Boni98's picture
import gradio as gr
import clip_chat
def logit2sentence(logit, slider_value):
sentence = ""
if logit < slider_value / 2.5:
sentence = "Nope. Not at all."
elif slider_value / 2.5 < logit < slider_value / 1.56:
sentence = "Not really..."
elif slider_value / 1.56 < logit < slider_value / 1.36:
sentence = "Close but not there."
elif slider_value / 1.36 < logit < slider_value / 1.14:
sentence = "That's quite close."
elif slider_value / 1.14 < logit < slider_value:
sentence = "Almost guessed."
elif logit >= slider_value:
sentence = "YES!!"
return sentence
def give_up():
image = clip_chat.image_org
return image, None, "You lost... (Press \"Reset\" to play again)"
def update_difficulty(x):
if not has_started:
clip_chat.goal = x
return clip_chat.goal
return clip_chat.goal
has_started = False
best_guess = None
def respond(message, chat_history, label_value, image_value):
global has_started, best_guess
logits, is_better = clip_chat.answer(message)
bot_message = logit2sentence(logits, clip_chat.goal)
if is_better == 3:
best_guess = {f"Best Guess: \"{message}\"": float(logits) / clip_chat.goal}
if float(logits) >= clip_chat.goal:
bot_message = "YES!"
best_guess = "YOU WIN! (Press \"Reset\" to play again)"
image_value = clip_chat.image_org
if has_started:
if is_better == -1:
bot_message += ""
elif is_better == 0:
bot_message += "You did worse than the last one."
elif is_better == 1 or is_better == 3:
bot_message += "You did better than the last one."
if not has_started:
has_started = True
label_value = best_guess
chat_history.append((message, bot_message))
return "", chat_history, label_value, image_value
def reset_everything():
global has_started, best_guess
has_started = False
best_guess = None
return clip_chat.goal, None, "This is a \"Guess the Image\" game. I'm thinking of a picture and you have to guess using the chat above.", None
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
chatbot = gr.Chatbot()
msg = gr.Textbox()
slider = gr.inputs.Slider(minimum=18, maximum=30, default=23, label="Difficulty (18 - Easy, 30 - Expert)")
description = gr.Markdown("Start writing in the textbox above. The percentage in the label in the right shows how close you are to the answer.\n\n**TIPS:**\n- Write in English\n- Start with simple general stuff like \"A person\", \"A vehicle\", \"An object\", ...\n- If you feel you are not getting any closer to the answer, try a different approach completly! (maybe a 60% of animal is a 80% a vehicle).\n- Adding \"A photo of ... outdoors/indoors\" might get better results.")
with gr.Column():
label = gr.Label("This is a \"Guess the Image\" game. I'm thinking of a picture and you have to guess using the chat above.")
image_output = gr.outputs.Image(type="pil")
show_image_button = gr.Button("Give Up...")
reset_button = gr.Button("Reset")
msg.submit(respond, [msg, chatbot], [msg, chatbot, label, image_output])
slider.release(update_difficulty, inputs=[slider], outputs=[slider]), outputs=[image_output, chatbot, label], queue=False), outputs=[slider, image_output, label, chatbot], queue=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
demo.title = "CLIP Guess the Image"