import logging |
import uuid |
from enum import StrEnum |
from typing import Optional |
from urllib.parse import urlparse |
from uuid import uuid4 |
import yaml |
from packaging import version |
from pydantic import BaseModel |
from sqlalchemy import select |
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session |
from core.helper import ssrf_proxy |
from events.app_event import app_model_config_was_updated, app_was_created |
from extensions.ext_redis import redis_client |
from factories import variable_factory |
from models import Account, App, AppMode |
from models.model import AppModelConfig |
from services.workflow_service import WorkflowService |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
IMPORT_INFO_REDIS_KEY_PREFIX = "app_import_info:" |
class ImportMode(StrEnum): |
YAML_CONTENT = "yaml-content" |
YAML_URL = "yaml-url" |
class ImportStatus(StrEnum): |
COMPLETED = "completed" |
COMPLETED_WITH_WARNINGS = "completed-with-warnings" |
PENDING = "pending" |
FAILED = "failed" |
class Import(BaseModel): |
id: str |
status: ImportStatus |
app_id: Optional[str] = None |
current_dsl_version: str = CURRENT_DSL_VERSION |
imported_dsl_version: str = "" |
error: str = "" |
def _check_version_compatibility(imported_version: str) -> ImportStatus: |
"""Determine import status based on version comparison""" |
try: |
current_ver = version.parse(CURRENT_DSL_VERSION) |
imported_ver = version.parse(imported_version) |
except version.InvalidVersion: |
return ImportStatus.FAILED |
if current_ver.major != imported_ver.major or current_ver.minor != imported_ver.minor: |
return ImportStatus.PENDING |
if current_ver.micro != imported_ver.micro: |
return ImportStatus.COMPLETED |
class PendingData(BaseModel): |
import_mode: str |
yaml_content: str |
name: str | None |
description: str | None |
icon_type: str | None |
icon: str | None |
icon_background: str | None |
app_id: str | None |
class AppDslService: |
def __init__(self, session: Session): |
self._session = session |
def import_app( |
self, |
*, |
account: Account, |
import_mode: str, |
yaml_content: Optional[str] = None, |
yaml_url: Optional[str] = None, |
name: Optional[str] = None, |
description: Optional[str] = None, |
icon_type: Optional[str] = None, |
icon: Optional[str] = None, |
icon_background: Optional[str] = None, |
app_id: Optional[str] = None, |
) -> Import: |
"""Import an app from YAML content or URL.""" |
import_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) |
try: |
mode = ImportMode(import_mode) |
except ValueError: |
raise ValueError(f"Invalid import_mode: {import_mode}") |
content: str = "" |
if mode == ImportMode.YAML_URL: |
if not yaml_url: |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=ImportStatus.FAILED, |
error="yaml_url is required when import_mode is yaml-url", |
) |
try: |
max_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024 |
parsed_url = urlparse(yaml_url) |
if ( |
parsed_url.scheme == "https" |
and parsed_url.netloc == "github.com" |
and parsed_url.path.endswith((".yml", ".yaml")) |
): |
yaml_url = yaml_url.replace("https://github.com", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com") |
yaml_url = yaml_url.replace("/blob/", "/") |
response = ssrf_proxy.get(yaml_url.strip(), follow_redirects=True, timeout=(10, 10)) |
response.raise_for_status() |
content = response.content.decode() |
if len(content) > max_size: |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=ImportStatus.FAILED, |
error="File size exceeds the limit of 10MB", |
) |
if not content: |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=ImportStatus.FAILED, |
error="Empty content from url", |
) |
except Exception as e: |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=ImportStatus.FAILED, |
error=f"Error fetching YAML from URL: {str(e)}", |
) |
elif mode == ImportMode.YAML_CONTENT: |
if not yaml_content: |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=ImportStatus.FAILED, |
error="yaml_content is required when import_mode is yaml-content", |
) |
content = yaml_content |
try: |
data = yaml.safe_load(content) |
if not isinstance(data, dict): |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=ImportStatus.FAILED, |
error="Invalid YAML format: content must be a mapping", |
) |
if not data.get("version"): |
data["version"] = "0.1.0" |
if not data.get("kind") or data.get("kind") != "app": |
data["kind"] = "app" |
imported_version = data.get("version", "0.1.0") |
if not isinstance(imported_version, str): |
raise ValueError(f"Invalid version type, expected str, got {type(imported_version)}") |
status = _check_version_compatibility(imported_version) |
app_data = data.get("app") |
if not app_data: |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=ImportStatus.FAILED, |
error="Missing app data in YAML content", |
) |
app = None |
if app_id: |
stmt = select(App).where(App.id == app_id, App.tenant_id == account.current_tenant_id) |
app = self._session.scalar(stmt) |
if not app: |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=ImportStatus.FAILED, |
error="App not found", |
) |
if app.mode not in [AppMode.WORKFLOW.value, AppMode.ADVANCED_CHAT.value]: |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=ImportStatus.FAILED, |
error="Only workflow or advanced chat apps can be overwritten", |
) |
if status == ImportStatus.PENDING: |
panding_data = PendingData( |
import_mode=import_mode, |
yaml_content=content, |
name=name, |
description=description, |
icon_type=icon_type, |
icon=icon, |
icon_background=icon_background, |
app_id=app_id, |
) |
redis_client.setex( |
panding_data.model_dump_json(), |
) |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=status, |
app_id=app_id, |
imported_dsl_version=imported_version, |
) |
app = self._create_or_update_app( |
app=app, |
data=data, |
account=account, |
name=name, |
description=description, |
icon_type=icon_type, |
icon=icon, |
icon_background=icon_background, |
) |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=status, |
app_id=app.id, |
imported_dsl_version=imported_version, |
) |
except yaml.YAMLError as e: |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=ImportStatus.FAILED, |
error=f"Invalid YAML format: {str(e)}", |
) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.exception("Failed to import app") |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=ImportStatus.FAILED, |
error=str(e), |
) |
def confirm_import(self, *, import_id: str, account: Account) -> Import: |
""" |
Confirm an import that requires confirmation |
""" |
redis_key = f"{IMPORT_INFO_REDIS_KEY_PREFIX}{import_id}" |
pending_data = redis_client.get(redis_key) |
if not pending_data: |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=ImportStatus.FAILED, |
error="Import information expired or does not exist", |
) |
try: |
if not isinstance(pending_data, str | bytes): |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=ImportStatus.FAILED, |
error="Invalid import information", |
) |
pending_data = PendingData.model_validate_json(pending_data) |
data = yaml.safe_load(pending_data.yaml_content) |
app = None |
if pending_data.app_id: |
stmt = select(App).where(App.id == pending_data.app_id, App.tenant_id == account.current_tenant_id) |
app = self._session.scalar(stmt) |
app = self._create_or_update_app( |
app=app, |
data=data, |
account=account, |
name=pending_data.name, |
description=pending_data.description, |
icon_type=pending_data.icon_type, |
icon=pending_data.icon, |
icon_background=pending_data.icon_background, |
) |
redis_client.delete(redis_key) |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=ImportStatus.COMPLETED, |
app_id=app.id, |
current_dsl_version=CURRENT_DSL_VERSION, |
imported_dsl_version=data.get("version", "0.1.0"), |
) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.exception("Error confirming import") |
return Import( |
id=import_id, |
status=ImportStatus.FAILED, |
error=str(e), |
) |
def _create_or_update_app( |
self, |
*, |
app: Optional[App], |
data: dict, |
account: Account, |
name: Optional[str] = None, |
description: Optional[str] = None, |
icon_type: Optional[str] = None, |
icon: Optional[str] = None, |
icon_background: Optional[str] = None, |
) -> App: |
"""Create a new app or update an existing one.""" |
app_data = data.get("app", {}) |
app_mode = app_data.get("mode") |
if not app_mode: |
raise ValueError("loss app mode") |
app_mode = AppMode(app_mode) |
icon_type_value = icon_type or app_data.get("icon_type") |
if icon_type_value in ["emoji", "link"]: |
icon_type = icon_type_value |
else: |
icon_type = "emoji" |
icon = icon or str(app_data.get("icon", "")) |
if app: |
app.name = name or app_data.get("name", app.name) |
app.description = description or app_data.get("description", app.description) |
app.icon_type = icon_type |
app.icon = icon |
app.icon_background = icon_background or app_data.get("icon_background", app.icon_background) |
app.updated_by = account.id |
else: |
if account.current_tenant_id is None: |
raise ValueError("Current tenant is not set") |
app = App() |
app.id = str(uuid4()) |
app.tenant_id = account.current_tenant_id |
app.mode = app_mode.value |
app.name = name or app_data.get("name", "") |
app.description = description or app_data.get("description", "") |
app.icon_type = icon_type |
app.icon = icon |
app.icon_background = icon_background or app_data.get("icon_background", "#FFFFFF") |
app.enable_site = True |
app.enable_api = True |
app.use_icon_as_answer_icon = app_data.get("use_icon_as_answer_icon", False) |
app.created_by = account.id |
app.updated_by = account.id |
self._session.add(app) |
self._session.commit() |
app_was_created.send(app, account=account) |
if app_mode in {AppMode.ADVANCED_CHAT, AppMode.WORKFLOW}: |
workflow_data = data.get("workflow") |
if not workflow_data or not isinstance(workflow_data, dict): |
raise ValueError("Missing workflow data for workflow/advanced chat app") |
environment_variables_list = workflow_data.get("environment_variables", []) |
environment_variables = [ |
variable_factory.build_environment_variable_from_mapping(obj) for obj in environment_variables_list |
] |
conversation_variables_list = workflow_data.get("conversation_variables", []) |
conversation_variables = [ |
variable_factory.build_conversation_variable_from_mapping(obj) for obj in conversation_variables_list |
] |
workflow_service = WorkflowService() |
current_draft_workflow = workflow_service.get_draft_workflow(app_model=app) |
if current_draft_workflow: |
unique_hash = current_draft_workflow.unique_hash |
else: |
unique_hash = None |
workflow_service.sync_draft_workflow( |
app_model=app, |
graph=workflow_data.get("graph", {}), |
features=workflow_data.get("features", {}), |
unique_hash=unique_hash, |
account=account, |
environment_variables=environment_variables, |
conversation_variables=conversation_variables, |
) |
elif app_mode in {AppMode.CHAT, AppMode.AGENT_CHAT, AppMode.COMPLETION}: |
model_config = data.get("model_config") |
if not model_config or not isinstance(model_config, dict): |
raise ValueError("Missing model_config for chat/agent-chat/completion app") |
if not app.app_model_config: |
app_model_config = AppModelConfig().from_model_config_dict(model_config) |
app_model_config.id = str(uuid4()) |
app_model_config.app_id = app.id |
app_model_config.created_by = account.id |
app_model_config.updated_by = account.id |
app.app_model_config_id = app_model_config.id |
self._session.add(app_model_config) |
app_model_config_was_updated.send(app, app_model_config=app_model_config) |
else: |
raise ValueError("Invalid app mode") |
return app |
@classmethod |
def export_dsl(cls, app_model: App, include_secret: bool = False) -> str: |
""" |
Export app |
:param app_model: App instance |
:return: |
""" |
app_mode = AppMode.value_of(app_model.mode) |
export_data = { |
"kind": "app", |
"app": { |
"name": app_model.name, |
"mode": app_model.mode, |
"icon": "🤖" if app_model.icon_type == "image" else app_model.icon, |
"icon_background": "#FFEAD5" if app_model.icon_type == "image" else app_model.icon_background, |
"description": app_model.description, |
"use_icon_as_answer_icon": app_model.use_icon_as_answer_icon, |
}, |
} |
if app_mode in {AppMode.ADVANCED_CHAT, AppMode.WORKFLOW}: |
cls._append_workflow_export_data( |
export_data=export_data, app_model=app_model, include_secret=include_secret |
) |
else: |
cls._append_model_config_export_data(export_data, app_model) |
return yaml.dump(export_data, allow_unicode=True) |
@classmethod |
def _append_workflow_export_data(cls, *, export_data: dict, app_model: App, include_secret: bool) -> None: |
""" |
Append workflow export data |
:param export_data: export data |
:param app_model: App instance |
""" |
workflow_service = WorkflowService() |
workflow = workflow_service.get_draft_workflow(app_model) |
if not workflow: |
raise ValueError("Missing draft workflow configuration, please check.") |
export_data["workflow"] = workflow.to_dict(include_secret=include_secret) |
@classmethod |
def _append_model_config_export_data(cls, export_data: dict, app_model: App) -> None: |
""" |
Append model config export data |
:param export_data: export data |
:param app_model: App instance |
""" |
app_model_config = app_model.app_model_config |
if not app_model_config: |
raise ValueError("Missing app configuration, please check.") |
export_data["model_config"] = app_model_config.to_dict() |