from typing import Any, Literal, Optional |
from urllib.parse import quote_plus |
from pydantic import Field, NonNegativeInt, PositiveFloat, PositiveInt, computed_field |
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings |
from .cache.redis_config import RedisConfig |
from .storage.aliyun_oss_storage_config import AliyunOSSStorageConfig |
from .storage.amazon_s3_storage_config import S3StorageConfig |
from .storage.azure_blob_storage_config import AzureBlobStorageConfig |
from .storage.baidu_obs_storage_config import BaiduOBSStorageConfig |
from .storage.google_cloud_storage_config import GoogleCloudStorageConfig |
from .storage.huawei_obs_storage_config import HuaweiCloudOBSStorageConfig |
from .storage.oci_storage_config import OCIStorageConfig |
from .storage.opendal_storage_config import OpenDALStorageConfig |
from .storage.supabase_storage_config import SupabaseStorageConfig |
from .storage.tencent_cos_storage_config import TencentCloudCOSStorageConfig |
from .storage.volcengine_tos_storage_config import VolcengineTOSStorageConfig |
from .vdb.analyticdb_config import AnalyticdbConfig |
from .vdb.baidu_vector_config import BaiduVectorDBConfig |
from .vdb.chroma_config import ChromaConfig |
from .vdb.couchbase_config import CouchbaseConfig |
from .vdb.elasticsearch_config import ElasticsearchConfig |
from .vdb.lindorm_config import LindormConfig |
from .vdb.milvus_config import MilvusConfig |
from .vdb.myscale_config import MyScaleConfig |
from .vdb.oceanbase_config import OceanBaseVectorConfig |
from .vdb.opensearch_config import OpenSearchConfig |
from .vdb.oracle_config import OracleConfig |
from .vdb.pgvector_config import PGVectorConfig |
from .vdb.pgvectors_config import PGVectoRSConfig |
from .vdb.qdrant_config import QdrantConfig |
from .vdb.relyt_config import RelytConfig |
from .vdb.tencent_vector_config import TencentVectorDBConfig |
from .vdb.tidb_on_qdrant_config import TidbOnQdrantConfig |
from .vdb.tidb_vector_config import TiDBVectorConfig |
from .vdb.upstash_config import UpstashConfig |
from .vdb.vikingdb_config import VikingDBConfig |
from .vdb.weaviate_config import WeaviateConfig |
class StorageConfig(BaseSettings): |
STORAGE_TYPE: Literal[ |
"opendal", |
"s3", |
"aliyun-oss", |
"azure-blob", |
"baidu-obs", |
"google-storage", |
"huawei-obs", |
"oci-storage", |
"tencent-cos", |
"volcengine-tos", |
"supabase", |
"local", |
] = Field( |
description="Type of storage to use." |
" Options: 'opendal', '(deprecated) local', 's3', 'aliyun-oss', 'azure-blob', 'baidu-obs', 'google-storage', " |
"'huawei-obs', 'oci-storage', 'tencent-cos', 'volcengine-tos', 'supabase'. Default is 'opendal'.", |
default="opendal", |
) |
STORAGE_LOCAL_PATH: str = Field( |
description="Path for local storage when STORAGE_TYPE is set to 'local'.", |
default="storage", |
deprecated=True, |
) |
class VectorStoreConfig(BaseSettings): |
VECTOR_STORE: Optional[str] = Field( |
description="Type of vector store to use for efficient similarity search." |
" Set to None if not using a vector store.", |
default=None, |
) |
VECTOR_STORE_WHITELIST_ENABLE: Optional[bool] = Field( |
description="Enable whitelist for vector store.", |
default=False, |
) |
class KeywordStoreConfig(BaseSettings): |
KEYWORD_STORE: str = Field( |
description="Method for keyword extraction and storage." |
" Default is 'jieba', a Chinese text segmentation library.", |
default="jieba", |
) |
class DatabaseConfig(BaseSettings): |
DB_HOST: str = Field( |
description="Hostname or IP address of the database server.", |
default="localhost", |
) |
DB_PORT: PositiveInt = Field( |
description="Port number for database connection.", |
default=5432, |
) |
DB_USERNAME: str = Field( |
description="Username for database authentication.", |
default="postgres", |
) |
DB_PASSWORD: str = Field( |
description="Password for database authentication.", |
default="", |
) |
DB_DATABASE: str = Field( |
description="Name of the database to connect to.", |
default="dify", |
) |
DB_CHARSET: str = Field( |
description="Character set for database connection.", |
default="", |
) |
DB_EXTRAS: str = Field( |
description="Additional database connection parameters. Example: 'keepalives_idle=60&keepalives=1'", |
default="", |
) |
description="Database URI scheme for SQLAlchemy connection.", |
default="postgresql", |
) |
@computed_field |
def SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI(self) -> str: |
db_extras = ( |
f"{self.DB_EXTRAS}&client_encoding={self.DB_CHARSET}" if self.DB_CHARSET else self.DB_EXTRAS |
).strip("&") |
db_extras = f"?{db_extras}" if db_extras else "" |
return ( |
f"{quote_plus(self.DB_USERNAME)}:{quote_plus(self.DB_PASSWORD)}@{self.DB_HOST}:{self.DB_PORT}/{self.DB_DATABASE}" |
f"{db_extras}" |
) |
SQLALCHEMY_POOL_SIZE: NonNegativeInt = Field( |
description="Maximum number of database connections in the pool.", |
default=30, |
) |
SQLALCHEMY_MAX_OVERFLOW: NonNegativeInt = Field( |
description="Maximum number of connections that can be created beyond the pool_size.", |
default=10, |
) |
SQLALCHEMY_POOL_RECYCLE: NonNegativeInt = Field( |
description="Number of seconds after which a connection is automatically recycled.", |
default=3600, |
) |
description="If True, enables connection pool pre-ping feature to check connections.", |
default=False, |
) |
SQLALCHEMY_ECHO: bool | str = Field( |
description="If True, SQLAlchemy will log all SQL statements.", |
default=False, |
) |
@computed_field |
def SQLALCHEMY_ENGINE_OPTIONS(self) -> dict[str, Any]: |
return { |
"pool_size": self.SQLALCHEMY_POOL_SIZE, |
"max_overflow": self.SQLALCHEMY_MAX_OVERFLOW, |
"pool_recycle": self.SQLALCHEMY_POOL_RECYCLE, |
"pool_pre_ping": self.SQLALCHEMY_POOL_PRE_PING, |
"connect_args": {"options": "-c timezone=UTC"}, |
} |
class CeleryConfig(DatabaseConfig): |
CELERY_BACKEND: str = Field( |
description="Backend for Celery task results. Options: 'database', 'redis'.", |
default="database", |
) |
CELERY_BROKER_URL: Optional[str] = Field( |
description="URL of the message broker for Celery tasks.", |
default=None, |
) |
CELERY_USE_SENTINEL: Optional[bool] = Field( |
description="Whether to use Redis Sentinel for high availability.", |
default=False, |
) |
CELERY_SENTINEL_MASTER_NAME: Optional[str] = Field( |
description="Name of the Redis Sentinel master.", |
default=None, |
) |
CELERY_SENTINEL_SOCKET_TIMEOUT: Optional[PositiveFloat] = Field( |
description="Timeout for Redis Sentinel socket operations in seconds.", |
default=0.1, |
) |
@computed_field |
def CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND(self) -> str | None: |
return ( |
"db+{}".format(self.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI) |
if self.CELERY_BACKEND == "database" |
) |
@property |
def BROKER_USE_SSL(self) -> bool: |
return self.CELERY_BROKER_URL.startswith("rediss://") if self.CELERY_BROKER_URL else False |
class InternalTestConfig(BaseSettings): |
""" |
Configuration settings for Internal Test |
""" |
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Optional[str] = Field( |
description="Internal test AWS secret access key", |
default=None, |
) |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Optional[str] = Field( |
description="Internal test AWS access key ID", |
default=None, |
) |
class MiddlewareConfig( |
CeleryConfig, |
DatabaseConfig, |
KeywordStoreConfig, |
RedisConfig, |
StorageConfig, |
AliyunOSSStorageConfig, |
AzureBlobStorageConfig, |
BaiduOBSStorageConfig, |
GoogleCloudStorageConfig, |
HuaweiCloudOBSStorageConfig, |
OCIStorageConfig, |
OpenDALStorageConfig, |
S3StorageConfig, |
SupabaseStorageConfig, |
TencentCloudCOSStorageConfig, |
VolcengineTOSStorageConfig, |
VectorStoreConfig, |
AnalyticdbConfig, |
ChromaConfig, |
MilvusConfig, |
MyScaleConfig, |
OpenSearchConfig, |
OracleConfig, |
PGVectorConfig, |
PGVectoRSConfig, |
QdrantConfig, |
RelytConfig, |
TencentVectorDBConfig, |
TiDBVectorConfig, |
WeaviateConfig, |
ElasticsearchConfig, |
CouchbaseConfig, |
InternalTestConfig, |
VikingDBConfig, |
UpstashConfig, |
TidbOnQdrantConfig, |
LindormConfig, |
OceanBaseVectorConfig, |
BaiduVectorDBConfig, |
): |
pass |