File size: 7,896 Bytes
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import argparse
import os
import torch
import numpy as np
import skimage
import skimage.measure
import shapely.geometry
import shapely.ops
from PIL import Image
from multiprocess import Pool
from tqdm import tqdm
from functools import partial
from lydorn_utils import print_utils, geo_utils
from frame_field_learning import polygonize_utils, plot_utils
DEBUG = False
def debug_print(s: str):
def get_args():
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
help='Filepath(s) to input segmentation/mask image.')
help='Path to the directory containing the corresponding images os the segmentation/mask. '
'Files must have the same filename as --seg_filepath.'
'Used for vizualization or saving the shapefile with the same coordinate system as that image.')
help='Path to the output directory.')
choices=['pdf', 'shp'],
help="File extension of the output. "
"'pdf': pdf visualization (requires --im_dirpath for the image), 'shp': shapefile")
help='Selects area in bbox for computation.')
args = argparser.parse_args()
return args
def simplify(polygons, probs, tolerance):
if type(tolerance) == list:
out_polygons_dict = {}
out_probs_dict = {}
for tol in tolerance:
out_polygons, out_probs = simplify(polygons, probs, tol)
out_polygons_dict["tol_{}".format(tol)] = out_polygons
out_probs_dict["tol_{}".format(tol)] = out_probs
return out_polygons_dict, out_probs_dict
out_polygons = [polygon.simplify(tolerance, preserve_topology=True) for polygon in polygons]
return out_polygons, probs
def shapely_postprocess(out_contours, np_indicator, config):
height = np_indicator.shape[0]
width = np_indicator.shape[1]
# Handle holes:
line_string_list = [shapely.geometry.LineString(out_contour[:, ::-1]) for out_contour in out_contours]
# Add image boundary line_strings for border polygons
(0, 0),
(0, height - 1),
(width - 1, height - 1),
(width - 1, 0),
# Merge polylines (for border polygons):
multi_line_string = shapely.ops.unary_union(line_string_list)
# Find polygons:
polygons, dangles, cuts, invalids = shapely.ops.polygonize_full(multi_line_string)
polygons = list(polygons)
# Remove small polygons
polygons = [polygon for polygon in polygons if
config["min_area"] < polygon.area]
# Remove low prob polygons
filtered_polygons = []
filtered_polygon_probs = []
for polygon in polygons:
prob = polygonize_utils.compute_geom_prob(polygon, np_indicator)
# print("simple:", np_indicator.min(), np_indicator.mean(), np_indicator.max(), prob)
if config["seg_threshold"] < prob:
polygons, probs = simplify(filtered_polygons, filtered_polygon_probs, config["tolerance"])
return polygons, probs
def polygonize(seg_batch, config, pool=None, pre_computed=None):
# tic_total = time.time()
assert len(seg_batch.shape) == 4 and seg_batch.shape[
1] <= 3, "seg_batch should be (N, C, H, W) with C <= 3, not {}".format(seg_batch.shape)
# Indicator
# tic = time.time()
indicator_batch = seg_batch[:, 0, :, :]
np_indicator_batch = indicator_batch.cpu().numpy()
# toc = time.time()
# debug_print(f"Indicator to cpu: {toc - tic}s")
if pre_computed is None or "init_contours_batch" not in pre_computed:
# tic = time.time()
init_contours_batch = polygonize_utils.compute_init_contours_batch(np_indicator_batch, config["data_level"], pool=pool)
# toc = time.time()
# debug_print(f"Init contours: {toc - tic}s")
init_contours_batch = pre_computed["init_contours_batch"]
# tic = time.time()
# Convert contours to shapely polygons to handle holes:
if pool is not None:
shapely_postprocess_partial = partial(shapely_postprocess, config=config)
polygons_probs_batch = pool.starmap(shapely_postprocess_partial, zip(init_contours_batch, np_indicator_batch))
polygons_batch, probs_batch = zip(*polygons_probs_batch)
polygons_batch = []
probs_batch = []
for i, out_contours in enumerate(init_contours_batch):
polygons, probs = shapely_postprocess(out_contours, np_indicator_batch[i], config)
# toc = time.time()
# debug_print(f"Shapely post-process: {toc - tic}s")
# toc_total = time.time()
# debug_print(f"Total: {toc_total - tic_total}s")
return polygons_batch, probs_batch
def run_one(seg_filepath, out_dirpath, config, im_dirpath, out_ext=None, bbox=None):
filename = os.path.basename(seg_filepath)
name = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
# Load image
image = None
im_filepath = os.path.join(im_dirpath, name + ".tif")
if out_ext == "pdf":
image =
# seg = / 255
seg_img =
seg = np.array(seg_img)
if seg.dtype == np.uint8:
seg = seg / 255
elif seg.dtype == np.bool:
seg = seg.astype(np.float)
# Select bbox for dev
if bbox is not None:
assert len(bbox) == 4, "bbox should have 4 values"
# bbox = [1440, 210, 1800, 650] # vienna12
# bbox = [2808, 2393, 3124, 2772] # innsbruck19
if image is not None:
image = image[bbox[0]:bbox[2], bbox[1]:bbox[3]]
seg = seg[bbox[0]:bbox[2], bbox[1]:bbox[3]]
extra_name = ".bbox_{}_{}_{}_{}".format(*bbox)
extra_name = ""
# Convert to torch and add batch dim
if len(seg.shape) < 3:
seg = seg[:, :, None]
seg_batch = torch.tensor(np.transpose(seg[:, :, :2], (2, 0, 1)), dtype=torch.float)[None, ...]
out_contours_batch, out_probs_batch = polygonize(seg_batch, config)
polygons = out_contours_batch[0]
if out_ext == "shp":
out_filepath = os.path.join(out_dirpath, name + ".shp")
geo_utils.save_shapefile_from_shapely_polygons(polygons, im_filepath, out_filepath)
elif out_ext == "pdf":
base_filepath = os.path.splitext(seg_filepath)[0]
filepath = base_filepath + extra_name + ".poly_simple.pdf"
# plot_utils.save_poly_viz(image, polygons, filepath, linewidths=1, draw_vertices=True, color_choices=[[0, 1, 0, 1]])
plot_utils.save_poly_viz(image, polygons, filepath, markersize=30, linewidths=1, draw_vertices=True)
raise ValueError(f"out_ext should be shp or pdf, not {out_ext}")
def main():
config = {
"data_level": 0.5,
"tolerance": 1.0,
"seg_threshold": 0.5,
"min_area": 10
# --- Process args --- #
args = get_args()
pool = Pool()
list(tqdm(pool.imap(partial(run_one, out_dirpath=args.out_dirpath, config=config, im_dirpath=args.im_dirpath, out_ext=args.out_ext, bbox=args.bbox), args.seg_filepath), desc="Simple poly.", total=len(args.seg_filepath)))
if __name__ == '__main__':