ICS5110 / app.py
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import gradio as gr
import pickle
import pandas as pd
import ast
import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Set the option to opt into future behavior
pd.set_option('future.no_silent_downcasting', True)
# List of options for the dropdown
[("SVM - Jerome Agius", 0), ("Logistic Regression - Isaac Muscat", 1), ("Random Forest - Kyle Demicoli", 2)]
workclass_options = [('State Government', 'State-gov'),
('Self Employed Not Incorporated', 'Self-emp-not-inc'),
'Private', ('Federal Government', 'Federal-gov'), ('Local Government', 'Local-gov'), ('Self Employed Incorporated', 'Self-emp-inc'), ('Without Pay', 'Without-pay')]
education_option = [('Pre-School', 'Preschool'), '1st-4th', '5th-6th', '7th-8th', '9th', '10th', '11th', '12th', ('High School Graduate', 'HS-grad'), ('Collage', 'Some-college'), ('Associate Degree - Vocational', 'Assoc-voc'), ('Associate Degree - Academic', 'Assoc-acdm'), 'Bachelors', 'Masters', ('Professional School', 'Prof-school'), 'Doctorate']
marital_status_option = [('Never Married','Never-married'), ('Married Civilian Spouse', 'Married-civ-spouse'), 'Divorced', 'Separated', ('Married Armed Forces Spouse', 'Married-AF-spouse'), 'Widowed', ('Married Spouse Absent', 'Married-spouse-absent')]
occupation_option = [('Administrative Clerical', 'Adm-clerical'), ('Executive Managerial', 'Exec-managerial'), ('Handlers and Cleaners', 'Handlers-cleaners'), ('Professional Specialty', 'Prof-specialty'), 'Sales', ('Farming and Fishing', 'Farming-fishing'), ('Machine Operator and Inspector', 'Machine-op-inspct'), ('Other Service', 'Other-service'), ('Transport and Moving', 'Transport-moving'), ('Technical Support', 'Tech-support'), ('Craft and Repair', 'Craft-repair'), ('Protective Services', 'Protective-serv'), ('Armed Forces', 'Armed-Forces'), ('Private Household Services' ,'Priv-house-serv')]
relationship_option = [('Not In Family', 'Not-in-family'), 'Husband', 'Wife', ('Biological Child', 'Own-child'), 'Unmarried', ('Other Relative', 'Other-relative')]
race_option = ['White', 'Black', 'Other', ('Asian', 'Asian-Pac-Islander'), ('Indian', 'Amer-Indian-Eskimo')]
sex_option = sorted(['Male', 'Female'])
age = [0, 100]
capital_gain = [0, 99999]
capital_loss = [0, 4356]
hours_per_week = [20, 60]
children_count = [0, 15]
bmi = [10, 100]
region_option = ['southwest', 'southeast', 'northwest', 'northeast']
smoker_option = ['yes', 'no']
# Mapping for education
education_mapping = "{'Preschool': 1, '1st-4th': 2, '5th-6th': 3, '7th-8th': 4, '9th': 5, '10th': 6, '11th': 7, '12th': 8, 'HS-grad': 9, 'Some-college': 10, 'Assoc-voc': 11, 'Assoc-acdm': 12, 'Bachelors': 13, 'Masters': 14, 'Prof-school': 15, 'Doctorate': 16}"
education_dict = ast.literal_eval(education_mapping)
# List of the columns present in dataframe used to train the model
salary_columns = ['age', 'education-num', 'sex', 'capital-gain', 'capital-loss',
'hours-per-week', 'workclass_Local-gov', 'workclass_Private',
'workclass_Self-emp-inc', 'workclass_Self-emp-not-inc',
'workclass_State-gov', 'workclass_Without-pay',
'marital-status_Married-AF-spouse', 'marital-status_Married-civ-spouse',
'marital-status_Married-spouse-absent', 'marital-status_Never-married',
'marital-status_Separated', 'marital-status_Widowed',
'occupation_Armed-Forces', 'occupation_Craft-repair',
'occupation_Exec-managerial', 'occupation_Farming-fishing',
'occupation_Handlers-cleaners', 'occupation_Machine-op-inspct',
'occupation_Other-service', 'occupation_Priv-house-serv',
'occupation_Prof-specialty', 'occupation_Protective-serv',
'occupation_Sales', 'occupation_Tech-support',
'occupation_Transport-moving', 'relationship_Not-in-family',
'relationship_Other-relative', 'relationship_Own-child',
'relationship_Unmarried', 'relationship_Wife', 'race_Asian-Pac-Islander',
'race_Black', 'race_Other', 'race_White']
health_columns = ['age', 'sex', 'bmi', 'children', 'smoker', 'region_northwest', 'region_southeast', 'region_southwest']
# Code for SVM
def Salary(model, workclass, education, marital_status, occupation, relationship, race, sex, age, capital_gain, capital_loss, hours_per_week):
# Set the working directory to the script's directory
if model == 0:
model_used = "SVM"
with open('models/best_svm_OvM_Salary_Classification.pkl', 'rb') as f:
loaded_model = pickle.load(f)
# Loading the scaler and transform the data
with open('models/z-score_scaler_svm_salary_classification.pkl', 'rb') as f:
scaler = pickle.load(f)
elif model == 1:
model_used = "Logistic Regression"
with open('models/best_lr_Salary_Classification.pkl', 'rb') as f:
loaded_model = pickle.load(f)
# Loading the scaler and transform the data
with open('models/z-score_scaler_lr_salary_classification.pkl', 'rb') as f:
scaler = pickle.load(f)
elif model == 2:
model_used = "Random Forest"
with open('models/best_rf_Salary_Classification.pkl', 'rb') as f:
loaded_model = pickle.load(f)
# Loading the scaler and transform the data
with open('models/z-score_scaler_rf_salary_classification.pkl', 'rb') as f:
scaler = pickle.load(f)
new_data = {
'age': age,
'workclass': workclass,
'education': education,
'marital-status': marital_status,
'occupation': occupation,
'relationship': relationship,
'race': race,
'sex': sex,
'capital-gain': capital_gain,
'capital-loss': capital_loss,
'hours-per-week': hours_per_week,
new_data = pd.DataFrame([new_data])
new_data['education'] = new_data['education'].map(education_dict)
new_data = new_data.rename(columns={'education': 'education-num'})
# Create an empty DataFrame with these columns
formattedDF = pd.DataFrame(columns=salary_columns)
# Copying over the continuous columns
formattedDF['age'] = new_data['age']
formattedDF['education-num'] = new_data['education-num']
formattedDF['capital-gain'] = new_data['capital-gain']
formattedDF['capital-loss'] = new_data['capital-loss']
formattedDF['hours-per-week'] = new_data['hours-per-week']
formattedDF['workclass_'+new_data['workclass']] = 1
formattedDF['marital-status_'+new_data['marital-status']] = 1
formattedDF['occupation_'+new_data['occupation']] = 1
formattedDF['relationship_'+new_data['relationship']] = 1
formattedDF['race_'+new_data['race']] = 1
formattedDF['sex'] = formattedDF['sex'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x == 'Male' else 0)
# Fill remaining columns with 0
formattedDF.fillna(0, inplace=True)
formattedDF = formattedDF.astype(int)
formattedDF = formattedDF[formattedDF.columns.intersection(salary_columns)]
# Assuming 'high_skew_columns' from training is a list of columns with high skewness
for column in ['capital-gain', 'capital-loss']:
formattedDF[column] = np.log1p(formattedDF[column])
# Apply the scaler to the unseen data
continuous_columns = ['age', 'education-num', 'capital-gain', 'capital-loss', 'hours-per-week']
formattedDF[continuous_columns] = scaler.transform(formattedDF[continuous_columns])
# Make predictions with the loaded model
prediction = loaded_model.predict(formattedDF)
probability = loaded_model.predict_proba(formattedDF)
# Get the number of classes
num_classes = probability.shape[1]
class_dict = {
0: '<=50K',
1: '>50K'
# Select the probabilities for a single sample (e.g., the first sample)
probabilities = probability[0]
class_labels = [class_dict[i] for i in range(num_classes)]
colors = plt.cm.viridis(np.linspace(0, 1, num_classes)) # Use a colormap for consistent colors
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
_, _, autotexts = ax.pie(probabilities, colors=colors, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=140, pctdistance=1.1)
# Create a legend with colored boxes
legend_elements = []
for i, (color, label) in enumerate(zip(colors, class_labels)):
legend_elements.append(plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, color=color, label=label))
ax.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc='upper left')
ax.set_title("Predicted Class Probabilities")
for i, p in enumerate(probabilities):
prob = float(round(p*100, 2))
if prob > 0:
salary_result = '<=50K' if prediction[0] == 0 else '>50K'
return f"Predicted using {model_used} Salary Class: {salary_result}", fig
def Health(model, age, sex, bmi, children, smoker, region):
# Set the working directory to the script's directory
if model == 0:
model_used = "SVM"
with open('models/best_health_svm_OvM_Charges_Classification.pkl', 'rb') as f:
loaded_model = pickle.load(f)
# Loading the scaler and transform the data
with open('models/z-score_scaler_svm_charges_classification.pkl', 'rb') as f:
scaler = pickle.load(f)
elif model == 1:
model_used = "Logistic Regression"
with open('models/best_health_lr_Charges_Classification.pkl', 'rb') as f:
loaded_model = pickle.load(f)
# Loading the scaler and transform the data
with open('models/z-score_scaler_lr_charges_classification.pkl', 'rb') as f:
scaler = pickle.load(f)
elif model == 2:
model_used = "Random Forest"
with open('models/best_rf_Charges_Classification.pkl', 'rb') as f:
loaded_model = pickle.load(f)
# Loading the scaler and transform the data
with open('models/z-score_scaler_rf_charges_classification.pkl', 'rb') as f:
scaler = pickle.load(f)
#Inverting the dict to map the 'charges' values back to 'charges' labels
inverse_mapping_charges = {
0: 'Very Low (<= 5000)',
1: 'Low (5001 - 10000)',
2: 'Moderate (10001 - 15000)',
3: 'High (15001 - 20000)',
4: 'Very High (> 20001)',
new_data = {
'age': age,
'sex': sex,
'bmi': bmi,
'children': children,
'smoker': smoker,
'region': region,
new_data = pd.DataFrame([new_data])
# Create an empty DataFrame with these columns
formattedDF = pd.DataFrame(columns=health_columns)
# Copying over the continuous columns
formattedDF['age'] = new_data['age']
formattedDF['sex'] = new_data['sex'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x == 'Male' else 0)
formattedDF['bmi'] = new_data['bmi']
formattedDF['children'] = new_data['children']
formattedDF['smoker'] = new_data['smoker'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x == 'Yes' else 0)
formattedDF['region_'+new_data['region']] = 1
# Fill remaining columns with 0
formattedDF.fillna(0, inplace=True)
formattedDF = formattedDF.astype(int)
formattedDF = formattedDF[formattedDF.columns.intersection(health_columns)]
# Apply the scaler to the unseen data
continuous_columns = ['age', 'bmi']
formattedDF[continuous_columns] = scaler.transform(formattedDF[continuous_columns])
# Make predictions with the loaded model
prediction = loaded_model.predict(formattedDF)[0]
prediction = inverse_mapping_charges[prediction]
probability = loaded_model.predict_proba(formattedDF)
# Get the number of classes
num_classes = probability.shape[1]
class_dict = {
0: 'Very Low (<= 5000)',
1: 'Low (5001 - 10000)',
2: 'Moderate (10001 - 15000)',
3: 'High (15001 - 20000)',
4: 'Very High (> 20001)',
# Select the probabilities for a single sample (e.g., the first sample)
probabilities = probability[0]
class_labels = [class_dict[i] for i in range(num_classes)]
colors = plt.cm.viridis(np.linspace(0, 1, num_classes)) # Use a colormap for consistent colors
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
_, _, autotexts = ax.pie(probabilities, colors=colors, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=140, pctdistance=1.1)
# Create a legend with colored boxes
legend_elements = []
for i, (color, label) in enumerate(zip(colors, class_labels)):
legend_elements.append(plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, color=color, label=label))
ax.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc='upper left')
ax.set_title("Predicted Class Probabilities")
for i, p in enumerate(probabilities):
prob = float(round(p*100, 2))
if prob > 0:
return f"Predicted using {model_used} Charges Class: {prediction}", fig
# interface one
iface1 = gr.Interface(
gr.Dropdown(choices=[("SVM - Jerome Agius", 0), ("Logistic Regression - Isaac Muscat", 1), ("Random Forest - Kyle Demicoli", 2)], label="Model", value=0),
gr.Dropdown(choices=workclass_options, label="Workclass"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=education_option, label="Education"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=marital_status_option, label="Marital Status"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=occupation_option, label="Occupation"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=relationship_option, label="Relationship"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=race_option, label="Race"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=sex_option, label="Sex"),
gr.Slider(minimum=age[0], maximum=age[1], step=1, label="Age"),
gr.Slider(minimum=capital_gain[0], maximum=capital_gain[1], step=1, label="Capital Gain"),
gr.Slider(minimum=capital_loss[0], maximum=capital_loss[1], step=1, label="Capital Loss"),
gr.Slider(minimum=hours_per_week[0], maximum=hours_per_week[1], step=1, label="Hours per Week"),
outputs=[gr.Text(label="Predicted Label"), gr.Plot(label="Predicted Class Probabilities")],
title="SVM - Salary",
# interface two
iface2 = gr.Interface(
gr.Dropdown(choices=[("SVM - Jerome Agius", 0), ("Logistic Regression - Isaac Muscat", 1), ("Random Forest - Kyle Demicoli", 2)], label="Model", value=0),
gr.Slider(minimum=age[0], maximum=age[1], step=1, label="Age"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=sex_option, label="Sex"),
gr.Slider(minimum=bmi[0], maximum=bmi[1], step=0.1, label="BMI"),
gr.Slider(minimum=children_count[0], maximum=children_count[1], step=1, label="No. of Children"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=smoker_option, label="Is Smoker"),
gr.Dropdown(choices=region_option, label="Region"),
outputs=[gr.Text(label="Predicted Label"), gr.Plot(label="Predicted Class Probabilities")],
title="SVM - Health",
demo = gr.TabbedInterface([iface1, iface2], ["Salary Prediction", "Health Charges Prediction"])
# Run the interface