#!/bin/bash set -e if [[ "${MIGRATION_ENABLED}" == "true" ]]; then echo "Running migrations" flask upgrade-db fi if [[ "${MODE}" == "worker" ]]; then # Get the number of available CPU cores if [ "${CELERY_AUTO_SCALE,,}" = "true" ]; then # Set MAX_WORKERS to the number of available cores if not specified AVAILABLE_CORES=$(nproc) MAX_WORKERS=${CELERY_MAX_WORKERS:-$AVAILABLE_CORES} MIN_WORKERS=${CELERY_MIN_WORKERS:-1} CONCURRENCY_OPTION="--autoscale=${MAX_WORKERS},${MIN_WORKERS}" else CONCURRENCY_OPTION="-c ${CELERY_WORKER_AMOUNT:-1}" fi exec celery -A app.celery worker -P ${CELERY_WORKER_CLASS:-gevent} $CONCURRENCY_OPTION --loglevel ${LOG_LEVEL:-INFO} \ -Q ${CELERY_QUEUES:-dataset,mail,ops_trace,app_deletion} elif [[ "${MODE}" == "beat" ]]; then exec celery -A app.celery beat --loglevel ${LOG_LEVEL:-INFO} else if [[ "${DEBUG}" == "true" ]]; then exec flask run --host=${DIFY_BIND_ADDRESS:-} --port=${DIFY_PORT:-5001} --debug else exec gunicorn \ --bind "${DIFY_BIND_ADDRESS:-}:${DIFY_PORT:-5001}" \ --workers ${SERVER_WORKER_AMOUNT:-1} \ --worker-class ${SERVER_WORKER_CLASS:-gevent} \ --worker-connections ${SERVER_WORKER_CONNECTIONS:-10} \ --timeout ${GUNICORN_TIMEOUT:-200} \ app:app fi fi