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import kornia
import torch
import torch_lydorn.torchvision
# from pytorch_memlab import profile, profile_every
from frame_field_learning import measures
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
def compute_distance_transform(tensor: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
device = tensor.device
array = tensor.cpu().numpy()
shape = array.shape
array = array.reshape(-1, *shape[-2:]).astype(np.uint8)
dist_trans = np.empty(array.shape, dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(array.shape[0]):
dist_trans[i] = cv.distanceTransform(array[i], distanceType=cv.DIST_L2, maskSize=cv.DIST_MASK_5, dstType=cv.CV_64F)
dist_trans = dist_trans.reshape(shape)
dist_trans = torch.tensor(dist_trans, device=device)
return dist_trans
def select_crossfield(all_outputs, final_seg):
# Choose frame field from the replicate that best matches the final seg interior
dice_loss = measures.dice_loss(all_outputs["seg"][:, :, 0, :, :], final_seg[None, :, 0, :, :])
# Get index of the replicate that achieves the min dice_loss (as it's a loss, lower is better)
indices_best = torch.argmin(dice_loss, dim=0)
batch_range = torch.arange(all_outputs["seg"].shape[1]) # batch size
# For each batch select frame field from the replicate in indices_best
final_crossfield = all_outputs["crossfield"][indices_best, batch_range]
return final_crossfield
def aggr_mean(all_outputs):
final_outputs = {}
if "seg" in all_outputs:
final_seg = torch.mean(all_outputs["seg"], dim=0)
final_outputs["seg"] = final_seg # Final seg is between min and max: positive pixels are closer to min
if "crossfield" in all_outputs:
final_outputs["crossfield"] = select_crossfield(all_outputs, final_seg)
raise NotImplementedError("Test Time Augmentation requires segmentation to be computed.")
return final_outputs
def aggr_median(all_outputs):
final_outputs = {}
if "seg" in all_outputs:
final_seg, _ = torch.median(all_outputs["seg"], dim=0)
final_outputs["seg"] = final_seg # Final seg is between min and max: positive pixels are closer to min
if "crossfield" in all_outputs:
final_outputs["crossfield"] = select_crossfield(all_outputs, final_seg)
raise NotImplementedError("Test Time Augmentation requires segmentation to be computed.")
return final_outputs
def aggr_dist_trans(all_outputs, seg_threshold):
final_outputs = {}
if "seg" in all_outputs:
min_seg, _ = torch.min(all_outputs["seg"], dim=0)
max_seg, _ = torch.max(all_outputs["seg"], dim=0)
# Final seg will be between min and max seg. The idea is that we don't loose the sharp corners (which taking the mean does)
dist_ext_to_min_seg = compute_distance_transform(min_seg < seg_threshold)
dist_int_to_max_seg = compute_distance_transform(seg_threshold < max_seg)
final_seg = dist_ext_to_min_seg < dist_int_to_max_seg
final_outputs["seg"] = final_seg # Final seg is between min and max: positive pixels are closer to min
if "crossfield" in all_outputs:
final_outputs["crossfield"] = select_crossfield(all_outputs, final_seg)
raise NotImplementedError("Test Time Augmentation requires segmentation to be computed.")
return final_outputs
def aggr_translated(all_outputs, seg_threshold, image_display=None):
final_outputs = {}
if "seg" in all_outputs:
# Cleanup all_seg by multiplying with the mean seg
all_seg = all_outputs["seg"]
all_seg_mask: torch.Tensor = seg_threshold < all_seg
mean_seg = torch.mean(all_seg_mask.float(), dim=0)
mean_seg_mask = seg_threshold < mean_seg
all_cleaned_seg = all_seg_mask * mean_seg[None, ...]
# all_cleaned_seg_mask = seg_threshold < all_cleaned_seg
# all_cleaned_seg[~all_cleaned_seg_mask] = 0 # Put 0 where seg is below threshold
# # --- DEBUG SAVE
# image_seg_display = plot_utils.get_tensorboard_image_seg_display(image_display, mean_seg)
# image_seg_display = image_seg_display[0].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0)
#"image_seg_display_mean_seg.png", image_seg_display)
# for i, cleaned_seg in enumerate(all_cleaned_seg):
# image_seg_display = plot_utils.get_tensorboard_image_seg_display(image_display, cleaned_seg)
# image_seg_display = image_seg_display[0].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0)
#"image_seg_display_replicate_cleaned_{i}.png", image_seg_display)
# # ---
# Compute barycenter of all cleaned segs
range_x = torch.arange(all_cleaned_seg.shape[4], device=all_cleaned_seg.device)
range_y = torch.arange(all_cleaned_seg.shape[3], device=all_cleaned_seg.device)
grid_y, grid_x = torch.meshgrid([range_x, range_y])
grid_xy = torch.stack([grid_x, grid_y], dim=-1)
# Average of coordinates, weighted by segmentation confidence
spatial_mean_xy = torch.sum(grid_xy[None, None, None, :, :, :] * all_cleaned_seg[:, :, :, :, :, None], dim=(3, 4)) / torch.sum(all_cleaned_seg[:, :, :, :, :, None], dim=(3, 4))
# Median of all replicate's means
median_spatial_mean_xy, _ = torch.median(spatial_mean_xy, dim=0)
# Compute shift between each replicates and the average
shift_xy = median_spatial_mean_xy[None, :, :, :] - spatial_mean_xy
shift_xy *= 2 # The shift for the original segs is twice the shift between cleaned segs (assuming homogenous shifts and enough segs)
shift_xy = shift_xy.view(-1, shift_xy.shape[-1])
shape = all_outputs["seg"].shape
shifted_seg = kornia.geometry.translate(all_outputs["seg"].view(-1, *shape[-3:]), shift_xy).view(shape)
# # --- DEBUG SAVE
# for i, replicate_shifted_seg in enumerate(shifted_seg):
# image_seg_display = plot_utils.get_tensorboard_image_seg_display(image_display, replicate_shifted_seg)
# image_seg_display = image_seg_display[0].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0)
#"image_seg_display_replicate_shifted_{i}.png", image_seg_display)
# # ---
# Compute mean shifted seg
mean_shifted_seg = torch.mean(shifted_seg, dim=0)
# Select replicate seg (and crossfield) that best matches mean_shifted_seg
dice_loss = measures.dice_loss(shifted_seg[:, :, 0, :, :], mean_shifted_seg[None, :, 0, :, :])
# Get index of the replicate that achieves the min dice_loss (as it's a loss, lower is better)
indices_best = torch.argmin(dice_loss, dim=0)
batch_range = torch.arange(all_outputs["seg"].shape[1]) # batch size
# For each batch select seg and frame field from the replicate in indices_best
final_outputs["seg"] = shifted_seg[indices_best, batch_range]
if "crossfield" in all_outputs:
final_outputs["crossfield"] = all_outputs["crossfield"][indices_best, batch_range]
# if "crossfield" in all_outputs:
# final_outputs["crossfield"] = select_crossfield(all_outputs, final_seg)
raise NotImplementedError("Test Time Augmentation requires segmentation to be computed.")
return final_outputs
def tta_inference(model, xb, seg_threshold):
# Perform inference several times with transformed input image and aggregate results
replicates = 4 * 2 # 4 rotations, each with vflip/no vflip
# Init results tensors
notrans_outputs = model.inference(xb["image"])
output_keys = notrans_outputs.keys()
all_outputs = {}
for key in output_keys:
all_outputs[key] = torch.empty((replicates, *notrans_outputs[key].shape), dtype=notrans_outputs[key].dtype,
all_outputs[key][0] = notrans_outputs[key]
# Flip image
flipped_image = kornia.geometry.transform.vflip(xb["image"])
flipped_outputs = model.inference(flipped_image)
for key in output_keys:
reversed_output = kornia.geometry.transform.vflip(flipped_outputs[key])
all_outputs[key][1] = reversed_output
# --- Apply transforms one by one and add results to all_outputs
for k in range(1, 4):
rotated_image = torch.rot90(xb["image"], k=k, dims=(-2, -1))
rotated_outputs = model.inference(rotated_image)
for key in output_keys:
reversed_output = torch.rot90(rotated_outputs[key], k=-k, dims=(-2, -1))
if key == "crossfield":
angle = -k * 90
# TODO: use a faster implementation of rotate_framefield that only handles angles [0, 90, 180, 270]
reversed_output = torch_lydorn.torchvision.transforms.functional.rotate_framefield(reversed_output,
all_outputs[key][2 * k] = reversed_output
# Flip rotated image
flipped_rotated_image = kornia.geometry.transform.vflip(rotated_image)
flipped_rotated_outputs = model.inference(flipped_rotated_image)
for key in output_keys:
reversed_output = torch.rot90(kornia.geometry.transform.vflip(flipped_rotated_outputs[key]), k=-k,
dims=(-2, -1))
if key == "crossfield":
angle = -k * 90
reversed_output = torch_lydorn.torchvision.transforms.functional.vflip_framefield(reversed_output)
reversed_output = torch_lydorn.torchvision.transforms.functional.rotate_framefield(reversed_output,
all_outputs[key][2 * k + 1] = reversed_output
# --- DEBUG
# all_outputs["seg"] *= 0
# for i in range(all_outputs["seg"].shape[0]):
# center = 512
# size = 100
# shift_x = random.randint(-20, 20)
# shift_y = random.randint(-20, 20)
# all_outputs["seg"][i][..., center + shift_y - size:center + shift_y + size, center + shift_x - size:center + shift_x + size] = 1
# # Add noise
# noise_center_x = random.randint(100, 1024-100)
# noise_center_y = random.randint(100, 1024-100)
# noise_size = 10
# all_outputs["seg"][i][..., noise_center_y - noise_size:noise_center_y + noise_size, noise_center_x - noise_size:noise_center_x + noise_size] = 1
# # Add more noise
# all_outputs["seg"][i] += 0.25 * torch.rand(all_outputs["seg"][i].shape, device=all_outputs["seg"][i].device)
# all_outputs["seg"][i] = torch.clamp(all_outputs["seg"][i], 0, 1)
# # --- DEBUG SAVE
# image_display = torch_lydorn.torchvision.transforms.functional.batch_denormalize(xb["image"],
# xb["image_mean"],
# xb["image_std"])
# for i, replicate_seg in enumerate(all_outputs["seg"]):
# image_seg_display = plot_utils.get_tensorboard_image_seg_display(image_display, replicate_seg)
# image_seg_display = image_seg_display[0].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0)
#"image_seg_display_replicate_{i}.png", image_seg_display)
# # ---
# --- Aggregate results
# final_outputs = aggr_dist_trans(all_outputs, seg_threshold)
# final_outputs = aggr_translated(all_outputs, seg_threshold, image_display=image_display)
# final_outputs = aggr_translated(all_outputs, seg_threshold)
final_outputs = aggr_mean(all_outputs)
# final_outputs = aggr_median(all_outputs)
# # --- DEBUG SAVE
# image_seg_display = plot_utils.get_tensorboard_image_seg_display(image_display, final_outputs["seg"])
# image_seg_display = image_seg_display[0].cpu().detach().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0)
#"image_seg_display_final.png", image_seg_display)
# # ---
# input("Press <Enter>...")
return final_outputs |