from collections import OrderedDict from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F import torch import torchvision def conv3x3(in_, out): return nn.Conv2d(in_, out, 3, padding=1) class ConvRelu(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_, out): super().__init__() self.conv = conv3x3(in_, out) self.activation = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv(x) x = self.activation(x) return x class DecoderBlockV2(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, middle_channels, out_channels, is_deconv=True): super(DecoderBlockV2, self).__init__() self.in_channels = in_channels if is_deconv: """ Parameters for Deconvolution were chosen to avoid artifacts, following link """ self.block = nn.Sequential( ConvRelu(in_channels, middle_channels), nn.ConvTranspose2d(middle_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1), nn.ReLU(inplace=True) ) else: self.block = nn.Sequential( nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='bilinear', align_corners=False), nn.Conv2d(in_channels, middle_channels, 3, padding=1, bias=True), nn.BatchNorm2d(middle_channels), nn.ELU(), nn.Conv2d(middle_channels, out_channels, 3, padding=1, bias=True), nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels), nn.ELU() ) def forward(self, x): return self.block(x) def cat_non_matching(x1, x2): diffY = x1.size()[2] - x2.size()[2] diffX = x1.size()[3] - x2.size()[3] x2 = F.pad(x2, (diffX // 2, diffX - diffX // 2, diffY // 2, diffY - diffY // 2)) # for padding issues, see # # x =[x1, x2], dim=1) return x class UNetResNetBackbone(nn.Module): """PyTorch U-Net model using ResNet(34, 101 or 152) encoder. UNet: ResNet: Proposed by Alexander Buslaev: Args: encoder_depth (int): Depth of a ResNet encoder (34, 101 or 152). num_filters (int, optional): Number of filters in the last layer of decoder. Defaults to 32. dropout_2d (float, optional): Probability factor of dropout layer before output layer. Defaults to 0.2. pretrained (bool, optional): False - no pre-trained weights are being used. True - ResNet encoder is pre-trained on ImageNet. Defaults to False. is_deconv (bool, optional): False: bilinear interpolation is used in decoder. True: deconvolution is used in decoder. Defaults to False. """ def __init__(self, encoder_depth, num_filters=32, dropout_2d=0.2, pretrained=False, is_deconv=False): super().__init__() self.dropout_2d = dropout_2d if encoder_depth == 34: self.encoder = torchvision.models.resnet34(pretrained=pretrained) bottom_channel_nr = 512 elif encoder_depth == 101: self.encoder = torchvision.models.resnet101(pretrained=pretrained) bottom_channel_nr = 2048 elif encoder_depth == 152: self.encoder = torchvision.models.resnet152(pretrained=pretrained) bottom_channel_nr = 2048 else: raise NotImplementedError('only 34, 101, 152 version of ResNet are implemented') self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2) self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(self.encoder.conv1, self.encoder.bn1, self.encoder.relu, self.pool) self.conv2 = self.encoder.layer1 self.conv3 = self.encoder.layer2 self.conv4 = self.encoder.layer3 self.conv5 = self.encoder.layer4 = DecoderBlockV2(bottom_channel_nr, num_filters * 8 * 2, num_filters * 8, is_deconv) self.dec5 = DecoderBlockV2(bottom_channel_nr + num_filters * 8, num_filters * 8 * 2, num_filters * 8, is_deconv) self.dec4 = DecoderBlockV2(bottom_channel_nr // 2 + num_filters * 8, num_filters * 8 * 2, num_filters * 8, is_deconv) self.dec3 = DecoderBlockV2(bottom_channel_nr // 4 + num_filters * 8, num_filters * 4 * 2, num_filters * 2, is_deconv) self.dec2 = DecoderBlockV2(bottom_channel_nr // 8 + num_filters * 2, num_filters * 2 * 2, num_filters * 2 * 2, is_deconv) self.dec1 = DecoderBlockV2(num_filters * 2 * 2, num_filters * 2 * 2, num_filters, is_deconv) def forward(self, x): conv1 = self.conv1(x) conv2 = self.conv2(conv1) conv3 = self.conv3(conv2) conv4 = self.conv4(conv3) conv5 = self.conv5(conv4) pool = self.pool(conv5) center = dec5 = self.dec5(cat_non_matching(conv5, center)) dec4 = self.dec4(cat_non_matching(conv4, dec5)) dec3 = self.dec3(cat_non_matching(conv3, dec4)) dec2 = self.dec2(cat_non_matching(conv2, dec3)) dec1 = self.dec1(dec2) y = F.dropout2d(dec1, p=self.dropout_2d) result = OrderedDict() result["out"] = y return result