt | .safetensors; local path elif vocoder_name == "bigvgan": repo_name = "F5-TTS" exp_name = "F5TTS_Base_bigvgan" ckpt_step = 1250000 ckpt_file = str(cached_path(f"hf://SWivid/{repo_name}/{exp_name}/model_{ckpt_step}.pt")) elif model == "E2-TTS": assert vocoder_name == "vocos", "E2-TTS only supports vocoder vocos" model_cls = UNetT model_cfg = dict(dim=1024, depth=24, heads=16, ff_mult=4) if ckpt_file == "": repo_name = "E2-TTS" exp_name = "E2TTS_Base" ckpt_step = 1200000 ckpt_file = str(cached_path(f"hf://SWivid/{repo_name}/{exp_name}/model_{ckpt_step}.safetensors")) # ckpt_file = f"ckpts/{exp_name}/model_{ckpt_step}.pt" # .pt | .safetensors; local path print(f"Using {model}...") ema_model = load_model(model_cls, model_cfg, ckpt_file, mel_spec_type=mel_spec_type, vocab_file=vocab_file) def main_process(ref_audio, ref_text, text_gen, model_obj, mel_spec_type, remove_silence, speed): main_voice = {"ref_audio": ref_audio, "ref_text": ref_text} if "voices" not in config: voices = {"main": main_voice} else: voices = config["voices"] voices["main"] = main_voice for voice in voices: voices[voice]["ref_audio"], voices[voice]["ref_text"] = preprocess_ref_audio_text( voices[voice]["ref_audio"], voices[voice]["ref_text"] ) print("Voice:", voice) print("Ref_audio:", voices[voice]["ref_audio"]) print("Ref_text:", voices[voice]["ref_text"]) generated_audio_segments = [] reg1 = r"(?=\[\w+\])" chunks = re.split(reg1, text_gen) reg2 = r"\[(\w+)\]" for text in chunks: if not text.strip(): continue match = re.match(reg2, text) if match: voice = match[1] else: print("No voice tag found, using main.") voice = "main" if voice not in voices: print(f"Voice {voice} not found, using main.") voice = "main" text = re.sub(reg2, "", text) gen_text = text.strip() ref_audio = voices[voice]["ref_audio"] ref_text = voices[voice]["ref_text"] print(f"Voice: {voice}") audio, final_sample_rate, spectragram = infer_process( ref_audio, ref_text, gen_text, model_obj, vocoder, mel_spec_type=mel_spec_type, speed=speed ) generated_audio_segments.append(audio) if generated_audio_segments: final_wave = np.concatenate(generated_audio_segments) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) with open(wave_path, "wb") as f: sf.write(, final_wave, final_sample_rate) # Remove silence if remove_silence: remove_silence_for_generated_wav( print( def main(): main_process(ref_audio, ref_text, gen_text, ema_model, mel_spec_type, remove_silence, speed) if __name__ == "__main__": main()