import os import numpy as np import logging import torch import wandb class CheckpointSaver: def __init__(self, dirpath, run_name='', decreasing=True, top_n=5): """ dirpath: Directory path where to store all model weights decreasing: If decreasing is `True`, then lower metric is better top_n: Total number of models to track based on validation metric value """ if not os.path.exists(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath) self.dirpath = dirpath self.top_n = top_n self.decreasing = decreasing self.top_model_paths = [] self.best_metric_val = np.Inf if decreasing else -np.Inf self.run_name = run_name def __call__(self, model, epoch, metric_val, optimizer, loss): model_path = os.path.join(self.dirpath, model.__class__.__name__ + f'_{self.run_name}_epoch{epoch}.pt') save = metric_val < self.best_metric_val if self.decreasing else metric_val > self.best_metric_val if save: f"Current metric value better than {metric_val} better than best {self.best_metric_val}, saving model at {model_path}, & logging model weights to W&B.") self.best_metric_val = metric_val { # Save our checkpoint loc 'epoch': epoch, 'model_state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict(), 'loss': loss, }, model_path) self.log_artifact(f'model-ckpt-epoch-{epoch}.pt', model_path, metric_val) self.top_model_paths.append({'path': model_path, 'score': metric_val}) self.top_model_paths = sorted(self.top_model_paths, key=lambda o: o['score'], reverse=not self.decreasing) if len(self.top_model_paths) > self.top_n: self.cleanup() def log_artifact(self, filename, model_path, metric_val): artifact = wandb.Artifact(filename, type='model', metadata={'Validation score': metric_val}) artifact.add_file(model_path) def cleanup(self): to_remove = self.top_model_paths[self.top_n:]"Removing extra models.. {to_remove}") for o in to_remove: os.remove(o['path']) self.top_model_paths = self.top_model_paths[:self.top_n]