Luuu / lydorn_utils /
history blame
68.6 kB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# $Id$
# Project: OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation
# Purpose: Python port of a simple client for translating between formats.
# Author: Even Rouault, <even dot rouault at mines dash paris dot org>
# Port from ogr2ogr.cpp whose author is Frank Warmerdam
# Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at mines-paris dot org>
# Copyright (c) 1999, Frank Warmerdam
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Note : this is the most direct port of ogr2ogr.cpp possible
# It could be made much more Python'ish !
import sys
import os
import stat
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import ogr
from osgeo import osr
class ScaledProgressObject:
def __init__(self, min, max, cbk, cbk_data = None):
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.cbk = cbk
self.cbk_data = cbk_data
def ScaledProgressFunc(pct, msg, data):
if data.cbk is None:
return True
return data.cbk(data.min + pct * (data.max - data.min), msg, data.cbk_data)
def EQUAL(a, b):
return a.lower() == b.lower()
# Redefinition of GDALTermProgress, so that autotest/pyscripts/
# can check that the progress bar is displayed
nLastTick = -1
def TermProgress( dfComplete, pszMessage, pProgressArg ):
global nLastTick
nThisTick = (int) (dfComplete * 40.0)
if nThisTick < 0:
nThisTick = 0
if nThisTick > 40:
nThisTick = 40
# Have we started a new progress run?
if nThisTick < nLastTick and nLastTick >= 39:
nLastTick = -1
if nThisTick <= nLastTick:
return True
while nThisTick > nLastTick:
nLastTick = nLastTick + 1
if (nLastTick % 4) == 0:
sys.stdout.write('%d' % ((nLastTick / 4) * 10))
if nThisTick == 40:
print(" - done." )
return True
class TargetLayerInfo:
def __init__(self):
self.poDstLayer = None
self.poCT = None
#self.papszTransformOptions = None
self.panMap = None
self.iSrcZField = None
class AssociatedLayers:
def __init__(self):
self.poSrcLayer = None
self.psInfo = None
# main()
bSkipFailures = False
nGroupTransactions = 200
bPreserveFID = False
nFIDToFetch = ogr.NullFID
class Enum(set):
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name in self:
return name
raise AttributeError
def main(args = None, progress_func = TermProgress, progress_data = None):
global bSkipFailures
global nGroupTransactions
global bPreserveFID
global nFIDToFetch
pszFormat = "ESRI Shapefile"
pszDataSource = None
pszDestDataSource = None
papszLayers = []
papszDSCO = []
papszLCO = []
bTransform = False
bAppend = False
bUpdate = False
bOverwrite = False
pszOutputSRSDef = None
pszSourceSRSDef = None
poOutputSRS = None
bNullifyOutputSRS = False
poSourceSRS = None
pszNewLayerName = None
pszWHERE = None
poSpatialFilter = None
pszSelect = None
papszSelFields = None
pszSQLStatement = None
eGType = -2
bPromoteToMulti = False
eGeomOp = GeomOperation.NONE
dfGeomOpParam = 0
papszFieldTypesToString = []
bDisplayProgress = False
pfnProgress = None
pProgressArg = None
bClipSrc = False
bWrapDateline = False
poClipSrc = None
pszClipSrcDS = None
pszClipSrcSQL = None
pszClipSrcLayer = None
pszClipSrcWhere = None
poClipDst = None
pszClipDstDS = None
pszClipDstSQL = None
pszClipDstLayer = None
pszClipDstWhere = None
#pszSrcEncoding = None
#pszDstEncoding = None
bWrapDateline = False
bExplodeCollections = False
pszZField = None
nCoordDim = -1
if args is None:
args = sys.argv
args = ogr.GeneralCmdLineProcessor( args )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Processing command line arguments.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if args is None:
return False
nArgc = len(args)
iArg = 1
while iArg < nArgc:
if EQUAL(args[iArg],"-f") and iArg < nArgc-1:
iArg = iArg + 1
pszFormat = args[iArg]
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-dsco") and iArg < nArgc-1:
iArg = iArg + 1
papszDSCO.append(args[iArg] )
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-lco") and iArg < nArgc-1:
iArg = iArg + 1
papszLCO.append(args[iArg] )
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-preserve_fid"):
bPreserveFID = True
elif len(args[iArg]) >= 5 and EQUAL(args[iArg][0:5], "-skip"):
bSkipFailures = True
nGroupTransactions = 1 # #2409
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-append"):
bAppend = True
bUpdate = True
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-overwrite"):
bOverwrite = True
bUpdate = True
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-update"):
bUpdate = True
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-fid") and iArg < nArgc-1:
iArg = iArg + 1
nFIDToFetch = int(args[iArg])
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-sql") and iArg < nArgc-1:
iArg = iArg + 1
pszSQLStatement = args[iArg]
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-nln") and iArg < nArgc-1:
iArg = iArg + 1
pszNewLayerName = args[iArg]
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-nlt") and iArg < nArgc-1:
if EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"NONE"):
eGType = ogr.wkbNone
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"GEOMETRY"):
eGType = ogr.wkbUnknown
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"PROMOTE_TO_MULTI"):
bPromoteToMulti = True
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"POINT"):
eGType = ogr.wkbPoint
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"LINESTRING"):
eGType = ogr.wkbLineString
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"POLYGON"):
eGType = ogr.wkbPolygon
eGType = ogr.wkbGeometryCollection
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"MULTIPOINT"):
eGType = ogr.wkbMultiPoint
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"MULTILINESTRING"):
eGType = ogr.wkbMultiLineString
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"MULTIPOLYGON"):
eGType = ogr.wkbMultiPolygon
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"GEOMETRY25D"):
eGType = ogr.wkbUnknown | ogr.wkb25DBit
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"POINT25D"):
eGType = ogr.wkbPoint25D
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"LINESTRING25D"):
eGType = ogr.wkbLineString25D
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"POLYGON25D"):
eGType = ogr.wkbPolygon25D
eGType = ogr.wkbGeometryCollection25D
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"MULTIPOINT25D"):
eGType = ogr.wkbMultiPoint25D
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"MULTILINESTRING25D"):
eGType = ogr.wkbMultiLineString25D
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"MULTIPOLYGON25D"):
eGType = ogr.wkbMultiPolygon25D
print("-nlt %s: type not recognised." % args[iArg+1])
return False
iArg = iArg + 1
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-dim") and iArg < nArgc-1:
nCoordDim = int(args[iArg+1])
if nCoordDim != 2 and nCoordDim != 3:
print("-dim %s: value not handled." % args[iArg+1])
return False
iArg = iArg + 1
elif (EQUAL(args[iArg],"-tg") or \
EQUAL(args[iArg],"-gt")) and iArg < nArgc-1:
iArg = iArg + 1
nGroupTransactions = int(args[iArg])
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-s_srs") and iArg < nArgc-1:
iArg = iArg + 1
pszSourceSRSDef = args[iArg]
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-a_srs") and iArg < nArgc-1:
iArg = iArg + 1
pszOutputSRSDef = args[iArg]
if EQUAL(pszOutputSRSDef, "NULL") or \
EQUAL(pszOutputSRSDef, "NONE"):
pszOutputSRSDef = None
bNullifyOutputSRS = True
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-t_srs") and iArg < nArgc-1:
iArg = iArg + 1
pszOutputSRSDef = args[iArg]
bTransform = True
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-spat") and iArg + 4 < nArgc:
oRing = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing)
oRing.AddPoint_2D( float(args[iArg+1]), float(args[iArg+2]) )
oRing.AddPoint_2D( float(args[iArg+1]), float(args[iArg+4]) )
oRing.AddPoint_2D( float(args[iArg+3]), float(args[iArg+4]) )
oRing.AddPoint_2D( float(args[iArg+3]), float(args[iArg+2]) )
oRing.AddPoint_2D( float(args[iArg+1]), float(args[iArg+2]) )
poSpatialFilter = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon)
iArg = iArg + 4
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-where") and iArg < nArgc-1:
iArg = iArg + 1
pszWHERE = args[iArg]
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-select") and iArg < nArgc-1:
iArg = iArg + 1
pszSelect = args[iArg]
if pszSelect.find(',') != -1:
papszSelFields = pszSelect.split(',')
papszSelFields = pszSelect.split(' ')
if papszSelFields[0] == '':
papszSelFields = []
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-simplify") and iArg < nArgc-1:
iArg = iArg + 1
dfGeomOpParam = float(args[iArg])
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-segmentize") and iArg < nArgc-1:
iArg = iArg + 1
eGeomOp = GeomOperation.SEGMENTIZE
dfGeomOpParam = float(args[iArg])
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-fieldTypeToString") and iArg < nArgc-1:
iArg = iArg + 1
pszFieldTypeToString = args[iArg]
if pszFieldTypeToString.find(',') != -1:
tokens = pszFieldTypeToString.split(',')
tokens = pszFieldTypeToString.split(' ')
for token in tokens:
if EQUAL(token,"Integer") or \
EQUAL(token,"Real") or \
EQUAL(token,"String") or \
EQUAL(token,"Date") or \
EQUAL(token,"Time") or \
EQUAL(token,"DateTime") or \
EQUAL(token,"Binary") or \
EQUAL(token,"IntegerList") or \
EQUAL(token,"RealList") or \
elif EQUAL(token,"All"):
papszFieldTypesToString = [ 'All' ]
print("Unhandled type for fieldtypeasstring option : %s " % token)
return Usage()
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-progress"):
bDisplayProgress = True
#elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-wrapdateline") )
# bWrapDateline = True;
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-clipsrc") and iArg < nArgc-1:
bClipSrc = True
if IsNumber(args[iArg+1]) and iArg < nArgc - 4:
oRing = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing)
oRing.AddPoint_2D( float(args[iArg+1]), float(args[iArg+2]) )
oRing.AddPoint_2D( float(args[iArg+1]), float(args[iArg+4]) )
oRing.AddPoint_2D( float(args[iArg+3]), float(args[iArg+4]) )
oRing.AddPoint_2D( float(args[iArg+3]), float(args[iArg+2]) )
oRing.AddPoint_2D( float(args[iArg+1]), float(args[iArg+2]) )
poClipSrc = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon)
iArg = iArg + 4
elif (len(args[iArg+1]) >= 7 and EQUAL(args[iArg+1][0:7],"POLYGON") ) or \
(len(args[iArg+1]) >= 12 and EQUAL(args[iArg+1][0:12],"MULTIPOLYGON") ) :
poClipSrc = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(args[iArg+1])
if poClipSrc is None:
print("FAILURE: Invalid geometry. Must be a valid POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON WKT\n")
return Usage()
iArg = iArg + 1
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"spat_extent"):
iArg = iArg + 1
pszClipSrcDS = args[iArg+1]
iArg = iArg + 1
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-clipsrcsql") and iArg < nArgc-1:
pszClipSrcSQL = args[iArg+1]
iArg = iArg + 1
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-clipsrclayer") and iArg < nArgc-1:
pszClipSrcLayer = args[iArg+1]
iArg = iArg + 1
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-clipsrcwhere") and iArg < nArgc-1:
pszClipSrcWhere = args[iArg+1]
iArg = iArg + 1
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-clipdst") and iArg < nArgc-1:
if IsNumber(args[iArg+1]) and iArg < nArgc - 4:
oRing = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing)
oRing.AddPoint_2D( float(args[iArg+1]), float(args[iArg+2]) )
oRing.AddPoint_2D( float(args[iArg+1]), float(args[iArg+4]) )
oRing.AddPoint_2D( float(args[iArg+3]), float(args[iArg+4]) )
oRing.AddPoint_2D( float(args[iArg+3]), float(args[iArg+2]) )
oRing.AddPoint_2D( float(args[iArg+1]), float(args[iArg+2]) )
poClipDst = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon)
iArg = iArg + 4
elif (len(args[iArg+1]) >= 7 and EQUAL(args[iArg+1][0:7],"POLYGON") ) or \
(len(args[iArg+1]) >= 12 and EQUAL(args[iArg+1][0:12],"MULTIPOLYGON") ) :
poClipDst = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(args[iArg+1])
if poClipDst is None:
print("FAILURE: Invalid geometry. Must be a valid POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON WKT\n")
return Usage()
iArg = iArg + 1
elif EQUAL(args[iArg+1],"spat_extent"):
iArg = iArg + 1
pszClipDstDS = args[iArg+1]
iArg = iArg + 1
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-clipdstsql") and iArg < nArgc-1:
pszClipDstSQL = args[iArg+1]
iArg = iArg + 1
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-clipdstlayer") and iArg < nArgc-1:
pszClipDstLayer = args[iArg+1]
iArg = iArg + 1
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-clipdstwhere") and iArg < nArgc-1:
pszClipDstWhere = args[iArg+1]
iArg = iArg + 1
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-explodecollections"):
bExplodeCollections = True
elif EQUAL(args[iArg],"-zfield") and iArg < nArgc-1:
pszZField = args[iArg+1]
iArg = iArg + 1
elif args[iArg][0] == '-':
return Usage()
elif pszDestDataSource is None:
pszDestDataSource = args[iArg]
elif pszDataSource is None:
pszDataSource = args[iArg]
papszLayers.append (args[iArg] )
iArg = iArg + 1
if pszDataSource is None:
return Usage()
if bPreserveFID and bExplodeCollections:
print("FAILURE: cannot use -preserve_fid and -explodecollections at the same time\n\n")
return Usage()
if bClipSrc and pszClipSrcDS is not None:
poClipSrc = LoadGeometry(pszClipSrcDS, pszClipSrcSQL, pszClipSrcLayer, pszClipSrcWhere)
if poClipSrc is None:
print("FAILURE: cannot load source clip geometry\n" )
return Usage()
elif bClipSrc and poClipSrc is None:
if poSpatialFilter is not None:
poClipSrc = poSpatialFilter.Clone()
if poClipSrc is None:
print("FAILURE: -clipsrc must be used with -spat option or a\n" + \
"bounding box, WKT string or datasource must be specified\n")
return Usage()
if pszClipDstDS is not None:
poClipDst = LoadGeometry(pszClipDstDS, pszClipDstSQL, pszClipDstLayer, pszClipDstWhere)
if poClipDst is None:
print("FAILURE: cannot load dest clip geometry\n" )
return Usage()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Open data source.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
poDS = ogr.Open( pszDataSource, False )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Report failure
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if poDS is None:
print("FAILURE:\n" + \
"Unable to open datasource `%s' with the following drivers." % pszDataSource)
for iDriver in range(ogr.GetDriverCount()):
print(" -> " + ogr.GetDriver(iDriver).GetName() )
return False
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Try opening the output datasource as an existing, writable
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
poODS = None
poDriver = None
if bUpdate:
poODS = ogr.Open( pszDestDataSource, True )
if poODS is None:
if bOverwrite or bAppend:
poODS = ogr.Open( pszDestDataSource, False )
if poODS is None:
# the datasource doesn't exist at all
bUpdate = False
poODS = None
if bUpdate:
print("FAILURE:\n" +
"Unable to open existing output datasource `%s'." % pszDestDataSource)
return False
elif len(papszDSCO) > 0:
print("WARNING: Datasource creation options ignored since an existing datasource\n" + \
" being updated." )
if poODS is not None:
poDriver = poODS.GetDriver()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find the output driver.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if not bUpdate:
poDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName(pszFormat)
if poDriver is None:
print("Unable to find driver `%s'." % pszFormat)
print( "The following drivers are available:" )
for iDriver in range(ogr.GetDriverCount()):
print(" -> %s" % ogr.GetDriver(iDriver).GetName() )
return False
if poDriver.TestCapability( ogr.ODrCCreateDataSource ) == False:
print( "%s driver does not support data source creation." % pszFormat)
return False
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Special case to improve user experience when translating
# a datasource with multiple layers into a shapefile. If the
# user gives a target datasource with .shp and it does not exist,
# the shapefile driver will try to create a file, but this is not
# appropriate because here we have several layers, so create
# a directory instead.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if EQUAL(poDriver.GetName(), "ESRI Shapefile") and \
pszSQLStatement is None and \
(len(papszLayers) > 1 or \
(len(papszLayers) == 0 and poDS.GetLayerCount() > 1)) and \
pszNewLayerName is None and \
EQUAL(os.path.splitext(pszDestDataSource)[1], ".SHP") :
# decimal 493 = octal 0755. Python 3 needs 0o755, but
# this syntax is only supported by Python >= 2.6
os.mkdir(pszDestDataSource, 493)
print("Failed to create directory %s\n"
"for shapefile datastore.\n" % pszDestDataSource )
return False
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create the output data source.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
poODS = poDriver.CreateDataSource( pszDestDataSource, options = papszDSCO )
if poODS is None:
print( "%s driver failed to create %s" % (pszFormat, pszDestDataSource ))
return False
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parse the output SRS definition if possible.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if pszOutputSRSDef is not None:
poOutputSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
if poOutputSRS.SetFromUserInput( pszOutputSRSDef ) != 0:
print( "Failed to process SRS definition: %s" % pszOutputSRSDef )
return False
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parse the source SRS definition if possible.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if pszSourceSRSDef is not None:
poSourceSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
if poSourceSRS.SetFromUserInput( pszSourceSRSDef ) != 0:
print( "Failed to process SRS definition: %s" % pszSourceSRSDef )
return False
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# For OSM file.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
bSrcIsOSM = poDS.GetDriver() is not None and \
poDS.GetDriver().GetName() == "OSM"
nSrcFileSize = 0
if bSrcIsOSM and poDS.GetName() != "/vsistdin/":
sStat = gdal.VSIStatL(poDS.GetName())
if sStat is not None:
nSrcFileSize = sStat.size
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Special case for -sql clause. No source layers required.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if pszSQLStatement is not None:
if pszWHERE is not None:
print( "-where clause ignored in combination with -sql." )
if len(papszLayers) > 0:
print( "layer names ignored in combination with -sql." )
poResultSet = poDS.ExecuteSQL( pszSQLStatement, poSpatialFilter, \
None )
if poResultSet is not None:
nCountLayerFeatures = 0
if bDisplayProgress:
if bSrcIsOSM:
pfnProgress = progress_func
pProgressArg = progress_data
elif not poResultSet.TestCapability(ogr.OLCFastFeatureCount):
print( "Progress turned off as fast feature count is not available.")
bDisplayProgress = False
nCountLayerFeatures = poResultSet.GetFeatureCount()
pfnProgress = progress_func
pProgressArg = progress_data
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Special case to improve user experience when translating into
# single file shapefile and source has only one layer, and that
# the layer name isn't specified
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if EQUAL(poDriver.GetName(), "ESRI Shapefile") and \
pszNewLayerName is None:
mode = os.stat(pszDestDataSource).st_mode
if (mode & stat.S_IFDIR) == 0:
pszNewLayerName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(pszDestDataSource))[0]
psInfo = SetupTargetLayer( poDS, \
poODS, \
papszLCO, \
pszNewLayerName, \
bTransform, \
poOutputSRS, \
bNullifyOutputSRS, \
poSourceSRS, \
papszSelFields, \
bAppend, eGType, bPromoteToMulti, nCoordDim, bOverwrite, \
papszFieldTypesToString, \
bWrapDateline, \
bExplodeCollections, \
pszZField, \
pszWHERE )
if psInfo is None or not TranslateLayer( psInfo, poDS, poResultSet, poODS, \
poOutputSRS, bNullifyOutputSRS, \
eGType, bPromoteToMulti, nCoordDim, \
eGeomOp, dfGeomOpParam, \
nCountLayerFeatures, \
poClipSrc, poClipDst, \
bExplodeCollections, \
nSrcFileSize, None, \
pfnProgress, pProgressArg ):
"Terminating translation prematurely after failed\n" + \
"translation from sql statement." )
return False
poDS.ReleaseResultSet( poResultSet )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Special case for layer interleaving mode.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
elif bSrcIsOSM and gdal.GetConfigOption("OGR_INTERLEAVED_READING", None) is None:
gdal.SetConfigOption("OGR_INTERLEAVED_READING", "YES")
#if (bSplitListFields)
# fprintf( stderr, "FAILURE: -splitlistfields not supported in this mode\n" );
# exit( 1 );
nSrcLayerCount = poDS.GetLayerCount()
pasAssocLayers = [ AssociatedLayers() for i in range(nSrcLayerCount) ]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Special case to improve user experience when translating into
# single file shapefile and source has only one layer, and that
# the layer name isn't specified
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if EQUAL(poDriver.GetName(), "ESRI Shapefile") and \
(len(papszLayers) == 1 or nSrcLayerCount == 1) and pszNewLayerName is None:
mode = os.stat(pszDestDataSource).st_mode
if (mode & stat.S_IFDIR) == 0:
pszNewLayerName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(pszDestDataSource))[0]
if bDisplayProgress and bSrcIsOSM:
pfnProgress = progress_func
pProgressArg = progress_data
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# If no target layer specified, use all source layers.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if len(papszLayers) == 0:
papszLayers = [ None for i in range(nSrcLayerCount) ]
for iLayer in range(nSrcLayerCount):
poLayer = poDS.GetLayer(iLayer)
if poLayer is None:
print("FAILURE: Couldn't fetch advertised layer %d!" % iLayer)
return False
papszLayers[iLayer] = poLayer.GetName()
if bSrcIsOSM:
osInterestLayers = "SET interest_layers ="
for iLayer in range(len(papszLayers)):
if iLayer != 0:
osInterestLayers = osInterestLayers + ","
osInterestLayers = osInterestLayers + papszLayers[iLayer]
poDS.ExecuteSQL(osInterestLayers, None, None)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# First pass to set filters and create target layers.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
for iLayer in range(nSrcLayerCount):
poLayer = poDS.GetLayer(iLayer)
if poLayer is None:
print("FAILURE: Couldn't fetch advertised layer %d!" % iLayer)
return False
pasAssocLayers[iLayer].poSrcLayer = poLayer
if CSLFindString(papszLayers, poLayer.GetName()) >= 0:
if pszWHERE is not None:
if poLayer.SetAttributeFilter( pszWHERE ) != 0:
print("FAILURE: SetAttributeFilter(%s) on layer '%s' failed.\n" % (pszWHERE, poLayer.GetName()) )
if not bSkipFailures:
return False
if poSpatialFilter is not None:
poLayer.SetSpatialFilter( poSpatialFilter )
psInfo = SetupTargetLayer( poDS, \
poLayer, \
poODS, \
papszLCO, \
pszNewLayerName, \
bTransform, \
poOutputSRS, \
bNullifyOutputSRS, \
poSourceSRS, \
papszSelFields, \
bAppend, eGType, bPromoteToMulti, nCoordDim, bOverwrite, \
papszFieldTypesToString, \
bWrapDateline, \
bExplodeCollections, \
pszZField, \
pszWHERE )
if psInfo is None and not bSkipFailures:
return False
pasAssocLayers[iLayer].psInfo = psInfo
pasAssocLayers[iLayer].psInfo = None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Second pass to process features in a interleaved layer mode.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
bHasLayersNonEmpty = True
while bHasLayersNonEmpty:
bHasLayersNonEmpty = False
for iLayer in range(nSrcLayerCount):
poLayer = pasAssocLayers[iLayer].poSrcLayer
psInfo = pasAssocLayers[iLayer].psInfo
anReadFeatureCount = [0]
if psInfo is not None:
if not TranslateLayer(psInfo, poDS, poLayer, poODS, \
poOutputSRS, bNullifyOutputSRS, \
eGType, bPromoteToMulti, nCoordDim, \
eGeomOp, dfGeomOpParam, \
0, \
poClipSrc, poClipDst, \
bExplodeCollections, \
nSrcFileSize, \
anReadFeatureCount, \
pfnProgress, pProgressArg ) \
and not bSkipFailures:
"Terminating translation prematurely after failed\n" + \
"translation of layer " + poLayer.GetName() + " (use -skipfailures to skip errors)")
return False
# No matching target layer : just consumes the features
poFeature = poLayer.GetNextFeature()
while poFeature is not None:
anReadFeatureCount[0] = anReadFeatureCount[0] + 1
poFeature = poLayer.GetNextFeature()
if anReadFeatureCount[0] != 0:
bHasLayersNonEmpty = True
nLayerCount = 0
papoLayers = []
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Process each data source layer.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if len(papszLayers) == 0:
nLayerCount = poDS.GetLayerCount()
papoLayers = [None for i in range(nLayerCount)]
iLayer = 0
for iLayer in range(nLayerCount):
poLayer = poDS.GetLayer(iLayer)
if poLayer is None:
print("FAILURE: Couldn't fetch advertised layer %d!" % iLayer)
return False
papoLayers[iLayer] = poLayer
iLayer = iLayer + 1
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Process specified data source layers.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
nLayerCount = len(papszLayers)
papoLayers = [None for i in range(nLayerCount)]
iLayer = 0
for layername in papszLayers:
poLayer = poDS.GetLayerByName(layername)
if poLayer is None:
print("FAILURE: Couldn't fetch advertised layer %s!" % layername)
return False
papoLayers[iLayer] = poLayer
iLayer = iLayer + 1
panLayerCountFeatures = [0 for i in range(nLayerCount)]
nCountLayersFeatures = 0
nAccCountFeatures = 0
# First pass to apply filters and count all features if necessary
for iLayer in range(nLayerCount):
poLayer = papoLayers[iLayer]
if pszWHERE is not None:
if poLayer.SetAttributeFilter( pszWHERE ) != 0:
print("FAILURE: SetAttributeFilter(%s) failed." % pszWHERE)
if not bSkipFailures:
return False
if poSpatialFilter is not None:
poLayer.SetSpatialFilter( poSpatialFilter )
if bDisplayProgress and not bSrcIsOSM:
if not poLayer.TestCapability(ogr.OLCFastFeatureCount):
print("Progress turned off as fast feature count is not available.")
bDisplayProgress = False
panLayerCountFeatures[iLayer] = poLayer.GetFeatureCount()
nCountLayersFeatures += panLayerCountFeatures[iLayer]
# Second pass to do the real job
for iLayer in range(nLayerCount):
poLayer = papoLayers[iLayer]
if bDisplayProgress:
if bSrcIsOSM:
pfnProgress = progress_func
pProgressArg = progress_data
pfnProgress = ScaledProgressFunc
pProgressArg = ScaledProgressObject( \
nAccCountFeatures * 1.0 / nCountLayersFeatures, \
(nAccCountFeatures + panLayerCountFeatures[iLayer]) * 1.0 / nCountLayersFeatures, \
progress_func, progress_data)
nAccCountFeatures += panLayerCountFeatures[iLayer]
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Special case to improve user experience when translating into
# single file shapefile and source has only one layer, and that
# the layer name isn't specified
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if EQUAL(poDriver.GetName(), "ESRI Shapefile") and \
nLayerCount == 1 and pszNewLayerName is None:
mode = os.stat(pszDestDataSource).st_mode
if (mode & stat.S_IFDIR) == 0:
pszNewLayerName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(pszDestDataSource))[0]
psInfo = SetupTargetLayer( poDS, \
poLayer, \
poODS, \
papszLCO, \
pszNewLayerName, \
bTransform, \
poOutputSRS, \
bNullifyOutputSRS, \
poSourceSRS, \
papszSelFields, \
bAppend, eGType, bPromoteToMulti, nCoordDim, bOverwrite, \
papszFieldTypesToString, \
bWrapDateline, \
bExplodeCollections, \
pszZField, \
pszWHERE )
if (psInfo is None or \
not TranslateLayer( psInfo, poDS, poLayer, poODS, \
poOutputSRS, bNullifyOutputSRS, \
eGType, bPromoteToMulti, nCoordDim, \
eGeomOp, dfGeomOpParam, \
panLayerCountFeatures[iLayer], \
poClipSrc, poClipDst, \
bExplodeCollections, \
nSrcFileSize, None, \
pfnProgress, pProgressArg )) \
and not bSkipFailures:
"Terminating translation prematurely after failed\n" + \
"translation of layer " + poLayer.GetLayerDefn().GetName() + " (use -skipfailures to skip errors)")
return False
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Close down.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# We must explicitly destroy the output dataset in order the file
# to be properly closed !
return True
# Usage()
def Usage():
print( "Usage: ogr2ogr [--help-general] [-skipfailures] [-append] [-update] [-gt n]\n" + \
" [-select field_list] [-where restricted_where] \n" + \
" [-progress] [-sql <sql statement>] \n" + \
" [-spat xmin ymin xmax ymax] [-preserve_fid] [-fid FID]\n" + \
" [-a_srs srs_def] [-t_srs srs_def] [-s_srs srs_def]\n" + \
" [-f format_name] [-overwrite] [[-dsco NAME=VALUE] ...]\n" + \
" [-simplify tolerance]\n" + \
#// " [-segmentize max_dist] [-fieldTypeToString All|(type1[,type2]*)]\n" + \
" [-fieldTypeToString All|(type1[,type2]*)] [-explodecollections] \n" + \
" dst_datasource_name src_datasource_name\n" + \
" [-lco NAME=VALUE] [-nln name] [-nlt type] [-dim 2|3] [layer [layer ...]]\n" + \
"\n" + \
" -f format_name: output file format name, possible values are:")
for iDriver in range(ogr.GetDriverCount()):
poDriver = ogr.GetDriver(iDriver)
if poDriver.TestCapability( ogr.ODrCCreateDataSource ):
print( " -f \"" + poDriver.GetName() + "\"" )
print( " -append: Append to existing layer instead of creating new if it exists\n" + \
" -overwrite: delete the output layer and recreate it empty\n" + \
" -update: Open existing output datasource in update mode\n" + \
" -progress: Display progress on terminal. Only works if input layers have the \"fast feature count\" capability\n" + \
" -select field_list: Comma-delimited list of fields from input layer to\n" + \
" copy to the new layer (defaults to all)\n" + \
" -where restricted_where: Attribute query (like SQL WHERE)\n" + \
" -sql statement: Execute given SQL statement and save result.\n" + \
" -skipfailures: skip features or layers that fail to convert\n" + \
" -gt n: group n features per transaction (default 200)\n" + \
" -spat xmin ymin xmax ymax: spatial query extents\n" + \
" -simplify tolerance: distance tolerance for simplification.\n" + \
#//" -segmentize max_dist: maximum distance between 2 nodes.\n" + \
#//" Used to create intermediate points\n" + \
" -dsco NAME=VALUE: Dataset creation option (format specific)\n" + \
" -lco NAME=VALUE: Layer creation option (format specific)\n" + \
" -nln name: Assign an alternate name to the new layer\n" + \
" -nlt type: Force a geometry type for new layer. One of NONE, GEOMETRY,\n" + \
" MULTIPOLYGON, or MULTILINESTRING. Add \"25D\" for 3D layers.\n" + \
" Default is type of source layer.\n" + \
" -dim dimension: Force the coordinate dimension to the specified value.\n" + \
" -fieldTypeToString type1,...: Converts fields of specified types to\n" + \
" fields of type string in the new layer. Valid types are : \n" + \
" Integer, Real, String, Date, Time, DateTime, Binary, IntegerList, RealList,\n" + \
" StringList. Special value All can be used to convert all fields to strings.")
print(" -a_srs srs_def: Assign an output SRS\n"
" -t_srs srs_def: Reproject/transform to this SRS on output\n"
" -s_srs srs_def: Override source SRS\n"
" Srs_def can be a full WKT definition (hard to escape properly),\n"
" or a well known definition (i.e. EPSG:4326) or a file with a WKT\n"
" definition." )
return False
def CSLFindString(v, mystr):
i = 0
for strIter in v:
if EQUAL(strIter, mystr):
return i
i = i + 1
return -1
def IsNumber( pszStr):
return True
return False
def LoadGeometry( pszDS, pszSQL, pszLyr, pszWhere):
poGeom = None
poDS = ogr.Open( pszDS, False )
if poDS is None:
return None
if pszSQL is not None:
poLyr = poDS.ExecuteSQL( pszSQL, None, None )
elif pszLyr is not None:
poLyr = poDS.GetLayerByName(pszLyr)
poLyr = poDS.GetLayer(0)
if poLyr is None:
print("Failed to identify source layer from datasource.")
return None
if pszWhere is not None:
poFeat = poLyr.GetNextFeature()
while poFeat is not None:
poSrcGeom = poFeat.GetGeometryRef()
if poSrcGeom is not None:
eType = wkbFlatten(poSrcGeom.GetGeometryType())
if poGeom is None:
poGeom = ogr.Geometry( ogr.wkbMultiPolygon )
if eType == ogr.wkbPolygon:
poGeom.AddGeometry( poSrcGeom )
elif eType == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon:
for iGeom in range(poSrcGeom.GetGeometryCount()):
poGeom.AddGeometry(poSrcGeom.GetGeometryRef(iGeom) )
print("ERROR: Geometry not of polygon type." )
if pszSQL is not None:
poDS.ReleaseResultSet( poLyr )
return None
poFeat = poLyr.GetNextFeature()
if pszSQL is not None:
poDS.ReleaseResultSet( poLyr )
return poGeom
def wkbFlatten(x):
return x & (~ogr.wkb25DBit)
# SetZ()
def SetZ (poGeom, dfZ ):
if poGeom is None:
eGType = wkbFlatten(poGeom.GetGeometryType())
if eGType == ogr.wkbPoint:
poGeom.SetPoint(0, poGeom.GetX(), poGeom.GetY(), dfZ)
elif eGType == ogr.wkbLineString or \
eGType == ogr.wkbLinearRing:
for i in range(poGeom.GetPointCount()):
poGeom.SetPoint(i, poGeom.GetX(i), poGeom.GetY(i), dfZ)
elif eGType == ogr.wkbPolygon or \
eGType == ogr.wkbMultiPoint or \
eGType == ogr.wkbMultiLineString or \
eGType == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon or \
eGType == ogr.wkbGeometryCollection:
for i in range(poGeom.GetGeometryCount()):
SetZ(poGeom.GetGeometryRef(i), dfZ)
# SetupTargetLayer()
def SetupTargetLayer( poSrcDS, poSrcLayer, poDstDS, papszLCO, pszNewLayerName, \
bTransform, poOutputSRS, bNullifyOutputSRS, poSourceSRS, papszSelFields, \
bAppend, eGType, bPromoteToMulti, nCoordDim, bOverwrite, \
papszFieldTypesToString, bWrapDateline, \
bExplodeCollections, pszZField, pszWHERE) :
if pszNewLayerName is None:
pszNewLayerName = poSrcLayer.GetLayerDefn().GetName()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup coordinate transformation if we need it.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
poCT = None
if bTransform:
if poSourceSRS is None:
poSourceSRS = poSrcLayer.GetSpatialRef()
if poSourceSRS is None:
print("Can't transform coordinates, source layer has no\n" + \
"coordinate system. Use -s_srs to set one." )
return None
poCT = osr.CoordinateTransformation( poSourceSRS, poOutputSRS )
if gdal.GetLastErrorMsg().find( 'Unable to load PROJ.4 library' ) != -1:
poCT = None
if poCT is None:
pszWKT = None
print("Failed to create coordinate transformation between the\n" + \
"following coordinate systems. This may be because they\n" + \
"are not transformable, or because projection services\n" + \
"(PROJ.4 DLL/.so) could not be loaded." )
pszWKT = poSourceSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt( 0 )
print( "Source:\n" + pszWKT )
pszWKT = poOutputSRS.ExportToPrettyWkt( 0 )
print( "Target:\n" + pszWKT )
return None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get other info.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
poSrcFDefn = poSrcLayer.GetLayerDefn()
if poOutputSRS is None and not bNullifyOutputSRS:
poOutputSRS = poSrcLayer.GetSpatialRef()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find the layer.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# GetLayerByName() can instantiate layers that would have been
# 'hidden' otherwise, for example, non-spatial tables in a
# PostGIS-enabled database, so this apparently useless command is
# not useless. (#4012)
poDstLayer = poDstDS.GetLayerByName(pszNewLayerName)
iLayer = -1
if poDstLayer is not None:
nLayerCount = poDstDS.GetLayerCount()
for iLayer in range(nLayerCount):
poLayer = poDstDS.GetLayer(iLayer)
# The .cpp version compares on pointers directly, but we cannot
# do this with swig object, so just compare the names.
if poLayer is not None \
and poLayer.GetName() == poDstLayer.GetName():
if (iLayer == nLayerCount):
# Shouldn't happen with an ideal driver
poDstLayer = None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# If the user requested overwrite, and we have the layer in
# question we need to delete it now so it will get recreated
# (overwritten).
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if poDstLayer is not None and bOverwrite:
if poDstDS.DeleteLayer( iLayer ) != 0:
print("DeleteLayer() failed when overwrite requested." )
return None
poDstLayer = None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# If the layer does not exist, then create it.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
if poDstLayer is None:
if eGType == -2:
eGType = poSrcFDefn.GetGeomType()
n25DBit = eGType & ogr.wkb25DBit
if bPromoteToMulti:
if wkbFlatten(eGType) == ogr.wkbLineString:
eGType = ogr.wkbMultiLineString | n25DBit
elif wkbFlatten(eGType) == ogr.wkbPolygon:
eGType = ogr.wkbMultiPolygon | n25DBit
if bExplodeCollections:
if wkbFlatten(eGType) == ogr.wkbMultiPoint:
eGType = ogr.wkbPoint | n25DBit
elif wkbFlatten(eGType) == ogr.wkbMultiLineString:
eGType = ogr.wkbLineString | n25DBit
elif wkbFlatten(eGType) == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon:
eGType = ogr.wkbPolygon | n25DBit
elif wkbFlatten(eGType) == ogr.wkbGeometryCollection:
eGType = ogr.wkbUnknown | n25DBit
if pszZField is not None:
eGType = eGType | ogr.wkb25DBit
if nCoordDim == 2:
eGType = eGType & ~ogr.wkb25DBit
elif nCoordDim == 3:
eGType = eGType | ogr.wkb25DBit
if poDstDS.TestCapability( ogr.ODsCCreateLayer ) == False:
print("Layer " + pszNewLayerName + "not found, and CreateLayer not supported by driver.")
return None
poDstLayer = poDstDS.CreateLayer( pszNewLayerName, poOutputSRS, \
eGType, papszLCO )
if poDstLayer is None:
return None
bAppend = False
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Otherwise we will append to it, if append was requested.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
elif not bAppend:
print("FAILED: Layer " + pszNewLayerName + "already exists, and -append not specified.\n" + \
" Consider using -append, or -overwrite.")
return None
if len(papszLCO) > 0:
print("WARNING: Layer creation options ignored since an existing layer is\n" + \
" being appended to." )
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add fields. Default to copy all field.
# If only a subset of all fields requested, then output only
# the selected fields, and in the order that they were
# selected.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialize the index-to-index map to -1's
nSrcFieldCount = poSrcFDefn.GetFieldCount()
panMap = [ -1 for i in range(nSrcFieldCount) ]
poDstFDefn = poDstLayer.GetLayerDefn()
if papszSelFields is not None and not bAppend:
nDstFieldCount = 0
if poDstFDefn is not None:
nDstFieldCount = poDstFDefn.GetFieldCount()
for iField in range(len(papszSelFields)):
iSrcField = poSrcFDefn.GetFieldIndex(papszSelFields[iField])
if iSrcField >= 0:
poSrcFieldDefn = poSrcFDefn.GetFieldDefn(iSrcField)
oFieldDefn = ogr.FieldDefn( poSrcFieldDefn.GetNameRef(),
poSrcFieldDefn.GetType() )
oFieldDefn.SetWidth( poSrcFieldDefn.GetWidth() )
oFieldDefn.SetPrecision( poSrcFieldDefn.GetPrecision() )
if papszFieldTypesToString is not None and \
(CSLFindString(papszFieldTypesToString, "All") != -1 or \
CSLFindString(papszFieldTypesToString, \
ogr.GetFieldTypeName(poSrcFieldDefn.GetType())) != -1):
# The field may have been already created at layer creation
iDstField = -1
if poDstFDefn is not None:
iDstField = poDstFDefn.GetFieldIndex(oFieldDefn.GetNameRef())
if iDstField >= 0:
panMap[iSrcField] = iDstField
elif poDstLayer.CreateField( oFieldDefn ) == 0:
# now that we've created a field, GetLayerDefn() won't return NULL
if poDstFDefn is None:
poDstFDefn = poDstLayer.GetLayerDefn()
# Sanity check : if it fails, the driver is buggy
if poDstFDefn is not None and \
poDstFDefn.GetFieldCount() != nDstFieldCount + 1:
print("The output driver has claimed to have added the %s field, but it did not!" % oFieldDefn.GetNameRef() )
panMap[iSrcField] = nDstFieldCount
nDstFieldCount = nDstFieldCount + 1
print("Field '" + papszSelFields[iField] + "' not found in source layer.")
if not bSkipFailures:
return None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use SetIgnoredFields() on source layer if available
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Here we differ from the ogr2ogr.cpp implementation since the OGRFeatureQuery
# isn't mapped to swig. So in that case just don't use SetIgnoredFields()
# to avoid issue raised in #4015
if poSrcLayer.TestCapability(ogr.OLCIgnoreFields) and pszWHERE is None:
papszIgnoredFields = []
for iSrcField in range(nSrcFieldCount):
pszFieldName = poSrcFDefn.GetFieldDefn(iSrcField).GetNameRef()
bFieldRequested = False
for iField in range(len(papszSelFields)):
if EQUAL(pszFieldName, papszSelFields[iField]):
bFieldRequested = True
if pszZField is not None and EQUAL(pszFieldName, pszZField):
bFieldRequested = True
# If source field not requested, add it to ignored files list
if not bFieldRequested:
elif not bAppend:
nDstFieldCount = 0
if poDstFDefn is not None:
nDstFieldCount = poDstFDefn.GetFieldCount()
for iField in range(nSrcFieldCount):
poSrcFieldDefn = poSrcFDefn.GetFieldDefn(iField)
oFieldDefn = ogr.FieldDefn( poSrcFieldDefn.GetNameRef(),
poSrcFieldDefn.GetType() )
oFieldDefn.SetWidth( poSrcFieldDefn.GetWidth() )
oFieldDefn.SetPrecision( poSrcFieldDefn.GetPrecision() )
if papszFieldTypesToString is not None and \
(CSLFindString(papszFieldTypesToString, "All") != -1 or \
CSLFindString(papszFieldTypesToString, \
ogr.GetFieldTypeName(poSrcFieldDefn.GetType())) != -1):
# The field may have been already created at layer creation
iDstField = -1
if poDstFDefn is not None:
iDstField = poDstFDefn.GetFieldIndex(oFieldDefn.GetNameRef())
if iDstField >= 0:
panMap[iField] = iDstField
elif poDstLayer.CreateField( oFieldDefn ) == 0:
# now that we've created a field, GetLayerDefn() won't return NULL
if poDstFDefn is None:
poDstFDefn = poDstLayer.GetLayerDefn()
# Sanity check : if it fails, the driver is buggy
if poDstFDefn is not None and \
poDstFDefn.GetFieldCount() != nDstFieldCount + 1:
print("The output driver has claimed to have added the %s field, but it did not!" % oFieldDefn.GetNameRef() )
panMap[iField] = nDstFieldCount
nDstFieldCount = nDstFieldCount + 1
# For an existing layer, build the map by fetching the index in the destination
# layer for each source field
if poDstFDefn is None:
print( "poDstFDefn == NULL.\n" )
return None
for iField in range(nSrcFieldCount):
poSrcFieldDefn = poSrcFDefn.GetFieldDefn(iField)
iDstField = poDstFDefn.GetFieldIndex(poSrcFieldDefn.GetNameRef())
if iDstField >= 0:
panMap[iField] = iDstField
iSrcZField = -1
if pszZField is not None:
iSrcZField = poSrcFDefn.GetFieldIndex(pszZField)
psInfo = TargetLayerInfo()
psInfo.poDstLayer = poDstLayer
psInfo.poCT = poCT
#psInfo.papszTransformOptions = papszTransformOptions
psInfo.panMap = panMap
psInfo.iSrcZField = iSrcZField
return psInfo
# TranslateLayer()
def TranslateLayer( psInfo, poSrcDS, poSrcLayer, poDstDS, \
poOutputSRS, bNullifyOutputSRS, \
eGType, bPromoteToMulti, nCoordDim, eGeomOp, dfGeomOpParam, \
nCountLayerFeatures, \
poClipSrc, poClipDst, bExplodeCollections, nSrcFileSize, \
pnReadFeatureCount, pfnProgress, pProgressArg) :
bForceToPolygon = False
bForceToMultiPolygon = False
bForceToMultiLineString = False
poDstLayer = psInfo.poDstLayer
#papszTransformOptions = psInfo.papszTransformOptions
poCT = psInfo.poCT
panMap = psInfo.panMap
iSrcZField = psInfo.iSrcZField
if poOutputSRS is None and not bNullifyOutputSRS:
poOutputSRS = poSrcLayer.GetSpatialRef()
if wkbFlatten(eGType) == ogr.wkbPolygon:
bForceToPolygon = True
elif wkbFlatten(eGType) == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon:
bForceToMultiPolygon = True
elif wkbFlatten(eGType) == ogr.wkbMultiLineString:
bForceToMultiLineString = True
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Transfer features.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
nFeaturesInTransaction = 0
nCount = 0
if nGroupTransactions > 0:
while True:
poDstFeature = None
if nFIDToFetch != ogr.NullFID:
#// Only fetch feature on first pass.
if nFeaturesInTransaction == 0:
poFeature = poSrcLayer.GetFeature(nFIDToFetch)
poFeature = None
poFeature = poSrcLayer.GetNextFeature()
if poFeature is None:
nParts = 0
nIters = 1
if bExplodeCollections:
poSrcGeometry = poFeature.GetGeometryRef()
if poSrcGeometry is not None:
eSrcType = wkbFlatten(poSrcGeometry.GetGeometryType())
if eSrcType == ogr.wkbMultiPoint or \
eSrcType == ogr.wkbMultiLineString or \
eSrcType == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon or \
eSrcType == ogr.wkbGeometryCollection:
nParts = poSrcGeometry.GetGeometryCount()
nIters = nParts
if nIters == 0:
nIters = 1
for iPart in range(nIters):
nFeaturesInTransaction = nFeaturesInTransaction + 1
if nFeaturesInTransaction == nGroupTransactions:
nFeaturesInTransaction = 0
poDstFeature = ogr.Feature( poDstLayer.GetLayerDefn() )
if poDstFeature.SetFromWithMap( poFeature, 1, panMap ) != 0:
if nGroupTransactions > 0:
print("Unable to translate feature %d from layer %s" % (poFeature.GetFID() , poSrcLayer.GetName() ))
return False
if bPreserveFID:
poDstFeature.SetFID( poFeature.GetFID() )
poDstGeometry = poDstFeature.GetGeometryRef()
if poDstGeometry is not None:
if nParts > 0:
# For -explodecollections, extract the iPart(th) of the geometry
poPart = poDstGeometry.GetGeometryRef(iPart).Clone()
poDstGeometry = poPart
if iSrcZField != -1:
SetZ(poDstGeometry, poFeature.GetFieldAsDouble(iSrcZField))
# This will correct the coordinate dimension to 3
poDupGeometry = poDstGeometry.Clone()
poDstGeometry = poDupGeometry
if nCoordDim == 2 or nCoordDim == 3:
poDstGeometry.SetCoordinateDimension( nCoordDim )
if eGeomOp == GeomOperation.SEGMENTIZE:
#if (poDstFeature.GetGeometryRef() is not None and dfGeomOpParam > 0)
# poDstFeature.GetGeometryRef().segmentize(dfGeomOpParam);
elif eGeomOp == GeomOperation.SIMPLIFY_PRESERVE_TOPOLOGY and dfGeomOpParam > 0:
poNewGeom = poDstGeometry.SimplifyPreserveTopology(dfGeomOpParam)
if poNewGeom is not None:
poDstGeometry = poNewGeom
if poClipSrc is not None:
poClipped = poDstGeometry.Intersection(poClipSrc)
if poClipped is None or poClipped.IsEmpty():
# Report progress
nCount = nCount +1
if pfnProgress is not None:
pfnProgress(nCount * 1.0 / nCountLayerFeatures, "", pProgressArg)
poDstGeometry = poClipped
if poCT is not None:
eErr = poDstGeometry.Transform( poCT )
if eErr != 0:
if nGroupTransactions > 0:
print("Failed to reproject feature %d (geometry probably out of source or destination SRS)." % poFeature.GetFID())
if not bSkipFailures:
return False
elif poOutputSRS is not None:
if poClipDst is not None:
poClipped = poDstGeometry.Intersection(poClipDst)
if poClipped is None or poClipped.IsEmpty():
poDstGeometry = poClipped
if bForceToPolygon:
elif bForceToMultiPolygon or \
(bPromoteToMulti and wkbFlatten(poDstGeometry.GetGeometryType()) == ogr.wkbPolygon):
elif bForceToMultiLineString or \
(bPromoteToMulti and wkbFlatten(poDstGeometry.GetGeometryType()) == ogr.wkbLineString):
if poDstLayer.CreateFeature( poDstFeature ) != 0 and not bSkipFailures:
if nGroupTransactions > 0:
return False
# Report progress
nCount = nCount + 1
if pfnProgress is not None:
if nSrcFileSize != 0:
if (nCount % 1000) == 0:
poFCLayer = poSrcDS.ExecuteSQL("GetBytesRead()", None, None)
if poFCLayer is not None:
poFeat = poFCLayer.GetNextFeature()
if poFeat is not None:
pszReadSize = poFeat.GetFieldAsString(0)
nReadSize = int(pszReadSize)
pfnProgress(nReadSize * 1.0 / nSrcFileSize, "", pProgressArg)
pfnProgress(nCount * 1.0 / nCountLayerFeatures, "", pProgressArg)
if pnReadFeatureCount is not None:
pnReadFeatureCount[0] = nCount
if nGroupTransactions > 0:
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
version_num = int(gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM'))
if version_num < 1800: # because of ogr.GetFieldTypeName
print('ERROR: Python bindings of GDAL 1.8.0 or later required')
if not main(sys.argv):