from datetime import UTC, datetime |
from typing import Any |
from flask import request |
from flask_login import current_user |
from flask_restful import Resource, inputs, marshal_with, reqparse |
from sqlalchemy import and_ |
from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest, Forbidden, NotFound |
from controllers.console import api |
from controllers.console.explore.wraps import InstalledAppResource |
from controllers.console.wraps import account_initialization_required, cloud_edition_billing_resource_check |
from extensions.ext_database import db |
from fields.installed_app_fields import installed_app_list_fields |
from libs.login import login_required |
from models import App, InstalledApp, RecommendedApp |
from services.account_service import TenantService |
class InstalledAppsListApi(Resource): |
@login_required |
@account_initialization_required |
@marshal_with(installed_app_list_fields) |
def get(self): |
app_id = request.args.get("app_id", default=None, type=str) |
current_tenant_id = current_user.current_tenant_id |
if app_id: |
installed_apps = ( |
db.session.query(InstalledApp) |
.filter(and_(InstalledApp.tenant_id == current_tenant_id, InstalledApp.app_id == app_id)) |
.all() |
) |
else: |
installed_apps = db.session.query(InstalledApp).filter(InstalledApp.tenant_id == current_tenant_id).all() |
current_user.role = TenantService.get_user_role(current_user, current_user.current_tenant) |
installed_app_list: list[dict[str, Any]] = [ |
{ |
"id": installed_app.id, |
"app": installed_app.app, |
"app_owner_tenant_id": installed_app.app_owner_tenant_id, |
"is_pinned": installed_app.is_pinned, |
"last_used_at": installed_app.last_used_at, |
"editable": current_user.role in {"owner", "admin"}, |
"uninstallable": current_tenant_id == installed_app.app_owner_tenant_id, |
} |
for installed_app in installed_apps |
if installed_app.app is not None |
] |
installed_app_list.sort( |
key=lambda app: ( |
-app["is_pinned"], |
app["last_used_at"] is None, |
-app["last_used_at"].timestamp() if app["last_used_at"] is not None else 0, |
) |
) |
return {"installed_apps": installed_app_list} |
@login_required |
@account_initialization_required |
@cloud_edition_billing_resource_check("apps") |
def post(self): |
parser = reqparse.RequestParser() |
parser.add_argument("app_id", type=str, required=True, help="Invalid app_id") |
args = parser.parse_args() |
recommended_app = RecommendedApp.query.filter(RecommendedApp.app_id == args["app_id"]).first() |
if recommended_app is None: |
raise NotFound("App not found") |
current_tenant_id = current_user.current_tenant_id |
app = db.session.query(App).filter(App.id == args["app_id"]).first() |
if app is None: |
raise NotFound("App not found") |
if not app.is_public: |
raise Forbidden("You can't install a non-public app") |
installed_app = InstalledApp.query.filter( |
and_(InstalledApp.app_id == args["app_id"], InstalledApp.tenant_id == current_tenant_id) |
).first() |
if installed_app is None: |
recommended_app.install_count += 1 |
new_installed_app = InstalledApp( |
app_id=args["app_id"], |
tenant_id=current_tenant_id, |
app_owner_tenant_id=app.tenant_id, |
is_pinned=False, |
last_used_at=datetime.now(UTC).replace(tzinfo=None), |
) |
db.session.add(new_installed_app) |
db.session.commit() |
return {"message": "App installed successfully"} |
class InstalledAppApi(InstalledAppResource): |
""" |
update and delete an installed app |
use InstalledAppResource to apply default decorators and get installed_app |
""" |
def delete(self, installed_app): |
if installed_app.app_owner_tenant_id == current_user.current_tenant_id: |
raise BadRequest("You can't uninstall an app owned by the current tenant") |
db.session.delete(installed_app) |
db.session.commit() |
return {"result": "success", "message": "App uninstalled successfully"} |
def patch(self, installed_app): |
parser = reqparse.RequestParser() |
parser.add_argument("is_pinned", type=inputs.boolean) |
args = parser.parse_args() |
commit_args = False |
if "is_pinned" in args: |
installed_app.is_pinned = args["is_pinned"] |
commit_args = True |
if commit_args: |
db.session.commit() |
return {"result": "success", "message": "App info updated successfully"} |
api.add_resource(InstalledAppsListApi, "/installed-apps") |
api.add_resource(InstalledAppApi, "/installed-apps/<uuid:installed_app_id>") |