#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable=C0103,C0114,C0116,C0209,C0301,E0401,R0914,W0611,W0613,W0621,W0702,W1308,W1514 """ Implementation of apidoc-ish documentation which generates actual Markdown that can be used with MkDocs, and fits with Diátaxis design principles for effective documentation. Because the others really don't. In particular, this library... * is aware of type annotations (PEP 484, etc.) * fixes Py version bugs related to `typing` and `inspect` * handles forward references (prior to Python 3.8) * links to source lines in a GitHub repo * provides non-bassackwards parameter descriptions (eyes on *you*, GOOG) * does not require use of a plugin * uses `icecream` for debugging * exists b/c Sphinx really sucks You're welcome. """ import inspect import os import re import sys import traceback import typing from icecream import ic # type: ignore # pylint: disable=E0401 class PackageDoc: """ Because there doesn't appear to be any other Markdown-friendly docstring support in Python. See also: * [PEP 256](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0256/) * [`inspect`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/inspect.html) """ PAT_PARAM = re.compile(r"( \S+.*\:\n(?:\S.*\n)+)", re.MULTILINE) PAT_NAME = re.compile(r"^\s+(.*)\:\n(.*)") PAT_FWD_REF = re.compile(r"ForwardRef\('(.*)'\)") def __init__ ( self, module_name: str, git_url: str, class_list: typing.List[str], ) -> None: """ Constructor, to configure a `PackageDoc` object. module_name: name of the Python module git_url: URL for the Git source repository class_list: list of the classes to include in the apidocs """ self.module_name = module_name self.git_url = git_url self.class_list = class_list self.module_obj = sys.modules[self.module_name] self.md: typing.List[str] = [ "# Reference: `{}` package".format(self.module_name), "<img src='../assets/nouns/api.png' alt='API by Adnen Kadri from the Noun Project' />", ] def show_all_elements ( self ) -> None: """ Show all possible elements from `inspect` for the given module, for debugging purposes. """ for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(self.module_obj): for n, o in inspect.getmembers(obj): ic(name, n, o) ic(type(o)) def write_markdown ( self, path: str, ) -> None: """ Output the apidocs markdown to the given path. path: path for the output file """ ic("writing", path) with open(path, "w") as f: for line in self.md: f.write(line) f.write("\n") def build ( self ) -> None: """ Build the apidocs documentation as markdown. """ todo_list:typing.Dict[ str, typing.Any] = self.get_todo_list() # markdown for top-level module description self.md.extend(self.get_docstring(self.module_obj)) # find and format the class definitions try: for class_name in self.class_list: self.format_class(todo_list, class_name) except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=W0718 print(class_name) ic(ex) traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(-1) # format the function definitions and types self.format_functions() self.format_types() def get_todo_list ( self ) -> typing.Dict[ str, typing.Any]: """ Walk the module tree to find class definitions to document. returns: a dictionary of class objects which need apidocs generated """ todo_list: typing.Dict[ str, typing.Any] = { class_name: class_obj for class_name, class_obj in inspect.getmembers(self.module_obj, inspect.isclass) if class_name in self.class_list } return todo_list def get_docstring ( # pylint: disable=W0102 self, obj, parse=False, arg_dict: dict = {}, ) -> typing.List[str]: """ Get the docstring for the given object. obj: class definition for which its docstring will be inspected and parsed parse: flag to parse docstring or use the raw text; defaults to `False` arg_dict: optional dictionary of forward references, if parsed returns: list of lines of markdown """ local_md: typing.List[str] = [] raw_docstring = obj.__doc__ if raw_docstring: docstring = inspect.cleandoc(raw_docstring) if parse: local_md.append(self.parse_method_docstring(docstring, arg_dict)) else: local_md.append(docstring) local_md.append("\n") return local_md def parse_method_docstring ( self, docstring: str, arg_dict: dict, ) -> str: """ Parse the given method docstring. docstring: input docstring to be parsed arg_dict: optional dictionary of forward references returns: parsed/fixed docstring, as markdown """ local_md: typing.List[str] = [] for chunk in self.PAT_PARAM.split(docstring): m_param = self.PAT_PARAM.match(chunk) if m_param: param = m_param.group() m_name = self.PAT_NAME.match(param) if m_name: name = m_name.group(1).strip() anno = self.fix_fwd_refs(arg_dict[name]) descrip = m_name.group(2).strip() if name == "returns": local_md.append("\n * *{}* : `{}` \n{}".format(name, anno, descrip)) elif name == "yields": local_md.append("\n * *{}* : \n{}".format(name, descrip)) else: local_md.append("\n * `{}` : `{}` \n{}".format(name, anno, descrip)) else: chunk = chunk.strip() if len(chunk) > 0: local_md.append(chunk) return "\n".join(local_md) def fix_fwd_refs ( self, anno: str, ) -> typing.Optional[str]: """ Substitute the quoted forward references for a given module class. anno: raw annotated type for the forward reference returns: fixed forward reference, as markdown; or `None` if no annotation is supplied """ results: list = [] if not anno: return None for term in anno.split(", "): for chunk in self.PAT_FWD_REF.split(term): if len(chunk) > 0: results.append(chunk) return ", ".join(results) def document_method ( self, path_list: list, name: str, obj: typing.Any, func_kind: str, ) -> typing.Tuple[int, typing.List[str]]: """ Generate apidocs markdown for the given class method. path_list: elements of a class path, as a list name: class method name obj: class method object func_kind: function kind returns: line number, plus apidocs for the method as a list of markdown lines """ local_md: typing.List[str] = ["---"] # format a header + anchor frag = ".".join(path_list + [ name ]) anchor = "#### [`{}` {}](#{})".format(name, func_kind, frag) local_md.append(anchor) # link to source code in Git repo code = obj.__code__ line_num = code.co_firstlineno file = code.co_filename.replace(os.getcwd(), "") src_url = "[*\[source\]*]({}{}#L{})\n".format(self.git_url, file, line_num) # pylint: disable=W1401 local_md.append(src_url) # format the callable signature sig = inspect.signature(obj) arg_list = self.get_arg_list(sig) arg_list_str = "{}".format(", ".join([ a[0] for a in arg_list ])) local_md.append("```python") local_md.append("{}({})".format(name, arg_list_str)) local_md.append("```") # include the docstring, with return annotation arg_dict: dict = { name.split("=")[0]: anno for name, anno in arg_list } arg_dict["yields"] = None ret = sig.return_annotation if ret: arg_dict["returns"] = self.extract_type_annotation(ret) local_md.extend(self.get_docstring(obj, parse=True, arg_dict=arg_dict)) local_md.append("") return line_num, local_md def get_arg_list ( self, sig: inspect.Signature, ) -> list: """ Get the argument list for a given method. sig: inspect signature for the method returns: argument list of `(arg_name, type_annotation)` pairs """ arg_list: list = [] for param in sig.parameters.values(): #ic(param.name, param.empty, param.default, param.annotation, param.kind) if param.name == "self": pass else: if param.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL: name = "*{}".format(param.name) elif param.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD: name = "**{}".format(param.name) elif param.default == inspect.Parameter.empty: name = param.name else: if isinstance(param.default, str): default_repr = repr(param.default).replace("'", '"') else: default_repr = param.default name = "{}={}".format(param.name, default_repr) anno = self.extract_type_annotation(param.annotation) arg_list.append((name, anno)) return arg_list @classmethod def extract_type_annotation ( cls, sig: inspect.Signature, ): """ Extract the type annotation for a given method, correcting `typing` formatting problems as needed. sig: inspect signature for the method returns: corrected type annotation """ type_name = str(sig) type_class = sig.__class__.__module__ try: if type_class != "typing": if type_name.startswith("<class"): type_name = type_name.split("'")[1] if type_name == "~AnyStr": type_name = "typing.AnyStr" elif type_name.startswith("~"): type_name = type_name[1:] except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0703 ic(type_name) traceback.print_exc() return type_name @classmethod def document_type ( cls, path_list: list, name: str, obj: typing.Any, ) -> typing.List[str]: """ Generate apidocs markdown for the given type definition. path_list: elements of a class path, as a list name: type name obj: type object returns: apidocs for the type, as a list of lines of markdown """ local_md: typing.List[str] = [] # format a header + anchor frag = ".".join(path_list + [ name ]) anchor = "#### [`{}` {}](#{})".format(name, "type", frag) local_md.append(anchor) # show type definition local_md.append("```python") local_md.append("{} = {}".format(name, obj)) local_md.append("```") local_md.append("") return local_md @classmethod def find_line_num ( cls, src: typing.Tuple[typing.List[str], int], member_name: str, ) -> int: """ Corrects for the error in parsing source line numbers of class methods that have decorators: <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8339331/how-to-get-line-number-of-function-with-without-a-decorator-in-a-python-module> src: list of source lines for the class being inspected member_name: name of the class member to locate returns: corrected line number of the method definition """ correct_line_num = -1 for line_num, line in enumerate(src[0]): tokens = line.strip().split(" ") if tokens[0] == "def" and tokens[1] == member_name: correct_line_num = line_num return correct_line_num def format_class ( self, todo_list: typing.Dict[ str, typing.Any], class_name: str, ) -> None: """ Format apidocs as markdown for the given class. todo_list: list of classes to be documented class_name: name of the class to document """ self.md.append("## [`{}` class](#{})".format(class_name, class_name)) # pylint: disable=W1308 class_obj = todo_list[class_name] docstring = class_obj.__doc__ src = inspect.getsourcelines(class_obj) if docstring: # add the raw docstring for a class self.md.append(docstring) obj_md_pos: typing.Dict[int, typing.List[str]] = {} for member_name, member_obj in inspect.getmembers(class_obj): path_list = [self.module_name, class_name] if member_name.startswith("__") or not member_name.startswith("_"): if member_name not in class_obj.__dict__: # inherited method continue if inspect.isfunction(member_obj): func_kind = "method" elif inspect.ismethod(member_obj): func_kind = "classmethod" else: continue _, obj_md = self.document_method(path_list, member_name, member_obj, func_kind) line_num = self.find_line_num(src, member_name) obj_md_pos[line_num] = obj_md for _, obj_md in sorted(obj_md_pos.items()): self.md.extend(obj_md) def format_functions ( self ) -> None: """ Walk the module tree, and for each function definition format its apidocs as markdown. """ self.md.append("---") self.md.append("## [module functions](#{})".format(self.module_name)) for func_name, func_obj in inspect.getmembers(self.module_obj, inspect.isfunction): if not func_name.startswith("_"): _, obj_md = self.document_method([self.module_name], func_name, func_obj, "function") self.md.extend(obj_md) def format_types ( self ) -> None: """ Walk the module tree, and for each type definition format its apidocs as markdown. """ self.md.append("---") self.md.append("## [module types](#{})".format(self.module_name)) for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(self.module_obj): if obj.__class__.__module__ == "typing": if not str(obj).startswith("~"): obj_md = self.document_type([self.module_name], name, obj) self.md.extend(obj_md) ###################################################################### ## test entry point if __name__ == "__main__": pkg_doc = PackageDoc( "foo", "http://example.com/", [], )