RxnIM / rxn /reaction /inference /greedy_search.py
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import torch
from .decode_strategy import DecodeStrategy
def sample_with_temperature(logits, sampling_temp, keep_topk):
"""Select next tokens randomly from the top k possible next tokens.
Samples from a categorical distribution over the ``keep_topk`` words using
the category probabilities ``logits / sampling_temp``.
if sampling_temp == 0.0 or keep_topk == 1:
# argmax
topk_scores, topk_ids = logits.topk(1, dim=-1)
if sampling_temp > 0:
topk_scores /= sampling_temp
logits = torch.div(logits, sampling_temp)
if keep_topk > 0:
top_values, top_indices = torch.topk(logits, keep_topk, dim=1)
kth_best = top_values[:, -1].view([-1, 1])
kth_best = kth_best.repeat([1, logits.shape[1]]).float()
ignore = torch.lt(logits, kth_best)
logits = logits.masked_fill(ignore, -10000)
dist = torch.distributions.Multinomial(logits=logits, total_count=1)
topk_ids = torch.argmax(dist.sample(), dim=1, keepdim=True)
topk_scores = logits.gather(dim=1, index=topk_ids)
return topk_ids, topk_scores
class GreedySearch(DecodeStrategy):
"""Select next tokens randomly from the top k possible next tokens.
def __init__(self, pad, bos, eos, batch_size, min_length, max_length,
return_attention=False, return_hidden=False, sampling_temp=1, keep_topk=1):
pad, bos, eos, batch_size, 1, min_length, max_length, return_attention, return_hidden)
self.sampling_temp = sampling_temp
self.keep_topk = keep_topk
self.topk_scores = None
def initialize(self, memory_bank, device=None):
fn_map_state = None
if device is None:
device = memory_bank.device
self.memory_length = memory_bank.size(1)
super().initialize(memory_bank, device)
self.select_indices = torch.arange(
self.batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=device)
self.original_batch_idx = torch.arange(
self.batch_size, dtype=torch.long, device=device)
return fn_map_state, memory_bank
def current_predictions(self):
return self.alive_seq[:, -1]
def batch_offset(self):
return self.select_indices
def _pick(self, log_probs):
"""Function used to pick next tokens.
topk_ids, topk_scores = sample_with_temperature(
log_probs, self.sampling_temp, self.keep_topk)
return topk_ids, topk_scores
def advance(self, log_probs, attn=None, hidden=None, label=None):
"""Select next tokens randomly from the top k possible next tokens.
topk_ids, self.topk_scores = self._pick(log_probs)
self.is_finished = topk_ids.eq(self.eos)
if label is not None:
label = label.view_as(self.is_finished)
self.is_finished = label.eq(self.eos)
self.alive_seq = torch.cat([self.alive_seq, topk_ids], -1)
if self.return_attention:
if self.alive_attn is None:
self.alive_attn = attn
self.alive_attn = torch.cat([self.alive_attn, attn], 1)
if self.return_hidden:
if self.alive_hidden is None:
self.alive_hidden = hidden
self.alive_hidden = torch.cat([self.alive_hidden, hidden], 1)
def update_finished(self):
"""Finalize scores and predictions."""
finished_batches = self.is_finished.view(-1).nonzero()
for b in finished_batches.view(-1):
b_orig = self.original_batch_idx[b]
# scores/predictions/attention are lists,
# (to be compatible with beam-search)
self.scores[b_orig].append(self.topk_scores[b, 0].item())
self.predictions[b_orig].append(self.alive_seq[b, 1:])
self.alive_attn[b, :, :self.memory_length] if self.alive_attn is not None else [])
self.alive_hidden[b, :] if self.alive_hidden is not None else [])
self.done = self.is_finished.all()
if self.done:
is_alive = ~self.is_finished.view(-1)
self.alive_seq = self.alive_seq[is_alive]
if self.alive_attn is not None:
self.alive_attn = self.alive_attn[is_alive]
if self.alive_hidden is not None:
self.alive_hidden = self.alive_hidden[is_alive]
self.select_indices = is_alive.nonzero().view(-1)
self.original_batch_idx = self.original_batch_idx[is_alive]
# select_indices is equal to original_batch_idx for greedy search?