var sigInst, canvas, $GP | |
//Load configuration file | |
var config={}; | |
var currentColorAttribute = "base_model_relation"; | |
var currentAtlasFile = ""; | |
//For debug allow a config=file.json parameter to specify the config | |
function GetQueryStringParams(sParam,defaultVal) { | |
var sPageURL = ""+window.location;//.search.substring(1);//This might be causing error in Safari? | |
if (sPageURL.indexOf("?")==-1) return defaultVal; | |
sPageURL=sPageURL.substr(sPageURL.indexOf("?")+1); | |
var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&'); | |
for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) { | |
var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('='); | |
if (sParameterName[0] == sParam) { | |
return sParameterName[1]; | |
} | |
} | |
return defaultVal; | |
} | |
jQuery.getJSON(GetQueryStringParams("config","config.json"), function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { | |
config=data; | |
currentAtlasFile =; | |
if (config.type!="network") { | |
//bad config | |
alert("Invalid configuration settings.") | |
return; | |
} | |
//As soon as page is ready (and data ready) set up it | |
$(document).ready(setupGUI(config)); | |
});//End JSON Config load | |
Object.size = function(obj) { | |
var size = 0, key; | |
for (key in obj) { | |
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++; | |
} | |
return size; | |
}; | |
function initSigma(config) { | |
var | |
var drawProps, graphProps,mouseProps; | |
if (config.sigma && config.sigma.drawingProperties) | |
drawProps=config.sigma.drawingProperties; | |
else | |
drawProps={ | |
defaultLabelColor: "#000", | |
defaultLabelSize: 14, | |
defaultLabelBGColor: "#ddd", | |
defaultHoverLabelBGColor: "#002147", | |
defaultLabelHoverColor: "#fff", | |
labelThreshold: 10, | |
defaultEdgeType: "curve", | |
hoverFontStyle: "bold", | |
fontStyle: "bold", | |
activeFontStyle: "bold" | |
}; | |
if (config.sigma && config.sigma.graphProperties) | |
graphProps=config.sigma.graphProperties; | |
else | |
graphProps={ | |
minNodeSize: 1, | |
maxNodeSize: 7, | |
minEdgeSize: 0.2, | |
maxEdgeSize: 0.5 | |
}; | |
if (config.sigma && config.sigma.mouseProperties) | |
mouseProps=config.sigma.mouseProperties; | |
else | |
mouseProps={ | |
minRatio: 0.75, // How far can we zoom out? | |
maxRatio: 20, // How far can we zoom in? | |
}; | |
var a = sigma.init(document.getElementById("sigma-canvas")).drawingProperties(drawProps).graphProperties(graphProps).mouseProperties(mouseProps); | |
sigInst = a; | | = !1; | |
a.neighbors = {}; | |
a.detail = !1; | |
dataReady = function() { | |
a.clusters = {}; | |
// Initialize node clusters based on current coloring | |
a.iterNodes(function (b) { | |
a.clusters[b.color] || (a.clusters[b.color] = []); | |
a.clusters[b.color].push(; | |
// Make sure colors are properly copied from the JSON to node.attr | |
if (!b.attr) b.attr = {}; | |
if (b.colors && !b.attr.colors) { | |
b.attr.colors = b.colors; | |
} | |
}); | |
a.bind("upnodes", function (a) { | |
nodeActive(a.content[0]); | |
}); | |
a.draw(); | |
configSigmaElements(config); | |
// Create the color legend | |
updateColorLegend(); | |
// Find available color attributes from nodes | |
var colorAttributes = []; | |
var colorAttrsFound = {}; | |
a.iterNodes(function(node) { | |
if (node.attr && node.attr.colors) { | |
for (var attr in node.attr.colors) { | |
if (!colorAttrsFound[attr]) { | |
colorAttrsFound[attr] = true; | |
colorAttributes.push('<div style="line-height:12px"><a href="#" style="color:black;" data-attr="' + attr + '">'+attr+'</a></div>'); | |
} | |
} | |
} else if (node.colors) { | |
// If colors are in the original structure, copy them to attr | |
if (!node.attr) node.attr = {}; | |
node.attr.colors = node.colors; | |
for (var attr in node.colors) { | |
if (!colorAttrsFound[attr]) { | |
colorAttrsFound[attr] = true; | |
colorAttributes.push('<div style="line-height:12px"><a href="#" style="color:black;" data-attr="' + attr + '">'+attr+'</a></div>'); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
$GP.coloring.content(colorAttributes.join("")); | |
$; | |
} | |
if (data.indexOf("gexf")>0 || data.indexOf("xml")>0) | |
a.parseGexf(data,dataReady); | |
else | |
a.parseJson(data,dataReady); | |
gexf = sigmaInst = null; | |
} | |
function setupGUI(config) { | |
// Initialise main interface elements | |
var logo=""; // Logo elements | |
if (config.logo.file) { | |
logo = "<img src=\"" + config.logo.file +"\""; | |
if (config.logo.text) logo+=" alt=\"" + config.logo.text + "\""; | |
logo+=">"; | |
} else if (config.logo.text) { | |
logo="<h1>"+config.logo.text+"</h1>"; | |
} | |
if ( logo="<a href=\"" + + "\">"+logo+"</a>"; | |
$("#maintitle").html(logo); | |
// #title | |
$("#title").html("<h2>"+config.text.title+"</h2>"); | |
// #titletext | |
$("#titletext").html(config.text.intro); | |
// More information | |
if (config.text.more) { | |
$("#information").html(config.text.more); | |
} else { | |
//hide more information link | |
$("#moreinformation").hide(); | |
} | |
// Legend | |
// Node | |
if (config.legend.nodeLabel) { | |
$(".node").next().html(config.legend.nodeLabel); | |
} else { | |
//hide more information link | |
$(".node").hide(); | |
} | |
// Edge | |
if (config.legend.edgeLabel) { | |
$(".edge").next().html(config.legend.edgeLabel); | |
} else { | |
//hide more information link | |
$(".edge").hide(); | |
} | |
// Colours | |
if (config.legend.nodeLabel) { | |
$(".colours").next().html(config.legend.colorLabel); | |
} else { | |
//hide more information link | |
$(".colours").hide(); | |
} | |
$GP = { | |
calculating: !1, | |
showgroup: !1 | |
}; | |
$GP.intro = $("#intro"); | |
$GP.minifier = $GP.intro.find("#minifier"); | |
$ = $("#minify"); | |
$ = $("#attributepane"); | |
$GP.info_donnees = $".nodeattributes"); | |
$GP.info_name = $".name"); | |
$GP.info_link = $".link"); | |
$GP.info_data = $".data"); | |
$GP.info_close = $".returntext"); | |
$GP.info_close2 = $".close"); | |
$GP.info_p = $".p"); | |
$; | |
$; | |
$GP.form = $("#mainpanel").find("form"); | |
$ = new Search($GP.form.find("#search")); | |
if (! { | |
$("#search").hide(); | |
} | |
if (!config.features.groupSelectorAttribute) { | |
$("#attributeselect").hide(); | |
} | |
$GP.cluster = new Cluster($GP.form.find("#attributeselect")); | |
$GP.coloring = new ColorSelector($GP.form.find("#coloringselect")); | |
$GP.atlas = new AtlasSelector($GP.form.find("#atlasselect")); | |
var atlases = getAvailableAtlases(); | |
var atlasLinks = []; | |
for (var i = 0; i < atlases.length; i++) { | |
atlasLinks.push('<div style="line-height:12px"><a href="#" data-file="' + atlases[i].file + '" style="color:black;">' + atlases[i].name + '</a></div>'); | |
} | |
$GP.atlas.content(atlasLinks.join("")); | |
$[0].name); // Set default atlas name | |
config.GP=$GP; | |
initSigma(config); | |
} | |
function configSigmaElements(config) { | |
$GP=config.GP; | |
// Node hover behaviour | |
if (config.features.hoverBehavior == "dim") { | |
var greyColor = '#ccc'; | |
sigInst.bind('overnodes',function(event){ | |
var nodes = event.content; | |
var neighbors = {}; | |
sigInst.iterEdges(function(e){ | |
if(nodes.indexOf(e.source)<0 && nodes.indexOf(<0){ | |
if(!e.attr['grey']){ | |
e.attr['true_color'] = e.color; | |
e.color = greyColor; | |
e.attr['grey'] = 1; | |
} | |
}else{ | |
e.color = e.attr['grey'] ? e.attr['true_color'] : e.color; | |
e.attr['grey'] = 0; | |
neighbors[e.source] = 1; | |
neighbors[] = 1; | |
} | |
}).iterNodes(function(n){ | |
if(!neighbors[]){ | |
if(!n.attr['grey']){ | |
n.attr['true_color'] = n.color; | |
n.color = greyColor; | |
n.attr['grey'] = 1; | |
} | |
}else{ | |
n.color = n.attr['grey'] ? n.attr['true_color'] : n.color; | |
n.attr['grey'] = 0; | |
} | |
}).draw(2,2,2); | |
}).bind('outnodes',function(){ | |
sigInst.iterEdges(function(e){ | |
e.color = e.attr['grey'] ? e.attr['true_color'] : e.color; | |
e.attr['grey'] = 0; | |
}).iterNodes(function(n){ | |
n.color = n.attr['grey'] ? n.attr['true_color'] : n.color; | |
n.attr['grey'] = 0; | |
}).draw(2,2,2); | |
}); | |
} else if (config.features.hoverBehavior == "hide") { | |
sigInst.bind('overnodes',function(event){ | |
var nodes = event.content; | |
var neighbors = {}; | |
sigInst.iterEdges(function(e){ | |
if(nodes.indexOf(e.source)>=0 || nodes.indexOf(>=0){ | |
neighbors[e.source] = 1; | |
neighbors[] = 1; | |
} | |
}).iterNodes(function(n){ | |
if(!neighbors[]){ | |
n.hidden = 1; | |
}else{ | |
n.hidden = 0; | |
} | |
}).draw(2,2,2); | |
}).bind('outnodes',function(){ | |
sigInst.iterEdges(function(e){ | |
e.hidden = 0; | |
}).iterNodes(function(n){ | |
n.hidden = 0; | |
}).draw(2,2,2); | |
}); | |
} | |
$ = $(; | |
$GP.bg2 = $(sigInst._core.domElements.bg2); | |
var a = [], | |
b,x=1; | |
for (b in sigInst.clusters) a.push('<div style="line-height:12px"><a href="#' + b + '"><div style="width:40px;height:12px;border:1px solid #fff;background:' + b + ';display:inline-block"></div> Group ' + (x++) + ' (' + sigInst.clusters[b].length + ' members)</a></div>'); | |
//a.sort(); | |
$GP.cluster.content(a.join("")); | |
b = { | |
minWidth: 400, | |
maxWidth: 800, | |
maxHeight: 600 | |
};// minHeight: 300, | |
$("a.fb").fancybox(b); | |
$("#zoom").find("div.z").each(function () { | |
var a = $(this), | |
b = a.attr("rel"); | | () { | |
if (b == "center") { | |
sigInst.position(0,0,1).draw(); | |
} else { | |
var a = sigInst._core; | |
sigInst.zoomTo(a.domElements.nodes.width / 2, a.domElements.nodes.height / 2, a.mousecaptor.ratio * ("in" == b ? 1.5 : 0.5)); | |
} | |
}) | |
}); | |
$ () { | |
$; | |
$; | |
$ | |
}); | |
$ () { | |
$GP.intro.hide(); | |
$GP.minifier.hide(); | |
$ | |
}); | |
$GP.intro.find("#showGroups").click(function () { | |
!0 == $GP.showgroup ? showGroups(!1) : showGroups(!0) | |
}); | |
a = window.location.hash.substr(1); | |
if (0 < a.length) switch (a) { | |
case "Groups": | |
showGroups(!0); | |
break; | |
case "information": | |
$$("#information"), b); | |
break; | |
default: | |
$ = !0, $ | |
$; | |
} | |
// $GP.coloring = new ColorSelector($GP.form.find("#coloringselect")); | |
} | |
function Search(a) { | |
this.input = a.find("input[name=search]"); | |
this.state = a.find(".state"); | |
this.results = a.find(".results"); | |
this.exactMatch = !1; | |
this.lastSearch = ""; | |
this.searching = !1; | |
var b = this; | |
this.input.focus(function () { | |
var a = $(this); | |"focus") || ("focus", !0), a.removeClass("empty")); | |
b.clean() | |
}); | |
this.input.keydown(function (a) { | |
if (13 == a.which) return b.state.addClass("searching"),, !1 | |
}); | | () { | |
var a = b.input.val(); | |
b.searching && a == b.lastSearch ? b.close() : (b.state.addClass("searching"), | |
}); | |
this.dom = a; | |
this.close = function () { | |
this.state.removeClass("searching"); | |
this.results.hide(); | |
this.searching = !1; | |
this.input.val("");//SAH -- let's erase string when we close | |
nodeNormal() | |
}; | |
this.clean = function () { | |
this.results.empty().hide(); | |
this.state.removeClass("searching"); | |
this.input.val(""); | |
}; | | = function (a) { | |
var b = !1, | |
c = [], | |
b = this.exactMatch ? ("^" + a + "$").toLowerCase() : a.toLowerCase(), | |
g = RegExp(b); | |
this.exactMatch = !1; | |
this.searching = !0; | |
this.lastSearch = a; | |
this.results.empty(); | |
if (2 >= a.length) this.results.html("<i>You must search for a name with a minimum of 3 letters.</i>"); | |
else { | |
sigInst.iterNodes(function (a) { | |
g.test(a.label.toLowerCase()) && c.push({ | |
id:, | |
name: a.label | |
}) | |
}); | |
c.length ? (b = !0, nodeActive(c[0].id)) : b = showCluster(a); | |
a = ["<b>Search Results: </b>"]; | |
if (1 < c.length) for (var d = 0, h = c.length; d < h; d++) a.push('<a href="#' + c[d].name + '" onclick="nodeActive(\'' + c[d].id + "')\">" + c[d].name + "</a>"); | |
0 == c.length && !b && a.push("<i>No results found.</i>"); | |
1 < a.length && this.results.html(a.join("")); | |
} | |
if(c.length!=1); | |
if(c.length==1) this.results.hide(); | |
} | |
} | |
function Cluster(a) { | |
this.cluster = a; | |
this.display = !1; | |
this.list = this.cluster.find(".list"); | |
this.list.empty(); | | = this.cluster.find(".select"); | | () { | |
$GP.cluster.toggle() | |
}); | |
this.toggle = function () { | |
this.display ? this.hide() : | |
}; | |
this.content = function (a) { | |
this.list.html(a); | |
this.list.find("a").click(function () { | |
var a = $(this).attr("href").substr(1); | |
showCluster(a) | |
}) | |
}; | |
this.hide = function () { | |
this.display = !1; | |
this.list.hide(); | |"close") | |
}; | | = function () { | |
this.display = !0; | |; | |"close") | |
} | |
} | |
// Add this after the Cluster constructor | |
function ColorSelector(a) { | |
this.coloring = a; | |
this.display = false; | |
this.list = this.coloring.find(".list"); | |
this.list.empty(); | | = this.coloring.find(".select"); | | () { | |
$GP.coloring.toggle(); | |
}); | |
this.toggle = function () { | |
this.display ? this.hide() :; | |
}; | |
this.content = function (a) { | |
this.list.html(a); | |
this.list.find("a").click(function () { | |
var a = $(this).attr("data-attr"); | |
changeNodeColors(a); | |
}); | |
}; | |
this.hide = function () { | |
this.display = false; | |
this.list.hide(); | |"close"); | |
}; | | = function () { | |
this.display = true; | |; | |"close"); | |
}; | |
} | |
// Add this function to change node colors | |
function changeNodeColors(attribute) { | |
currentColorAttribute = attribute; | |
$; | |
$GP.coloring.hide(); | |
// Reset clusters | |
sigInst.clusters = {}; | |
// Update node colors based on the selected attribute | |
sigInst.iterNodes(function (n) { | |
if (n.attr && n.attr.colors && n.attr.colors[attribute]) { | |
n.color = n.attr.colors[attribute]; | |
} | |
// Update clusters | |
sigInst.clusters[n.color] || (sigInst.clusters[n.color] = []); | |
if (sigInst.clusters[n.color].indexOf( === -1) { | |
sigInst.clusters[n.color].push(; | |
} | |
}); | |
// Update node colors based on the selected attribute | |
sigInst.iterEdges(function (e) { | |
if (e.attr && e.attr.colors && e.attr.colors[attribute]) { | |
e.color = e.attr.colors[attribute]; | |
} | |
}); | |
// Update color legend | |
updateColorLegend(); | |
// Redraw the graph | |
sigInst.draw(2, 2, 2); | |
} | |
function updateColorLegend() { | |
var legendColors = {}; | |
var legendHtml = ""; | |
// Collect unique colors and their values | |
sigInst.iterNodes(function (n) { | |
if (n.attr && n.attr.colors && n.attr.colors[currentColorAttribute]) { | |
var color = n.attr.colors[currentColorAttribute]; | |
var attrValue = ""; | |
// Try to get the attribute value from node attributes | |
if (n.attr.attributes && n.attr.attributes[currentColorAttribute]) { | |
attrValue = n.attr.attributes[currentColorAttribute]; | |
} else { | |
// If not found in attributes, use a generic label | |
attrValue = "Value " + Object.keys(legendColors).length; | |
} | |
if (!legendColors[color]) { | |
legendColors[color] = attrValue; | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
// Create legend HTML | |
for (var color in legendColors) { | |
legendHtml += '<li><div style="width:20px;height:12px;background:' + color + | |
';display:inline-block;margin-right:5px;border:1px solid #ccc;"></div>' + | |
legendColors[color] + '</li>'; | |
} | |
legendHtml += "</ul>"; | |
$("#colorLegend").html(legendHtml); | |
} | |
function showGroups(a) { | |
a ? ($GP.intro.find("#showGroups").text("Hide groups"), $, $GP.bg2.hide(), $GP.showgroup = !0) : ($GP.intro.find("#showGroups").text("View Groups"), $, $, $GP.showgroup = !1) | |
} | |
function nodeNormal() { | |
!0 != $GP.calculating && !1 != sigInst.detail && (showGroups(!1), $GP.calculating = !0, sigInst.detail = !0, ${width:'hide'},350),$GP.cluster.hide(), sigInst.iterEdges(function (a) { | |
a.attr.color = !1; | |
a.hidden = !1 | |
}), sigInst.iterNodes(function (a) { | |
a.hidden = !1; | |
a.attr.color = !1; | |
a.attr.lineWidth = !1; | |
a.attr.size = !1 | |
}), sigInst.draw(2, 2, 2, 2), sigInst.neighbors = {}, = !1, $GP.calculating = !1, window.location.hash = "") | |
} | |
function nodeActive(a) { | |
var groupByDirection=false; | |
if (config.informationPanel.groupByEdgeDirection && config.informationPanel.groupByEdgeDirection==true) groupByDirection=true; | |
sigInst.neighbors = {}; | |
sigInst.detail = !0; | |
var b = sigInst._core.graph.nodesIndex[a]; | |
showGroups(!1); | |
var outgoing={},incoming={},mutual={};//SAH | |
sigInst.iterEdges(function (b) { | |
b.attr.lineWidth = !1; | |
b.hidden = !0; | |
n={ | |
name: b.label, | |
colour: b.color | |
}; | |
if (a==b.source) outgoing[]=n; //SAH | |
else if ( incoming[b.source]=n; //SAH | |
if (a == b.source || a == sigInst.neighbors[a == ? b.source :] = n; | |
b.hidden = !1, b.attr.color = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"; | |
}); | |
var f = []; | |
sigInst.iterNodes(function (a) { | |
a.hidden = !0; | |
a.attr.lineWidth = !1; | |
a.attr.color = a.color | |
}); | |
if (groupByDirection) { | |
//SAH - Compute intersection for mutual and remove these from incoming/outgoing | |
for (e in outgoing) { | |
//name=outgoing[e]; | |
if (e in incoming) { | |
mutual[e]=outgoing[e]; | |
delete incoming[e]; | |
delete outgoing[e]; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
var createList=function(c) { | |
var f = []; | |
var e = [], | |
//c = sigInst.neighbors, | |
g; | |
for (g in c) { | |
var d = sigInst._core.graph.nodesIndex[g]; | |
d.hidden = !1; | |
d.attr.lineWidth = !1; | |
d.attr.color = c[g].colour; | |
a != g && e.push({ | |
id: g, | |
name: d.label, | |
group: (c[g].name)? c[g].name:"", | |
colour: c[g].colour | |
}) | |
} | |
e.sort(function (a, b) { | |
var c =, | |
d =, | |
e =, | |
f =; | |
return c != d ? c < d ? -1 : c > d ? 1 : 0 : e < f ? -1 : e > f ? 1 : 0 | |
}); | |
d = ""; | |
for (g in e) { | |
c = e[g]; | |
/*if ( != d) { | |
d =; | |
f.push('<li class="cf" rel="' + c.color + '"><div class=""></div><div class="">' + d + "</div></li>"); | |
}*/ | |
f.push('<li class="membership"><a href="#' + + '" onmouseover="sigInst._core.plotter.drawHoverNode(sigInst._core.graph.nodesIndex[\'' + + '\'])\" onclick=\"nodeActive(\'' + + '\')" onmouseout="sigInst.refresh()">' + + "</a></li>"); | |
} | |
return f; | |
} | |
/*console.log("mutual:"); | |
console.log(mutual); | |
console.log("incoming:"); | |
console.log(incoming); | |
console.log("outgoing:"); | |
console.log(outgoing);*/ | |
var f=[]; | |
//console.log("neighbors:"); | |
//console.log(sigInst.neighbors); | |
if (groupByDirection) { | |
size=Object.size(mutual); | |
f.push("<h2>Mututal (" + size + ")</h2>"); | |
(size>0)? f=f.concat(createList(mutual)) : f.push("No mutual links<br>"); | |
size=Object.size(incoming); | |
f.push("<h2>Incoming (" + size + ")</h2>"); | |
(size>0)? f=f.concat(createList(incoming)) : f.push("No incoming links<br>"); | |
size=Object.size(outgoing); | |
f.push("<h2>Outgoing (" + size + ")</h2>"); | |
(size>0)? f=f.concat(createList(outgoing)) : f.push("No outgoing links<br>"); | |
} else { | |
f=f.concat(createList(sigInst.neighbors)); | |
} | |
//b is object of active node -- SAH | |
b.hidden = !1; | |
b.attr.color = b.color; | |
b.attr.lineWidth = 6; | |
b.attr.strokeStyle = "#000000"; | |
sigInst.draw(2, 2, 2, 2); | |
$GP.info_link.find("ul").html(f.join("")); | |
$GP.info_link.find("li").each(function () { | |
var a = $(this), | |
b = a.attr("rel"); | |
}); | |
f = b.attr; | |
if (f.attributes) { | |
var image_attribute = false; | |
if (config.informationPanel.imageAttribute) { | |
image_attribute=config.informationPanel.imageAttribute; | |
} | |
e = []; | |
e.push('<span><strong>Model page:</strong> <a href=\"' + f.attributes['id'] + '\" target=\"_blank\">' + f.attributes['id'] + '</a> </span><br/>') | |
e.push('<span><strong>Update model information:</strong> <a href=\"'+ f.attributes['id'] + '/edit/main/\" target=\"_blank\">edit</a> </span><br/>') | |
temp_array = []; | |
g = 0; | |
for (var attr in f.attributes) { | |
var d = f.attributes[attr], | |
h = ""; | |
if (attr!=image_attribute) { | |
h = '<span><strong>' + attr + ':</strong> ' + d + '</span><br/>' | |
} | |
//temp_array.push(f.attributes[g].attr); | |
e.push(h) | |
} | |
if (image_attribute) { | |
//image_index = jQuery.inArray(image_attribute, temp_array); | |
$GP.info_name.html("<div><img src=" + f.attributes[image_attribute] + " style=\"vertical-align:middle\" /> <span onmouseover=\"sigInst._core.plotter.drawHoverNode(sigInst._core.graph.nodesIndex['" + + '\'])" onmouseout="sigInst.refresh()">' + b.label + "</span></div>"); | |
} else { | |
$GP.info_name.html("<div><span onmouseover=\"sigInst._core.plotter.drawHoverNode(sigInst._core.graph.nodesIndex['" + + '\'])" onmouseout="sigInst.refresh()">' + b.label + "</span></div>"); | |
} | |
// Image field for attribute pane | |
$GP.info_data.html(e.join("<br/>")) | |
} | |
$; | |
$GP.info_p.html("Connections:"); | |
${width:'show'},350); | |
$GP.info_donnees.hide(); | |
$; | | = a; | |
window.location.hash = b.label; | |
} | |
function showCluster(a) { | |
var b = sigInst.clusters[a]; | |
if (b && 0 < b.length) { | |
showGroups(!1); | |
sigInst.detail = !0; | |
b.sort(); | |
sigInst.iterEdges(function (a) { | |
a.hidden = !1; | |
a.attr.lineWidth = !1; | |
a.attr.color = !1 | |
}); | |
sigInst.iterNodes(function (a) { | |
a.hidden = !0 | |
}); | |
for (var f = [], e = [], c = 0, g = b.length; c < g; c++) { | |
var d = sigInst._core.graph.nodesIndex[b[c]]; | |
!0 == d.hidden && (e.push(b[c]), d.hidden = !1, d.attr.lineWidth = !1, d.attr.color = d.color, f.push('<li class="membership"><a href="#'+d.label+'" onmouseover="sigInst._core.plotter.drawHoverNode(sigInst._core.graph.nodesIndex[\'' + + "'])\" onclick=\"nodeActive('" + + '\')" onmouseout="sigInst.refresh()">' + d.label + "</a></li>")) | |
} | |
sigInst.clusters[a] = e; | |
sigInst.draw(2, 2, 2, 2); | |
$GP.info_name.html("<b>" + a + "</b>"); | |
$GP.info_data.hide(); | |
$GP.info_p.html("Group Members:"); | |
$GP.info_link.find("ul").html(f.join("")); | |
${width:'show'},350); | |
$; | |
$GP.cluster.hide(); | |
return !0 | |
} | |
return !1 | |
} | |
function AtlasSelector(a) { | |
this.atlas = a; | |
this.display = false; | |
this.list = this.atlas.find(".list"); | |
this.list.empty(); | | = this.atlas.find(".select"); | | () { | |
$GP.atlas.toggle(); | |
}); | |
this.toggle = function () { | |
this.display ? this.hide() :; | |
}; | |
this.content = function (a) { | |
this.list.html(a); | |
this.list.find("a").click(function () { | |
var dataFile = $(this).attr("data-file"); | |
loadNewAtlas(dataFile); | |
}); | |
}; | |
this.hide = function () { | |
this.display = false; | |
this.list.hide(); | |"close"); | |
}; | | = function () { | |
this.display = true; | |; | |"close"); | |
}; | |
} | |
function getAvailableAtlases() { | |
return [ | |
{ name: "Modalities Atlas", file: "compressed_modalities_data.json.gz" }, | |
{ name: "Large NLP Atlas", file: "compressed_large_nlp_data.json.gz" }, | |
]; | |
} | |
function loadNewAtlas(dataFile) { | |
// Update the currently selected atlas in the dropdown | |
$; | |
$GP.atlas.hide(); | | = dataFile; | |
reinitializeSigma(config); | |
} | |
function reinitializeSigma(config) { | |
// Remove the old sigma instance | |
if (sigInst) { | |
sigInst.kill(); | |
} | |
// Recreate the sigma canvas | |
$(".sigma-expand").empty(); | |
// Initialize new sigma instance | |
initSigma(config); | |
} | |
function getAtlasNameByFile(dataFile) { | |
var atlases = getAvailableAtlases(); | |
for (var i = 0; i < atlases.length; i++) { | |
if (atlases[i].file === dataFile) { | |
return atlases[i].name; | |
} | |
} | |
return "Unknown Atlas"; | |
} | |