import argparse import fnmatch import time import numpy as np import skimage import skimage.measure import from tqdm import tqdm import shapely.geometry import shapely.ops import shapely.prepared import cv2 from functools import partial import torch from frame_field_learning import polygonize_utils from frame_field_learning import frame_field_utils from torch_lydorn.torch.nn.functionnal import bilinear_interpolate from torch_lydorn.torchvision.transforms import polygons_to_tensorpoly, tensorpoly_pad from lydorn_utils import math_utils from lydorn_utils import python_utils from lydorn_utils import print_utils DEBUG = False def debug_print(s: str): if DEBUG: print_utils.print_debug(s) def get_args(): argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) argparser.add_argument( '--raw_pred', nargs='*', type=str, help='Filepath to the raw pred file(s)') argparser.add_argument( '--im_filepath', type=str, help='Filepath to input image. Will retrieve seg and crossfield in the same directory') argparser.add_argument( '--dirpath', type=str, help='Path to directory containing seg and crossfield files. Will perform polygonization on all.') argparser.add_argument( '--bbox', nargs='*', type=int, help='Selects area in bbox for computation: [min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col]') argparser.add_argument( '--steps', type=int, help='Optim steps') args = argparser.parse_args() return args class PolygonAlignLoss: def __init__(self, indicator, level, c0c2, data_coef, length_coef, crossfield_coef, dist=None, dist_coef=None): self.indicator = indicator self.level = level self.c0c2 = c0c2 self.dist = dist self.data_coef = data_coef self.length_coef = length_coef self.crossfield_coef = crossfield_coef self.dist_coef = dist_coef def __call__(self, tensorpoly): """ :param tensorpoly: closed polygon :return: """ polygon = tensorpoly.pos[tensorpoly.to_padded_index] polygon_batch = tensorpoly.batch[tensorpoly.to_padded_index] # Compute edges: edges = polygon[1:] - polygon[:-1] # Compute edge mask to remove edges that connect two different polygons from loss # Also note the last poly_slice is not used, because the last edge of the last polygon is not connected to a non-existant next polygon: edge_mask = torch.ones((edges.shape[0]), device=edges.device) edge_mask[tensorpoly.to_unpadded_poly_slice[:-1, 1]] = 0 midpoints = (polygon[1:] + polygon[:-1]) / 2 midpoints_batch = polygon_batch[1:] midpoints_int = midpoints.round().long() midpoints_int[:, 0] = torch.clamp(midpoints_int[:, 0], 0, self.c0c2.shape[2] - 1) midpoints_int[:, 1] = torch.clamp(midpoints_int[:, 1], 0, self.c0c2.shape[3] - 1) midpoints_c0 = self.c0c2[midpoints_batch, :2, midpoints_int[:, 0], midpoints_int[:, 1]] midpoints_c2 = self.c0c2[midpoints_batch, 2:, midpoints_int[:, 0], midpoints_int[:, 1]] norms = torch.norm(edges, dim=-1) # Add edges with small norms to the edge mask so that losses are not computed on them edge_mask[norms < 0.1] = 0 # Less than 10% of a pixel z = edges / (norms[:, None] + 1e-3) # Align to crossfield align_loss = frame_field_utils.framefield_align_error(midpoints_c0, midpoints_c2, z, complex_dim=1) align_loss = align_loss * edge_mask total_align_loss = torch.sum(align_loss) # Align to level set of indicator: pos_indicator_value = bilinear_interpolate(self.indicator[:, None, ...], tensorpoly.pos, batch=tensorpoly.batch) # TODO: Try to use grid_sample with batch for speed: put batch dim to height dim and make a single big image. # TODO: Convert pos accordingly and take care of borders # height = self.indicator.shape[1] # width = self.indicator.shape[2] # normed_xy = tensorpoly.pos.roll(shifts=1, dims=-1) # normed_xy[: 0] /= (width-1) # normed_xy[: 1] /= (height-1) # centered_xy = 2*normed_xy - 1 # pos_value = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(self.indicator[None, None, ...], centered_batch_xy[None, None, ...], align_corners=True).squeeze() level_loss = torch.sum(torch.pow(pos_indicator_value - self.level, 2)) # Align to minimum distance from the boundary dist_loss = None if self.dist is not None: pos_dist_value = bilinear_interpolate(self.dist[:, None, ...], tensorpoly.pos, batch=tensorpoly.batch) dist_loss = torch.sum(torch.pow(pos_dist_value, 2)) length_penalty = torch.sum( torch.pow(norms * edge_mask, 2)) # Sum of squared norm to penalise uneven edge lengths # length_penalty = torch.sum(norms) losses_dict = { "align": total_align_loss.item(), "level": level_loss.item(), "length": length_penalty.item(), } coef_sum = self.data_coef + self.length_coef + self.crossfield_coef total_loss = (self.data_coef * level_loss + self.length_coef * length_penalty + self.crossfield_coef * total_align_loss) if dist_loss is not None: losses_dict["dist"] = dist_loss.item() total_loss += self.dist_coef * dist_loss coef_sum += self.dist_coef total_loss /= coef_sum return total_loss, losses_dict class TensorPolyOptimizer: def __init__(self, config, tensorpoly, indicator, c0c2, data_coef, length_coef, crossfield_coef, dist=None, dist_coef=None): assert len(indicator.shape) == 3, "indicator: (N, H, W)" assert len(c0c2.shape) == 4 and c0c2.shape[1] == 4, "c0c2: (N, 4, H, W)" if dist is not None: assert len(dist.shape) == 3, "dist: (N, H, W)" self.config = config self.tensorpoly = tensorpoly # Require grads for graph.pos: this is what is optimized self.tensorpoly.pos.requires_grad = True # Save pos of endpoints so that they can be reset after each step (endpoints are not meant to be moved) self.endpoint_pos = self.tensorpoly.pos[self.tensorpoly.is_endpoint].clone() self.criterion = PolygonAlignLoss(indicator, config["data_level"], c0c2, data_coef, length_coef, crossfield_coef, dist=dist, dist_coef=dist_coef) self.optimizer = torch.optim.SGD([tensorpoly.pos], lr=config["poly_lr"]) def lr_warmup_func(iter): if iter < config["warmup_iters"]: coef = 1 + (config["warmup_factor"] - 1) * (config["warmup_iters"] - iter) / config["warmup_iters"] else: coef = 1 return coef self.lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(self.optimizer, lr_lambda=lr_warmup_func) def step(self, iter_num): self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss, losses_dict = self.criterion(self.tensorpoly) # print("loss:", loss.item()) loss.backward() # print(polygon_tensor.grad[0]) self.optimizer.step() self.lr_scheduler.step(iter_num) # Move endpoints back: with torch.no_grad(): self.tensorpoly.pos[self.tensorpoly.is_endpoint] = self.endpoint_pos return loss.item(), losses_dict def optimize(self): # if DEBUG: # optim_iter = tqdm(range(self.config["steps"]), desc="Gradient descent", leave=True) # else: # optim_iter = range(self.config["steps"]) # # print("---------------------------------------------") # for iter_num in optim_iter: # loss, losses_dict = self.step(iter_num) # if DEBUG: # optim_iter.set_postfix(loss=loss, **losses_dict) optim_iter = range(self.config["steps"]) for iter_num in optim_iter: loss, losses_dict = self.step(iter_num) return self.tensorpoly def contours_batch_to_tensorpoly(contours_batch): # Convert a batch of contours to a TensorPoly representation with PyTorch tensors tensorpoly = polygons_to_tensorpoly(contours_batch) # Pad contours so that we can treat them as closed: tensorpoly = tensorpoly_pad(tensorpoly, padding=(0, 1)) return tensorpoly def tensorpoly_to_contours_batch(tensorpoly): # Convert back to contours contours_batch = [[] for _ in range(tensorpoly.batch_size)] for poly_i in range(tensorpoly.poly_slice.shape[0]): s = tensorpoly.poly_slice[poly_i, :] contour = np.array(tensorpoly.pos[s[0]:s[1], :].detach().cpu()) is_open = tensorpoly.is_endpoint[s[0]] # Is open = if first vertex is an endpoint if not is_open: # Close contour contour = np.concatenate([contour, contour[:1, :]], axis=0) batch_i = tensorpoly.batch[s[0]] # Batch of polygon = batch of first vertex contours_batch[batch_i].append(contour) return contours_batch def print_contours_stats(contours): min_length = contours[0].shape[0] max_length = contours[0].shape[0] nb_vertices = 0 for contour in contours: nb_vertices += contour.shape[0] if contour.shape[0] < min_length: min_length = contour.shape[0] if max_length < contour.shape[0]: max_length = contour.shape[0] print("Nb polygon:", len(contours), "Nb vertices:", nb_vertices, "Min lengh:", min_length, "Max lengh:", max_length) def shapely_postprocess(contours, u, v, np_indicator, tolerance, config): if type(tolerance) == list: # Use several tolerance values for simplification. return a dict with all results out_polygons_dict = {} out_probs_dict = {} for tol in tolerance: out_polygons, out_probs = shapely_postprocess(contours, u, v, np_indicator, tol, config) out_polygons_dict["tol_{}".format(tol)] = out_polygons out_probs_dict["tol_{}".format(tol)] = out_probs return out_polygons_dict, out_probs_dict else: height = np_indicator.shape[0] width = np_indicator.shape[1] # debug_print("Corner-aware simplification") # Simplify contours a little to avoid some close-together corner-detection: # TODO: handle close-together corners better contours = [skimage.measure.approximate_polygon(contour, tolerance=min(1, tolerance)) for contour in contours] corner_masks = frame_field_utils.detect_corners(contours, u, v) contours = polygonize_utils.split_polylines_corner(contours, corner_masks) # Convert to Shapely: line_string_list = [shapely.geometry.LineString(out_contour[:, ::-1]) for out_contour in contours] line_string_list = [line_string.simplify(tolerance, preserve_topology=True) for line_string in line_string_list] # Add image boundary line_strings for border polygons line_string_list.append( shapely.geometry.LinearRing([ (0, 0), (0, height - 1), (width - 1, height - 1), (width - 1, 0), ])) # debug_print("Merge polylines") # Merge polylines (for border polygons): multi_line_string = shapely.ops.unary_union(line_string_list) # debug_print("polygonize_full") # Find polygons: polygons, dangles, cuts, invalids = shapely.ops.polygonize_full(multi_line_string) polygons = list(polygons) # debug_print("Remove small polygons") # Remove small polygons polygons = [polygon for polygon in polygons if config["min_area"] < polygon.area] # debug_print("Remove low prob polygons") # Remove low prob polygons filtered_polygons = [] filtered_polygon_probs = [] for polygon in polygons: prob = polygonize_utils.compute_geom_prob(polygon, np_indicator) # print("acm:", np_indicator.min(), np_indicator.mean(), np_indicator.max(), prob) if config["seg_threshold"] < prob: filtered_polygons.append(polygon) filtered_polygon_probs.append(prob) return filtered_polygons, filtered_polygon_probs def post_process(contours, np_seg, np_crossfield, config): u, v = math_utils.compute_crossfield_uv(np_crossfield) # u, v are complex arrays np_indicator = np_seg[:, :, 0] polygons, probs = shapely_postprocess(contours, u, v, np_indicator, config["tolerance"], config) return polygons, probs def polygonize(seg_batch, crossfield_batch, config, pool=None, pre_computed=None): tic_start = time.time() assert len(seg_batch.shape) == 4 and seg_batch.shape[ 1] <= 3, "seg_batch should be (N, C, H, W) with C <= 3, not {}".format(seg_batch.shape) assert len(crossfield_batch.shape) == 4 and crossfield_batch.shape[ 1] == 4, "crossfield_batch should be (N, 4, H, W)" assert seg_batch.shape[0] == crossfield_batch.shape[0], "Batch size for seg and crossfield should match" # Indicator # tic = time.time() indicator_batch = seg_batch[:, 0, :, :] np_indicator_batch = indicator_batch.cpu().numpy() indicator_batch =["device"]) # toc = time.time() # debug_print(f"Indicator to cpu: {toc - tic}s") # Distance image dist_batch = None if "dist_coef" in config: # tic = time.time() np_dist_batch = np.empty(np_indicator_batch.shape) for batch_i in range(np_indicator_batch.shape[0]): dist_1 = cv2.distanceTransform(np_indicator_batch[batch_i].astype(np.uint8), distanceType=cv2.DIST_L2, maskSize=cv2.DIST_MASK_5, dstType=cv2.CV_64F) dist_2 = cv2.distanceTransform(1 - np_indicator_batch[batch_i].astype(np.uint8), distanceType=cv2.DIST_L2, maskSize=cv2.DIST_MASK_5, dstType=cv2.CV_64F) np_dist_batch[0] = dist_1 + dist_2 - 1 dist_batch = torch.from_numpy(np_dist_batch) dist_batch =["device"]) #"dist.png", np_dist_batch[0]) # toc = time.time() # debug_print(f"Distance image: {toc - tic}s") # debug_print("Init contours") if pre_computed is None or "init_contours_batch" not in pre_computed: # tic = time.time() init_contours_batch = polygonize_utils.compute_init_contours_batch(np_indicator_batch, config["data_level"], pool=pool) # toc = time.time() # debug_print(f"Init contours: {toc - tic}s") else: init_contours_batch = pre_computed["init_contours_batch"] # debug_print("Convert contours to tensorpoly") tensorpoly = contours_batch_to_tensorpoly(init_contours_batch) # debug_print("Optimize") # --- Optimize # tic = time.time()["device"]) crossfield_batch =["device"]) dist_coef = config["dist_coef"] if "dist_coef" in config else None tensorpoly_optimizer = TensorPolyOptimizer(config, tensorpoly, indicator_batch, crossfield_batch, config["data_coef"], config["length_coef"], config["crossfield_coef"], dist=dist_batch, dist_coef=dist_coef) tensorpoly = tensorpoly_optimizer.optimize() out_contours_batch = tensorpoly_to_contours_batch(tensorpoly) # toc = time.time() # debug_print(f"Optimize contours: {toc - tic}s") # --- Post-process: # debug_print("Post-process") # tic = time.time() np_seg_batch = np.transpose(seg_batch.cpu().numpy(), (0, 2, 3, 1)) np_crossfield_batch = np.transpose(crossfield_batch.cpu().numpy(), (0, 2, 3, 1)) if pool is not None: post_process_partial = partial(post_process, config=config) polygons_probs_batch = pool.starmap(post_process_partial, zip(out_contours_batch, np_seg_batch, np_crossfield_batch)) polygons_batch, probs_batch = zip(*polygons_probs_batch) else: polygons_batch = [] probs_batch = [] for i, out_contours in enumerate(out_contours_batch): polygons, probs = post_process(out_contours, np_seg_batch[i], np_crossfield_batch[i], config) polygons_batch.append(polygons) probs_batch.append(probs) # toc = time.time() # debug_print(f"Shapely post-process: {toc - tic}s") # toc = time.time() # print(f"Post-process: {toc - tic}s") # --- toc_end = time.time() # debug_print(f"Total: {toc_end - tic_start}s") return polygons_batch, probs_batch def main(): from frame_field_learning import framefield, inference import os def save_gt_poly(raw_pred_filepath, name): filapth_format = "/data/mapping_challenge_dataset/processed/val/data_{}.pt" sample = torch.load(filapth_format.format(name)) polygon_arrays = sample["gt_polygons"] polygons = [shapely.geometry.Polygon(polygon[:, ::-1]) for polygon in polygon_arrays] base_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(raw_pred_filepath), name) filepath = base_filepath + "." + name + ".pdf" plot_utils.save_poly_viz(image, polygons, filepath) config = { "indicator_add_edge": False, "steps": 500, "data_level": 0.5, "data_coef": 0.1, "length_coef": 0.4, "crossfield_coef": 0.5, "poly_lr": 0.01, "warmup_iters": 100, "warmup_factor": 0.1, "device": "cuda", "tolerance": 0.5, "seg_threshold": 0.5, "min_area": 1, "inner_polylines_params": { "enable": False, "max_traces": 1000, "seed_threshold": 0.5, "low_threshold": 0.1, "min_width": 2, # Minimum width of trace to take into account "max_width": 8, "step_size": 1, } } # --- Process args --- # args = get_args() if args.steps is not None: config["steps"] = args.steps if args.raw_pred is not None: # Load raw_pred(s) image_list = [] name_list = [] seg_list = [] crossfield_list = [] for raw_pred_filepath in args.raw_pred: raw_pred = torch.load(raw_pred_filepath) image_list.append(raw_pred["image"]) name_list.append(raw_pred["name"]) seg_list.append(raw_pred["seg"]) crossfield_list.append(raw_pred["crossfield"]) seg_batch = torch.stack(seg_list, dim=0) crossfield_batch = torch.stack(crossfield_list, dim=0) out_contours_batch, out_probs_batch = polygonize(seg_batch, crossfield_batch, config) for i, raw_pred_filepath in enumerate(args.raw_pred): image = image_list[i] name = name_list[i] polygons = out_contours_batch[i] base_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(raw_pred_filepath), name) filepath = base_filepath + ".poly_acm.pdf" plot_utils.save_poly_viz(image, polygons, filepath) # Load gt polygons save_gt_poly(raw_pred_filepath, name) elif args.im_filepath: # Load from filepath, look for seg and crossfield next to the image # Load data image = base_filepath = os.path.splitext(args.im_filepath)[0] seg = + ".seg.tif") / 255 crossfield = np.load(base_filepath + ".crossfield.npy", allow_pickle=True) # Select bbox for dev if args.bbox is not None: assert len(args.bbox) == 4, "bbox should have 4 values" bbox = args.bbox # bbox = [1440, 210, 1800, 650] # vienna12 # bbox = [2808, 2393, 3124, 2772] # innsbruck19 image = image[bbox[0]:bbox[2], bbox[1]:bbox[3]] seg = seg[bbox[0]:bbox[2], bbox[1]:bbox[3]] crossfield = crossfield[bbox[0]:bbox[2], bbox[1]:bbox[3]] extra_name = ".bbox_{}_{}_{}_{}".format(*bbox) else: extra_name = "" # Convert to torch and add batch dim seg_batch = torch.tensor(np.transpose(seg[:, :, :2], (2, 0, 1)), dtype=torch.float)[None, ...] crossfield_batch = torch.tensor(np.transpose(crossfield, (2, 0, 1)), dtype=torch.float)[None, ...] out_contours_batch, out_probs_batch = polygonize(seg_batch, crossfield_batch, config) polygons = out_contours_batch[0] # Save shapefile # save_utils.save_shapefile(polygons, base_filepath + extra_name, "poly_acm", args.im_filepath) # Save pdf viz filepath = base_filepath + extra_name + ".poly_acm.pdf" plot_utils.save_poly_viz(image, polygons, filepath, linewidths=1, draw_vertices=True, color_choices=[[0, 1, 0, 1]]) elif args.dirpath: seg_filename_list = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(args.dirpath), "*.seg.tif") sorted(seg_filename_list) pbar = tqdm(seg_filename_list, desc="Poly files") for id, seg_filename in enumerate(pbar): basename = seg_filename[:-len(".seg.tif")] # shp_filepath = os.path.join(args.dirpath, basename + ".poly_acm.shp") # Verify if image has already been polygonized # if os.path.exists(shp_filepath): # continue pbar.set_postfix(name=basename, status="Loading data...") crossfield_filename = basename + ".crossfield.npy" metadata_filename = basename + ".metadata.json" seg =, seg_filename)) / 255 crossfield = np.load(os.path.join(args.dirpath, crossfield_filename), allow_pickle=True) metadata = python_utils.load_json(os.path.join(args.dirpath, metadata_filename)) # image_filepath = metadata["image_filepath"] # as_shp_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_filepath))[0] # as_shp_filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(image_filepath)), "gt_polygons", as_shp_filename + ".shp") # Convert to torch and add batch dim seg_batch = torch.tensor(np.transpose(seg[:, :, :2], (2, 0, 1)), dtype=torch.float)[None, ...] crossfield_batch = torch.tensor(np.transpose(crossfield, (2, 0, 1)), dtype=torch.float)[None, ...] pbar.set_postfix(name=basename, status="Polygonazing...") out_contours_batch, out_probs_batch = polygonize(seg_batch, crossfield_batch, config) polygons = out_contours_batch[0] # Save as shp # pbar.set_postfix(name=basename, status="Saving .shp...") # geo_utils.save_shapefile_from_shapely_polygons(polygons, shp_filepath, as_shp_filepath) # Save as COCO annotation base_filepath = os.path.join(args.dirpath, basename) inference.save_poly_coco(polygons, id, base_filepath, "annotation.poly") else: print("Showcase on a very simple example:") seg = np.zeros((6, 8, 3)) # Triangle: seg[1, 4] = 1 seg[2, 3:5] = 1 seg[3, 2:5] = 1 seg[4, 1:5] = 1 # L extension: seg[3:5, 5:7] = 1 u = np.zeros((6, 8), dtype=np.complex) v = np.zeros((6, 8), dtype=np.complex) # Init with grid u.real = 1 v.imag = 1 # Add slope u[:4, :4] *= np.exp(1j * np.pi/4) v[:4, :4] *= np.exp(1j * np.pi/4) # Add slope corners # u[:2, 4:6] *= np.exp(1j * np.pi / 4) # v[4:, :2] *= np.exp(- 1j * np.pi / 4) crossfield = math_utils.compute_crossfield_c0c2(u, v) seg_batch = torch.tensor(np.transpose(seg[:, :, :2], (2, 0, 1)), dtype=torch.float)[None, ...] crossfield_batch = torch.tensor(np.transpose(crossfield, (2, 0, 1)), dtype=torch.float)[None, ...] out_contours_batch, out_probs_batch = polygonize(seg_batch, crossfield_batch, config) polygons = out_contours_batch[0] filepath = "demo_poly_acm.pdf" plot_utils.save_poly_viz(seg, polygons, filepath, linewidths=0.5, draw_vertices=True, crossfield=crossfield) if __name__ == '__main__': main()