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import streamlit as st
from graph import EssayWriter, RouteQuery, GraphState
from crew import *
import os
import traceback
import base64
# Install Graphviz if not found
if os.system("which dot") != 0:
os.system("apt-get update && apt-get install -y graphviz")
<h1 style="text-align: center; white-space: nowrap; font-size: 2.5em;">
Multi-Agent Essay Writing Assistant
# Ensure session state variables are initialized properly
if "messages" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["messages"] = [{"role": "assistant", "content": "Hello! How can I assist you today?"}]
if "app" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["app"] = None
if "chat_active" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["chat_active"] = True
# Sidebar with essay settings and user-defined length
with st.sidebar:
"\n\n 1. This app uses the 'gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18' model."
"\n\n 2. Writing essays may take some time, approximately 2-3 minutes."
# API Key Retrieval
openai_key = st.secrets.get("OPENAI_API_KEY", "")
# User-defined essay length selection
st.subheader("📝 Configure Essay Settings:")
essay_length = st.number_input(
"Select Essay Length (words):",
# Reference section
st.subheader("📖 References:")
"[1. Multi-Agent System with CrewAI and LangChain](",
# Initialize agents function
def initialize_agents():
if not openai_key:
st.error("⚠️ OpenAI API key is missing! Please provide a valid key through Hugging Face Secrets.")
st.session_state["chat_active"] = True
return None
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = openai_key
# Prevent re-initialization
if "app" in st.session_state and st.session_state["app"] is not None:
return st.session_state["app"]
# Initialize the full EssayWriter instance
essay_writer = EssayWriter() # ✅ Store the full instance
st.session_state["app"] = essay_writer # ✅ Now contains `graph`
st.session_state["chat_active"] = False # ✅ Enable chat after successful initialization
return essay_writer
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"❌ Error initializing agents: {e}")
st.session_state["chat_active"] = True
return None
# Automatically initialize agents on app load
if st.session_state["app"] is None:
st.session_state["app"] = initialize_agents()
if st.session_state["app"] is None:
st.error("⚠️ Failed to initialize agents. Please check your API key and restart the app.")
app = st.session_state["app"]
# Function to invoke the agent and generate a response
def generate_response(topic, length):
if not app or not hasattr(app, "graph"):
st.error("⚠️ Agents are not initialized. Please check the system or restart the app.")
return {"response": "Error: Agents not initialized."}
return app.graph.invoke(input={"topic": topic, "length": length}) # Ensure `graph` is invoked
# Define Tabs
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["📜 Essay Generation", "📊 Workflow Viz"])
# 📜 Tab 1: Essay Generation
with tab1:
#st.subheader("📝 Generate an Essay")
# Display chat messages from the session
if "messages" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["messages"] = [{"role": "assistant", "content": "Hello! How can I assist you today?"}]
for message in st.session_state["messages"]:
with st.chat_message(message["role"]):
st.markdown(message["content"], unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Handle user input
if topic := st.chat_input(placeholder="📝 Ask a question or provide an essay topic...", disabled=st.session_state["chat_active"]):
st.session_state["messages"].append({"role": "user", "content": topic})
with st.spinner("⏳ Generating your essay..."):
response = None
if app:
response = app.write_essay({"topic": topic})
st.error("⚠️ Agents are not initialized. Please check the system or restart the app.")
# Handle the assistant's response
with st.chat_message("assistant"):
if response and "essay" in response: # Display essay preview and download link
essay = response["essay"]
st.markdown(f"### 📝 Essay Preview ({essay_length} words)")
st.markdown(f"#### {essay['header']}")
for para in essay["paragraphs"]:
st.markdown("**🖊️ Conclusion:**")
# Provide download link for the PDF (only if available)
pdf_name = response.get("pdf_name")
if pdf_name and os.path.exists(pdf_name):
with open(pdf_name, "rb") as pdf_file:
b64 = base64.b64encode(
href = f"<a href='data:application/octet-stream;base64,{b64}' download='{pdf_name}'>📄 Click here to download the PDF</a>"
st.markdown(href, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Save response in session state
{"role": "assistant", "content": f"Here is your {essay_length}-word essay preview and the download link."}
elif response: # Other responses (fallback)
st.session_state["messages"].append({"role": "assistant", "content": response["response"]})
st.error("⚠️ No response received. Please try again.")
# 📊 Tab 2: Workflow Visualization
with tab2:
#st.subheader("📊 Multi-Agent Essay Writer Workflow Viz")
graph_path = "/tmp/graph.png"
if os.path.exists(graph_path):
st.image(graph_path, caption="Multi-Agent Essay Writer Workflow Viz", use_container_width=True)
st.warning("⚠️ Workflow graph not found. Please run `` to regenerate `graph.png`.")
except Exception as e:
st.error("❌ An error occurred while generating the workflow visualization.")
st.text_area("Error Details:", traceback.format_exc(), height=200)
# Acknowledgment Section
<div style="text-align: center; font-size: 14px; color: #555; padding-top: 200px; margin-top: 200px;">
<strong>Acknowledgment:</strong> This app is based on Mesut Duman's work:
<a href=""
target="_blank" style="color: #007BFF; text-decoration: none;">
CrewAI Essay Writer
) |