Update app.py
Browse files
@@ -423,65 +423,4 @@ async def web_search_endpoint(query: str, num_results: int = 5, api_key: str = D
423 |
result = await web_search(query, num_results)
424 |
if not result['success']:
425 |
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=result['error'])
426 |
return result
427 |
428 |
logger.info(f"Starting YouTube audio extraction for video ID: {video_id}")
429 |
430 |
# Create an InnerTube client for iOS
431 |
client = InnerTube("IOS")
432 |
logger.info("InnerTube client created")
433 |
434 |
# Fetch video info
435 |
logger.info("Fetching video info")
436 |
video_info = client.player(video_id)
437 |
logger.info("Video info fetched successfully")
438 |
439 |
# Extract the audio streams
440 |
streams = video_info["streamingData"]["adaptiveFormats"]
441 |
audio_streams = [s for s in streams if s['mimeType'].startswith('audio/')]
442 |
443 |
if not audio_streams:
444 |
logger.warning(f"No audio streams found for video ID {video_id}")
445 |
return {'success': False, 'error': "No audio streams found"}
446 |
447 |
# Choose the highest quality audio stream
448 |
audio_stream = max(audio_streams, key=lambda x: x.get('bitrate', 0))
449 |
audio_url = audio_stream['url']
450 |
logger.info(f"Selected audio stream URL: {audio_url[:100]}...") # Log first 100 chars of URL
451 |
452 |
# Prepare headers
453 |
headers = {
454 |
'User-Agent': random.choice(USER_AGENTS),
455 |
'Accept': '*/*',
456 |
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br',
457 |
'Range': 'bytes=0-',
458 |
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
459 |
460 |
461 |
# Download the audio
462 |
logger.info("Starting audio download")
463 |
response = requests.get(audio_url, headers=headers, stream=True)
464 |
logger.info(f"Download response status code: {response.status_code}")
465 |
466 |
if response.status_code in [200, 206]: # 200 OK or 206 Partial Content
467 |
# Create a temporary file
468 |
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.mp4') as temp_file:
469 |
temp_file_path = temp_file.name
470 |
logger.info(f"Created temporary file: {temp_file_path}")
471 |
# Write the audio data to the file
472 |
total_size = 0
473 |
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
474 |
475 |
total_size += len(chunk)
476 |
if total_size % (1024 * 1024) == 0: # Log every 1MB
477 |
logger.info(f"Downloaded {total_size / (1024 * 1024):.2f} MB")
478 |
479 |
logger.info(f"Audio download completed. Total size: {total_size / (1024 * 1024):.2f} MB")
480 |
return {'success': True, 'temp_file_path': temp_file_path}
481 |
482 |
logger.error(f"Failed to download audio: HTTP {response.status_code}")
483 |
return {'success': False, 'error': f"Download failed: HTTP {response.status_code}"}
484 |
485 |
except Exception as e:
486 |
logger.exception(f"Error fetching YouTube audio for video ID {video_id}: {str(e)}")
487 |
return {'success': False, 'error': f"Error: {str(e)}"} , add ulpoad to s3 funtion and send the s3 file
423 |
result = await web_search(query, num_results)
424 |
if not result['success']:
425 |
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=result['error'])
426 |
return result