import asyncio |
import websockets |
import json |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import pandas as pd |
from datetime import datetime |
import streamlit as st |
cryptos = ['BTCUSDT', 'ETHUSDT', 'LTCUSDT'] |
data = {crypto: {'prices': [], 'times': []} for crypto in cryptos} |
st.title('Crypto Advisor') |
charts = {crypto: st.empty() for crypto in cryptos} |
advice_boxes = {crypto: st.empty() for crypto in cryptos} |
async def get_crypto_data(): |
uri = 'wss://stream.binance.com:9443/stream' |
stream = '/'.join([f'{crypto.lower()}@trade' for crypto in cryptos]) |
url = f'{uri}?streams={stream}' |
async with websockets.connect(url) as websocket: |
while True: |
response = await websocket.recv() |
data_dict = json.loads(response)['data'] |
symbol = data_dict['s'] |
price = float(data_dict['p']) |
time = datetime.fromtimestamp(data_dict['T'] / 1000) |
if symbol in data: |
data[symbol]['prices'].append(price) |
data[symbol]['times'].append(time) |
if len(data[symbol]['prices']) > 100: |
data[symbol]['prices'].pop(0) |
data[symbol]['times'].pop(0) |
update_chart(symbol) |
give_advice(symbol, price) |
def update_chart(symbol): |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() |
ax.plot(data[symbol]['times'], data[symbol]['prices'], label=symbol) |
ax.set_xlabel('Time') |
ax.set_ylabel('Price (USDT)') |
ax.set_title(f'{symbol} Price') |
ax.legend() |
charts[symbol].pyplot(fig) |
def give_advice(symbol, price): |
if len(data[symbol]['prices']) < 2: |
advice = f'{symbol}: Not enough data yet.' |
else: |
last_price = data[symbol]['prices'][-2] |
current_price = price |
if current_price > last_price: |
advice = f'{symbol}: Price is increasing. Consider buying.' |
elif current_price < last_price: |
advice = f'{symbol}: Price is decreasing. Consider selling.' |
else: |
advice = f'{symbol}: Price is stable. Hold for now.' |
advice_boxes[symbol].text(advice) |
async def main(): |
st.write('Connecting to Binance...') |
st.write('Please wait for the data to start streaming.') |
task = asyncio.create_task(get_crypto_data()) |
await task |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
asyncio.run(main()) |