import torch
from torchvision.models.segmentation._utils import _SimpleSegmentationModel
# from pytorch_memlab import profile, profile_every
from frame_field_learning import tta_utils
def get_out_channels(module):
if hasattr(module, "out_channels"):
return module.out_channels
children = list(module.children())
i = 1
out_channels = None
while out_channels is None and i <= len(children):
last_child = children[-i]
out_channels = get_out_channels(last_child)
i += 1
# If we get out of the loop but out_channels is None, then the prev child of the parent module will be checked, etc.
return out_channels
class FrameFieldModel(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, config: dict, backbone, train_transform=None, eval_transform=None):
:param config:
:param backbone: A _SimpleSegmentationModel network, its output features will be used to compute seg and framefield.
:param train_transform: transform applied to the inputs when self.training is True
:param eval_transform: transform applied to the inputs when self.training is False
super(FrameFieldModel, self).__init__()
assert config["compute_seg"] or config["compute_crossfield"], \
"Model has to compute at least one of those:\n" \
"\t- segmentation\n" \
"\t- cross-field"
assert isinstance(backbone, _SimpleSegmentationModel), \
"backbone should be an instance of _SimpleSegmentationModel"
self.config = config
self.backbone = backbone
self.train_transform = train_transform
self.eval_transform = eval_transform
backbone_out_features = get_out_channels(self.backbone)
# --- Add other modules if activated in config:
seg_channels = 0
if self.config["compute_seg"]:
seg_channels = self.config["seg_params"]["compute_vertex"]\
+ self.config["seg_params"]["compute_edge"]\
+ self.config["seg_params"]["compute_interior"]
self.seg_module = torch.nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Conv2d(backbone_out_features, backbone_out_features, 3, padding=1),
torch.nn.Conv2d(backbone_out_features, seg_channels, 1),
if self.config["compute_crossfield"]:
crossfield_channels = 4
self.crossfield_module = torch.nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Conv2d(backbone_out_features + seg_channels, backbone_out_features, 3, padding=1),
torch.nn.Conv2d(backbone_out_features, crossfield_channels, 1),
def inference(self, image):
outputs = {}
# --- Extract features for every pixel of the image with a U-Net --- #
backbone_features = self.backbone(image)["out"]
if self.config["compute_seg"]:
# --- Output a segmentation of the image --- #
seg = self.seg_module(backbone_features)
seg_to_cat = seg.clone().detach()
backbone_features = torch.cat([backbone_features, seg_to_cat], dim=1) # Add seg to image features
outputs["seg"] = seg
if self.config["compute_crossfield"]:
# --- Output a cross-field of the image --- #
crossfield = 2 * self.crossfield_module(backbone_features) # Outputs c_0, c_2 values in [-2, 2]
outputs["crossfield"] = crossfield
return outputs
# @profile
def forward(self, xb, tta=False):
# print("\n### --- PolyRefine.forward(xb) --- ####")
if self.training:
if self.train_transform is not None:
xb = self.train_transform(xb)
if self.eval_transform is not None:
xb = self.eval_transform(xb)
if not tta:
final_outputs = self.inference(xb["image"])
final_outputs = tta_utils.tta_inference(self, xb, self.config["eval_params"]["seg_threshold"])
# # Save image
# image_seg_display = plot_utils.get_tensorboard_image_seg_display(image_display, final_outputs["seg"],
# crossfield=final_outputs["crossfield"])
# image_seg_display = image_seg_display[1].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0)
# skimage.io.imsave(f"out_final.png", image_seg_display)
return final_outputs, xb