Runtime error
Runtime error
import torch | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
import os | |
from infer import sample_clips, batch_transform_val, videofile_to_frames | |
from i2v import load_weight, i2v_transform | |
import numpy as np | |
import coremltools as ct | |
def image_to_emb_attn(image, mlmodel): | |
output_dict = mlmodel.predict({'input': image.resize((224,224))}) | |
vector = output_dict['vector'] | |
attention = output_dict['attention'] | |
attn_cls = attention[0,0,0] | |
attn_img = attention[0,0,1:].reshape(7,7) | |
return vector, attn_cls, attn_img | |
class ScoringWrapper(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self): | |
super(ScoringWrapper, self).__init__() | |
ckpt_path = os.path.join('..', 'weight', 'ckpt_epoch_59_loss_0.3066582295561343.ckpt') | |
self.scoring_model = torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location='cpu')['model'].eval() | |
def forward(self, img_vectors): | |
img_vectors = img_vectors.view(-1, 512 * self.scoring_model.frames_per_clip) | |
scores = torch.sigmoid(self.scoring_model(img_vectors)).view(-1) | |
return scores | |
class HighlightModel(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, ckpt_path = os.path.join('..', 'weight', 'ckpt_epoch_59_loss_0.3066582295561343.ckpt'), | |
i2v_path = None, i2v_transform = i2v_transform, batch_transform_val = batch_transform_val): | |
super().__init__() | |
if not i2v_path: | |
i2v_path = os.path.join('..', 'weight', '') | |
self.i2v = load_weight(i2v_path) | |
self.i2v_transform = i2v_transform | |
checkpoint = torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location='cpu') | |
self.scoring_model = checkpoint['model'].eval() | |
self.batch_transform_val = batch_transform_val | |
def forward(self, frames): | |
n_clips = len(frames) - self.scoring_model.frames_per_clip + 1 | |
x = torch.stack(self.batch_transform_val(frames)) # x.size = (num_frames, 3, 224, 224) | |
x = self.i2v_transform(x) | |
img_vectors, attn = self.i2v(x) # img_vectors.size = (num_frames, 512) | |
# attn.size = (num_frames, 50, 50) | |
attn = torch.stack([attn[i, 0, 1:].view(7, 7) for i in range(len(attn))]) | |
x = sample_clips(img_vectors, self.scoring_model.frames_per_clip) | |
x = x.view(n_clips, -1) | |
scores = torch.sigmoid(self.scoring_model(x)).view(-1) | |
return img_vectors, attn, scores | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
# Load testing video | |
frames = videofile_to_frames('../get_highlight_example/sports_day_smile.MOV') | |
# Initialize Pytorch model (i2v + scoring_model) | |
highlight_model = HighlightModel() | |
_ = highlight_model.eval() | |
''' | |
Note: | |
BatchResize is different from PIL.Image resize. | |
If we purely use BatchResize as preprocessing, the output of pytorch model will be different from coreml | |
=> resize image by PIL.Image.resize() first | |
''' | |
pytorch_img_vector, pytorch_attn, pytorch_scores = highlight_model([frame.resize((224,224)) for frame in frames]) | |
print("Pytorch scores:", pytorch_scores.detach()) | |
print("==="*30) | |
# Load baby clip half precision mlmodel | |
i2v_mlmodel_filename = os.path.join('..','weight','') | |
i2v_mlmodel = ct.models.MLModel(i2v_mlmodel_filename) | |
vectors = [] | |
attns = [] | |
for frame in frames: | |
vector, attn_cls, attn_img = image_to_emb_attn(frame, i2v_mlmodel) | |
vectors.append(vector.squeeze()) | |
attns.append(attn_img) | |
print('MAE of image vectors:', (pytorch_img_vector.detach() - torch.Tensor(vectors)).abs().mean()) | |
print('MAE of attn:', (pytorch_attn.detach() - torch.Tensor(attns)).abs().mean()) | |
print("==="*30) | |
# Load Pytorch scoring model | |
scoring_model = ScoringWrapper().eval() | |
scores = [ scoring_model(torch.Tensor(vectors[i:i+3])).detach().item() | |
for i in range(len(vectors)-scoring_model.scoring_model.frames_per_clip+1)] | |
print('I2v_mlmodel + pytorch_scoring:', scores) | |
print('MAE of scores (using i2v_mlmodel):', (pytorch_scores.detach() - torch.Tensor(scores)).abs().mean()) | |
print("==="*30) | |
# mlmodel conversion | |
x = torch.rand(scoring_model.scoring_model.frames_per_clip, 512) | |
traced = torch.jit.trace(scoring_model, x) | |
model_input = ct.TensorType(name='input', shape=x.shape) | |
scoring_mlmodel = ct.convert(source='pytorch', model=traced, inputs=[model_input]) | |
spec = scoring_mlmodel.get_spec() | |
scoring_mlmodel_filename = os.path.join('..','weight','score_epoch_59_loss_0.3066.mlmodel') | |
ct.models.utils.rename_feature(spec, 'var_14', 'score', rename_outputs=True) | |
ct.models.utils.save_spec(spec, scoring_mlmodel_filename) | |
scoring_mlmodel = ct.models.MLModel(scoring_mlmodel_filename) | |
# scoring mlmodel prediction | |
mlmodel_scores = [ scoring_mlmodel.predict({'input':np.array(vectors[i:i+3])})['score'][0] | |
for i in range(len(vectors)-scoring_model.scoring_model.frames_per_clip+1)] | |
print("I2v_mlmodel + scoring_mlmodel:", mlmodel_scores) | |
print('MAE of scores (using i2v_mlmodel and scoring_mlmodel):', np.abs(pytorch_scores.detach().numpy() - np.array(mlmodel_scores)).mean()) | |
# assert torch.allclose(pytorch_img_vector.detach(), torch.Tensor(vectors)) | |
# assert torch.allclose(pytorch_attn.detach(), torch.Tensor(attns)) | |
# assert np.allclose(pytorch_scores.detach().numpy(), mlmodel_scores) |