import streamlit as st import pickle from html_information2 import html2 st.set_page_config(layout="wide") # Function to load pickle files def read_pickle_files(pickle_file): with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) # Load the necessary pickle files cross_sell_data = read_pickle_files("fynd.cross_sell_recommendations-000000000000000000000001s.pkl") upsell_data = read_pickle_files("fynd.up_sell_recommendations_000000000000000000000002s.pkl") uid_name_pairs = read_pickle_files("uid_name_pairs.pkl") uid_image_html_pairs = read_pickle_files("uid_image_html_pairs.pkl") item_costs_sephora_data = read_pickle_files("sephora_prices.pkl") # Create a mapping from product_id to product name for dropdown product_name_to_id = {name: uid for name, uid in uid_name_pairs.items()} product_id_to_name = {uid: name for name, uid in uid_name_pairs.items()} # Function to extract product list from recommendation data def extract_product_list(recommendation_data): product_ids = [entry['product_id'] for entry in recommendation_data] # Map the product IDs to names for the dropdown return [product_id_to_name[product_id] for product_id in product_ids if product_id in product_id_to_name] # Extract recommendations for a specific product_id def get_recommendations(product_id, recommendation_data): for product in recommendation_data: if product['product_id'] == product_id: return product['recommendations'] return [] # Streamlit App Layout st.title("Cross-Sell & Up-Sell Recommendations") # Dropdown for selecting recommendation type recommendation_type = st.selectbox("Select recommendation type:", ["Cross-sell", "Up-sell"]) # Choose the appropriate data based on recommendation type if recommendation_type == "Cross-sell": recommendations_data = cross_sell_data elif recommendation_type == "Up-sell": recommendations_data = upsell_data # Get the list of product names for the dropdown product_list = extract_product_list(recommendations_data) # Dropdown for selecting a product by name selected_product_name = st.selectbox("Select a product:", product_list) # Get the selected product's ID using the name selected_product_id = product_name_to_id.get(selected_product_name) # Display the image of the selected product using the image URL if selected_product_id: #st.write(selected_product_id) #st.subheader(f"Selected Product: {selected_product_name}") # Check if the product's ID has an associated image HTML and use the image URL if selected_product_id in uid_image_html_pairs: image_url = uid_image_html_pairs[selected_product_id] st.image(image_url, use_column_width=False, width=450) # Set width to make image smaller items_cost_is = item_costs_sephora_data[str(selected_product_id)] st.write("Product Price:",str(items_cost_is) ) # Display recommendations for the selected product if selected_product_id: recommendations = get_recommendations(selected_product_id, recommendations_data) reccomendation_names = [] reccomendation_images = [] reccomendation_costs = [] # reccomendation_ids = [recommendations.get("product_id","item missing") for item in recommendations] # item_costs_sephora = [item_costs_sephora_data.get(item, "cost missing") for item in reccomendation_ids] if recommendations: #st.subheader(f"Recommendations:") if len(recommendations)>10: recommendations= recommendations[:10] else: pass for recommendation in recommendations: product_name = recommendation.get('product_name') recommended_product_id = recommendation.get('product_id') recommended_product_cost = item_costs_sephora_data.get(str(recommended_product_id), "item missing") # Display the image of each recommended product using the image URL if recommended_product_id in uid_image_html_pairs: recommended_image_url = uid_image_html_pairs[recommended_product_id] #st.image(recommended_image_url, caption=product_name, use_column_width=False, width=150) # Set width to make images smaller reccomendation_names.append(product_name) reccomendation_images.append(recommended_image_url) reccomendation_costs.append(recommended_product_cost) # Display the product name else: st.write("No recommendations found for this product.") mid_section = "" for index, value in enumerate(reccomendation_names): # Use <br> to display each line separately mid_section += f"""<div class="item"> <div id="image-container"><img src='{reccomendation_images[index]}' /></div> <p style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; white-space: normal; word-wrap: break-word;">{str(reccomendation_names[index])}</p> <p>Product Price: {reccomendation_costs[index]}</p> </div>""" mid_html = html2 + mid_section + """</div></div></body>""" st.markdown(mid_html, unsafe_allow_html=True)