Luuu / frame_field_learning /
history blame
8.03 kB
import sys
from tqdm import tqdm
import scipy
import numpy as np
import torch
from . import local_utils
from . import polygonize
from lydorn_utils import image_utils
from lydorn_utils import print_utils
from lydorn_utils import python_utils
def network_inference(config, model, batch):
if config['device'] == 'cuda':
batch = local_utils.batch_to_cuda(batch)
pred, batch = model(batch, tta=config["eval_params"]["test_time_augmentation"])
return pred, batch
def inference(config, model, tile_data, compute_polygonization=False, pool=None):
if config["eval_params"]["patch_size"] is not None:
# Cut image into patches for inference
inference_with_patching(config, model, tile_data)
single_sample = True
# Feed images as-is to the model
inference_no_patching(config, model, tile_data)
single_sample = False
# Polygonize:
if compute_polygonization:
pool = None if single_sample else pool # A single big image is being processed
crossfield = tile_data["crossfield"] if "crossfield" in tile_data else None
polygons_batch, probs_batch = polygonize.polygonize(config["polygonize_params"], tile_data["seg"], crossfield_batch=crossfield,
tile_data["polygons"] = polygons_batch
tile_data["polygon_probs"] = probs_batch
return tile_data
def inference_no_patching(config, model, tile_data):
with torch.no_grad():
batch = {
"image": tile_data["image"],
"image_mean": tile_data["image_mean"],
"image_std": tile_data["image_std"]
pred, batch = network_inference(config, model, batch)
except RuntimeError as e:
print_utils.print_error("ERROR: " + str(e))
if 1 < config["optim_params"]["eval_batch_size"]:
print_utils.print_info("INFO: Try lowering the effective batch_size (which is {} currently). "
"Note that in eval mode, the effective bath_size is equal to double the batch_size "
"because gradients do not need to "
"be computed so double the memory is available. "
"You can override the effective batch_size with the --eval_batch_size command-line argument."
print_utils.print_info("INFO: The effective batch_size is 1 but the GPU still ran out of memory."
"You can specify parameters to split the image into patches for inference:\n"
"--eval_patch_size is the size of the patch and should be chosen as big as memory allows.\n"
"--eval_patch_overlap (optional, default=200) adds overlaps between patches to avoid border artifacts."
tile_data["seg"] = pred["seg"]
if "crossfield" in pred:
tile_data["crossfield"] = pred["crossfield"]
return tile_data
def inference_with_patching(config, model, tile_data):
assert len(tile_data["image"].shape) == 4 and tile_data["image"].shape[0] == 1, \
f"When using inference with patching, tile_data should have a batch size of 1, " \
f"with image's shape being (1, C, H, W), not {tile_data['image'].shape}"
with torch.no_grad():
# Init tile outputs (image is (N, C, H, W)):
height = tile_data["image"].shape[2]
width = tile_data["image"].shape[3]
seg_channels = config["seg_params"]["compute_interior"] \
+ config["seg_params"]["compute_edge"] \
+ config["seg_params"]["compute_vertex"]
if config["compute_seg"]:
tile_data["seg"] = torch.zeros((1, seg_channels, height, width), device=config["device"])
if config["compute_crossfield"]:
tile_data["crossfield"] = torch.zeros((1, 4, height, width), device=config["device"])
weight_map = torch.zeros((1, 1, height, width), device=config["device"]) # Count number of patches on top of each pixel
# Split tile in patches:
stride = config["eval_params"]["patch_size"] - config["eval_params"]["patch_overlap"]
patch_boundingboxes = image_utils.compute_patch_boundingboxes((height, width),
# Compute patch pixel weights to merge overlapping patches back together smoothly:
patch_weights = np.ones((config["eval_params"]["patch_size"] + 2, config["eval_params"]["patch_size"] + 2),
patch_weights[0, :] = 0
patch_weights[-1, :] = 0
patch_weights[:, 0] = 0
patch_weights[:, -1] = 0
patch_weights = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(patch_weights)
patch_weights = patch_weights[1:-1, 1:-1]
patch_weights = torch.tensor(patch_weights, device=config["device"]).float()
patch_weights = patch_weights[None, None, :, :] # Adding batch and channels dims
# Predict on each patch and save in outputs:
for bbox in tqdm(patch_boundingboxes, desc="Running model on patches", leave=False):
# Crop data
batch = {
"image": tile_data["image"][:, :, bbox[0]:bbox[2], bbox[1]:bbox[3]],
"image_mean": tile_data["image_mean"],
"image_std": tile_data["image_std"],
# Send batch to device
pred, batch = network_inference(config, model, batch)
except RuntimeError as e:
print_utils.print_error("ERROR: " + str(e))
print_utils.print_info("INFO: Reduce --eval_patch_size until the patch fits in memory.")
raise e
if config["compute_seg"]:
tile_data["seg"][:, :, bbox[0]:bbox[2], bbox[1]:bbox[3]] += patch_weights * pred["seg"]
if config["compute_crossfield"]:
tile_data["crossfield"][:, :, bbox[0]:bbox[2], bbox[1]:bbox[3]] += patch_weights * pred["crossfield"]
weight_map[:, :, bbox[0]:bbox[2], bbox[1]:bbox[3]] += patch_weights
# Take care of overlapping parts
if config["compute_seg"]:
tile_data["seg"] /= weight_map
if config["compute_crossfield"]:
tile_data["crossfield"] /= weight_map
return tile_data
def load_checkpoint(model, checkpoints_dirpath, device):
Loads best val checkpoint in checkpoints_dirpath
filepaths = python_utils.get_filepaths(checkpoints_dirpath, startswith_str="checkpoint.best_val.",
if len(filepaths):
filepaths = sorted(filepaths)
filepath = filepaths[-1] # Last best val checkpoint filepath in case there is more than one
print_utils.print_info("Loading best val checkpoint: {}".format(filepath))
# No best val checkpoint fount: find last checkpoint:
filepaths = python_utils.get_filepaths(checkpoints_dirpath, endswith_str=".tar",
filepaths = sorted(filepaths)
filepath = filepaths[-1] # Last checkpoint
print_utils.print_info("Loading last checkpoint: {}".format(filepath))
device = torch.device(device)
checkpoint = torch.load(filepath, map_location=device) # map_location is used to load on current device
return model