import base64 |
import json |
import logging |
import random |
import secrets |
import uuid |
from datetime import UTC, datetime, timedelta |
from hashlib import sha256 |
from typing import Any, Optional, cast |
from pydantic import BaseModel |
from sqlalchemy import func |
from werkzeug.exceptions import Unauthorized |
from configs import dify_config |
from constants.languages import language_timezone_mapping, languages |
from events.tenant_event import tenant_was_created |
from extensions.ext_database import db |
from extensions.ext_redis import redis_client |
from libs.helper import RateLimiter, TokenManager |
from libs.passport import PassportService |
from libs.password import compare_password, hash_password, valid_password |
from libs.rsa import generate_key_pair |
from models.account import ( |
Account, |
AccountIntegrate, |
AccountStatus, |
Tenant, |
TenantAccountJoin, |
TenantAccountJoinRole, |
TenantAccountRole, |
TenantStatus, |
) |
from models.model import DifySetup |
from services.billing_service import BillingService |
from services.errors.account import ( |
AccountAlreadyInTenantError, |
AccountLoginError, |
AccountNotFoundError, |
AccountNotLinkTenantError, |
AccountPasswordError, |
AccountRegisterError, |
CannotOperateSelfError, |
CurrentPasswordIncorrectError, |
InvalidActionError, |
LinkAccountIntegrateError, |
MemberNotInTenantError, |
NoPermissionError, |
RoleAlreadyAssignedError, |
TenantNotFoundError, |
) |
from services.errors.workspace import WorkSpaceNotAllowedCreateError |
from services.feature_service import FeatureService |
from tasks.delete_account_task import delete_account_task |
from tasks.mail_account_deletion_task import send_account_deletion_verification_code |
from tasks.mail_email_code_login import send_email_code_login_mail_task |
from tasks.mail_invite_member_task import send_invite_member_mail_task |
from tasks.mail_reset_password_task import send_reset_password_mail_task |
class TokenPair(BaseModel): |
access_token: str |
refresh_token: str |
REFRESH_TOKEN_PREFIX = "refresh_token:" |
ACCOUNT_REFRESH_TOKEN_PREFIX = "account_refresh_token:" |
class AccountService: |
reset_password_rate_limiter = RateLimiter(prefix="reset_password_rate_limit", max_attempts=1, time_window=60 * 1) |
email_code_login_rate_limiter = RateLimiter( |
prefix="email_code_login_rate_limit", max_attempts=1, time_window=60 * 1 |
) |
email_code_account_deletion_rate_limiter = RateLimiter( |
prefix="email_code_account_deletion_rate_limit", max_attempts=1, time_window=60 * 1 |
) |
@staticmethod |
def _get_refresh_token_key(refresh_token: str) -> str: |
return f"{REFRESH_TOKEN_PREFIX}{refresh_token}" |
@staticmethod |
def _get_account_refresh_token_key(account_id: str) -> str: |
return f"{ACCOUNT_REFRESH_TOKEN_PREFIX}{account_id}" |
@staticmethod |
def _store_refresh_token(refresh_token: str, account_id: str) -> None: |
redis_client.setex(AccountService._get_refresh_token_key(refresh_token), REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRY, account_id) |
redis_client.setex( |
AccountService._get_account_refresh_token_key(account_id), REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRY, refresh_token |
) |
@staticmethod |
def _delete_refresh_token(refresh_token: str, account_id: str) -> None: |
redis_client.delete(AccountService._get_refresh_token_key(refresh_token)) |
redis_client.delete(AccountService._get_account_refresh_token_key(account_id)) |
@staticmethod |
def load_user(user_id: str) -> None | Account: |
account = Account.query.filter_by(id=user_id).first() |
if not account: |
return None |
if account.status == AccountStatus.BANNED.value: |
raise Unauthorized("Account is banned.") |
current_tenant = TenantAccountJoin.query.filter_by(account_id=account.id, current=True).first() |
if current_tenant: |
account.current_tenant_id = current_tenant.tenant_id |
else: |
available_ta = ( |
TenantAccountJoin.query.filter_by(account_id=account.id).order_by(TenantAccountJoin.id.asc()).first() |
) |
if not available_ta: |
return None |
account.current_tenant_id = available_ta.tenant_id |
available_ta.current = True |
db.session.commit() |
if datetime.now(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None) - account.last_active_at > timedelta(minutes=10): |
account.last_active_at = datetime.now(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None) |
db.session.commit() |
return cast(Account, account) |
@staticmethod |
def get_account_jwt_token(account: Account) -> str: |
exp_dt = datetime.now(UTC) + timedelta(minutes=dify_config.ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES) |
exp = int(exp_dt.timestamp()) |
payload = { |
"user_id": account.id, |
"exp": exp, |
"iss": dify_config.EDITION, |
"sub": "Console API Passport", |
} |
token: str = PassportService().issue(payload) |
return token |
@staticmethod |
def authenticate(email: str, password: str, invite_token: Optional[str] = None) -> Account: |
"""authenticate account with email and password""" |
account = Account.query.filter_by(email=email).first() |
if not account: |
raise AccountNotFoundError() |
if account.status == AccountStatus.BANNED.value: |
raise AccountLoginError("Account is banned.") |
if password and invite_token and account.password is None: |
salt = secrets.token_bytes(16) |
base64_salt = base64.b64encode(salt).decode() |
password_hashed = hash_password(password, salt) |
base64_password_hashed = base64.b64encode(password_hashed).decode() |
account.password = base64_password_hashed |
account.password_salt = base64_salt |
if account.password is None or not compare_password(password, account.password, account.password_salt): |
raise AccountPasswordError("Invalid email or password.") |
if account.status == AccountStatus.PENDING.value: |
account.status = AccountStatus.ACTIVE.value |
account.initialized_at = datetime.now(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None) |
db.session.commit() |
return cast(Account, account) |
@staticmethod |
def update_account_password(account, password, new_password): |
"""update account password""" |
if account.password and not compare_password(password, account.password, account.password_salt): |
raise CurrentPasswordIncorrectError("Current password is incorrect.") |
valid_password(new_password) |
salt = secrets.token_bytes(16) |
base64_salt = base64.b64encode(salt).decode() |
password_hashed = hash_password(new_password, salt) |
base64_password_hashed = base64.b64encode(password_hashed).decode() |
account.password = base64_password_hashed |
account.password_salt = base64_salt |
db.session.commit() |
return account |
@staticmethod |
def create_account( |
email: str, |
name: str, |
interface_language: str, |
password: Optional[str] = None, |
interface_theme: str = "light", |
is_setup: Optional[bool] = False, |
) -> Account: |
"""create account""" |
if not FeatureService.get_system_features().is_allow_register and not is_setup: |
from controllers.console.error import AccountNotFound |
raise AccountNotFound() |
if dify_config.BILLING_ENABLED and BillingService.is_email_in_freeze(email): |
raise AccountRegisterError( |
description=( |
"This email account has been deleted within the past " |
"30 days and is temporarily unavailable for new account registration" |
) |
) |
account = Account() |
account.email = email |
account.name = name |
if password: |
salt = secrets.token_bytes(16) |
base64_salt = base64.b64encode(salt).decode() |
password_hashed = hash_password(password, salt) |
base64_password_hashed = base64.b64encode(password_hashed).decode() |
account.password = base64_password_hashed |
account.password_salt = base64_salt |
account.interface_language = interface_language |
account.interface_theme = interface_theme |
account.timezone = language_timezone_mapping.get(interface_language, "UTC") |
db.session.add(account) |
db.session.commit() |
return account |
@staticmethod |
def create_account_and_tenant( |
email: str, name: str, interface_language: str, password: Optional[str] = None |
) -> Account: |
"""create account""" |
account = AccountService.create_account( |
email=email, name=name, interface_language=interface_language, password=password |
) |
TenantService.create_owner_tenant_if_not_exist(account=account) |
return account |
@staticmethod |
def generate_account_deletion_verification_code(account: Account) -> tuple[str, str]: |
code = "".join([str(random.randint(0, 9)) for _ in range(6)]) |
token = TokenManager.generate_token( |
account=account, token_type="account_deletion", additional_data={"code": code} |
) |
return token, code |
@classmethod |
def send_account_deletion_verification_email(cls, account: Account, code: str): |
email = account.email |
if cls.email_code_account_deletion_rate_limiter.is_rate_limited(email): |
from controllers.console.auth.error import EmailCodeAccountDeletionRateLimitExceededError |
raise EmailCodeAccountDeletionRateLimitExceededError() |
send_account_deletion_verification_code.delay(to=email, code=code) |
cls.email_code_account_deletion_rate_limiter.increment_rate_limit(email) |
@staticmethod |
def verify_account_deletion_code(token: str, code: str) -> bool: |
token_data = TokenManager.get_token_data(token, "account_deletion") |
if token_data is None: |
return False |
if token_data["code"] != code: |
return False |
return True |
@staticmethod |
def delete_account(account: Account) -> None: |
"""Delete account. This method only adds a task to the queue for deletion.""" |
delete_account_task.delay(account.id) |
@staticmethod |
def link_account_integrate(provider: str, open_id: str, account: Account) -> None: |
"""Link account integrate""" |
try: |
account_integrate: Optional[AccountIntegrate] = AccountIntegrate.query.filter_by( |
account_id=account.id, provider=provider |
).first() |
if account_integrate: |
account_integrate.open_id = open_id |
account_integrate.encrypted_token = "" |
account_integrate.updated_at = datetime.now(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None) |
else: |
account_integrate = AccountIntegrate( |
account_id=account.id, provider=provider, open_id=open_id, encrypted_token="" |
) |
db.session.add(account_integrate) |
db.session.commit() |
logging.info(f"Account {account.id} linked {provider} account {open_id}.") |
except Exception as e: |
logging.exception(f"Failed to link {provider} account {open_id} to Account {account.id}") |
raise LinkAccountIntegrateError("Failed to link account.") from e |
@staticmethod |
def close_account(account: Account) -> None: |
"""Close account""" |
account.status = AccountStatus.CLOSED.value |
db.session.commit() |
@staticmethod |
def update_account(account, **kwargs): |
"""Update account fields""" |
for field, value in kwargs.items(): |
if hasattr(account, field): |
setattr(account, field, value) |
else: |
raise AttributeError(f"Invalid field: {field}") |
db.session.commit() |
return account |
@staticmethod |
def update_login_info(account: Account, *, ip_address: str) -> None: |
"""Update last login time and ip""" |
account.last_login_at = datetime.now(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None) |
account.last_login_ip = ip_address |
db.session.add(account) |
db.session.commit() |
@staticmethod |
def login(account: Account, *, ip_address: Optional[str] = None) -> TokenPair: |
if ip_address: |
AccountService.update_login_info(account=account, ip_address=ip_address) |
if account.status == AccountStatus.PENDING.value: |
account.status = AccountStatus.ACTIVE.value |
db.session.commit() |
access_token = AccountService.get_account_jwt_token(account=account) |
refresh_token = _generate_refresh_token() |
AccountService._store_refresh_token(refresh_token, account.id) |
return TokenPair(access_token=access_token, refresh_token=refresh_token) |
@staticmethod |
def logout(*, account: Account) -> None: |
refresh_token = redis_client.get(AccountService._get_account_refresh_token_key(account.id)) |
if refresh_token: |
AccountService._delete_refresh_token(refresh_token.decode("utf-8"), account.id) |
@staticmethod |
def refresh_token(refresh_token: str) -> TokenPair: |
account_id = redis_client.get(AccountService._get_refresh_token_key(refresh_token)) |
if not account_id: |
raise ValueError("Invalid refresh token") |
account = AccountService.load_user(account_id.decode("utf-8")) |
if not account: |
raise ValueError("Invalid account") |
new_access_token = AccountService.get_account_jwt_token(account) |
new_refresh_token = _generate_refresh_token() |
AccountService._delete_refresh_token(refresh_token, account.id) |
AccountService._store_refresh_token(new_refresh_token, account.id) |
return TokenPair(access_token=new_access_token, refresh_token=new_refresh_token) |
@staticmethod |
def load_logged_in_account(*, account_id: str): |
return AccountService.load_user(account_id) |
@classmethod |
def send_reset_password_email( |
cls, |
account: Optional[Account] = None, |
email: Optional[str] = None, |
language: Optional[str] = "en-US", |
): |
account_email = account.email if account else email |
if account_email is None: |
raise ValueError("Email must be provided.") |
if cls.reset_password_rate_limiter.is_rate_limited(account_email): |
from controllers.console.auth.error import PasswordResetRateLimitExceededError |
raise PasswordResetRateLimitExceededError() |
code = "".join([str(random.randint(0, 9)) for _ in range(6)]) |
token = TokenManager.generate_token( |
account=account, email=email, token_type="reset_password", additional_data={"code": code} |
) |
send_reset_password_mail_task.delay( |
language=language, |
to=account_email, |
code=code, |
) |
cls.reset_password_rate_limiter.increment_rate_limit(account_email) |
return token |
@classmethod |
def revoke_reset_password_token(cls, token: str): |
TokenManager.revoke_token(token, "reset_password") |
@classmethod |
def get_reset_password_data(cls, token: str) -> Optional[dict[str, Any]]: |
return TokenManager.get_token_data(token, "reset_password") |
@classmethod |
def send_email_code_login_email( |
cls, account: Optional[Account] = None, email: Optional[str] = None, language: Optional[str] = "en-US" |
): |
email = account.email if account else email |
if email is None: |
raise ValueError("Email must be provided.") |
if cls.email_code_login_rate_limiter.is_rate_limited(email): |
from controllers.console.auth.error import EmailCodeLoginRateLimitExceededError |
raise EmailCodeLoginRateLimitExceededError() |
code = "".join([str(random.randint(0, 9)) for _ in range(6)]) |
token = TokenManager.generate_token( |
account=account, email=email, token_type="email_code_login", additional_data={"code": code} |
) |
send_email_code_login_mail_task.delay( |
language=language, |
to=account.email if account else email, |
code=code, |
) |
cls.email_code_login_rate_limiter.increment_rate_limit(email) |
return token |
@classmethod |
def get_email_code_login_data(cls, token: str) -> Optional[dict[str, Any]]: |
return TokenManager.get_token_data(token, "email_code_login") |
@classmethod |
def revoke_email_code_login_token(cls, token: str): |
TokenManager.revoke_token(token, "email_code_login") |
@classmethod |
def get_user_through_email(cls, email: str): |
if dify_config.BILLING_ENABLED and BillingService.is_email_in_freeze(email): |
raise AccountRegisterError( |
description=( |
"This email account has been deleted within the past " |
"30 days and is temporarily unavailable for new account registration" |
) |
) |
account = db.session.query(Account).filter(Account.email == email).first() |
if not account: |
return None |
if account.status == AccountStatus.BANNED.value: |
raise Unauthorized("Account is banned.") |
return account |
@staticmethod |
def add_login_error_rate_limit(email: str) -> None: |
key = f"login_error_rate_limit:{email}" |
count = redis_client.get(key) |
if count is None: |
count = 0 |
count = int(count) + 1 |
redis_client.setex(key, dify_config.LOGIN_LOCKOUT_DURATION, count) |
@staticmethod |
def is_login_error_rate_limit(email: str) -> bool: |
key = f"login_error_rate_limit:{email}" |
count = redis_client.get(key) |
if count is None: |
return False |
count = int(count) |
if count > AccountService.LOGIN_MAX_ERROR_LIMITS: |
return True |
return False |
@staticmethod |
def reset_login_error_rate_limit(email: str): |
key = f"login_error_rate_limit:{email}" |
redis_client.delete(key) |
@staticmethod |
def add_forgot_password_error_rate_limit(email: str) -> None: |
key = f"forgot_password_error_rate_limit:{email}" |
count = redis_client.get(key) |
if count is None: |
count = 0 |
count = int(count) + 1 |
redis_client.setex(key, dify_config.FORGOT_PASSWORD_LOCKOUT_DURATION, count) |
@staticmethod |
def is_forgot_password_error_rate_limit(email: str) -> bool: |
key = f"forgot_password_error_rate_limit:{email}" |
count = redis_client.get(key) |
if count is None: |
return False |
count = int(count) |
if count > AccountService.FORGOT_PASSWORD_MAX_ERROR_LIMITS: |
return True |
return False |
@staticmethod |
def reset_forgot_password_error_rate_limit(email: str): |
key = f"forgot_password_error_rate_limit:{email}" |
redis_client.delete(key) |
@staticmethod |
def is_email_send_ip_limit(ip_address: str): |
minute_key = f"email_send_ip_limit_minute:{ip_address}" |
freeze_key = f"email_send_ip_limit_freeze:{ip_address}" |
hour_limit_key = f"email_send_ip_limit_hour:{ip_address}" |
if redis_client.get(freeze_key): |
return True |
current_minute_count = redis_client.get(minute_key) |
if current_minute_count is None: |
current_minute_count = 0 |
current_minute_count = int(current_minute_count) |
if current_minute_count > dify_config.EMAIL_SEND_IP_LIMIT_PER_MINUTE: |
hour_limit_count = redis_client.get(hour_limit_key) |
if hour_limit_count is None: |
hour_limit_count = 0 |
hour_limit_count = int(hour_limit_count) |
if hour_limit_count >= 1: |
redis_client.setex(freeze_key, 60 * 60, 1) |
return True |
else: |
redis_client.setex(hour_limit_key, 60 * 10, hour_limit_count + 1) |
redis_client.incr(hour_limit_key) |
redis_client.expire(hour_limit_key, 60 * 60) |
return True |
redis_client.setex(minute_key, 60, current_minute_count + 1) |
redis_client.expire(minute_key, 60) |
return False |
def _get_login_cache_key(*, account_id: str, token: str): |
return f"account_login:{account_id}:{token}" |
class TenantService: |
@staticmethod |
def create_tenant(name: str, is_setup: Optional[bool] = False, is_from_dashboard: Optional[bool] = False) -> Tenant: |
"""Create tenant""" |
if ( |
not FeatureService.get_system_features().is_allow_create_workspace |
and not is_setup |
and not is_from_dashboard |
): |
from controllers.console.error import NotAllowedCreateWorkspace |
raise NotAllowedCreateWorkspace() |
tenant = Tenant(name=name) |
db.session.add(tenant) |
db.session.commit() |
tenant.encrypt_public_key = generate_key_pair(tenant.id) |
db.session.commit() |
return tenant |
@staticmethod |
def create_owner_tenant_if_not_exist( |
account: Account, name: Optional[str] = None, is_setup: Optional[bool] = False |
): |
"""Check if user have a workspace or not""" |
available_ta = ( |
TenantAccountJoin.query.filter_by(account_id=account.id).order_by(TenantAccountJoin.id.asc()).first() |
) |
if available_ta: |
return |
"""Create owner tenant if not exist""" |
if not FeatureService.get_system_features().is_allow_create_workspace and not is_setup: |
raise WorkSpaceNotAllowedCreateError() |
if name: |
tenant = TenantService.create_tenant(name=name, is_setup=is_setup) |
else: |
tenant = TenantService.create_tenant(name=f"{account.name}'s Workspace", is_setup=is_setup) |
TenantService.create_tenant_member(tenant, account, role="owner") |
account.current_tenant = tenant |
db.session.commit() |
tenant_was_created.send(tenant) |
@staticmethod |
def create_tenant_member(tenant: Tenant, account: Account, role: str = "normal") -> TenantAccountJoin: |
"""Create tenant member""" |
if role == TenantAccountJoinRole.OWNER.value: |
if TenantService.has_roles(tenant, [TenantAccountJoinRole.OWNER]): |
logging.error(f"Tenant {tenant.id} has already an owner.") |
raise Exception("Tenant already has an owner.") |
ta = db.session.query(TenantAccountJoin).filter_by(tenant_id=tenant.id, account_id=account.id).first() |
if ta: |
ta.role = role |
else: |
ta = TenantAccountJoin(tenant_id=tenant.id, account_id=account.id, role=role) |
db.session.add(ta) |
db.session.commit() |
return ta |
@staticmethod |
def get_join_tenants(account: Account) -> list[Tenant]: |
"""Get account join tenants""" |
return ( |
db.session.query(Tenant) |
.join(TenantAccountJoin, Tenant.id == TenantAccountJoin.tenant_id) |
.filter(TenantAccountJoin.account_id == account.id, Tenant.status == TenantStatus.NORMAL) |
.all() |
) |
@staticmethod |
def get_current_tenant_by_account(account: Account): |
"""Get tenant by account and add the role""" |
tenant = account.current_tenant |
if not tenant: |
raise TenantNotFoundError("Tenant not found.") |
ta = TenantAccountJoin.query.filter_by(tenant_id=tenant.id, account_id=account.id).first() |
if ta: |
tenant.role = ta.role |
else: |
raise TenantNotFoundError("Tenant not found for the account.") |
return tenant |
@staticmethod |
def switch_tenant(account: Account, tenant_id: Optional[str] = None) -> None: |
"""Switch the current workspace for the account""" |
if tenant_id is None: |
raise ValueError("Tenant ID must be provided.") |
tenant_account_join = ( |
db.session.query(TenantAccountJoin) |
.join(Tenant, TenantAccountJoin.tenant_id == Tenant.id) |
.filter( |
TenantAccountJoin.account_id == account.id, |
TenantAccountJoin.tenant_id == tenant_id, |
Tenant.status == TenantStatus.NORMAL, |
) |
.first() |
) |
if not tenant_account_join: |
raise AccountNotLinkTenantError("Tenant not found or account is not a member of the tenant.") |
else: |
TenantAccountJoin.query.filter( |
TenantAccountJoin.account_id == account.id, TenantAccountJoin.tenant_id != tenant_id |
).update({"current": False}) |
tenant_account_join.current = True |
account.current_tenant_id = tenant_account_join.tenant_id |
db.session.commit() |
@staticmethod |
def get_tenant_members(tenant: Tenant) -> list[Account]: |
"""Get tenant members""" |
query = ( |
db.session.query(Account, TenantAccountJoin.role) |
.select_from(Account) |
.join(TenantAccountJoin, Account.id == TenantAccountJoin.account_id) |
.filter(TenantAccountJoin.tenant_id == tenant.id) |
) |
updated_accounts = [] |
for account, role in query: |
account.role = role |
updated_accounts.append(account) |
return updated_accounts |
@staticmethod |
def get_dataset_operator_members(tenant: Tenant) -> list[Account]: |
"""Get dataset admin members""" |
query = ( |
db.session.query(Account, TenantAccountJoin.role) |
.select_from(Account) |
.join(TenantAccountJoin, Account.id == TenantAccountJoin.account_id) |
.filter(TenantAccountJoin.tenant_id == tenant.id) |
.filter(TenantAccountJoin.role == "dataset_operator") |
) |
updated_accounts = [] |
for account, role in query: |
account.role = role |
updated_accounts.append(account) |
return updated_accounts |
@staticmethod |
def has_roles(tenant: Tenant, roles: list[TenantAccountJoinRole]) -> bool: |
"""Check if user has any of the given roles for a tenant""" |
if not all(isinstance(role, TenantAccountJoinRole) for role in roles): |
raise ValueError("all roles must be TenantAccountJoinRole") |
return ( |
db.session.query(TenantAccountJoin) |
.filter( |
TenantAccountJoin.tenant_id == tenant.id, TenantAccountJoin.role.in_([role.value for role in roles]) |
) |
.first() |
is not None |
) |
@staticmethod |
def get_user_role(account: Account, tenant: Tenant) -> Optional[TenantAccountJoinRole]: |
"""Get the role of the current account for a given tenant""" |
join = ( |
db.session.query(TenantAccountJoin) |
.filter(TenantAccountJoin.tenant_id == tenant.id, TenantAccountJoin.account_id == account.id) |
.first() |
) |
return join.role if join else None |
@staticmethod |
def get_tenant_count() -> int: |
"""Get tenant count""" |
return cast(int, db.session.query(func.count(Tenant.id)).scalar()) |
@staticmethod |
def check_member_permission(tenant: Tenant, operator: Account, member: Account | None, action: str) -> None: |
"""Check member permission""" |
perms = { |
"add": [TenantAccountRole.OWNER, TenantAccountRole.ADMIN], |
"remove": [TenantAccountRole.OWNER], |
"update": [TenantAccountRole.OWNER], |
} |
if action not in {"add", "remove", "update"}: |
raise InvalidActionError("Invalid action.") |
if member: |
if operator.id == member.id: |
raise CannotOperateSelfError("Cannot operate self.") |
ta_operator = TenantAccountJoin.query.filter_by(tenant_id=tenant.id, account_id=operator.id).first() |
if not ta_operator or ta_operator.role not in perms[action]: |
raise NoPermissionError(f"No permission to {action} member.") |
@staticmethod |
def remove_member_from_tenant(tenant: Tenant, account: Account, operator: Account) -> None: |
"""Remove member from tenant""" |
if operator.id == account.id and TenantService.check_member_permission(tenant, operator, account, "remove"): |
raise CannotOperateSelfError("Cannot operate self.") |
ta = TenantAccountJoin.query.filter_by(tenant_id=tenant.id, account_id=account.id).first() |
if not ta: |
raise MemberNotInTenantError("Member not in tenant.") |
db.session.delete(ta) |
db.session.commit() |
@staticmethod |
def update_member_role(tenant: Tenant, member: Account, new_role: str, operator: Account) -> None: |
"""Update member role""" |
TenantService.check_member_permission(tenant, operator, member, "update") |
target_member_join = TenantAccountJoin.query.filter_by(tenant_id=tenant.id, account_id=member.id).first() |
if target_member_join.role == new_role: |
raise RoleAlreadyAssignedError("The provided role is already assigned to the member.") |
if new_role == "owner": |
current_owner_join = TenantAccountJoin.query.filter_by(tenant_id=tenant.id, role="owner").first() |
current_owner_join.role = "admin" |
target_member_join.role = new_role |
db.session.commit() |
@staticmethod |
def dissolve_tenant(tenant: Tenant, operator: Account) -> None: |
"""Dissolve tenant""" |
if not TenantService.check_member_permission(tenant, operator, operator, "remove"): |
raise NoPermissionError("No permission to dissolve tenant.") |
db.session.query(TenantAccountJoin).filter_by(tenant_id=tenant.id).delete() |
db.session.delete(tenant) |
db.session.commit() |
@staticmethod |
def get_custom_config(tenant_id: str) -> dict: |
tenant = Tenant.query.filter(Tenant.id == tenant_id).one_or_404() |
return cast(dict, tenant.custom_config_dict) |
class RegisterService: |
@classmethod |
def _get_invitation_token_key(cls, token: str) -> str: |
return f"member_invite:token:{token}" |
@classmethod |
def setup(cls, email: str, name: str, password: str, ip_address: str) -> None: |
""" |
Setup dify |
:param email: email |
:param name: username |
:param password: password |
:param ip_address: ip address |
""" |
try: |
account = AccountService.create_account( |
email=email, |
name=name, |
interface_language=languages[0], |
password=password, |
is_setup=True, |
) |
account.last_login_ip = ip_address |
account.initialized_at = datetime.now(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None) |
TenantService.create_owner_tenant_if_not_exist(account=account, is_setup=True) |
dify_setup = DifySetup(version=dify_config.CURRENT_VERSION) |
db.session.add(dify_setup) |
db.session.commit() |
except Exception as e: |
db.session.query(DifySetup).delete() |
db.session.query(TenantAccountJoin).delete() |
db.session.query(Account).delete() |
db.session.query(Tenant).delete() |
db.session.commit() |
logging.exception(f"Setup account failed, email: {email}, name: {name}") |
raise ValueError(f"Setup failed: {e}") |
@classmethod |
def register( |
cls, |
email, |
name, |
password: Optional[str] = None, |
open_id: Optional[str] = None, |
provider: Optional[str] = None, |
language: Optional[str] = None, |
status: Optional[AccountStatus] = None, |
is_setup: Optional[bool] = False, |
create_workspace_required: Optional[bool] = True, |
) -> Account: |
db.session.begin_nested() |
"""Register account""" |
try: |
account = AccountService.create_account( |
email=email, |
name=name, |
interface_language=language or languages[0], |
password=password, |
is_setup=is_setup, |
) |
account.status = AccountStatus.ACTIVE.value if not status else status.value |
account.initialized_at = datetime.now(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None) |
if open_id is not None and provider is not None: |
AccountService.link_account_integrate(provider, open_id, account) |
if FeatureService.get_system_features().is_allow_create_workspace and create_workspace_required: |
tenant = TenantService.create_tenant(f"{account.name}'s Workspace") |
TenantService.create_tenant_member(tenant, account, role="owner") |
account.current_tenant = tenant |
tenant_was_created.send(tenant) |
db.session.commit() |
except WorkSpaceNotAllowedCreateError: |
db.session.rollback() |
except AccountRegisterError as are: |
db.session.rollback() |
logging.exception("Register failed") |
raise are |
except Exception as e: |
db.session.rollback() |
logging.exception("Register failed") |
raise AccountRegisterError(f"Registration failed: {e}") from e |
return account |
@classmethod |
def invite_new_member( |
cls, tenant: Tenant, email: str, language: str, role: str = "normal", inviter: Optional[Account] = None |
) -> str: |
"""Invite new member""" |
account = Account.query.filter_by(email=email).first() |
assert inviter is not None, "Inviter must be provided." |
if not account: |
TenantService.check_member_permission(tenant, inviter, None, "add") |
name = email.split("@")[0] |
account = cls.register( |
email=email, name=name, language=language, status=AccountStatus.PENDING, is_setup=True |
) |
TenantService.create_tenant_member(tenant, account, role) |
TenantService.switch_tenant(account, tenant.id) |
else: |
TenantService.check_member_permission(tenant, inviter, account, "add") |
ta = TenantAccountJoin.query.filter_by(tenant_id=tenant.id, account_id=account.id).first() |
if not ta: |
TenantService.create_tenant_member(tenant, account, role) |
if account.status != AccountStatus.PENDING.value: |
raise AccountAlreadyInTenantError("Account already in tenant.") |
token = cls.generate_invite_token(tenant, account) |
send_invite_member_mail_task.delay( |
language=account.interface_language, |
to=email, |
token=token, |
inviter_name=inviter.name if inviter else "Dify", |
workspace_name=tenant.name, |
) |
return token |
@classmethod |
def generate_invite_token(cls, tenant: Tenant, account: Account) -> str: |
token = str(uuid.uuid4()) |
invitation_data = { |
"account_id": account.id, |
"email": account.email, |
"workspace_id": tenant.id, |
} |
expiry_hours = dify_config.INVITE_EXPIRY_HOURS |
redis_client.setex(cls._get_invitation_token_key(token), expiry_hours * 60 * 60, json.dumps(invitation_data)) |
return token |
@classmethod |
def is_valid_invite_token(cls, token: str) -> bool: |
data = redis_client.get(cls._get_invitation_token_key(token)) |
return data is not None |
@classmethod |
def revoke_token(cls, workspace_id: str, email: str, token: str): |
if workspace_id and email: |
email_hash = sha256(email.encode()).hexdigest() |
cache_key = "member_invite_token:{}, {}:{}".format(workspace_id, email_hash, token) |
redis_client.delete(cache_key) |
else: |
redis_client.delete(cls._get_invitation_token_key(token)) |
@classmethod |
def get_invitation_if_token_valid( |
cls, workspace_id: Optional[str], email: str, token: str |
) -> Optional[dict[str, Any]]: |
invitation_data = cls._get_invitation_by_token(token, workspace_id, email) |
if not invitation_data: |
return None |
tenant = ( |
db.session.query(Tenant) |
.filter(Tenant.id == invitation_data["workspace_id"], Tenant.status == "normal") |
.first() |
) |
if not tenant: |
return None |
tenant_account = ( |
db.session.query(Account, TenantAccountJoin.role) |
.join(TenantAccountJoin, Account.id == TenantAccountJoin.account_id) |
.filter(Account.email == invitation_data["email"], TenantAccountJoin.tenant_id == tenant.id) |
.first() |
) |
if not tenant_account: |
return None |
account = tenant_account[0] |
if not account: |
return None |
if invitation_data["account_id"] != str(account.id): |
return None |
return { |
"account": account, |
"data": invitation_data, |
"tenant": tenant, |
} |
@classmethod |
def _get_invitation_by_token( |
cls, token: str, workspace_id: Optional[str] = None, email: Optional[str] = None |
) -> Optional[dict[str, str]]: |
if workspace_id is not None and email is not None: |
email_hash = sha256(email.encode()).hexdigest() |
cache_key = f"member_invite_token:{workspace_id}, {email_hash}:{token}" |
account_id = redis_client.get(cache_key) |
if not account_id: |
return None |
return { |
"account_id": account_id.decode("utf-8"), |
"email": email, |
"workspace_id": workspace_id, |
} |
else: |
data = redis_client.get(cls._get_invitation_token_key(token)) |
if not data: |
return None |
invitation: dict = json.loads(data) |
return invitation |
def _generate_refresh_token(length: int = 64): |
token = secrets.token_hex(length) |
return token |