dify / api /tasks /mail_reset_password_task.py
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import logging
import time
import click
from celery import shared_task # type: ignore
from flask import render_template
from extensions.ext_mail import mail
def send_reset_password_mail_task(language: str, to: str, code: str):
Async Send reset password mail
:param language: Language in which the email should be sent (e.g., 'en', 'zh')
:param to: Recipient email address
:param code: Reset password code
if not mail.is_inited():
logging.info(click.style("Start password reset mail to {}".format(to), fg="green"))
start_at = time.perf_counter()
# send reset password mail using different languages
if language == "zh-Hans":
html_content = render_template("reset_password_mail_template_zh-CN.html", to=to, code=code)
mail.send(to=to, subject="设置您的 Dify 密码", html=html_content)
html_content = render_template("reset_password_mail_template_en-US.html", to=to, code=code)
mail.send(to=to, subject="Set Your Dify Password", html=html_content)
end_at = time.perf_counter()
"Send password reset mail to {} succeeded: latency: {}".format(to, end_at - start_at), fg="green"
except Exception:
logging.exception("Send password reset mail to {} failed".format(to))