Shraddha Gami
Fix:Bug fixes of mapper
from typing import Dict, Text
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_recommenders as tfrs
import streamlit as st
from html_information import html
import pandas as pd
import json
def read_json(file_name):
with open(file_name) as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
return data
uid_name_map = read_json('uid_name_map.json')
uid_url_map = read_json('uid_url_map.json')
st.set_page_config(page_title="My App", page_icon=":guardsman:", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="auto")
def load_model(path):
loaded = tf.saved_model.load(path)
return loaded
def inference(model, user_id):
scores, titles = model([user_id])
recs = titles[0, :15]
extracted_rec = []
for rec in recs:
return extracted_rec
def read_pickle_file(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
data = pickle.load(f)
return data
def streamlit_carousel(header_name: str, rec_item_url: list,
rec_item_name: list) -> None:
mid_section = ""
for index, value in enumerate(rec_item_url):
mid_section += """<div class="item"><div id="image-container"><img src='""" + str(value) + """' /></div><p>""" + str(rec_item_name[index]) + """</p></div>"""
mid_html = html+mid_section + """</div></div></body>"""
st.markdown(mid_html, unsafe_allow_html=True)
def recall_at_k(ground_truth, recommended, k):
Calculate Recall@k.
- ground_truth (list): List of ground truth product IDs.
- recommended (list): List of recommended product IDs.
- k (int): Number of recommendations to consider.
- recall (float): Recall@k value.
# Take only the top-k recommended items
recommended_at_k = set(recommended[:k])
# Count the number of relevant items in the ground truth
relevant_items = set(ground_truth)
# Calculate the intersection (number of relevant items in top-k)
intersection = recommended_at_k.intersection(relevant_items)
# Calculate Recall@k
recall = len(intersection) / len(relevant_items) if len(relevant_items) > 0 else 0.0
return recall
model_weights_name = 'gofynd_old_model.model'
k = 15
print("######## Running ########")
print(f"model_weights_name: {model_weights_name}")
loaded = load_model(model_weights_name)
print("######### Model Loaded #########")
# uid_name_map = read_pickle_file('new_uid_name_map.pkl')
# uid_url_map = read_pickle_file('new_uid_url_map.pkl')
# uid_url_map =
user_product_dict = read_pickle_file('user_product_dict.pkl')
last_session_user_product_dict = read_pickle_file('final_sessions_fynd_pickle_filename.pkl')
user_with_multiple_sessions = read_pickle_file('users_with_multiple_sessions_filename.pkl')
initial_sessions_user_product_dict = read_pickle_file('initial_sessions_fynd_pickle_filename.pkl')
# avg_recall = read_pickle_file('Personalised_two_tower_fynd_recall.pkl')
# positive_recall = read_pickle_file("Personalised_two_twoer_fynd_positive_recall.pkl")
# total_count = read_pickle_file("Personalised_two_twoer_fynd_total_count.pkl")
# average_positive_recall = read_pickle_file("Personalised_two_twoer_fynd_average_positive_recall.pkl")
user_id_list = user_with_multiple_sessions
last_session_user_product_dict["000000000000000000000004"] = []
initial_sessions_user_product_dict["000000000000000000000004"] = []
# # st.set_page_config(page_title="My App", page_icon=":guardsman:", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="auto")
# st.header("Personalised Product Recommendations (Fynd)")
# st.subheader("Training Metrics")
# st.write(f"Average Recall@{k} on Test Set: {avg_recall}")
# st.write(f"Total Users Count: {total_count}")
# st.write(f"Users with Positive Recall@{k} on Test Set: {positive_recall}")
# st.write(f"% Users with Positive Recall@{k} on Test Set: {average_positive_recall}")
# col1, col2 = st.tabs(["Training & Test Loss", "Top 10 Test Accuracy"])
# with col1:
# st.image('Personalised_two_tower_fynd_loss_graph.png')
# with col2:
# st.image('Personalised_two_tower_fynd_top_10_accuracy_graph.png')
st.header("Personalised Product Recommendations")
st.write("Model trained with Clickstream data of")
st.subheader("Choose a User")
index = st.selectbox("User List", range(len(user_id_list)), format_func=lambda x: user_id_list[x])
user_id = user_id_list[index]
print(f"User ID: {user_id}")
user_final_session = last_session_user_product_dict[user_id]
final_session_product_list = []
for all_session in user_final_session:
for session in all_session:
rec_list = inference(loaded, str(user_id))
print(f"Final Session Product List: {final_session_product_list}")
print(f"Recommendation List: {rec_list}")
recall_value = recall_at_k(final_session_product_list, rec_list, k)
print(f"Recall@{k}: {recall_value}")
st.write(f"Recommendation Score: {recall_value}")
initial_sessions = initial_sessions_user_product_dict[user_id]
tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["Recommendations", "Test session data", "Train session data"])
with tab1:
# print(product_id, str(product_id))
rec_list_name = [uid_name_map[str(product_id)] for product_id in rec_list]
rec_list_url = [uid_url_map[str(product_id)] for product_id in rec_list]
streamlit_carousel("Top 15 Personalised Product Recommendation", rec_list_url, rec_list_name)
with tab2:
product_name_list = [uid_name_map[str(product_id)] for product_id in final_session_product_list]
product_url_list = [uid_url_map[str(product_id)] for product_id in final_session_product_list]
streamlit_carousel("User's Test Last Session Viewed Products", product_url_list, product_name_list)
with tab3:
for session in initial_sessions:
temp_product_list = []
for row in session:
product_name_list = [uid_name_map[str(product_id)] for product_id in temp_product_list]
product_url_list = [uid_url_map[str(product_id)] for product_id in temp_product_list]
streamlit_carousel("Session "+str(i), product_url_list, product_name_list)