SentimentAnalysis / sentiment_analysis.csv
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Year,Month,Day,Time of Tweet,text,sentiment,Platform
2018,8,18,morning,What a great day!!! Looks like dream.,positive, Twitter
2018,8,18,noon,"I feel sorry, I miss you here in the sea beach",positive, Facebook
2017,8,18,night,Don't angry me,negative,Facebook
2022,6,8,morning,We attend in the class just for listening teachers reading on slide. Just Nonsence ,negative, Facebook
2022,6,8,noon,"Those who want to go, let them go",negative, Instagram
2016,11,22,night,"Its night 2 am, feeling neutral",neutral,Facebook
2017,12,28,morning,2 am feedings for the baby are fun when he is all smiles and coos,positive, Facebook
2017,12,28,noon,Soooo high,neutral, Instagram
2019,10,28,night, Both of you,neutral, Twitter
2018,5,28,morning,Today first time I arrive in the boat. Its amazing journey,positive, Facebook
2021,11,7,noon,Love is something like E=MC^2 rules,neutral, Instagram
2016,4,10,night,I really really like the song Cardigan by Taylor Swift,positive, Twitter
2016,5,15,morning,My Sharpie is running DANGERously low on ink,negative, Facebook
2016,11,15,noon,i want to go to music tonight but i lost my voice.,negative, Instagram
2016,11,15,night,Always somewhere I miss you where I have been,neutral, Twitter
2017,11,5,morning,Don't distrube me,negative, Facebook
2022,2,28,noon,"I don't care, who are you and what can you do",negative, Instagram
2023,1,28,night,i`ve been sick for the past few days ,neutral, Twitter
2020,3,5,morning,"I'm come back home, my past job, its really good time for me",positive, Facebook
2019,11,30,noon,I will never fall in love until I found you,positive, Instagram
2019,3,2,night," oh Maya, I`m so sorry!! I hope you find her soon!! ",neutral, Twitter
2019,11,30,morning,"Playing with kids, its amazing",positive, Facebook
2019,3,2,noon,is cleaning the house for her family who is comming later today..,neutral, Instagram
2019,8,28,night,I tried to shtdown my pc and accenditenly I click in the restart button. Its really disgusting,negative, Twitter
2016,7,1,morning,"Follow me, I will follow you too",neutral, Facebook
2023,1,15,noon,"Its amazing game, I playing everyday",positive, Instagram
2023,2,10,night, I`m sorry.,negative, Facebook
2019,11,18,morning,"I'm in the village now and there hardly found internate, feeling gloomy",negative, Instagram
2018,9,5,noon,juss came back from Barisal,neutral, Twitter
2020,4,2,night,Went to sleep and there is a power cut in the village. ,neutral, Facebook
2019,10,18,morning,How looks like our company new logo?,positive, Instagram
2023,1,18,noon,"I buy Sophie's world book, I'm really so happy",positive, Twitter
2023,1,30,night, If it is any consolation I got my BMI tested hahaha it says I am obesed well so much for being unhappy for about 10 minutes.,negative, Facebook
2019,4,15,morning, That`s very funny. Cute kids.,positive, Instagram
2017,8,25,noon," Ahhh, I slept through the game. I`m gonna try my best to watch tomorrow though. I hope we play Army.",neutral, Twitter
2022,4,5,night,My semester final exam is complete. Hurray!!!,positive, Facebook
2022,1,5,morning,Born and raised in NYC and living in Texas for the past 10 years! I still miss NY,negative, Instagram
2019,3,8,noon,"just in case you wonder, we are really busy today and this coming with with adding tons of new blogs and updates stay tuned",neutral, Twitter
2019,2,25,night,i`m soooooo sleeeeepy!!! the last day o` school was today....sniffle....,negative, Facebook
2018,11,5,morning, romance zero is funny,positive, Facebook
2019,9,14,noon," Car not happy, big big dent in boot! Hoping theyre not going to write it off, crossing fingers and waiting",neutral, Twitter
2018,11,5,morning,Yor are so unromantic,negative, Facebook
2020,8,29,morning,MAYDAY?!,neutral, Instagram
2014,6,3,noon, I`d rather do the early run..but I am a morning runner,neutral, Twitter
2020,8,29,night, I love to! But I`m only available from 5pm. and where dear?,positive, Facebook
2023,4,8,morning,The girl in the hair salon asked me 'Shall I trim your eyebrows!' How old do I feel?,neutral, Instagram
2020,4,2,morning, i talk to you,neutral, Facebook
2019,8,5,noon,"im soo bored, I don't like this music video",negative, Twitter
2023,5,20,night,this concert is amazing,positive, Instagram
2023,8,21,morning,"Had nicotine replacement patch on for 4 hours. So far, so good, but I did sleep for most of those 4 hours. Getting a bit twitchy now",neutral, Facebook
2023,9,11,noon,"Its raining, I need an umbrella ",neutral, Twitter
2023,9,3,night,should be sleeping. lost my voice a couple day ago.,negative, Instagram
2023,9,3,morning,"I'm depressed, I'm thinking about suicide, what I need to do now?",negative, Facebook
2019,8,30,noon, I`ve heard this fall. I`m waiting too!,neutral, Twitter
2023,9,9,night,I saw an amazing nightmare yesterday night,neutral, Instagram
2023,9,26,morning,I AM SUCH A CREEPER I feel disappointed because of it.,negative, Facebook
2020,11,29,noon,"I have bad headech, what I need to do now",negative, Twitter
2023,9,2,night,happy mother`s day to all moms out there. Mothers are our real hero,positive, Instagram
2023,9,14,morning,Grabbing coffee from then making mom breakfast,neutral, Facebook
2023,1,27,noon,im thinking that im going to have fun tonight,positive, Twitter
2023,2,1,night,Yesterday was most valuable day for me,positive, Instagram
2023,2,17,morning," Haha I know, I cant handle the fame! and thank you!",positive, Facebook
2023,2,26,noon,"One suggestion for me is, be up to date",neutral, Twitter
2023,3,1,night,"Always love everyone, love all animals. Most important love your parents",positive, Instagram
2015,12,22,morning,I'm playing minecraft video game. I'm addicated to it.,positive, Facebook
2015,12,18,noon,See you in the cloud,neutral, Twitter
2018,8,18,morning,What a great day!!! Looks like dream.,positive, Twitter
2018,8,18,noon,"I feel sorry, I miss you here in the sea beach",positive, Facebook
2017,8,18,night,Don't angry me,negative,Facebook
2022,6,8,morning,We attend in the class just for listening teachers reading on slide. Just Nonsence ,negative, Facebook
2022,6,8,noon,"Those who want to go, let them go",negative, Instagram
2016,11,22,night,"Its night 2 am, feeling neutral",neutral,Facebook
2017,12,28,morning,2 am feedings for the baby are fun when he is all smiles and coos,positive, Facebook
2017,12,28,noon,Soooo high,neutral, Instagram
2019,10,28,night, Both of you,neutral, Twitter
2018,5,28,morning,Today first time I arrive in the boat. Its amazing journey,positive, Facebook
2021,11,7,noon,Love is something like E=MC^2 rules,neutral, Instagram
2016,4,10,night,I really really like the song Cardigan by Taylor Swift,positive, Twitter
2016,5,15,morning,My Sharpie is running DANGERously low on ink,negative, Facebook
2016,11,15,noon,i want to go to music tonight but i lost my voice.,negative, Instagram
2016,11,15,night,Always somewhere I miss you where I have been,neutral, Twitter
2017,11,5,morning,Don't distrube me,negative, Facebook
2022,2,28,noon,"I don't care, who are you and what can you do",negative, Instagram
2023,1,28,night,i`ve been sick for the past few days ,neutral, Twitter
2020,3,5,morning,"I'm come back home, my past job, its really good time for me",positive, Facebook
2019,11,30,noon,I will never fall in love until I found you,positive, Instagram
2019,3,2,night," oh Maya, I`m so sorry!! I hope you find her soon!! ",neutral, Twitter
2019,11,30,morning,"Playing with kids, its amazing",positive, Facebook
2019,3,2,noon,is cleaning the house for her family who is comming later today..,neutral, Instagram
2019,8,28,night,I tried to shtdown my pc and accenditenly I click in the restart button. Its really disgusting,negative, Twitter
2016,7,1,morning,"Follow me, I will follow you too",neutral, Facebook
2023,1,15,noon,"Its amazing game, I playing everyday",positive, Instagram
2023,2,10,night, I`m sorry.,negative, Facebook
2019,11,18,morning,"I'm in the village now and there hardly found internate, feeling gloomy",negative, Instagram
2018,9,5,noon,juss came back from Barisal,neutral, Twitter
2020,4,2,night,Went to sleep and there is a power cut in the village. ,neutral, Facebook
2019,10,18,morning,How looks like our company new logo?,positive, Instagram
2023,1,18,noon,"I buy Sophie's world book, I'm really so happy",positive, Twitter
2023,1,30,night, If it is any consolation I got my BMI tested hahaha it says I am obesed well so much for being unhappy for about 10 minutes.,negative, Facebook
2019,4,15,morning, That`s very funny. Cute kids.,positive, Instagram
2017,8,25,noon," Ahhh, I slept through the game. I`m gonna try my best to watch tomorrow though. I hope we play Army.",neutral, Twitter
2022,4,5,night,My semester final exam is complete. Hurray!!!,positive, Facebook
2022,1,5,morning,Born and raised in NYC and living in Texas for the past 10 years! I still miss NY,negative, Instagram
2019,3,8,noon,"just in case you wonder, we are really busy today and this coming with with adding tons of new blogs and updates stay tuned",neutral, Twitter
2019,2,25,night,i`m soooooo sleeeeepy!!! the last day o` school was today....sniffle....,negative, Facebook
2018,11,5,morning, romance zero is funny,positive, Facebook
2019,9,14,noon," Car not happy, big big dent in boot! Hoping theyre not going to write it off, crossing fingers and waiting",neutral, Twitter
2018,11,5,morning,Yor are so unromantic,negative, Facebook
2020,8,29,morning,MAYDAY?!,neutral, Instagram
2014,6,3,noon, I`d rather do the early run..but I am a morning runner,neutral, Twitter
2020,8,29,night, I love to! But I`m only available from 5pm. and where dear?,positive, Facebook
2023,4,8,morning,The girl in the hair salon asked me 'Shall I trim your eyebrows!' How old do I feel?,neutral, Instagram
2020,4,2,morning, i talk to you,neutral, Facebook
2023,9,14,morning,Grabbing coffee from then making mom breakfast,neutral, Facebook
2023,1,27,noon,im thinking that im going to have fun tonight....and maybe some changes are coming,positive, Twitter
2023,2,1,night, thanks. before the major chop.,neutral, Instagram
2023,2,17,morning," Haha I know, I cant handle the fame! and thank you!",positive, Facebook
2023,2,26,noon,just got up and updated my ipod,neutral, Twitter
2023,3,1,night,"I still loving you, you are my love",positive, Instagram
2015,12,22,morning,"Lets go, its time to play cricket match",positive, Facebook
2015,12,18,noon,"Hey everyone, do you watch cricket match between eng vs aus yesterday",neutral, Twitter
2020,5,11,night,Australia cricket team I love you,positive, Instagram
2019,11,3,morning, which means you`re just going to have to come back to vancouver and have it our way! hahah,neutral, Facebook
2017,12,1,noon,Feeling smooth like chrome,positive, Twitter
2018,12,5,night,feeling gloomy,negative, Instagram
2017,9,10,morning,Today we will go a concert,neutral, Facebook
2016,2,28,noon,i need coffee too.,neutral, Twitter
2022,6,20,night, Sounds like me,neutral, Instagram
2016,8,20,morning,Bad day The day you realize what mess you`ve put me through will be one of the happiest days of my life...,neutral, Facebook
2016,9,22,noon,Walking to class. I hate not having a bike....especially mine.,negative, Twitter
2023,5,28,night,I'm start learning machine learning,neutral, Instagram
2023,8,26,morning,failed inspection. ,negative, Facebook
2023,8,28,noon,Lets sing a song,positive, Instagram
2023,9,20,night,happy father`s day to all the father in the world.,positive, Facebook
2023,10,14,morning,"Today, my semester final exam was really great",positive, Twitter
2023,9,4,noon,Really great day,positive, Instagram
2023,10,11,night,The exception for a short dude,neutral, Facebook
2023,1,15,morning,Congratulation for your achievement,positive, Twitter
2023,1,19,noon,"If you followed us recently, PLEASE dont be offended that we haven`t followed back. We hit our limit. ",positive, Instagram
2023,1,31,night, Yes i work 9 to 5 ,neutral, Facebook
2023,2,15,morning," Hmmm, maybe that`s what they meant. ",neutral, Twitter
2023,2,17,noon,Done at the spa now meeting vic for some late lunch!,neutral, Instagram
2023,2,19,night,Happy monday up and about going to tavares today. Hope everyone has a blessed day!,positive, Facebook
2023,2,24,morning, Always have wanted to go to university,neutral, Twitter
2023,2,28,noon, Thanks,neutral, Instagram
2012,2,18,night,Really great football match,positive, Facebook
2022,10,8,morning, that`s why I need to be there,positive, Twitter
2019,12,3,noon,Okay so I`m dedicating my 300th tweet to the fact that I`m going to the Apple store because there is a HUGE crack on the glass screen!,neutral, Instagram
2023,2,28,night, If only we could ever actually be allowed to stay here and do that,neutral, Facebook
2021,2,28,morning, Let me know how that turns out!!,neutral, Twitter
2021,11,29,noon, was that sass I detect? As long as it isn`t back sass! Haha,neutral, Instagram
2021,2,10,night," yeah I was thinking about that ,ahaha",positive, Facebook
2021,1,15,morning,Today is our EEE day,neutral, Instagram
2016,3,8,noon,I`m not sleeping at all until accepts my appology,negative, Twitter
2016,3,8,night,I'm studying in psychology,negative, Facebook
2016,10,18,morning," I live for pain, bring it on",neutral, Instagram
2023,5,23,noon,"okay, i`m out for a while back later!",neutral, Twitter
2023,5,25,night,"We visited worlds longest sea beach, Its really amazing time for us",positive, Facebook
2023,6,1,morning,almost died. Laptop screen was set to 100% brightness after I reinstalled Windows Vista. ,positive, Instagram
2023,6,9,noon,Waiting for tish to get off. Got to drive my moms CRV to pick her up all my myself and duckie. First time,neutral, Twitter
2023,6,20,night,your attitude looks like autistics child,negative, Facebook
2023,6,27,morning,going to shower because i don`t want to smell at school tomorrow,neutral, Instagram
2023,7,9,noon,Do you know sign languages,neutral, Twitter
2023,1,24,noon, Since the demise of Woolworths it isn`t easy to find reasonably priced pick n mix anywhere,negative, Twitter
2023,3,3,night,may the fourth be with you! happy star wars day,positive, Instagram
2023,8,9,noon,just got home from work,neutral, Twitter
2023,8,14,night, Yes it does. Please dont` go. If you die I will cry.. which normally leads to small animals getting harmed,negative, Instagram
2023,8,30,morning,writing report cards soooo tired but what an amazing day. check it out on fb soon!,positive, Facebook
2023,9,7,noon, it was only once for my big brother,neutral, Twitter
2023,10,5,night,good news: finally finished my bachelor degree,neutral, Instagram
2023,1,17,morning,"Well good morning all, What a wonderful day in the neighborhood Thanks for all those that are now following another 60 this morning",positive, Facebook
2023,1,24,noon,"yesterday I'm watch a movie, that’s was really motivated for me",positive, Twitter
2023,3,3,night, hope he is ok!,positive, Instagram
2013,4,5,morning,can`t school just be done already? it hurts too much... seeing him every day,positive, Facebook
2020,2,22,noon,"I waited, listening to wind blowing through the tumbleweed? Are none of you old enough to know what to do when someone says 'Crackerack'?",neutral, Twitter
2019,6,10,night, Hell Yeah!,neutral, Instagram
2020,6,22,morning, HIM shirt at dinner? Do you need to ask?? Does it actually have Ville on it?,neutral, Facebook
2018,12,10,noon, i know!!,neutral, Twitter
2023,5,30,night, Smelly? Noooo. I love alex Vixon,neutral, Instagram
2023,6,7,morning,"Went to a party last night. GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE Anyway, happy birthday",positive, Facebook
2023,8,4,noon," Happy birthday! Just woke up on this side of Earth, so wishes are bit late",positive, Twitter
2023,9,17,night,"thank you for teaching me values and to be a better person each day I LOVE SO MUCH, YOU`RE THE BEST MUM IN THE WORLD",positive, Instagram
2020,1,5,morning,HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.!,positive, Facebook
2020,1,5,noon," laughs I`m glad that you have self confidence - it`s a wonderful trait to have I`ll applaud extra loud for it, okay?",positive, Twitter
2020,1,5,night, Thanks,positive, Instagram
2023,10,2,morning,twittering after 2 days!,neutral, Twitter
2015,11,10,noon,Getting ready for week Its too nice today to be stuck inside working!,positive, Instagram
2023,9,29,night,I am tres depressed,negative, Facebook
2023,10,8,morning,"Felt like ****, behaved like my son; ate to compensate. Pigged out on home-roasted sugar almonds. Painful tum, threw up, still feel sick.",negative, Twitter
2023,10,17,noon,Happy Mothers Day people. i love my mom a lot still,positive, Instagram
2020,11,15,night, I`m sorry to hear that.,negative, Facebook
2023,1,20,morning," That`s awesome dude, yay for surprise celebrities! I got to meet him a few years ago, he was soooo friendly.",positive, Twitter
2023,1,26,noon," it makes me happy to hear a girl talk, or tweet, about the nba. but... could you give my nuggets some love?!",positive, Instagram
2023,1,28,night,Is getting the hang of Twitter.,neutral, Facebook
2023,2,16,morning,You know your neck is jacked up when you are forced to pay for parking bc you can`t turn you head to parallel park in the free spaces...,negative, Twitter
2023,2,23,noon,I want it BACK NOW!,neutral, Instagram
2023,2,25,night,Going to miss my roomie ... We will no longer be roomies starting tomorrow,negative, Facebook
2014,7,20,morning,"bathing with two little angels, Keyla and Janice.",neutral, Twitter
2021,3,2,noon," Yep, finished, chocked full of spelling and grammatical errors, but I`m cleaning it up tomorrow and popping it up hehe",negative, Instagram
2020,2,28,night, HAHAHHA lol true that! i always remember my BD but i can never remember what date or even day it is,neutral, Twitter
2020,5,12,morning,"Family is here,hanging with them",neutral, Instagram
2019,11,18,noon,Watching Ellen Love her!! then doing the dishes and tanning`s gorgeous out!,positive, Facebook
2019,11,18,night, what`s goin on hun? I`m worried about you,negative, Instagram
2021,5,20,morning, Im not bannished... but I am at work till 6,negative, Facebook
2019,8,20,noon," Morning! If I get to see it, I`ll let you know. Right now, I`m going to go see Wolverine.",neutral, Twitter
2023,9,14,morning,Grabbing coffee from then making mom breakfast,neutral, Facebook
2023,1,27,noon,im thinking that im going to have fun tonight....and maybe some changes are coming,positive, Twitter
2023,9,14,morning,Grabbing coffee from then making mom breakfast,neutral, Facebook
2023,1,27,noon,im thinking that im going to have fun tonight....and maybe some changes are coming,positive, Twitter
2023,2,1,night, thanks. before the major chop.,neutral, Instagram
2023,2,17,morning," Haha I know, I cant handle the fame! and thank you!",positive, Facebook
2023,2,26,noon,just got up and updated my ipod,neutral, Twitter
2023,3,1,night, yes! sober HAHAHA tanghaling tapat dude! haha WILD. i don`t knowwww plan plan before you go to US!,positive, Instagram
2015,12,22,morning, We never miss ICarly - my son has a huge crush on Miranda,positive, Facebook
2015,12,18,noon,Saw James carville in the store today. His head is really that bald,neutral, Twitter
2020,5,11,night,I love blue and programming,neutral, Instagram
2019,11,3,morning, which means you`re just going to have to come back to vancouver and have it our way! hahah,neutral, Facebook
2017,12,1,noon,Feeling smooth like chrome,positive, Twitter
2018,12,5,night,Errors are red but my life is looks like blue film,negative, Instagram
2017,9,10,morning,"downloading songs while trying to sneak a lil homework in too, which should be my main priority not songs lol",neutral, Facebook
2016,2,28,noon,"Errors are red but my life is blue, I love rose and your lips baby",positive, Twitter
2022,6,20,night, Sounds like me,neutral, Instagram
2016,8,20,morning,Bad day The day you realize what mess you`ve put me through will be one of the happiest days of my life...,neutral, Facebook
2016,9,22,noon,Walking to class. I hate not having a bike....especially mine.,negative, Twitter
2023,5,28,night,sounds good,neutral, Instagram
2023,8,26,morning,"failed inspection. Did you know you can pass wo/oven, but not wo/anti-tip bracket, which is only sold w/oven? This is worse than taxes.",negative, Facebook
2023,8,28,noon,"JONAS BROTHERS - Live to party. It`s rocking so hard I love the song,",positive, Instagram
2023,9,20,night,happy mother`s day to all the mothers in the world.,positive, Facebook
2023,10,14,morning,"I've got a fever, can you chcek, a good song, I'm listening this song everytime",positive, Twitter
2023,9,4,noon,Fun night! Listened through the next episode of this turkey drama,positive, Instagram
2023,10,11,night,The exception for a short dude: Larenz fineass Tate yum,neutral, Facebook
2023,1,15,morning,"Screw the reviews, I thought Wolverine was awesome. But not enough Dominic Monaghan for my liking.",positive, Twitter
2023,1,19,noon,"If you followed us recently, PLEASE dont be offended that we haven`t followed back. We hit our limit. Hopefully we will be free soon.",positive, Instagram
2023,1,31,night, Yes i work 6 to 3...,neutral, Facebook
2023,2,15,morning," Hmmm, maybe that`s what they meant. They eluded to something brand new but you know how the media is",neutral, Twitter
2023,2,17,noon,Done at the spa now meeting vic for some late lunch!,neutral, Instagram
2023,2,19,night,Happy monday up and about going to tavares today. Hope everyone has a blessed day!,positive, Facebook
2023,2,24,morning, Always have wanted to go to Oz,neutral, Twitter
2023,2,28,noon, Thx,neutral, Instagram
2012,2,18,night,I love this youtube tutorial,positive, Facebook
2022,10,8,morning, that`s why I need to be there...To represent the Blackberries,positive, Twitter
2019,12,3,noon,Okay so I`m dedicating my 300th tweet to the fact that I`m going to the Apple store because there is a HUGE crack on the glass screen!,neutral, Instagram
2023,2,28,night, If only we could ever actually be allowed to stay here and do that,neutral, Facebook
2021,2,28,morning, Let me know how that turns out!!,neutral, Twitter
2021,11,29,noon, was that sass I detect? As long as it isn`t back sass! Haha,neutral, Instagram
2021,2,10,night," yeah I was thinking about that ,ahaha",positive, Facebook
2021,1,15,morning, Dont know whether that helps. Google it to know more,neutral, Instagram
2016,3,8,noon,I`m not sleeping at all until accepts my appology,negative, Twitter
2016,3,8,night,"Wolverine Was BOSS! Seriously, And Will.I.Am Was In It, What The **** ??",negative, Facebook
2016,10,18,morning," I live for pain, bring it on",neutral, Instagram
2023,5,23,noon,"okay, i`m out for a while back later!",neutral, Twitter
2023,5,25,night, #powerblog What is this powerblog challenge you keep talking about? I`m a newbie follower,neutral, Facebook
2023,6,1,morning,almost died. Laptop screen was set to 100% brightness after I reinstalled Windows Vista. Got a headache now #insanedefaults,positive, Instagram
2023,6,9,noon,Waiting for tish to get off. Got to drive my moms CRV to pick her up all my myself and duckie. First time,neutral, Twitter
2023,6,20,night,"Trying to decide on a movie with the friends.. not going to well! lol :p No bible study 2nite, which means ****-day cake buy my own??",negative, Facebook
2023,6,27,morning,going to shower because i don`t want to smell at school tomorrow,neutral, Instagram
2023,7,9,noon, Sigh... you know I am...,neutral, Twitter
2023,7,14,night,"discovered cause of a bug in the new 4 build. Publishing bug fix now, hopefully new beta by tomorrow",positive, Facebook
2023,8,1,morning,Here are 4 FREE notebooks to know machine learning well,neutral, Instagram
2023,8,9,noon,just got home from work.... and is chugging down a big bottle of apple juice.,neutral, Twitter
2023,8,14,night, Yes it does. Please dont` go. If you die I will cry.. which normally leads to small animals getting harmed,negative, Instagram
2023,8,30,morning,writing report cards soooo tired but what an amazing day. check it out on fb soon!,positive, Facebook
2023,9,7,noon, it was only once for my big brother...and I`m done now,neutral, Twitter
2023,10,5,night,good news: finally finished my workout that has been paused for 6 hours. bad news: my resistance band is torn,neutral, Instagram
2023,1,17,morning,"Well good morning all, What a wonderful day in the neighborhood Thanks for all those that are now following another 60 this morning",positive, Facebook
2023,1,24,noon,FTSK and Mercy Mercedes were amazing tonight.. as always,positive, Twitter
2023,3,3,night, hope he is ok!,positive, Instagram
2013,4,5,morning,can`t school just be done already? it hurts too much... seeing him every day,positive, Facebook
2020,2,22,noon,"I waited, listening to wind blowing through the tumbleweed? Are none of you old enough to know what to do when someone says 'Crackerack'?",neutral, Twitter
2019,6,10,night, Hell Yeah!,neutral, Instagram
2020,6,22,morning, HIM shirt at dinner? Do you need to ask?? Does it actually have Ville on it?,neutral, Facebook
2018,12,10,noon, i know!!,neutral, Twitter
2023,5,30,night, huh what the ****? Smelly? Noooo. I love alex Vixon,neutral, Instagram
2023,6,7,morning,"Went to a party last night. Dindin and I showed up in matching outfits ) GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE ) Anyway, happy birthday, ate lara",positive, Facebook
2023,8,4,noon," Happy b-day! Just woke up on this side of Earth, so wishes are bit late",positive, Twitter
2023,9,17,night,"thank you for teaching me values and to be a better person each day I LOVE SO MUCH, YOU`RE THE BEST MUM IN THE WORLD",positive, Instagram
2020,1,5,morning,HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.!,positive, Facebook
2020,1,5,noon," *laughs* I`m glad that you have self confidence - it`s a wonderful trait to have I`ll applaud extra loud for it, okay?",positive, Twitter
2020,1,5,night, Thanks,positive, Instagram
2023,10,2,morning,twittering after 2 days!,neutral, Twitter
2015,11,10,noon,Getting ready for week Its too nice today to be stuck inside working!,positive, Instagram
2023,9,29,night,I am tres depressed,negative, Facebook
2023,10,8,morning,"Felt like ****, behaved like my son; ate to compensate. Pigged out on home-roasted sugar almonds. Painful tum, threw up, still feel sick.",negative, Twitter
2023,10,17,noon,Happy Mothers Day people. i love my mom a lot still,positive, Instagram
2020,11,15,night, I`m sorry to hear that.,negative, Facebook
2023,1,20,morning," That`s awesome dude, yay for surprise celebrities! I got to meet him a few years ago, he was soooo friendly.",positive, Twitter
2023,1,26,noon," it makes me happy to hear a girl talk, or tweet, about the nba. but... could you give my nuggets some love?!",positive, Instagram
2023,1,28,night,Is getting the hang of Twitter.,neutral, Facebook
2023,2,16,morning,You know your neck is jacked up when you are forced to pay for parking bc you can`t turn you head to parallel park in the free spaces...,negative, Twitter
2023,2,23,noon,I want it BACK NOW!,neutral, Instagram
2023,2,25,night,Going to miss my roomie ... We will no longer be roomies starting tomorrow,negative, Facebook
2014,7,20,morning,"bathing with two little angels, Keyla and Janice.",neutral, Twitter
2021,3,2,noon," Yep, finished, chocked full of spelling and grammatical errors, but I`m cleaning it up tomorrow and popping it up hehe",negative, Instagram
2020,2,28,night, HAHAHHA lol true that! i always remember my BD but i can never remember what date or even day it is,neutral, Twitter
2020,5,12,morning,"Family is here,hanging with them",neutral, Instagram
2019,11,18,noon,Watching Ellen Love her!! then doing the dishes and tanning`s gorgeous out!,positive, Facebook
2019,11,18,night, what`s goin on hun? I`m worried about you,negative, Instagram
2021,5,20,morning, Im not bannished... but I am at work till 6,negative, Facebook
2019,8,20,noon," Morning! If I get to see it, I`ll let you know. Right now, I`m going to go see Wolverine.",neutral, Twitter
2015,12,1,night," red top tabloids, build em up, knock em down",neutral, Instagram
2016,12,22,morning,tonight in party w/ my girls (minus vita),positive, Facebook
2020,6,15,noon, why not now you made me sad I thought you`d be jumping for joy,neutral, Twitter
2022,1,15,night, Simple my,neutral, Instagram
2023,6,4,morning,"The pics I just uploaded are the baby pics of my cats. Missy is now an adult and a pretty little kitty, but Batty is in kitten heaven now",neutral, Facebook
2023,6,14,noon," I saw the play of it here, it was amazing",positive, Twitter
2023,6,22,night,i am glad to break my twitter virginity with you two.,positive, Instagram
2023,6,29,morning,Dinner with the fam... I have missed them,negative, Facebook
2023,7,6,noon,"Live That`s what I want. More the better. Bound to be a few bad eggs though, but they will soon learn.",neutral, Twitter
2023,7,12,night,Hell yeah Kellynn got a Twitter. Finally.,neutral, Instagram
2023,7,18,morning," I know It was worth a shot, though!",positive, Facebook
2023,8,12,noon,"Just opened a facebook account, I`m a little confused I don`t really get it. Twitter seems much better",positive, Twitter
2023,8,18,night,Ship. I`m stuck.,negative, Instagram
2023,9,23,morning,DUSTBIN BABY ON AT 11.30 Cannot wait x,positive, Facebook
2018,6,22,noon," Not going to dwell on it. It happened, it`s passed. Just a shame as he was so supportive! Such is life! x",negative, Twitter
2023,10,20,night,whats the day going on,neutral, Instagram
2023,1,18,morning,It looks like the office TV DOES get MLB Network,neutral, Facebook
2022,4,3,noon,Home empty handed. No comics found today. I shall now indulge in my cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery.,neutral, Twitter
2016,7,10,night,Laying in bed til workkk... Oh the life. Definitely pinched a nerve.,negative, Instagram
2017,3,28,morning,today is a busy day. exhausting!,negative, Facebook
2023,8,6,noon," I was going to go on Sunday, but now I`ve got too much going on that weekend",neutral, Twitter
2023,8,23,night, Sorry to hear ur flight got cancelled that blows!!!,negative, Instagram
2023,1,17,morning,ohh my tooth is hurts ohh im sad it very hurts,negative, Facebook
2023,1,21,noon,"Before I get too distracted, I`d like to thank my new followers for taking the trouble to follow me! And to my others: feelin the love",positive, Twitter
2023,1,25,night, u think u have bills Ha!Ii just finished paying mine that`s y I`m broke,negative, Instagram
2023,1,28,morning, Not sure it didn`t say it was 2 big. I jst saw the pics of u on ur last bday. You looked so pretty!! I miss you!!,neutral, Facebook
2023,2,13,noon,sore throat. Planning the TET outing to Marwell though...good times,neutral, Twitter
2023,3,2,night,mcfly gig last nightt omg it was amazin didnt sit down through the whole thing mcfly did you see me and ma best mate we were in tutus,positive, Instagram
2013,4,20,morning,2 days without sleep and now a migraine. I thought life postR01 was meant to be relaxing,negative, Facebook
2022,9,28,noon, There!,neutral, Twitter
2021,5,10,night,?sucks!?..,negative, Instagram
2023,7,1,morning, whens the sway sway winner announced?,neutral, Twitter
2023,7,16,noon, K will check it out...,neutral, Facebook
2023,8,16,night," doing pretty well, up and wide awake",positive, Instagram
2018,9,22,morning,"i want to wake up early, and get a coffee tomorrow (today) ! it`s going to be a busyy day! but have to keep writing.. booo whoo!",neutral, Twitter
2021,8,20,noon,I Miss Daddy and Mommy,negative, Facebook
2022,9,15,night,"My dog is officially depressed that my brother`s dogs are gone. He doesn`t want to go outside and when we did, he play half-heartedly.",negative, Instagram
2018,10,12,morning,I just realized that I can`t forward text msgs with my iPhone.,neutral, Twitter
2018,6,15,noon,"My frist post... Off to find a new car for my parents, exciting!",positive, Facebook
2018,9,5,night,Argh noo! Missed The Killers on Wossy! That sucks! Missed out on Brandon. Total failure! Anyone know if it`s repeated? Must investigate!,negative, Instagram
2019,3,8,morning,seriously bored without anyone to talk to... but not tired enough for sleep,negative, Twitter
2017,6,12,noon, I am lost. Please help me find a good home.,negative, Instagram
2021,4,15,night,"It`s a Peter & Gordon morning -> And I, go to pieces and I wanna hide / Go to pieces and I almost die / Ever... ?",neutral, Facebook
2022,11,15,morning,Ok so I`ve now got a bit of a bad back after lifting all drum hardware into my car downer.,negative, Instagram
2022,7,20,noon, LMAO... Smh! that one threw me off.,neutral, Twitter
2019,7,28,night, oh nice going!,positive, Instagram
2023,3,20,morning,Is getting ready for work... Working all weekend,neutral, Facebook
2021,4,15,noon,Gonna celebrate Mothers Day with the family but gonna start the partying tonite,positive, Twitter
2023,1,22,night, i agree with you!,positive, Instagram
2020,8,8,morning, I only do computers. Am hopeless at everything else,negative, Facebook
2018,7,10,noon,"90 degrees, gross skies, and thunderstorms...perfect match for my mood lol",positive, Twitter
2019,9,28,night,_2nd aww thanks!,positive, Instagram
2023,6,11,morning, Sorry RB is on PS3 for me,negative, Facebook
2023,6,17,noon,I saw amazing heeels. But they were too big,neutral, Twitter
2023,6,25,night,I just stuck my finger down my throat and there are a bunch of bumps on my tongue & throat.,negative, Instagram
2023,7,4,morning,dang last url went down ?,negative, Facebook
2019,2,11,noon," ohoh i missed all ur tweets im gonna have to stay awake all night to see the announcement now, **** time difference",negative, Twitter
2018,6,3,night, Damnit all. That sucks. You were one of the ones I thought I`d drag back lol,negative, Instagram
2021,8,10,morning, my boss. She`s moving to NYC,neutral, Facebook
2023,3,10,noon,this is sooo crazy i have fever..,negative, Twitter
2023,2,22,night,is spending her Saturday morning taking notes for a research essay because some stupid **** recalled the book I`m using. Not fair,negative, Instagram
2020,8,20,morning,I think i need some new friends,neutral, Facebook
2017,1,12,noon, Looking forward to your gig in Ireland!!! See ya there!,neutral, Twitter
2020,9,18,night,I' watching a movie name Adimurie,positive, Instagram
2020,4,5,morning,aww you loooove me,positive, Facebook
2020,8,12,noon,"is hungry, twitter. i want food.",neutral, Twitter
2020,3,1,night,awesome lucky you,positive, Instagram
2017,6,18,morning," yea, i should know.. but tell me EVERYTHING! ps: send me direct messages telling.. haha",neutral, Facebook
2022,4,18,noon," haha im jewish, i love that one",positive, Twitter
2020,12,17,night,"had a great time out in the beer garden wit the boyos !! I think the sun got to me a bit though, feel a bit ill !!",neutral, Instagram
2022,7,17,morning, l`m on 3 days too matt. No fun this weekend.,negative, Facebook
2020,11,1,noon, u really don`t think so? maybe ur btw what phone u using? think u told me b4...i might have an app for u,neutral, Instagram
2023,1,19,night, I feel your pain. Mine is the same way,negative, Twitter
2023,1,25,morning,comes home in two days,neutral, Facebook
2023,1,27,noon, Sadly no. It didn`t come with one...,negative, Instagram
2023,2,18,night,Cant wait to see my boy tomorrow,positive, Twitter
2023,2,19,morning, ehhh no. just a check up. I have a dentist app next week though. getting my molar pulled/root canal.,neutral, Facebook
2023,2,27,noon, aww I miss driving down elmwood,negative, Instagram
2023,2,28,night,Omg Wango Tango was **** AWSOME! I love my baby for taking me,positive, Twitter
2012,3,10,morning,"Version 2 of our live, interactive Trans-Siberian ticket planner is launched",positive, Facebook
2021,12,3,noon,_30439 I really wish I could go!,positive, Instagram
2021,10,22,night," yeah real hard, but I know you`ll get by with it... smile",neutral, Twitter
2022,1,15,morning, I`m 25 in december that`s not good at all next big birthday is 30 after 21 it flys by for sure,negative, Facebook
2023,5,6,noon, This has made my night!! Way too funny!!,positive, Instagram
2023,5,6,night,Woo CAVS. Happy Mother`s Day!,positive, Twitter
2020,2,10,morning, I make that same face when I get home and your mom is watching soaps.,neutral, Facebook
2023,3,30,noon,I have to go to work now.,neutral, Instagram
2023,2,16,night, I can`t believe you went and got boba without me.,neutral, Facebook
2023,2,25,morning," And to you too, how are you today?",neutral, Twitter
2021,12,8,noon, Thanks for the warm welcome! We didn`t make plans because our arrival time was so up in the air.,positive, Instagram
2021,12,8,night,19 days and counting,neutral, Facebook
2022,5,12,morning, sorry friends - I`m swamped with deadlines right now and we have family visiting to boot! No charades for me.,negative, Instagram
2023,1,7,noon,BRAINFREEZE,neutral, Twitter
2017,8,28,night,Just discovered a shortcoming of Gravity. When you use Twitpic (integrated) it doesn`t subtract the pic URL from the 140 character limit,neutral, Facebook
2018,3,10,morning,"My sunburn is peeling,",negative, Instagram
2021,8,15,noon,perky purple nail polish isn`t as perky when its chipped,neutral, Twitter
2020,11,18,night," - before they put a CAMERA in the smokers pit. i can no longer vandalize that door, without being caught.",neutral, Facebook
2023,1,21,morning,Laying ALONE!! Since Mook`s soo comfy in his f`n play pen. I thought it was ill at first now I don`t have no one to cuddle with...,negative, Instagram
2023,1,29,noon,I hate the dentist,negative, Twitter
2019,3,28,night," nothing aimed at you, just joining in...sorry",negative, Facebook
2019,6,28,morning,I`m taking a twitter break. Cell is dying,negative, Instagram
2019,11,28,noon, qood morninq,neutral, Twitter
2022,4,15,night,writing my english original writing storyyyyy. and listening to `a little respect` by erasure aaaaaah.,neutral, Facebook
2022,12,1,morning,needs more followers,neutral, Instagram
2017,4,15,noon,I wish I could get my nails done stupid job,negative, Twitter
2017,12,22,night,The little wormy from labyrinth sadly passed away today but its ok as hes still around in a happy ghost form aww,neutral, Facebook
2018,9,22,morning, the 'no pants' idea could be the new attempt world-wide to attract business back to the airlines.,neutral, Instagram
2023,4,10,noon, Have a good one,positive, Facebook
2023,1,16,night," yep infact she is popular, miss india 99, talented film actress .... and lot more",positive, Twitter
2023,1,23,morning,Dosen`t Want To Go To Work Tomorrow,negative, Instagram
2023,2,12,noon,Daniel has won DSDS. His voice is great.,positive, Facebook
2023,2,21,night,I need blood O negative,neutral, Instagram
2023,3,2,morning,was hoping to go to Red Lobster this weekend,neutral, Twitter
2011,6,20,noon,_x_ATL u mean jack barakat`s?! wow so have u ever gone to his house? Hehe i mean ur ssoo lucky to have the address!,positive, Instagram
2015,9,12,night,I sure do hope it becomes 4:20 this afternoon ...,positive, Facebook
2014,7,10,morning, it means that you are now FAMOUS. Congrats!,positive, Twitter
2016,12,5,noon,My phone passed away yesterday.. He jumped off the table Searching for a new phone...,negative, Instagram
2023,1,30,night,"I have such fantastic friends, including several ones met through here! thanks for being in my life - you are such amazing people!",positive, Facebook
2021,1,15,morning,tamlyn wishes she was as cool as my sock draw,positive, Twitter
2010,11,12,noon, so no rice or crusty bread with the chili .... aawww,neutral, Instagram
2018,8,7,night," We are of like minds this evening , my dear!",neutral, Facebook
2017,7,18,morning,come and save me from my packing please?!,neutral, Instagram
2023,1,28,noon,"Yes, I love tea. If that makes me typically English then so be it",positive, Twitter
2019,6,25,night, a mouth for sure,positive, Facebook
2020,9,15,morning,_dec0de I finally just have 1 hour of history... at 3.00 pm! but I went to my highschool at 8.00 am to make some homework with a friend,neutral, Instagram
2022,7,25,noon, pancakes!! with lemon and sugar thanks!,positive, Twitter
2015,9,1,night," Si, no bueno I guess I just don`t entertain him ",negative, Facebook
2015,9,1,morning,I`m so hunrgy right now and these heels kill me I can hardly walk in them,negative, Instagram
2019,5,15,noon,both electronic keys stopped working. there is no keyhole! cant get in my car. so much for technology,negative, Twitter
2019,4,18,night," Yay, three followers! Good to know more than one person in this big wide world likes fishies.",positive, Facebook
2019,11,10,morning,'my name is Tony!!!!!! ...not hey!!!!' - poor tony,negative, Instagram
2016,12,12,noon,Goodmorning,positive, Twitter
2018,3,15,night,Took a shift tomorrow. I don`t really feel like working right now.,negative, Facebook
2015,6,28,morning," I love mine, too . happy mother�s day to your mom , John Taylor . much love to you, too .",positive, Instagram
2015,12,18,noon,Saw a black snake in the garden. Went back for a picture and it was gone,neutral, Twitter
2015,11,10,night, - We bought Ludi her own rug. Dogs are the best,positive, Facebook
2015,9,28,morning,No waterfront anymore faccia luna and clarendon will have to do,negative, Instagram
2023,2,15,noon,loves her mum very much! Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful mothers out there,positive, Twitter
2017,8,22,night,Slipped up and caught the flu feeling like poop!,negative, Facebook
2020,3,15,morning,"i have an urge to play wow but i have to wait 2 weeks til im at my dads! 5+47DAYS TIL MCFLY, im so excited (L)",positive, Instagram
2023,3,10,noon,Ok ... the passengers ... no one is alive ... they`re all dead ... you just don`t know it til the end ... then you cry ...,negative, Twitter
2020,12,15,night,Discovered and are sharing on G reader with me and didn`t even know it. Sigh.... I`m such a G reader newb.,neutral, Twitter
2020,12,15,morning,"is chilled out tonite, so cannot spew venom or write funny. Seems like these are the only 2 styles she has",neutral, Instagram
2017,11,15,noon," If u do, please pray 4 me. Lord knows I need it.",neutral, Facebook
2023,2,28,night,aaaaaw i want to live in the USA,neutral, Twitter
2020,4,15,morning,Morning tweeple,positive, Instagram
2021,4,5,noon," Hey, I didn`t get any !!!",neutral, Facebook
2022,7,10,night, Now you only have 2 hours to sleep... - Rest if you need it.,positive, Twitter
2020,4,2,morning," That makes my day so much better, it`s been a rough one. Did I mention I love the new photo!",neutral, Instagram
2020,7,18,noon,I don`t want to sit at home on prom night. Someone hang out with me,negative, Facebook
2015,7,12,night,Is heading home from foot surgery and wishing she had a boyfriend to come over and cuddle with,positive, Twitter
2021,10,8,morning,concert tonight chackin out and not coming tomorrow!,neutral, Instagram
2021,9,20,noon, what happened? I thought you were coming back today....,neutral, Twitter
2021,9,20,night, lol dammit well then next time then,negative, Facebook
2019,11,8,morning, lol. just don`t ever forget me,positive, Instagram
2019,10,8,noon, Still jealous,negative, Twitter
2018,12,15,night,Me at Forever 21 Ethan couldn`t be there,negative, Facebook
2016,6,15,morning,NOW IM SAD BUT IM NOT GIVING IN FIRST..I DIDNT DO NOTHING!!!! :**-(,negative, Instagram
2022,1,28,noon,this week of mine was not easy! but finally it`s over! (:,negative, Twitter
2022,1,8,night, Wow what a beautiful picture... and by the way....I am straight....just wanted to let you know!!! Bella,positive, Facebook
2015,8,22,morning,In Arch. Drawing. Checking out MVCC`s CAD degree. Looks good to me,positive, Instagram
2019,4,18,noon," 'there are people and then there are pencils' some are sharp, some are not and some can be sharpened my pencil philosophy.....",neutral, Instagram
2020,9,10,night,"just about to go home. I`m usually `mr. positive` but this has been one of those daze. well, 15 mins until tomorrow!",neutral, Twitter
2017,11,5,morning, but you always have lee. Let`s go to Paris,neutral, Facebook
2021,7,20,noon, you know you want to come keep me company whilst mum`s at her friends for the night it`s such a nice evening!,positive, Instagram
2022,8,10,night,cooking with my dad having lots of fun in the kitchen together,positive, Twitter
2022,8,10,morning,Bouncing Rush makes me feel nauseous,negative, Facebook
2022,3,20,noon,Off to Woolsery this morning to (hopefully) see North Molton U16 clinch the North Devon League title. Lovely day for it,positive, Instagram
2019,5,5,night,playing singstar without my fave duetter,negative, Twitter
2021,3,15,morning," you`re missing out, bb! i`m such a cereal nut, i think i like every kind available.",positive, Facebook
2021,8,2,noon," That`s just weird... :\ Oh, and what was it you were drawing for me?",negative, Instagram
2021,6,10,night,Just woke up :o mums singing to her new gn`r cd replacement i bought because im a good daughter,positive, Instagram
2018,7,15,morning,"The birds are out,, oh man... That`s NOT cool && I didn`t sleep yet for the night!!!",negative, Twitter
2019,11,2,noon,"250 miles down, only 1750 to go. Thats ok, u2 on the radio alwas helps.",positive, Facebook
2018,12,5,night,"My Street Fighter IV skills are lacking, can`t beat Seth on easy.",negative, Instagram
2023,1,15,morning, FIL 461 with cool people like me,positive, Twitter
2023,1,18,noon,Good Morning!!! Work and then it`s ESPN`s Sunday night Baseball. hopefully it won`t get rained out,positive, Facebook
2016,11,28,night, i think it`s under a honeymoon by the good life -- either that or it`s under a honey moon by joseph arthur.,neutral, Instagram
2021,10,2,morning,my son got stung by a bug for the first time his little finger is slightly swollen.,negative, Twitter
2022,11,28,noon, it was hours ago i came in.... and it`s only now i realised when i went to buy something online,neutral, Facebook
2022,7,5,night, oh just referring to our lil exchange on LJ with regards to twitter archive postings.,neutral, Instagram
2016,9,28,morning,Bumping dj opus in the drunk in the car. lmao. Don`t act like u don`t know.,negative, Twitter
2021,9,15,noon,Why kiss the feet of the people who kick you when you can be anything that you want to? morning everyone! Hope you have the best day ever,positive, Instagram
2022,2,28,night,Here`s a brief preview: OMG James is creepy in that role! I`m scared of him,negative, Facebook
2023,1,16,morning,I`m missing crab legs and attending my going away instead!,negative, Twitter
2018,11,7,noon,Hicks are mean!,negative, Instagram
2017,3,20,night,"gettn ready to take a trip to Jersey my dad`s not doing so good, he needs a new heart~whoeva see`s this please say a prayer for my dad",negative, Facebook
2023,3,22,morning,"back soon, need to run to the shops and cut the grass",neutral, Twitter
2018,7,10,noon,I`m up. I have a plan to transform my bedroom today. Random.,neutral, Instagram
2021,11,30,night,"Home until tomorrow. Did my running and spinning. Now time for chiropractor, laundry, shopping, and visiting family. Missing nathan",negative, Facebook
2021,11,30,morning, thats another sponsor,neutral, Instagram
2023,1,22,noon," And most of us are going to be stuck in an office, some without windows",negative, Twitter
2023,1,24,night, No it`s not sad. Should make you proud,negative, Instagram
2023,1,27,morning," Sorry, we`ll try to keep it down.",negative, Facebook
2023,3,3,noon,is home alone.. Doing hw,neutral, Instagram
2015,10,18,night,"According to , a quarter of families under six live in poverty.",negative, Twitter
2021,2,25,morning,the plan to not spend money is not going well,negative, Instagram
2022,5,30,noon,uploading all my bamboozle pictures of facebook,neutral, Facebook
2018,8,10,night, congratulations ! you guys finish a month early than we do. booo,positive, Twitter
2019,3,25,morning," actually, I wish I was back in Tahoe. I miss it there.",negative, Instagram