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import os
import csv
from tqdm import tqdm
from multiprocess import Pool, Process, Queue
from functools import partial
import time
import torch
# from pytorch_memlab import profile, profile_every
from . import inference, save_utils, polygonize
from . import local_utils
from . import measures
from lydorn_utils import run_utils
from lydorn_utils import python_utils
from lydorn_utils import print_utils
from lydorn_utils import async_utils
class Evaluator:
def __init__(self, gpu: int, config: dict, shared_dict, barrier, model, run_dirpath):
self.gpu = gpu
self.config = config
assert 0 < self.config["eval_params"]["batch_size_mult"], \
"batch_size_mult in polygonize_params should be at least 1."
self.shared_dict = shared_dict
self.barrier = barrier
self.model = model
self.checkpoints_dirpath = run_utils.setup_run_subdir(run_dirpath,
self.eval_dirpath = os.path.join(config["data_root_dir"], "eval_runs", os.path.split(run_dirpath)[-1])
if self.gpu == 0:
os.makedirs(self.eval_dirpath, exist_ok=True)
print_utils.print_info("Saving eval outputs to {}".format(self.eval_dirpath))
# @profile
def evaluate(self, split_name: str, ds:
# Prepare data saving:
flag_filepath_format = os.path.join(self.eval_dirpath, split_name, "{}.flag")
# Loading model
# Create pool for multiprocessing
pool = None
if not self.config["eval_params"]["patch_size"]:
# If single image is not being split up, then a pool to process each sample in the batch makes sense
pool = Pool(processes=self.config["num_workers"])
compute_polygonization = self.config["eval_params"]["save_individual_outputs"]["poly_shapefile"] or \
self.config["eval_params"]["save_individual_outputs"]["poly_geojson"] or \
self.config["eval_params"]["save_individual_outputs"]["poly_viz"] or \
# Saving individual outputs to disk:
save_individual_outputs = True in self.config["eval_params"]["save_individual_outputs"].values()
saver_async = None
if save_individual_outputs:
save_outputs_partial = partial(save_utils.save_outputs, config=self.config, eval_dirpath=self.eval_dirpath,
split_name=split_name, flag_filepath_format=flag_filepath_format)
saver_async = async_utils.Async(save_outputs_partial)
# Saving aggregated outputs
save_aggregated_outputs = True in self.config["eval_params"]["save_aggregated_outputs"].values()
tile_data_list = []
if self.gpu == 0:
tile_iterator = tqdm(ds, desc="Eval {}: ".format(split_name), leave=True)
tile_iterator = ds
for tile_i, tile_data in enumerate(tile_iterator):
# --- Inference, add result to tile_data_list
if self.config["eval_params"]["patch_size"] is not None:
# Cut image into patches for inference
inference.inference_with_patching(self.config, self.model, tile_data)
# Feed images as-is to the model
inference.inference_no_patching(self.config, self.model, tile_data)
# --- Accumulate batches into tile_data_list until capacity is reached (or this is the last batch)
if self.config["eval_params"]["batch_size_mult"] <= len(tile_data_list)\
or tile_i == len(tile_iterator) - 1:
# Concat tensors of tile_data_list
accumulated_tile_data = {}
for key in tile_data_list[0].keys():
if isinstance(tile_data_list[0][key], list):
accumulated_tile_data[key] = [item for _tile_data in tile_data_list for item in _tile_data[key]]
elif isinstance(tile_data_list[0][key], torch.Tensor):
accumulated_tile_data[key] =[_tile_data[key] for _tile_data in tile_data_list], dim=0)
raise TypeError(f"Type {type(tile_data_list[0][key])} is not handled!")
tile_data_list = [] # Empty tile_data_list
# tile_data_list is not full yet, continue running inference...
# --- Polygonize
if compute_polygonization:
crossfield = accumulated_tile_data["crossfield"] if "crossfield" in accumulated_tile_data else None
accumulated_tile_data["polygons"], accumulated_tile_data["polygon_probs"] = polygonize.polygonize(
self.config["polygonize_params"], accumulated_tile_data["seg"],
# --- Save output
if self.config["eval_params"]["save_individual_outputs"]["seg_mask"] or \
# Take seg_interior:
seg_pred_mask = self.config["eval_params"]["seg_threshold"] < accumulated_tile_data["seg"][:, 0, ...]
accumulated_tile_data["seg_mask"] = seg_pred_mask
accumulated_tile_data = local_utils.batch_to_cpu(accumulated_tile_data)
sample_list = local_utils.split_batch(accumulated_tile_data)
# Save individual outputs:
if save_individual_outputs:
for sample in sample_list:
# Store aggregated outputs:
if save_aggregated_outputs:
if self.config["eval_params"]["save_aggregated_outputs"]["stats"]:
y_pred = accumulated_tile_data["seg"][:, 0, ...].cpu()
if "gt_mask" in accumulated_tile_data:
y_true = accumulated_tile_data["gt_mask"][:, 0, ...]
elif "gt_polygons_image" in accumulated_tile_data:
y_true = accumulated_tile_data["gt_polygons_image"][:, 0, ...]
raise ValueError("Either gt_mask or gt_polygons_image should be in accumulated_tile_data")
iou = measures.iou(y_pred.reshape(y_pred.shape[0], -1), y_true.reshape(y_true.shape[0], -1),
if self.config["eval_params"]["save_aggregated_outputs"]["seg_coco"]:
for sample in sample_list:
annotations = save_utils.seg_coco(sample)
if self.config["eval_params"]["save_aggregated_outputs"]["poly_coco"]:
for sample in sample_list:
annotations = save_utils.poly_coco(sample["polygons"], sample["polygon_probs"], sample["image_id"].item())
self.shared_dict["poly_coco_list"].append(annotations) # annotations could be a dict, or a list
# END of loop over samples
# Save aggregated results
if save_aggregated_outputs:
self.barrier.wait() # Wait on all processes so that shared_dict is synchronized.
if self.gpu == 0:
if self.config["eval_params"]["save_aggregated_outputs"]["stats"]:
print("Start saving stats:")
# Save sample_stats in CSV:
t1 = time.time()
stats_filepath = os.path.join(self.eval_dirpath, "{}.stats.csv".format(split_name))
stats_file = open(stats_filepath, "w")
fnames = ["name", "iou"]
writer = csv.DictWriter(stats_file, fieldnames=fnames)
for name, iou in sorted(zip(self.shared_dict["name_list"], self.shared_dict["iou_list"]), key=lambda pair: pair[0]):
"name": name,
"iou": iou
print(f"Finished in {time.time() - t1:02}s")
if self.config["eval_params"]["save_aggregated_outputs"]["seg_coco"]:
print("Start saving seg_coco:")
t1 = time.time()
seg_coco_filepath = os.path.join(self.eval_dirpath, "{}.annotation.seg.json".format(split_name))
python_utils.save_json(seg_coco_filepath, list(self.shared_dict["seg_coco_list"]))
print(f"Finished in {time.time() - t1:02}s")
if self.config["eval_params"]["save_aggregated_outputs"]["poly_coco"]:
print("Start saving poly_coco:")
poly_coco_base_filepath = os.path.join(self.eval_dirpath, f"{split_name}.annotation.poly")
t1 = time.time()
save_utils.save_poly_coco(self.shared_dict["poly_coco_list"], poly_coco_base_filepath)
print(f"Finished in {time.time() - t1:02}s")
# Sync point of individual outputs
if save_individual_outputs:
print_utils.print_info(f"GPU {self.gpu} -> INFO: Finishing saving individual outputs.")
self.barrier.wait() # Wait on all processes so that all saver_asyncs are finished
def load_checkpoint(self):
Loads best val checkpoint in checkpoints_dirpath
filepaths = python_utils.get_filepaths(self.checkpoints_dirpath, startswith_str="checkpoint.best_val.",
if len(filepaths):
filepaths = sorted(filepaths)
filepath = filepaths[-1] # Last best val checkpoint filepath in case there is more than one
if self.gpu == 0:
print_utils.print_info("Loading best val checkpoint: {}".format(filepath))
# No best val checkpoint fount: find last checkpoint:
filepaths = python_utils.get_filepaths(self.checkpoints_dirpath, endswith_str=".tar",
if len(filepaths) == 0:
raise FileNotFoundError("No checkpoint could be found at that location.")
filepaths = sorted(filepaths)
filepath = filepaths[-1] # Last checkpoint
if self.gpu == 0:
print_utils.print_info("Loading last checkpoint: {}".format(filepath))
# map_location is used to load on current device:
checkpoint = torch.load(filepath, map_location="cuda:{}".format(self.gpu))