Luuu / configs /config.defaults.json
"data_dir_candidates": [
"num_workers": null, // If null, will use multiprocess.cpu_count() workers in total
"data_aug_params": {
"enable": true,
"vflip": true,
"affine": true,
"scaling": [0.75, 1.5], // Range of scaling factor to apply during affine transform. Set to None to not apply.
"color_jitter": true,
"device": "cuda"
"device": "cuda", // Only has effects when mode is val or test. When mode is train, always use CUDA
"use_amp": false, // Automatic Mixed Precision switch
"compute_seg": true,
"compute_crossfield": true,
"seg_params": {
"compute_interior": true,
"compute_edge": true,
"compute_vertex": false
"loss_params": {
"defaults_filepath": "configs/loss_params.json" // Path from the project's root to a JSON with default values for dataset_params
"optim_params": {
"defaults_filepath": "configs/optim_params.json" // Path from the project's root to a JSON with default values for optim_params
"polygonize_params": {
"defaults_filepath": "configs/polygonize_params.json" // Path from the project's root to a JSON with default values for polygonize_params