import datetime |
import uuid |
from typing import cast |
import pandas as pd |
from flask_login import current_user |
from sqlalchemy import or_ |
from werkzeug.datastructures import FileStorage |
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound |
from extensions.ext_database import db |
from extensions.ext_redis import redis_client |
from models.model import App, AppAnnotationHitHistory, AppAnnotationSetting, Message, MessageAnnotation |
from services.feature_service import FeatureService |
from tasks.annotation.add_annotation_to_index_task import add_annotation_to_index_task |
from tasks.annotation.batch_import_annotations_task import batch_import_annotations_task |
from tasks.annotation.delete_annotation_index_task import delete_annotation_index_task |
from tasks.annotation.disable_annotation_reply_task import disable_annotation_reply_task |
from tasks.annotation.enable_annotation_reply_task import enable_annotation_reply_task |
from tasks.annotation.update_annotation_to_index_task import update_annotation_to_index_task |
class AppAnnotationService: |
@classmethod |
def up_insert_app_annotation_from_message(cls, args: dict, app_id: str) -> MessageAnnotation: |
app = ( |
db.session.query(App) |
.filter(App.id == app_id, App.tenant_id == current_user.current_tenant_id, App.status == "normal") |
.first() |
) |
if not app: |
raise NotFound("App not found") |
if args.get("message_id"): |
message_id = str(args["message_id"]) |
message = db.session.query(Message).filter(Message.id == message_id, Message.app_id == app.id).first() |
if not message: |
raise NotFound("Message Not Exists.") |
annotation = message.annotation |
if annotation: |
annotation.content = args["answer"] |
annotation.question = args["question"] |
else: |
annotation = MessageAnnotation( |
app_id=app.id, |
conversation_id=message.conversation_id, |
message_id=message.id, |
content=args["answer"], |
question=args["question"], |
account_id=current_user.id, |
) |
else: |
annotation = MessageAnnotation( |
app_id=app.id, content=args["answer"], question=args["question"], account_id=current_user.id |
) |
db.session.add(annotation) |
db.session.commit() |
annotation_setting = ( |
db.session.query(AppAnnotationSetting).filter(AppAnnotationSetting.app_id == app_id).first() |
) |
if annotation_setting: |
add_annotation_to_index_task.delay( |
annotation.id, |
args["question"], |
current_user.current_tenant_id, |
app_id, |
annotation_setting.collection_binding_id, |
) |
return cast(MessageAnnotation, annotation) |
@classmethod |
def enable_app_annotation(cls, args: dict, app_id: str) -> dict: |
enable_app_annotation_key = "enable_app_annotation_{}".format(str(app_id)) |
cache_result = redis_client.get(enable_app_annotation_key) |
if cache_result is not None: |
return {"job_id": cache_result, "job_status": "processing"} |
job_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) |
enable_app_annotation_job_key = "enable_app_annotation_job_{}".format(str(job_id)) |
redis_client.setnx(enable_app_annotation_job_key, "waiting") |
enable_annotation_reply_task.delay( |
str(job_id), |
app_id, |
current_user.id, |
current_user.current_tenant_id, |
args["score_threshold"], |
args["embedding_provider_name"], |
args["embedding_model_name"], |
) |
return {"job_id": job_id, "job_status": "waiting"} |
@classmethod |
def disable_app_annotation(cls, app_id: str) -> dict: |
disable_app_annotation_key = "disable_app_annotation_{}".format(str(app_id)) |
cache_result = redis_client.get(disable_app_annotation_key) |
if cache_result is not None: |
return {"job_id": cache_result, "job_status": "processing"} |
job_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) |
disable_app_annotation_job_key = "disable_app_annotation_job_{}".format(str(job_id)) |
redis_client.setnx(disable_app_annotation_job_key, "waiting") |
disable_annotation_reply_task.delay(str(job_id), app_id, current_user.current_tenant_id) |
return {"job_id": job_id, "job_status": "waiting"} |
@classmethod |
def get_annotation_list_by_app_id(cls, app_id: str, page: int, limit: int, keyword: str): |
app = ( |
db.session.query(App) |
.filter(App.id == app_id, App.tenant_id == current_user.current_tenant_id, App.status == "normal") |
.first() |
) |
if not app: |
raise NotFound("App not found") |
if keyword: |
annotations = ( |
MessageAnnotation.query.filter(MessageAnnotation.app_id == app_id) |
.filter( |
or_( |
MessageAnnotation.question.ilike("%{}%".format(keyword)), |
MessageAnnotation.content.ilike("%{}%".format(keyword)), |
) |
) |
.order_by(MessageAnnotation.created_at.desc(), MessageAnnotation.id.desc()) |
.paginate(page=page, per_page=limit, max_per_page=100, error_out=False) |
) |
else: |
annotations = ( |
MessageAnnotation.query.filter(MessageAnnotation.app_id == app_id) |
.order_by(MessageAnnotation.created_at.desc(), MessageAnnotation.id.desc()) |
.paginate(page=page, per_page=limit, max_per_page=100, error_out=False) |
) |
return annotations.items, annotations.total |
@classmethod |
def export_annotation_list_by_app_id(cls, app_id: str): |
app = ( |
db.session.query(App) |
.filter(App.id == app_id, App.tenant_id == current_user.current_tenant_id, App.status == "normal") |
.first() |
) |
if not app: |
raise NotFound("App not found") |
annotations = ( |
db.session.query(MessageAnnotation) |
.filter(MessageAnnotation.app_id == app_id) |
.order_by(MessageAnnotation.created_at.desc()) |
.all() |
) |
return annotations |
@classmethod |
def insert_app_annotation_directly(cls, args: dict, app_id: str) -> MessageAnnotation: |
app = ( |
db.session.query(App) |
.filter(App.id == app_id, App.tenant_id == current_user.current_tenant_id, App.status == "normal") |
.first() |
) |
if not app: |
raise NotFound("App not found") |
annotation = MessageAnnotation( |
app_id=app.id, content=args["answer"], question=args["question"], account_id=current_user.id |
) |
db.session.add(annotation) |
db.session.commit() |
annotation_setting = ( |
db.session.query(AppAnnotationSetting).filter(AppAnnotationSetting.app_id == app_id).first() |
) |
if annotation_setting: |
add_annotation_to_index_task.delay( |
annotation.id, |
args["question"], |
current_user.current_tenant_id, |
app_id, |
annotation_setting.collection_binding_id, |
) |
return annotation |
@classmethod |
def update_app_annotation_directly(cls, args: dict, app_id: str, annotation_id: str): |
app = ( |
db.session.query(App) |
.filter(App.id == app_id, App.tenant_id == current_user.current_tenant_id, App.status == "normal") |
.first() |
) |
if not app: |
raise NotFound("App not found") |
annotation = db.session.query(MessageAnnotation).filter(MessageAnnotation.id == annotation_id).first() |
if not annotation: |
raise NotFound("Annotation not found") |
annotation.content = args["answer"] |
annotation.question = args["question"] |
db.session.commit() |
app_annotation_setting = ( |
db.session.query(AppAnnotationSetting).filter(AppAnnotationSetting.app_id == app_id).first() |
) |
if app_annotation_setting: |
update_annotation_to_index_task.delay( |
annotation.id, |
annotation.question, |
current_user.current_tenant_id, |
app_id, |
app_annotation_setting.collection_binding_id, |
) |
return annotation |
@classmethod |
def delete_app_annotation(cls, app_id: str, annotation_id: str): |
app = ( |
db.session.query(App) |
.filter(App.id == app_id, App.tenant_id == current_user.current_tenant_id, App.status == "normal") |
.first() |
) |
if not app: |
raise NotFound("App not found") |
annotation = db.session.query(MessageAnnotation).filter(MessageAnnotation.id == annotation_id).first() |
if not annotation: |
raise NotFound("Annotation not found") |
db.session.delete(annotation) |
annotation_hit_histories = ( |
db.session.query(AppAnnotationHitHistory) |
.filter(AppAnnotationHitHistory.annotation_id == annotation_id) |
.all() |
) |
if annotation_hit_histories: |
for annotation_hit_history in annotation_hit_histories: |
db.session.delete(annotation_hit_history) |
db.session.commit() |
app_annotation_setting = ( |
db.session.query(AppAnnotationSetting).filter(AppAnnotationSetting.app_id == app_id).first() |
) |
if app_annotation_setting: |
delete_annotation_index_task.delay( |
annotation.id, app_id, current_user.current_tenant_id, app_annotation_setting.collection_binding_id |
) |
@classmethod |
def batch_import_app_annotations(cls, app_id, file: FileStorage) -> dict: |
app = ( |
db.session.query(App) |
.filter(App.id == app_id, App.tenant_id == current_user.current_tenant_id, App.status == "normal") |
.first() |
) |
if not app: |
raise NotFound("App not found") |
try: |
df = pd.read_csv(file) |
result = [] |
for index, row in df.iterrows(): |
content = {"question": row.iloc[0], "answer": row.iloc[1]} |
result.append(content) |
if len(result) == 0: |
raise ValueError("The CSV file is empty.") |
features = FeatureService.get_features(current_user.current_tenant_id) |
if features.billing.enabled: |
annotation_quota_limit = features.annotation_quota_limit |
if annotation_quota_limit.limit < len(result) + annotation_quota_limit.size: |
raise ValueError("The number of annotations exceeds the limit of your subscription.") |
job_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) |
indexing_cache_key = "app_annotation_batch_import_{}".format(str(job_id)) |
redis_client.setnx(indexing_cache_key, "waiting") |
batch_import_annotations_task.delay( |
str(job_id), result, app_id, current_user.current_tenant_id, current_user.id |
) |
except Exception as e: |
return {"error_msg": str(e)} |
return {"job_id": job_id, "job_status": "waiting"} |
@classmethod |
def get_annotation_hit_histories(cls, app_id: str, annotation_id: str, page, limit): |
app = ( |
db.session.query(App) |
.filter(App.id == app_id, App.tenant_id == current_user.current_tenant_id, App.status == "normal") |
.first() |
) |
if not app: |
raise NotFound("App not found") |
annotation = db.session.query(MessageAnnotation).filter(MessageAnnotation.id == annotation_id).first() |
if not annotation: |
raise NotFound("Annotation not found") |
annotation_hit_histories = ( |
AppAnnotationHitHistory.query.filter( |
AppAnnotationHitHistory.app_id == app_id, |
AppAnnotationHitHistory.annotation_id == annotation_id, |
) |
.order_by(AppAnnotationHitHistory.created_at.desc()) |
.paginate(page=page, per_page=limit, max_per_page=100, error_out=False) |
) |
return annotation_hit_histories.items, annotation_hit_histories.total |
@classmethod |
def get_annotation_by_id(cls, annotation_id: str) -> MessageAnnotation | None: |
annotation = db.session.query(MessageAnnotation).filter(MessageAnnotation.id == annotation_id).first() |
if not annotation: |
return None |
return annotation |
@classmethod |
def add_annotation_history( |
cls, |
annotation_id: str, |
app_id: str, |
annotation_question: str, |
annotation_content: str, |
query: str, |
user_id: str, |
message_id: str, |
from_source: str, |
score: float, |
): |
db.session.query(MessageAnnotation).filter(MessageAnnotation.id == annotation_id).update( |
{MessageAnnotation.hit_count: MessageAnnotation.hit_count + 1}, synchronize_session=False |
) |
annotation_hit_history = AppAnnotationHitHistory( |
annotation_id=annotation_id, |
app_id=app_id, |
account_id=user_id, |
question=query, |
source=from_source, |
score=score, |
message_id=message_id, |
annotation_question=annotation_question, |
annotation_content=annotation_content, |
) |
db.session.add(annotation_hit_history) |
db.session.commit() |
@classmethod |
def get_app_annotation_setting_by_app_id(cls, app_id: str): |
app = ( |
db.session.query(App) |
.filter(App.id == app_id, App.tenant_id == current_user.current_tenant_id, App.status == "normal") |
.first() |
) |
if not app: |
raise NotFound("App not found") |
annotation_setting = ( |
db.session.query(AppAnnotationSetting).filter(AppAnnotationSetting.app_id == app_id).first() |
) |
if annotation_setting: |
collection_binding_detail = annotation_setting.collection_binding_detail |
return { |
"id": annotation_setting.id, |
"enabled": True, |
"score_threshold": annotation_setting.score_threshold, |
"embedding_model": { |
"embedding_provider_name": collection_binding_detail.provider_name, |
"embedding_model_name": collection_binding_detail.model_name, |
}, |
} |
return {"enabled": False} |
@classmethod |
def update_app_annotation_setting(cls, app_id: str, annotation_setting_id: str, args: dict): |
app = ( |
db.session.query(App) |
.filter(App.id == app_id, App.tenant_id == current_user.current_tenant_id, App.status == "normal") |
.first() |
) |
if not app: |
raise NotFound("App not found") |
annotation_setting = ( |
db.session.query(AppAnnotationSetting) |
.filter( |
AppAnnotationSetting.app_id == app_id, |
AppAnnotationSetting.id == annotation_setting_id, |
) |
.first() |
) |
if not annotation_setting: |
raise NotFound("App annotation not found") |
annotation_setting.score_threshold = args["score_threshold"] |
annotation_setting.updated_user_id = current_user.id |
annotation_setting.updated_at = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.UTC).replace(tzinfo=None) |
db.session.add(annotation_setting) |
db.session.commit() |
collection_binding_detail = annotation_setting.collection_binding_detail |
return { |
"id": annotation_setting.id, |
"enabled": True, |
"score_threshold": annotation_setting.score_threshold, |
"embedding_model": { |
"embedding_provider_name": collection_binding_detail.provider_name, |
"embedding_model_name": collection_binding_detail.model_name, |
}, |
} |