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@Time : 2024/7/24 16:37
@Author : didi
@File :
import ast
import traceback
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
import tree_sitter_python
from tree_sitter import Language, Node, Parser
class NodeType(Enum):
CLASS = "class_definition"
FUNCTION = "function_definition"
IMPORT = ["import_statement", "import_from_statement"]
IDENTIFIER = "identifier"
ATTRIBUTE = "attribute"
RETURN = "return_statement"
EXPRESSION = "expression_statement"
ASSIGNMENT = "assignment"
def traverse_tree(node: Node) -> Generator[Node, None, None]:
Traverse the tree structure starting from the given node.
:param node: The root node to start the traversal from.
:return: A generator object that yields nodes in the tree.
cursor = node.walk()
depth = 0
visited_children = False
while True:
if not visited_children:
yield cursor.node
if not cursor.goto_first_child():
depth += 1
visited_children = True
elif cursor.goto_next_sibling():
visited_children = False
elif not cursor.goto_parent() or depth == 0:
depth -= 1
def syntax_check(code, verbose=False):
return True
except (SyntaxError, MemoryError):
if verbose:
return False
def code_extract(text: str) -> str:
lines = text.split("\n")
longest_line_pair = (0, 0)
longest_so_far = 0
for i in range(len(lines)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(lines)):
current_lines = "\n".join(lines[i : j + 1])
if syntax_check(current_lines):
current_length = sum(1 for line in lines[i : j + 1] if line.strip())
if current_length > longest_so_far:
longest_so_far = current_length
longest_line_pair = (i, j)
return "\n".join(lines[longest_line_pair[0] : longest_line_pair[1] + 1])
def get_definition_name(node: Node) -> str:
for child in node.children:
if child.type == NodeType.IDENTIFIER.value:
return child.text.decode("utf8")
def has_return_statement(node: Node) -> bool:
traverse_nodes = traverse_tree(node)
for node in traverse_nodes:
if node.type == NodeType.RETURN.value:
return True
return False
def get_deps(nodes: List[Tuple[str, Node]]) -> Dict[str, Set[str]]:
def dfs_get_deps(node: Node, deps: Set[str]) -> None:
for child in node.children:
if child.type == NodeType.IDENTIFIER.value:
dfs_get_deps(child, deps)
name2deps = {}
for name, node in nodes:
deps = set()
dfs_get_deps(node, deps)
name2deps[name] = deps
return name2deps
def get_function_dependency(entrypoint: str, call_graph: Dict[str, str]) -> Set[str]:
queue = [entrypoint]
visited = {entrypoint}
while queue:
current = queue.pop(0)
if current not in call_graph:
for neighbour in call_graph[current]:
if neighbour not in visited:
return visited
def sanitize(code: str, entrypoint: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
Sanitize and extract relevant parts of the given Python code.
This function parses the input code, extracts import statements, class and function definitions,
and variable assignments. If an entrypoint is provided, it only includes definitions that are
reachable from the entrypoint in the call graph.
:param code: The input Python code as a string.
:param entrypoint: Optional name of a function to use as the entrypoint for dependency analysis.
:return: A sanitized version of the input code, containing only relevant parts.
code = code_extract(code)
code_bytes = bytes(code, "utf8")
parser = Parser(Language(tree_sitter_python.language()))
tree = parser.parse(code_bytes)
class_names = set()
function_names = set()
variable_names = set()
root_node = tree.root_node
import_nodes = []
definition_nodes = []
for child in root_node.children:
if child.type in NodeType.IMPORT.value:
elif child.type == NodeType.CLASS.value:
name = get_definition_name(child)
if not (name in class_names or name in variable_names or name in function_names):
definition_nodes.append((name, child))
elif child.type == NodeType.FUNCTION.value:
name = get_definition_name(child)
if not (name in function_names or name in variable_names or name in class_names) and has_return_statement(
definition_nodes.append((name, child))
elif child.type == NodeType.EXPRESSION.value and child.children[0].type == NodeType.ASSIGNMENT.value:
subchild = child.children[0]
name = get_definition_name(subchild)
if not (name in variable_names or name in function_names or name in class_names):
definition_nodes.append((name, subchild))
if entrypoint:
name2deps = get_deps(definition_nodes)
reacheable = get_function_dependency(entrypoint, name2deps)
sanitized_output = b""
for node in import_nodes:
sanitized_output += code_bytes[node.start_byte : node.end_byte] + b"\n"
for pair in definition_nodes:
name, node = pair
if entrypoint and name not in reacheable:
sanitized_output += code_bytes[node.start_byte : node.end_byte] + b"\n"
return sanitized_output[:-1].decode("utf8")