import base64 import json import logging import secrets from typing import Optional import click from flask import current_app from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound from configs import dify_config from constants.languages import languages from core.rag.datasource.vdb.vector_factory import Vector from core.rag.datasource.vdb.vector_type import VectorType from core.rag.models.document import Document from events.app_event import app_was_created from extensions.ext_database import db from extensions.ext_redis import redis_client from libs.helper import email as email_validate from libs.password import hash_password, password_pattern, valid_password from libs.rsa import generate_key_pair from models import Tenant from models.dataset import Dataset, DatasetCollectionBinding, DocumentSegment from models.dataset import Document as DatasetDocument from models.model import Account, App, AppAnnotationSetting, AppMode, Conversation, MessageAnnotation from models.provider import Provider, ProviderModel from services.account_service import RegisterService, TenantService @click.command("reset-password", help="Reset the account password.") @click.option("--email", prompt=True, help="Account email to reset password for") @click.option("--new-password", prompt=True, help="New password") @click.option("--password-confirm", prompt=True, help="Confirm new password") def reset_password(email, new_password, password_confirm): """ Reset password of owner account Only available in SELF_HOSTED mode """ if str(new_password).strip() != str(password_confirm).strip(): click.echo("Passwords do not match.", fg="red")) return account = db.session.query(Account).filter( == email).one_or_none() if not account: click.echo("Account not found for email: {}".format(email), fg="red")) return try: valid_password(new_password) except: click.echo("Invalid password. Must match {}".format(password_pattern), fg="red")) return # generate password salt salt = secrets.token_bytes(16) base64_salt = base64.b64encode(salt).decode() # encrypt password with salt password_hashed = hash_password(new_password, salt) base64_password_hashed = base64.b64encode(password_hashed).decode() account.password = base64_password_hashed account.password_salt = base64_salt db.session.commit() click.echo("Password reset successfully.", fg="green")) @click.command("reset-email", help="Reset the account email.") @click.option("--email", prompt=True, help="Current account email") @click.option("--new-email", prompt=True, help="New email") @click.option("--email-confirm", prompt=True, help="Confirm new email") def reset_email(email, new_email, email_confirm): """ Replace account email :return: """ if str(new_email).strip() != str(email_confirm).strip(): click.echo("New emails do not match.", fg="red")) return account = db.session.query(Account).filter( == email).one_or_none() if not account: click.echo("Account not found for email: {}".format(email), fg="red")) return try: email_validate(new_email) except: click.echo("Invalid email: {}".format(new_email), fg="red")) return = new_email db.session.commit() click.echo("Email updated successfully.", fg="green")) @click.command( "reset-encrypt-key-pair", help="Reset the asymmetric key pair of workspace for encrypt LLM credentials. " "After the reset, all LLM credentials will become invalid, " "requiring re-entry." "Only support SELF_HOSTED mode.", ) @click.confirmation_option( "Are you sure you want to reset encrypt key pair? This operation cannot be rolled back!", fg="red" ) ) def reset_encrypt_key_pair(): """ Reset the encrypted key pair of workspace for encrypt LLM credentials. After the reset, all LLM credentials will become invalid, requiring re-entry. Only support SELF_HOSTED mode. """ if dify_config.EDITION != "SELF_HOSTED": click.echo("This command is only for SELF_HOSTED installations.", fg="red")) return tenants = db.session.query(Tenant).all() for tenant in tenants: if not tenant: click.echo("No workspaces found. Run /install first.", fg="red")) return tenant.encrypt_public_key = generate_key_pair( db.session.query(Provider).filter(Provider.provider_type == "custom", Provider.tenant_id == db.session.query(ProviderModel).filter(ProviderModel.tenant_id == db.session.commit() click.echo( "Congratulations! The asymmetric key pair of workspace {} has been reset.".format(, fg="green", ) ) @click.command("vdb-migrate", help="Migrate vector db.") @click.option("--scope", default="all", prompt=False, help="The scope of vector database to migrate, Default is All.") def vdb_migrate(scope: str): if scope in {"knowledge", "all"}: migrate_knowledge_vector_database() if scope in {"annotation", "all"}: migrate_annotation_vector_database() def migrate_annotation_vector_database(): """ Migrate annotation datas to target vector database . """ click.echo("Starting annotation data migration.", fg="green")) create_count = 0 skipped_count = 0 total_count = 0 page = 1 while True: try: # get apps info apps = ( App.query.filter(App.status == "normal") .order_by(App.created_at.desc()) .paginate(page=page, per_page=50) ) except NotFound: break page += 1 for app in apps: total_count = total_count + 1 click.echo( f"Processing the {total_count} app {}. " + f"{create_count} created, {skipped_count} skipped." ) try: click.echo("Creating app annotation index: {}".format( app_annotation_setting = ( db.session.query(AppAnnotationSetting).filter(AppAnnotationSetting.app_id == ) if not app_annotation_setting: skipped_count = skipped_count + 1 click.echo("App annotation setting disabled: {}".format( continue # get dataset_collection_binding info dataset_collection_binding = ( db.session.query(DatasetCollectionBinding) .filter( == app_annotation_setting.collection_binding_id) .first() ) if not dataset_collection_binding: click.echo("App annotation collection binding not found: {}".format( continue annotations = db.session.query(MessageAnnotation).filter(MessageAnnotation.app_id == dataset = Dataset(, tenant_id=app.tenant_id, indexing_technique="high_quality", embedding_model_provider=dataset_collection_binding.provider_name, embedding_model=dataset_collection_binding.model_name,, ) documents = [] if annotations: for annotation in annotations: document = Document( page_content=annotation.question, metadata={"annotation_id":, "app_id":, "doc_id":}, ) documents.append(document) vector = Vector(dataset, attributes=["doc_id", "annotation_id", "app_id"]) click.echo(f"Migrating annotations for app: {}.") try: vector.delete() click.echo("Deleted vector index for app {}.", fg="green")) except Exception as e: click.echo("Failed to delete vector index for app {}.", fg="red")) raise e if documents: try: click.echo( f"Creating vector index with {len(documents)} annotations for app {}.", fg="green", ) ) vector.create(documents) click.echo("Created vector index for app {}.", fg="green")) except Exception as e: click.echo("Failed to created vector index for app {}.", fg="red")) raise e click.echo(f"Successfully migrated app annotation {}.") create_count += 1 except Exception as e: click.echo( "Error creating app annotation index: {} {}".format(e.__class__.__name__, str(e)), fg="red" ) ) continue click.echo( f"Migration complete. Created {create_count} app annotation indexes. Skipped {skipped_count} apps.", fg="green", ) ) def migrate_knowledge_vector_database(): """ Migrate vector database datas to target vector database . """ click.echo("Starting vector database migration.", fg="green")) create_count = 0 skipped_count = 0 total_count = 0 vector_type = dify_config.VECTOR_STORE upper_collection_vector_types = { VectorType.MILVUS, VectorType.PGVECTOR, VectorType.RELYT, VectorType.WEAVIATE, VectorType.ORACLE, VectorType.ELASTICSEARCH, } lower_collection_vector_types = { VectorType.ANALYTICDB, VectorType.CHROMA, VectorType.MYSCALE, VectorType.PGVECTO_RS, VectorType.TIDB_VECTOR, VectorType.OPENSEARCH, VectorType.TENCENT, VectorType.BAIDU, VectorType.VIKINGDB, VectorType.UPSTASH, VectorType.COUCHBASE, VectorType.OCEANBASE, } page = 1 while True: try: datasets = ( Dataset.query.filter(Dataset.indexing_technique == "high_quality") .order_by(Dataset.created_at.desc()) .paginate(page=page, per_page=50) ) except NotFound: break page += 1 for dataset in datasets: total_count = total_count + 1 click.echo( f"Processing the {total_count} dataset {}. {create_count} created, {skipped_count} skipped." ) try: click.echo("Creating dataset vector database index: {}".format( if dataset.index_struct_dict: if dataset.index_struct_dict["type"] == vector_type: skipped_count = skipped_count + 1 continue collection_name = "" dataset_id = if vector_type in upper_collection_vector_types: collection_name = Dataset.gen_collection_name_by_id(dataset_id) elif vector_type == VectorType.QDRANT: if dataset.collection_binding_id: dataset_collection_binding = ( db.session.query(DatasetCollectionBinding) .filter( == dataset.collection_binding_id) .one_or_none() ) if dataset_collection_binding: collection_name = dataset_collection_binding.collection_name else: raise ValueError("Dataset Collection Binding not found") else: collection_name = Dataset.gen_collection_name_by_id(dataset_id) elif vector_type in lower_collection_vector_types: collection_name = Dataset.gen_collection_name_by_id(dataset_id).lower() else: raise ValueError(f"Vector store {vector_type} is not supported.") index_struct_dict = {"type": vector_type, "vector_store": {"class_prefix": collection_name}} dataset.index_struct = json.dumps(index_struct_dict) vector = Vector(dataset) click.echo(f"Migrating dataset {}.") try: vector.delete() click.echo("Deleted vector index {collection_name} for dataset {}.", fg="green") ) except Exception as e: click.echo( f"Failed to delete vector index {collection_name} for dataset {}.", fg="red" ) ) raise e dataset_documents = ( db.session.query(DatasetDocument) .filter( DatasetDocument.dataset_id ==, DatasetDocument.indexing_status == "completed", DatasetDocument.enabled == True, DatasetDocument.archived == False, ) .all() ) documents = [] segments_count = 0 for dataset_document in dataset_documents: segments = ( db.session.query(DocumentSegment) .filter( DocumentSegment.document_id ==, DocumentSegment.status == "completed", DocumentSegment.enabled == True, ) .all() ) for segment in segments: document = Document( page_content=segment.content, metadata={ "doc_id": segment.index_node_id, "doc_hash": segment.index_node_hash, "document_id": segment.document_id, "dataset_id": segment.dataset_id, }, ) documents.append(document) segments_count = segments_count + 1 if documents: try: click.echo( f"Creating vector index with {len(documents)} documents of {segments_count}" f" segments for dataset {}.", fg="green", ) ) vector.create(documents) click.echo("Created vector index for dataset {}.", fg="green")) except Exception as e: click.echo("Failed to created vector index for dataset {}.", fg="red")) raise e db.session.add(dataset) db.session.commit() click.echo(f"Successfully migrated dataset {}.") create_count += 1 except Exception as e: db.session.rollback() click.echo("Error creating dataset index: {} {}".format(e.__class__.__name__, str(e)), fg="red") ) continue click.echo( f"Migration complete. Created {create_count} dataset indexes. Skipped {skipped_count} datasets.", fg="green" ) ) @click.command("convert-to-agent-apps", help="Convert Agent Assistant to Agent App.") def convert_to_agent_apps(): """ Convert Agent Assistant to Agent App. """ click.echo("Starting convert to agent apps.", fg="green")) proceeded_app_ids = [] while True: # fetch first 1000 apps sql_query = """SELECT AS id FROM apps a INNER JOIN app_model_configs am ON WHERE a.mode = 'chat' AND am.agent_mode is not null AND ( am.agent_mode like '%"strategy": "function_call"%' OR am.agent_mode like '%"strategy": "react"%' ) AND ( am.agent_mode like '{"enabled": true%' OR am.agent_mode like '{"max_iteration": %' ) ORDER BY a.created_at DESC LIMIT 1000 """ with db.engine.begin() as conn: rs = conn.execute(db.text(sql_query)) apps = [] for i in rs: app_id = str( if app_id not in proceeded_app_ids: proceeded_app_ids.append(app_id) app = db.session.query(App).filter( == app_id).first() if app is not None: apps.append(app) if len(apps) == 0: break for app in apps: click.echo("Converting app: {}".format( try: app.mode = AppMode.AGENT_CHAT.value db.session.commit() # update conversation mode to agent db.session.query(Conversation).filter(Conversation.app_id == {Conversation.mode: AppMode.AGENT_CHAT.value} ) db.session.commit() click.echo("Converted app: {}".format(, fg="green")) except Exception as e: click.echo("Convert app error: {} {}".format(e.__class__.__name__, str(e)), fg="red")) click.echo("Conversion complete. Converted {} agent apps.".format(len(proceeded_app_ids)), fg="green")) @click.command("add-qdrant-doc-id-index", help="Add Qdrant doc_id index.") @click.option("--field", default="metadata.doc_id", prompt=False, help="Index field , default is metadata.doc_id.") def add_qdrant_doc_id_index(field: str): click.echo("Starting Qdrant doc_id index creation.", fg="green")) vector_type = dify_config.VECTOR_STORE if vector_type != "qdrant": click.echo("This command only supports Qdrant vector store.", fg="red")) return create_count = 0 try: bindings = db.session.query(DatasetCollectionBinding).all() if not bindings: click.echo("No dataset collection bindings found.", fg="red")) return import qdrant_client from qdrant_client.http.exceptions import UnexpectedResponse from qdrant_client.http.models import PayloadSchemaType from core.rag.datasource.vdb.qdrant.qdrant_vector import QdrantConfig for binding in bindings: if dify_config.QDRANT_URL is None: raise ValueError("Qdrant URL is required.") qdrant_config = QdrantConfig( endpoint=dify_config.QDRANT_URL, api_key=dify_config.QDRANT_API_KEY, root_path=current_app.root_path, timeout=dify_config.QDRANT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, grpc_port=dify_config.QDRANT_GRPC_PORT, prefer_grpc=dify_config.QDRANT_GRPC_ENABLED, ) try: client = qdrant_client.QdrantClient(**qdrant_config.to_qdrant_params()) # create payload index client.create_payload_index(binding.collection_name, field, field_schema=PayloadSchemaType.KEYWORD) create_count += 1 except UnexpectedResponse as e: # Collection does not exist, so return if e.status_code == 404: click.echo("Collection not found: {binding.collection_name}.", fg="red")) continue # Some other error occurred, so re-raise the exception else: click.echo( f"Failed to create Qdrant index for collection: {binding.collection_name}.", fg="red" ) ) except Exception as e: click.echo("Failed to create Qdrant client.", fg="red")) click.echo("Index creation complete. Created {create_count} collection indexes.", fg="green")) @click.command("create-tenant", help="Create account and tenant.") @click.option("--email", prompt=True, help="Tenant account email.") @click.option("--name", prompt=True, help="Workspace name.") @click.option("--language", prompt=True, help="Account language, default: en-US.") def create_tenant(email: str, language: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None): """ Create tenant account """ if not email: click.echo("Email is required.", fg="red")) return # Create account email = email.strip() if "@" not in email: click.echo("Invalid email address.", fg="red")) return account_name = email.split("@")[0] if language not in languages: language = "en-US" # Validates name encoding for non-Latin characters. name = name.strip().encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8") if name else None # generate random password new_password = secrets.token_urlsafe(16) # register account account = RegisterService.register( email=email, name=account_name, password=new_password, language=language, create_workspace_required=False, ) TenantService.create_owner_tenant_if_not_exist(account, name) click.echo( "Account and tenant created.\nAccount: {}\nPassword: {}".format(email, new_password), fg="green", ) ) @click.command("upgrade-db", help="Upgrade the database") def upgrade_db(): click.echo("Preparing database migration...") lock = redis_client.lock(name="db_upgrade_lock", timeout=60) if lock.acquire(blocking=False): try: click.echo("Starting database migration.", fg="green")) # run db migration import flask_migrate # type: ignore flask_migrate.upgrade() click.echo("Database migration successful!", fg="green")) except Exception as e: logging.exception("Failed to execute database migration") finally: lock.release() else: click.echo("Database migration skipped") @click.command("fix-app-site-missing", help="Fix app related site missing issue.") def fix_app_site_missing(): """ Fix app related site missing issue. """ click.echo("Starting fix for missing app-related sites.", fg="green")) failed_app_ids = [] while True: sql = """select as id from apps left join sites on where is null limit 1000""" with db.engine.begin() as conn: rs = conn.execute(db.text(sql)) processed_count = 0 for i in rs: processed_count += 1 app_id = str( if app_id in failed_app_ids: continue try: app = db.session.query(App).filter( == app_id).first() if not app: print(f"App {app_id} not found") continue tenant = app.tenant if tenant: accounts = tenant.get_accounts() if not accounts: print("Fix failed for app {}".format( continue account = accounts[0] print("Fixing missing site for app {}".format( app_was_created.send(app, account=account) except Exception as e: failed_app_ids.append(app_id) click.echo("Failed to fix missing site for app {}".format(app_id), fg="red")) logging.exception(f"Failed to fix app related site missing issue, app_id: {app_id}") continue if not processed_count: break click.echo("Fix for missing app-related sites completed successfully!", fg="green"))