ffmpeg / main.py
mkozak's picture
concatenate files
a7e2ea5 unverified
history blame
2.38 kB
from fastapi import FastAPI, UploadFile, HTTPException
from ffmpeg import input, output, run
import ffmpeg
import boto3
import os
app = FastAPI()
# Define your AWS S3 credentials and bucket name
aws_access_key_id = os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']
aws_secret_access_key = os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']
s3_bucket_name = os.environ['S3_BUCKET_NAME']
aws_region = 'eu-central-1'
# Initialize an S3 client
s3_client = boto3.client('s3', aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key, region_name=aws_region)
async def merge_audio(output_key: str):
# Temporary directory to store uploaded audio files
temp_dir = '/tmp/'
# Local paths for the fixed input audio files
gen_base_file = temp_dir + 'genBase.mp3'
quote_file = temp_dir + 'quote.mp3'
# Download files from S3 based on the provided key
s3_directory = output_key
s3_gen_base_key = f'{s3_directory}/genBase.mp3'
s3_quote_key = f'{s3_directory}/quote.mp3'
input_files = ['genBase.mp3', 'quote.mp3']
for input_file in input_files:
s3_object_key = f'{s3_directory}/{input_file}'
local_file = temp_dir + input_file
s3_client.download_file(s3_bucket_name, s3_object_key, local_file)
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"Failed to download files from S3: {e}")
# Output file name
output_file = temp_dir + 'output.mp3'
# Use python-ffmpeg to merge audio clips
# input_file_paths = [temp_dir + input_file for input_file in input_files]
# input_args = [input(file_path) for file_path in input_file_paths]
input_file = 'list.txt'
ffmpeg.input(input_file, format='concat', safe=0).output(output_file, c='copy').run()
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"FFmpeg Error: {e}")
# Upload the merged file back to S3
s3_output_key = f'{s3_directory}/final.mp3'
s3_client.upload_file(output_file, s3_bucket_name, s3_output_key)
except Exception as e:
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=f"Failed to upload file to S3: {e}")
return {"message": "Audio clips successfully merged and saved in S3"}
if __name__ == "__main__":
import uvicorn
uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=7680)