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# ================================================================
# ================================================================
# -------------------------
# -------------------------
#!pip install PyPDF2
#!pip install pdfminer.six
#!pip install pdfplumber
#!pip install pdf2image
#!pip install Pillow
#!pip install pytesseract
#!pip install poppler-utils
#!pip install tesseract-ocr
#!pip install libtesseract-dev
#!pip install fastapi
#!pip install -q torch
#!pip install -q transformers
#!pip install -q gradio
#!pip install ffmpeg
#!apt-get install poppler-utils
#!apt install tesseract-ocr
#!apt install libtesseract-dev
# To read the PDF
import PyPDF2
# To analyze the PDF layout and extract text
from pdfminer.high_level import extract_pages, extract_text
from pdfminer.layout import LTTextContainer, LTChar, LTRect, LTFigure
# To extract text from tables in PDF
import pdfplumber
# To extract the images from the PDFs
from PIL import Image
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
# To perform OCR to extract text from images
import pytesseract
# To remove the additional created files
import os
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a function to extract text
def text_extraction(element):
# Extracting the text from the in-line text element
line_text = element.get_text()
# Find the formats of the text
# Initialize the list with all the formats that appeared in the line of text
line_formats = []
for text_line in element:
if isinstance(text_line, LTTextContainer):
# Iterating through each character in the line of text
for character in text_line:
if isinstance(character, LTChar):
# Append the font name of the character
# Append the font size of the character
# Find the unique font sizes and names in the line
format_per_line = list(set(line_formats))
# Return a tuple with the text in each line along with its format
return (line_text, format_per_line)
# Create a function to crop the image elements from PDFs
def crop_image(element, pageObj):
# Get the coordinates to crop the image from the PDF
[image_left, image_top, image_right, image_bottom] = [element.x0,element.y0,element.x1,element.y1]
# Crop the page using coordinates (left, bottom, right, top)
pageObj.mediabox.lower_left = (image_left, image_bottom)
pageObj.mediabox.upper_right = (image_right, image_top)
# Save the cropped page to a new PDF
cropped_pdf_writer = PyPDF2.PdfWriter()
# Save the cropped PDF to a new file
with open('cropped_image.pdf', 'wb') as cropped_pdf_file:
# Create a function to convert the PDF to images
def convert_to_images(input_file,):
images = convert_from_path(input_file)
image = images[0]
output_file = "PDF_image.png"
image.save(output_file, "PNG")
# Create a function to read text from images
def image_to_text(image_path):
# Read the image
img = Image.open(image_path)
# Extract the text from the image
text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img)
return text
# Extracting tables from the page
def extract_table(pdf_path, page_num, table_num):
# Open the pdf file
pdf = pdfplumber.open(pdf_path)
# Find the examined page
table_page = pdf.pages[page_num]
# Extract the appropriate table
table = table_page.extract_tables()[table_num]
return table
# Convert table into the appropriate format
def table_converter(table):
table_string = ''
# Iterate through each row of the table
for row_num in range(len(table)):
row = table[row_num]
# Remove the line breaker from the wrapped texts
cleaned_row = [item.replace('\n', ' ') if item is not None and '\n' in item else 'None' if item is None else item for item in row]
# Convert the table into a string
# Removing the last line break
table_string = table_string[:-1]
return table_string
# Extracting tables from the page
def extract_table(pdf_path, page_num, table_num):
# Open the pdf file
pdf = pdfplumber.open(pdf_path)
# Find the examined page
table_page = pdf.pages[page_num]
# Extract the appropriate table
table = table_page.extract_tables()[table_num]
return table
# Convert table into the appropriate format
def table_converter(table):
table_string = ''
# Iterate through each row of the table
for row_num in range(len(table)):
row = table[row_num]
# Remove the line breaker from the wrapped texts
cleaned_row = [item.replace('\n', ' ') if item is not None and '\n' in item else 'None' if item is None else item for item in row]
# Convert the table into a string
# Removing the last line break
table_string = table_string[:-1]
return table_string
# ..............................................................
def read_pdf(pdf_path):
# create a PDF file object
pdfFileObj = open(pdf_path, 'rb')
# create a PDF reader object
pdfReaded = PyPDF2.PdfReader(pdfFileObj)
# Create the dictionary to extract text from each image
text_per_page = {}
# We extract the pages from the PDF
for pagenum, page in enumerate(extract_pages(pdf_path)):
print("Elaborating Page_" +str(pagenum))
# Initialize the variables needed for the text extraction from the page
pageObj = pdfReaded.pages[pagenum]
page_text = []
line_format = []
text_from_images = []
text_from_tables = []
page_content = []
# Initialize the number of the examined tables
table_num = 0
first_element= True
table_extraction_flag= False
# Open the pdf file
pdf = pdfplumber.open(pdf_path)
# Find the examined page
page_tables = pdf.pages[pagenum]
# Find the number of tables on the page
tables = page_tables.find_tables()
# Find all the elements
page_elements = [(element.y1, element) for element in page._objs]
# Sort all the elements as they appear in the page
page_elements.sort(key=lambda a: a[0], reverse=True)
# Find the elements that composed a page
for i,component in enumerate(page_elements):
# Extract the position of the top side of the element in the PDF
pos= component[0]
# Extract the element of the page layout
element = component[1]
# Check if the element is a text element
if isinstance(element, LTTextContainer):
# Check if the text appeared in a table
if table_extraction_flag == False:
# Use the function to extract the text and format for each text element
(line_text, format_per_line) = text_extraction(element)
# Append the text of each line to the page text
# Append the format for each line containing text
# Omit the text that appeared in a table
# Check the elements for images
if isinstance(element, LTFigure):
# Crop the image from the PDF
crop_image(element, pageObj)
# Convert the cropped pdf to an image
# Extract the text from the image
image_text = image_to_text('PDF_image.png')
# Add a placeholder in the text and format lists
# Check the elements for tables
if isinstance(element, LTRect):
# If the first rectangular element
if first_element == True and (table_num+1) <= len(tables):
# Find the bounding box of the table
lower_side = page.bbox[3] - tables[table_num].bbox[3]
upper_side = element.y1
# Extract the information from the table
table = extract_table(pdf_path, pagenum, table_num)
# Convert the table information in structured string format
table_string = table_converter(table)
# Append the table string into a list
# Set the flag as True to avoid the content again
table_extraction_flag = True
# Make it another element
first_element = False
# Add a placeholder in the text and format lists
# Check if we already extracted the tables from the page
if element.y0 >= lower_side and element.y1 <= upper_side:
elif not isinstance(page_elements[i+1][1], LTRect):
table_extraction_flag = False
first_element = True
# Create the key of the dictionary
dctkey = 'Page_'+str(pagenum)
# Add the list of list as the value of the page key
text_per_page[dctkey]= [page_text, line_format, text_from_images,text_from_tables, page_content]
# Closing the pdf file object
# Deleting the additional files created
# os.remove('cropped_image.pdf')
# os.remove('PDF_image.png')
return text_per_page
# mount drive location
#from google.colab import drive
#pdf_path = 'C:/Users/Cristina/Documents/MDS/TERM1_AppliedArtificialIntelligence/Assesment3/NIPS-2015-hidden-technical-debt-in-machine-learning-systems-Paper.pdf'
pdf_path=os.path.join(os.path.abspath(""), "hidden-technical-debt-in-machine-learning-systems-Paper")
pdf_path2=os.path.join(os.path.abspath(""), "1812_05944.pdf")
text_per_page = read_pdf(pdf_path)
page_1 = text_per_page['Page_0']
# ============================================================================================
# picking up the abstract from the first page content
for i in range(len(page_1)):
if page_1[0][i].strip()=="Abstract":
if page_1[0][i].strip()=="1 Introduction":
flag = False
if flag:
# abstract_sect contains the Abstract section content
from transformers import pipeline
summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model="knkarthick/MEETING_SUMMARY")
# =======================================
import gradio as gr
from transformers import pipeline, AutoProcessor, AutoModel
# =======================================
# =======================================
def sentence_to_audio(summary_txt):
# Sentence 2 Speech
processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("suno/bark-small")
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("suno/bark-small")
inputs = processor(
speech_values = model.generate(**inputs, do_sample=True)
sampling_rate = model.generation_config.sample_rate
return sampling_rate, speech_values.cpu().numpy().squeeze()
#summary_txt="It is dangerous to think of machine learning as a free-to-use toolkit, as it is common to incur ongoing maintenance costs in real-world ML systems"
pdf_path=os.path.join(os.path.abspath(""), "hidden-technical-debt-in-machine-learning-systems-Paper.pdf")
pdf_path2=os.path.join(os.path.abspath(""), "1812_05944.pdf")
demo = gr.Interface(fn=sentence_to_audio, inputs="file", outputs="audio",examples=[pdf_path,pdf_path2])