import cloudscraper | |
from curl_cffi import requests | |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |
from urllib.parse import urlparse | |
from others import * | |
scraper = cloudscraper.create_scraper() | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def info_nekopoi(soup): | |
# Get title | |
title = soup.find('title').text | |
# Get thumbnail_url | |
thumbnail_url = soup.select_one('div.imgdesc img')['src'] | |
# Get producers | |
producers_element = soup.find_all('li') | |
for li in producers_element: | |
if li.find('b', string='Produser'): | |
producers = li.text.split(': ')[1] | |
# Get genre | |
genres = [] | |
genre_elements = soup.find_all('li') | |
for li in genre_elements: | |
if li.find('b', string='Genres'): | |
genres.extend([a.text for a in li.find_all('a', rel='tag')]) | |
genre = ', '.join(genres) | |
# Get sinopsis | |
sinopsis_element = soup.select_one('span.desc') | |
sinopsis = sinopsis_element.find('p').text | |
return title, thumbnail_url, producers, genre, sinopsis | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def episode_nekopoi(resolusi, soup): | |
judul = soup.find('title').text.replace('[NEW Release] ','') | |
if 'Episode' in judul: | |
episode = judul.split('Episode')[1].split()[0] | |
if len(episode) == 1: | |
episode = '0' + episode | |
else: | |
episode = '' | |
if "PV" in judul: | |
episode = episode + " PV" | |
link_info = soup.find('div', class_='name', string=lambda t: t and f'[{resolusi}p]' in t) | |
if link_info: | |
link_eps = link_info.find_next('a', string=lambda x: x and ('Mirror [ouo]' in x or 'MC [ouo]' in x or 'Mirror[ouo]' in x or 'MC[ouo]' in x))['href'] | |
else: | |
link_eps = '' | |
return judul, episode, link_eps | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def get_genre(): | |
url = '' | |
genres = [] | |
response = scraper.get(url) | |
html = response.text | |
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') | |
links = soup.find_all('a') | |
for link in links: | |
href = link.get('href') | |
if href and '' in href: | |
genre = href.split('/')[-2].replace('-',' ').title() | |
genres.append(genre) | |
return genres | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def info_series(resolution, series): | |
episode = [] | |
for url in series: | |
response = scraper.get(url) | |
html = response.text | |
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') | |
links = soup.find_all('a') | |
episode_links = [] | |
for link in links: | |
href = link.get('href') | |
if href and '' in href and ('episode' in href and 'subtitle-indonesia' in href) and 'pv' not in href: | |
if link.parent.get('class') != ['latestnow']: | |
episode_links.append(href) | |
episode.append(episode_links) | |
info = "" | |
for i, url in enumerate(series): | |
response = scraper.get(url) | |
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') | |
# Get the variables | |
title, thumbnail, producers, genre, sinopsis = info_nekopoi(soup) | |
info += f"Judul : {title.replace(' – NekoPoi','')}\n" | |
info += f"Thumbnail : {thumbnail}\n" | |
info += f"Producer : {producers}\n" | |
info += f"Genre : {genre}\n" | |
info += f"Sinopsis : \n" | |
info += f"{sinopsis}\n" | |
info += "==================================================================================\n" | |
for url in episode[i]: | |
response = scraper.get(url) | |
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') | |
# Get the variables | |
judul, eps, link = episode_nekopoi(resolution, soup) | |
if link != '': | |
link = ouo_bypass(link) | |
link = mirrored(link) | |
info += f"Link Episode {eps} : {link}\n" | |
info += "==================================================================================\n" | |
return info | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def judul(cari, resolution, halaman): | |
search = '' + cari.replace(' ', '+') + '/page/{}/' | |
# Create an empty list to store the series links | |
series = [] | |
# Iterate over the pages | |
for page in range(1, halaman+1): | |
# Set the URL of the current page | |
url = search.format(page) | |
# Send a GET request to the website and get the HTML response | |
response = scraper.get(url) | |
html = response.text | |
# Parse the HTML using BeautifulSoup | |
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') | |
# Find all links in the HTML | |
links = soup.find_all('a') | |
# Iterate over the links | |
for link in links: | |
# Get the href attribute of the link | |
href = link.get('href') | |
# Check if the href attribute | |
if href and '' in href: | |
# Add the link to the list of series links | |
series.append(href) | |
# Reverse the order of the series links in the list | |
# series.reverse() | |
info = info_series(resolution, series) | |
lokasi_file = simpan_txt(cari, info) | |
return info, lokasi_file | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def beranda(resolution): | |
url = '' | |
series = [] | |
response = scraper.get(url) | |
html = response.text | |
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') | |
links = soup.find_all('a') | |
h1 = soup.find('h1') | |
for a in h1.find_all_next('a', href=True): | |
if '' in a['href']: | |
series.append(a['href']) | |
if len(series) == 5: | |
break | |
info = info_series(resolution, series) | |
lokasi_file = simpan_txt('Beranda', info) | |
return info, lokasi_file | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def acak(resolution): | |
url = '' | |
series = [] | |
response = scraper.get(url) | |
series.append(response.url) | |
info = info_series(resolution, series) | |
lokasi_file = simpan_txt('Acak', info) | |
return info, lokasi_file | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def genre(cari, resolution, halaman): | |
search = '' + cari.lower().replace(' ', '-') + '/page/{}/' | |
# Create an empty list to store the series links | |
series = [] | |
# Iterate over the pages | |
for page in range(1, halaman+1): | |
# Set the URL of the current page | |
url = search.format(page) | |
# Send a GET request to the website and get the HTML response | |
response = scraper.get(url) | |
html = response.text | |
# Parse the HTML using BeautifulSoup | |
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') | |
# Find all links in the HTML | |
links = soup.find_all('a') | |
# Iterate over the links | |
for link in links: | |
# Get the href attribute of the link | |
href = link.get('href') | |
# Check if the href attribute | |
if href and '' in href: | |
# Add the link to the list of series links | |
series.append(href) | |
# Reverse the order of the series links in the list | |
# series.reverse() | |
info = info_series(resolution, series) | |
lokasi_file = simpan_txt(cari, info) | |
return info, lokasi_file | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
def bulk_nekopoi(cari, resolution, halaman, choice): | |
info = "" | |
# Create an empty list to store the series links | |
links_list = [] | |
if '' in cari: | |
links_list.append(cari) | |
else: | |
search = '' + cari.replace(' ', '+') + '/page/{}/' | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
# Iterate over the pages | |
for page in range(1, halaman+1): | |
# Set the URL of the current page | |
url = search.format(page) | |
# Send a GET request to the website and get the HTML response | |
response = scraper.get(url) | |
html = response.text | |
# Parse the HTML using BeautifulSoup | |
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') | |
# Find all links in the HTML | |
links = soup.find_all('a') | |
# Iterate over the links | |
for link in links: | |
# Get the href attribute of the link | |
href = link.get('href') | |
# Check if the href attribute | |
if 'new-release' in choice or 'uncensored' in choice: | |
if href and '' in href and ('episode' in href and 'subtitle-indonesia' in href) and not ('jadwal' in href or 'genres' in href or 'list' in href or 'category' in href or 'search' in href) : | |
# Check if the link is already in the list of links | |
if href not in links_list: | |
# Add the link to the list of links | |
links_list.append(href) | |
elif '2d' in choice or '3d' in choice: | |
if href and '' in href and ('2d' in href or '3d' in href) and not ('jadwal' in href or 'genres' in href or 'list' in href or 'category' in href or 'search' in href) : | |
# Check if the link is already in the list of links | |
if href not in links_list: | |
# Add the link to the list of links | |
links_list.append(href) | |
elif 'jav' in choice: | |
if href and '' in href and ('jav' in href) and not ('jadwal' in href or 'genres' in href or 'list' in href or 'category' in href or 'search' in href) : | |
# Check if the link is already in the list of links | |
if href not in links_list: | |
# Add the link to the list of links | |
links_list.append(href) | |
x = 0 | |
# Iterate over the links | |
for url in links_list: | |
# Send a GET request to the website and get the HTML response | |
response = scraper.get(url) | |
html = response.text | |
# Parse the HTML using BeautifulSoup | |
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') | |
# Dapatkan variabel | |
judul, eps, link = episode_nekopoi(resolution, soup) | |
if link != '': | |
link = ouo_bypass(link) | |
link = mirrored(link) | |
info += f"Judul : {judul.replace(' – NekoPoi','')}\n" | |
info += f"Link : {link}\n" | |
x += 1 | |
if x % 10 == 0: | |
info += "==================================================================================\n" | |
info += "==================================================================================\n" | |
lokasi_file = simpan_txt(cari, info) | |
return info, lokasi_file | |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |