#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import asyncio from pathlib import Path import agentops import typer from metagpt.const import CONFIG_ROOT from metagpt.utils.project_repo import ProjectRepo app = typer.Typer(add_completion=False, pretty_exceptions_show_locals=False) def generate_repo( idea, investment=3.0, n_round=5, code_review=True, run_tests=False, implement=True, project_name="", inc=False, project_path="", reqa_file="", max_auto_summarize_code=0, recover_path=None, ) -> ProjectRepo: """Run the startup logic. Can be called from CLI or other Python scripts.""" from metagpt.config2 import config from metagpt.context import Context from metagpt.roles import ( Architect, Engineer, ProductManager, ProjectManager, QaEngineer, ) from metagpt.team import Team if config.agentops_api_key != "": agentops.init(config.agentops_api_key, tags=["software_company"]) config.update_via_cli(project_path, project_name, inc, reqa_file, max_auto_summarize_code) ctx = Context(config=config) if not recover_path: company = Team(context=ctx) company.hire( [ ProductManager(), Architect(), ProjectManager(), ] ) if implement or code_review: company.hire([Engineer(n_borg=5, use_code_review=code_review)]) if run_tests: company.hire([QaEngineer()]) if n_round < 8: n_round = 8 # If `--run-tests` is enabled, at least 8 rounds are required to run all QA actions. else: stg_path = Path(recover_path) if not stg_path.exists() or not str(stg_path).endswith("team"): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{recover_path} not exists or not endswith `team`") company = Team.deserialize(stg_path=stg_path, context=ctx) idea = company.idea company.invest(investment) company.run_project(idea) asyncio.run(company.run(n_round=n_round)) if config.agentops_api_key != "": agentops.end_session("Success") return ctx.repo @app.command("", help="Start a new project.") def startup( idea: str = typer.Argument(None, help="Your innovative idea, such as 'Create a 2048 game.'"), investment: float = typer.Option(default=3.0, help="Dollar amount to invest in the AI company."), n_round: int = typer.Option(default=5, help="Number of rounds for the simulation."), code_review: bool = typer.Option(default=True, help="Whether to use code review."), run_tests: bool = typer.Option(default=False, help="Whether to enable QA for adding & running tests."), implement: bool = typer.Option(default=True, help="Enable or disable code implementation."), project_name: str = typer.Option(default="", help="Unique project name, such as 'game_2048'."), inc: bool = typer.Option(default=False, help="Incremental mode. Use it to coop with existing repo."), project_path: str = typer.Option( default="", help="Specify the directory path of the old version project to fulfill the incremental requirements.", ), reqa_file: str = typer.Option( default="", help="Specify the source file name for rewriting the quality assurance code." ), max_auto_summarize_code: int = typer.Option( default=0, help="The maximum number of times the 'SummarizeCode' action is automatically invoked, with -1 indicating " "unlimited. This parameter is used for debugging the workflow.", ), recover_path: str = typer.Option(default=None, help="recover the project from existing serialized storage"), init_config: bool = typer.Option(default=False, help="Initialize the configuration file for MetaGPT."), ): """Run a startup. Be a boss.""" if init_config: copy_config_to() return if idea is None: typer.echo("Missing argument 'IDEA'. Run 'metagpt --help' for more information.") raise typer.Exit() return generate_repo( idea, investment, n_round, code_review, run_tests, implement, project_name, inc, project_path, reqa_file, max_auto_summarize_code, recover_path, ) DEFAULT_CONFIG = """# Full Example: https://github.com/geekan/MetaGPT/blob/main/config/config2.example.yaml # Reflected Code: https://github.com/geekan/MetaGPT/blob/main/metagpt/config2.py # Config Docs: https://docs.deepwisdom.ai/main/en/guide/get_started/configuration.html llm: api_type: "openai" # or azure / ollama / groq etc. model: "gpt-4-turbo" # or gpt-3.5-turbo base_url: "https://api.openai.com/v1" # or forward url / other llm url api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY" """ def copy_config_to(): """Initialize the configuration file for MetaGPT.""" target_path = CONFIG_ROOT / "config2.yaml" # 创建目标目录(如果不存在) target_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # 如果目标文件已经存在,则重命名为 .bak if target_path.exists(): backup_path = target_path.with_suffix(".bak") target_path.rename(backup_path) print(f"Existing configuration file backed up at {backup_path}") # 复制文件 target_path.write_text(DEFAULT_CONFIG, encoding="utf-8") print(f"Configuration file initialized at {target_path}") if __name__ == "__main__": app()