document_parser /
Armandoliv's picture
fe5a8c6 verified
import os
import os
os.system('pip install "detectron2@git+[email protected]#egg=detectron2"')
import io
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import gradio as gr
## for plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
## for ocr
import pdf2image
import cv2
import layoutparser as lp
from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Inches
def parse_doc(dic):
for k,v in dic.items():
if "Title" in k:
print('\x1b[1;31m'+ v +'\x1b[0m')
elif "Figure" in k:
print(" ")
def to_image(filename):
doc = pdf2image.convert_from_path(filename, dpi=350, last_page=1)
# Save imgs
folder = "doc"
if folder not in os.listdir():
p = 1
for page in doc:
image_name = "page_"+str(p)+".jpg", image_name), "JPEG")
p = p+1
return doc
def detect(doc):
# General
model = lp.Detectron2LayoutModel("lp://PubLayNet/mask_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_3x/config",
extra_config=["MODEL.ROI_HEADS.SCORE_THRESH_TEST", 0.8],
label_map={0:"Text", 1:"Title", 2:"List", 3:"Table", 4:"Figure"})
## turn img into array
img = np.asarray(doc[0])
## predict
detected = model.detect(img)
return img, detected
# sort detected
def split_page(img, n, axis):
new_detected, start = [], 0
for s in range(n):
end = len(img[0])/3 * s if axis == "x" else len(img[1])/3
section = lp.Interval(start=start, end=end, axis=axis).put_on_canvas(img)
filter_detected = detected.filter_by(section, center=True)._blocks
new_detected = new_detected + filter_detected
start = end
return lp.Layout([block.set(id=idx) for idx,block in enumerate(new_detected)])
def get_detected(img, detected):
n_cols,n_rows = 1,1
## if single page just sort based on y
if (n_cols == 1) and (n_rows == 1):
new_detected = detected.sort(key=lambda x: x.coordinates[1])
detected = lp.Layout([block.set(id=idx) for idx,block in enumerate(new_detected)])
## if multi columns sort by x,y
elif (n_cols > 1) and (n_rows == 1):
detected = split_page(img, n_cols, axis="x")
## if multi rows sort by y,x
elif (n_cols > 1) and (n_rows == 1):
detected = split_page(img, n_rows, axis="y")
## if multi columns-rows
return detected
def predict_elements(img, detected)->dict:
model = lp.TesseractAgent(languages='eng')
dic_predicted = {}
for block in [block for block in detected if block.type in ["Title","Text", "List"]]:
## segmentation
segmented = block.pad(left=15, right=15, top=5, bottom=5).crop_image(img)
## extraction
extracted = model.detect(segmented)
## save
dic_predicted[str("-"+block.type] = extracted.replace('\n',' ').strip()
for block in [block for block in detected if block.type == "Figure"]:
## segmentation
segmented = block.pad(left=15, right=15, top=5, bottom=5).crop_image(img)
## save
dic_predicted[str("-"+block.type] = segmented
for block in [block for block in detected if block.type == "Table"]:
## segmentation
segmented = block.pad(left=15, right=15, top=5, bottom=5).crop_image(img)
## extraction
extracted = model.detect(segmented)
## save
dic_predicted[str("-"+block.type] = pd.read_csv( io.StringIO(extracted) )
return dic_predicted
def gen_doc(dic_predicted:dict):
document = Document()
for k,v in dic_predicted.items():
if "Figure" in k:
cv2.imwrite(f'{k}.jpg', dic_predicted[k])
document.add_picture(f'{k}.jpg', width=Inches(3))
elif "Table" in k:
table = document.add_table(rows=v.shape[0], cols=v.shape[1])
hdr_cells = table.rows[0].cells
for idx, col in enumerate(v.columns):
hdr_cells[idx].text = col
for c in v.iterrows():
for idx, col in enumerate(v.columns):
if len(c[1][col].strip())>0:
row_cells = table.add_row().cells
row_cells[idx].text = str(c[1][col])
def main_convert(filename):
doc = to_image(
img, detected = detect(doc)
n_detected = get_detected(img, detected)
dic_predicted = predict_elements(img, n_detected)
im_out = lp.draw_box(img, detected, box_width=5, box_alpha=0.2, show_element_type=True)
dict_out = {}
for k,v in dic_predicted.items():
if "figure" not in k.lower():
dict_out[k] = dic_predicted[k]
return 'demo.docx', im_out, dict_out
inputs = [gr.File(type='file', label="Original PDF File")]
outputs = [gr.File(label="Converted DOC File"),gr.Image(type="PIL.Image", label="Detected Image"), gr.JSON()]
title = "A Document AI parser"
description = "This demo uses AI Models to detect text, titles, tables, figures and lists as well as table cells from an Scanned document.\nBased on the layout it determines reading order and generates an MS-DOC file to Download."
io = gr.Interface(fn=main_convert, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, title=title, description=description,
css= """.gr-button-primary { background: -webkit-linear-gradient(
90deg, #355764 0%, #55a8a1 100% ) !important; background: #355764;
background: linear-gradient(
90deg, #355764 0%, #55a8a1 100% ) !important;
background: -moz-linear-gradient( 90deg, #355764 0%, #55a8a1 100% ) !important;
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(
90deg, #355764 0%, #55a8a1 100% ) !important;
color:white !important}"""