emotional-game-theory-ai / quickstart.py
Dirk Haupt
init hf commit
# from https://github.com/HumeAI/hume-api-examples/blob/main/evi-python-example/quickstart.py
import asyncio
import base64
import datetime
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from hume.client import AsyncHumeClient
from hume.empathic_voice.chat.socket_client import ChatConnectOptions, ChatWebsocketConnection
from hume.empathic_voice.chat.types import SubscribeEvent
from hume.empathic_voice.types import UserInput
from hume.core.api_error import ApiError
from hume import MicrophoneInterface, Stream
class WebSocketHandler:
"""Handler for containing the EVI WebSocket and associated socket handling behavior."""
def __init__(self):
"""Construct the WebSocketHandler, initially assigning the socket to None and the byte stream to a new Stream object."""
self.socket = None
self.byte_strs = Stream.new()
def set_socket(self, socket: ChatWebsocketConnection):
"""Set the socket.
This method assigns the provided asynchronous WebSocket connection
to the instance variable `self.socket`. It is invoked after successfully
establishing a connection using the client's connect method.
socket (ChatWebsocketConnection): EVI asynchronous WebSocket returned by the client's connect method.
self.socket = socket
async def on_open(self):
"""Logic invoked when the WebSocket connection is opened."""
print("WebSocket connection opened.")
async def on_message(self, message: SubscribeEvent):
"""Callback function to handle a WebSocket message event.
This asynchronous method decodes the message, determines its type, and
handles it accordingly. Depending on the type of message, it
might log metadata, handle user or assistant messages, process
audio data, raise an error if the message type is "error", and more.
This method interacts with the following message types to demonstrate logging output to the terminal:
- [chat_metadata](https://dev.hume.ai/reference/empathic-voice-interface-evi/chat/chat#receive.Chat%20Metadata.type)
- [user_message](https://dev.hume.ai/reference/empathic-voice-interface-evi/chat/chat#receive.User%20Message.type)
- [assistant_message](https://dev.hume.ai/reference/empathic-voice-interface-evi/chat/chat#receive.Assistant%20Message.type)
- [audio_output](https://dev.hume.ai/reference/empathic-voice-interface-evi/chat/chat#receive.Audio%20Output.type)
data (SubscribeEvent): This represents any type of message that is received through the EVI WebSocket, formatted in JSON. See the full list of messages in the API Reference [here](https://dev.hume.ai/reference/empathic-voice-interface-evi/chat/chat#receive).
# Create an empty dictionary to store expression inference scores
scores = {}
if message.type == "chat_metadata":
message_type = message.type.upper()
chat_id = message.chat_id
chat_group_id = message.chat_group_id
text = f"<{message_type}> Chat ID: {chat_id}, Chat Group ID: {chat_group_id}"
elif message.type in ["user_message", "assistant_message"]:
role = message.message.role.upper()
message_text = message.message.content
text = f"{role}: {message_text}"
if message.from_text is False:
scores = dict(message.models.prosody.scores)
elif message.type == "audio_output":
message_str: str = message.data
message_bytes = base64.b64decode(message_str.encode("utf-8"))
await self.byte_strs.put(message_bytes)
elif message.type == "error":
error_message: str = message.message
error_code: str = message.code
raise ApiError(f"Error ({error_code}): {error_message}")
message_type = message.type.upper()
text = f"<{message_type}>"
# Print the formatted message
# Extract and print the top 3 emotions inferred from user and assistant expressions
if len(scores) > 0:
top_3_emotions = self._extract_top_n_emotions(scores, 3)
async def on_close(self):
"""Logic invoked when the WebSocket connection is closed."""
print("WebSocket connection closed.")
async def on_error(self, error):
"""Logic invoked when an error occurs in the WebSocket connection.
See the full list of errors [here](https://dev.hume.ai/docs/resources/errors).
error (Exception): The error that occurred during the WebSocket communication.
print(f"Error: {error}")
def _print_prompt(self, text: str) -> None:
"""Print a formatted message with a timestamp.
text (str): The message text to be printed.
now = datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
now_str = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print(f"[{now_str}] {text}")
def _extract_top_n_emotions(self, emotion_scores: dict, n: int) -> dict:
Extract the top N emotions based on confidence scores.
emotion_scores (dict): A dictionary of emotions and their corresponding confidence scores.
n (int): The number of top emotions to extract.
dict: A dictionary containing the top N emotions as keys and their raw scores as values.
# Convert the dictionary into a list of tuples and sort by the score in descending order
sorted_emotions = sorted(emotion_scores.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)
# Extract the top N emotions
top_n_emotions = {emotion: score for emotion, score in sorted_emotions[:n]}
return top_n_emotions
def _print_emotion_scores(self, emotion_scores: dict) -> None:
Print the emotions and their scores in a formatted, single-line manner.
emotion_scores (dict): A dictionary of emotions and their corresponding confidence scores.
# Format the output string
formatted_emotions = ' | '.join([f"{emotion} ({score:.2f})" for emotion, score in emotion_scores.items()])
# Print the formatted string
async def sending_handler(socket: ChatWebsocketConnection):
"""Handle sending a message over the socket.
This method waits 3 seconds and sends a UserInput message, which takes a `text` parameter as input.
- https://dev.hume.ai/reference/empathic-voice-interface-evi/chat/chat#send.User%20Input.type
See the full list of messages to send [here](https://dev.hume.ai/reference/empathic-voice-interface-evi/chat/chat#send).
socket (ChatWebsocketConnection): The WebSocket connection used to send messages.
# Wait 3 seconds before executing the rest of the method
await asyncio.sleep(3)
# Construct a user input message
# user_input_message = UserInput(text="Hello there!")
# Send the user input as text to the socket
# await socket.send_user_input(user_input_message)
async def main() -> None:
# Retrieve any environment variables stored in the .env file
# Retrieve the API key, Secret key, and EVI config id from the environment variables
HUME_API_KEY = os.getenv("HUME_API_KEY")
# Initialize the asynchronous client, authenticating with your API key
client = AsyncHumeClient(api_key=HUME_API_KEY)
# Define options for the WebSocket connection, such as an EVI config id and a secret key for token authentication
# See the full list of query parameters here: https://dev.hume.ai/reference/empathic-voice-interface-evi/chat/chat#request.query
options = ChatConnectOptions(config_id=HUME_CONFIG_ID, secret_key=HUME_SECRET_KEY)
# Instantiate the WebSocketHandler
websocket_handler = WebSocketHandler()
# Open the WebSocket connection with the configuration options and the handler's functions
async with client.empathic_voice.chat.connect_with_callbacks(
) as socket:
# Set the socket instance in the handler
# Create an asynchronous task to continuously detect and process input from the microphone, as well as play audio
microphone_task = asyncio.create_task(
# Create an asynchronous task to send messages over the WebSocket connection
message_sending_task = asyncio.create_task(sending_handler(socket))
# Schedule the coroutines to occur simultaneously
await asyncio.gather(microphone_task, message_sending_task)
# Execute the main asynchronous function using asyncio's event loop
if __name__ == "__main__":