# pylint: skip-file """ Multipack Batch Sampler """ import logging import math import os from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Union import numba import numpy as np from torch.utils.data import BatchSampler, Sampler LOG = logging.getLogger("axolotl.utils.samplers.multipack") @numba.njit def ffd_check(a: np.ndarray, c: int, n: int): # First-fit-decreasing bin packing # Check if a[] could fit in n bins with capacity c # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-fit-decreasing_bin_packing a = np.sort(a)[::-1] bins = np.full((n,), c, dtype=a.dtype) for size in a: not_found = True for idx in range(n): if bins[idx] >= size: bins[idx] -= size not_found = False break if not_found: return False return True @numba.njit def ffd_with_result(a: np.ndarray, c: int, start_index: int): # First-fit-decreasing bin packing (with result return) indices = np.argsort(a)[::-1] a = a[indices] bins: List[Any] = [] bins_result: List[Any] = [] for a_id, size in enumerate(a): add_new = True for idx in range(len(bins)): if bins[idx] >= size: bins[idx] -= size bins_result[idx].append(indices[a_id] + start_index) add_new = False break if add_new: bins.append(c - size) bins_result.append([indices[a_id] + start_index]) return bins_result @numba.njit def allocate( lengths: np.ndarray, lengths_cumsum: np.ndarray, rank: int, c: int, n: int ): # Dynamic batch allocator, similar to Multifit # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multifit_algorithm # ~99.5% efficiency on OpenChat training set (12 * 2048 ctx len) s = 0 start_index = 0 result = [] while True: # binary search [l, r) left = 1 right = 1 + np.searchsorted(lengths_cumsum[start_index:], s + c * n, "right") while right - left > 1: mid = (left + right) // 2 if ffd_check(lengths[start_index : start_index + mid], c, n): left = mid else: right = mid # use length l batch = ffd_with_result( lengths[start_index : start_index + left], c, start_index ) assert len(batch) <= n if len(batch) < n: break start_index += left s = lengths_cumsum[start_index - 1] # add local rank result.append(batch[rank]) return result, s, len(result) * c * n class MultipackBatchSampler(BatchSampler): """ Batch Sampler class for multipack """ def __init__( self, sampler: Union[Sampler[int], Iterable[int]], batch_size: int, drop_last: bool, batch_max_len: int, lengths: np.ndarray, packing_efficiency_estimate: float = 1.0, ): super().__init__(sampler, batch_size, drop_last) self.batch_size = None self.batch_max_len = batch_max_len self.lengths: np.ndarray = lengths self.packing_efficiency_estimate = packing_efficiency_estimate or 1.0 assert isinstance(self.lengths, np.ndarray) self.epoch = 0 # statistics self.eff_total_used = 0 self.eff_total_slots = 0 def set_epoch(self, epoch: int): self.epoch = epoch def generate_batches(self, set_stats=False): indices = [idx for idx in self.sampler] lengths = self.lengths[indices] lengths_cumsum = np.cumsum(lengths) batches, total_used, total_slots = allocate( lengths=lengths, lengths_cumsum=lengths_cumsum, rank=0, c=self.batch_max_len, n=1, ) batches = [[indices[b_idx] for b_idx in batch] for batch in batches] # statistics if set_stats: self.eff_total_used += total_used self.eff_total_slots += total_slots return batches def __iter__(self): batches = self.generate_batches(set_stats=True) return iter(batches) def num_batches(self): batches = self.generate_batches(set_stats=True) return len(batches) def efficiency(self): return self.eff_total_used / self.eff_total_slots def __len__(self): self.num_batches() return self._len_est() def _len_est(self): world_size = int(os.getenv("WORLD_SIZE", "1")) lengths_sum = np.sum(self.lengths) lengths_sum_per_device = lengths_sum // world_size LOG.info( f"packing_efficiency_estimate: {self.packing_efficiency_estimate} " f"total_num_tokens per device: {lengths_sum_per_device}" ) # shave off 1% + 1 for dealing with variance in packing from random sampler to sampler return ( world_size * math.floor( 0.99 * lengths_sum_per_device / self.packing_efficiency_estimate // self.batch_max_len ) - 1 )