import streamlit as st import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from langchain_community.llms import OpenAI from langchain_google_genai import ChatGoogleGenerativeAI from fpdf import FPDF import fitz # Load environment variables load_dotenv() def generate_resume(details): prompt = f""" Create an ATS-optimized resume based on the following details: Name: {details['name']} Contact Information: {details['contact']} LinkedIn Profile: {details['linkedin']} Professional Summary: {details['summary']} Work Experience: {details['experience']} Education: {details['education']} Skills: {details['skills']} Certifications: {details['certifications']} Projects: {details['projects']} Provide the resume in a well-structured format. """ llm = OpenAI(temperature=0.7, openai_api_key=st.secrets["OPENAI_API_KEY"],max_tokens=1500) resume = llm(prompt) return resume def create_pdf(resume_text, filename): pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_auto_page_break(auto=True, margin=15) pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) for line in resume_text.split('\n'): pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, line.encode('latin-1', 'replace').decode('latin-1')) pdf.output(filename) def extract_text_from_pdf(pdf_file): doc =, filetype="pdf") text = "" for page in doc: text += page.get_text() return text def parse_extracted_text(text): details = { 'name': "", 'contact': "", 'linkedin': "", 'summary': "", 'experience': "", 'education': "", 'skills': "", 'certifications': "", 'projects': "" } # Here, you would implement parsing logic to extract details from the text. # For simplicity, this example assumes the text is well-structured and uses basic keyword extraction. # In a real-world scenario, you would use more sophisticated text parsing techniques. lines = text.split('\n') for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "Name:" in line: details['name'] = line.split("Name:")[1].strip() elif "Contact Information:" in line: details['contact'] = line.split("Contact Information:")[1].strip() elif "LinkedIn Profile:" in line: details['linkedin'] = line.split("LinkedIn Profile:")[1].strip() elif "Professional Summary:" in line: details['summary'] = line.split("Professional Summary:")[1].strip() elif "Work Experience:" in line: details['experience'] = " ".join(lines[i+1:i+5]).strip() elif "Education:" in line: details['education'] = " ".join(lines[i+1:i+3]).strip() elif "Skills:" in line: details['skills'] = line.split("Skills:")[1].strip() elif "Certifications:" in line: details['certifications'] = line.split("Certifications:")[1].strip() elif "Projects:" in line: details['projects'] = " ".join(lines[i+1:i+3]).strip() return details def app(): st.title("Resume Creation") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a resume to pre-fill details", type=["pdf"]) if uploaded_file: if st.button("Submit"): extracted_text = extract_text_from_pdf(uploaded_file) details = parse_extracted_text(extracted_text) st.write("Extracted Text:", extracted_text) # Debug: Show the extracted text st.write("Parsed Details:", details) # Debug: Show the parsed details else: details = { 'name': "", 'contact': "", 'linkedin': "", 'summary': "", 'experience': "", 'education': "", 'skills': "", 'certifications': "", 'projects': "" } else: details = { 'name': "", 'contact': "", 'linkedin': "", 'summary': "", 'experience': "", 'education': "", 'skills': "", 'certifications': "", 'projects': "" } with st.form("resume_form"): st.header("Enter your details to generate an ATS-optimized resume") name = st.text_input("Name", value=details['name']) contact = st.text_area("Contact Information (phone, email, address)", value=details['contact']) linkedin = st.text_input("LinkedIn Profile URL", value=details['linkedin']) summary = st.text_area("Professional Summary", value=details['summary']) experience = st.text_area("Work Experience (provide details of each job including company name, job title, duration, and responsibilities)", value=details['experience']) education = st.text_area("Education (provide details of degrees, institutions, and graduation dates)", value=details['education']) skills = st.text_area("Skills (list your skills)", value=details['skills']) certifications = st.text_area("Certifications (list any relevant certifications)", value=details['certifications']) projects = st.text_area("Projects (provide details of your projects)", value=details['projects']) submitted = st.form_submit_button("Generate Resume") if submitted: if name and contact and linkedin and summary and experience and education and skills and certifications and projects: details = { 'name': name, 'contact': contact, 'linkedin': linkedin, 'summary': summary, 'experience': experience, 'education': education, 'skills': skills, 'certifications': certifications, 'projects': projects } resume = generate_resume(details) st.header("Generated Resume") st.text(resume) # Save resume as PDF and provide download link pdf_filename = "resume.pdf" create_pdf(resume, pdf_filename) with open(pdf_filename, "rb") as pdf_file: st.download_button( label="Download Resume as PDF", data=pdf_file, file_name=pdf_filename, mime="application/pdf" ) else: st.error("Please fill in all the fields to generate the resume.") # st.title("Resume Creation") # uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a resume to pre-fill details", type=["pdf"]) # if uploaded_file: # extracted_text = extract_text_from_pdf(uploaded_file) # details = parse_extracted_text(extracted_text) # else: # details = { # 'name': "", # 'contact': "", # 'linkedin': "", # 'summary': "", # 'experience': "", # 'education': "", # 'skills': "", # 'certifications': "", # 'projects': "" # } # with st.form("profile_form"): # st.header("Enter your details to generate an ATS-optimized resume") # name = st.text_input("Name") # contact = st.text_area("Contact Information (phone, email, address)") # linkedin = st.text_input("LinkedIn Profile URL") # summary = st.text_area("Professional Summary") # experience = st.text_area("Work Experience (provide details of each job including company name, job title, duration, and responsibilities)") # education = st.text_area("Education (provide details of degrees, institutions, and graduation dates)") # skills = st.text_area("Skills (list your skills)") # certifications = st.text_area("Certifications (list any relevant certifications)") # projects = st.text_area("Projects (provide details of your projects)") # submitted = st.form_submit_button("Generate Resume") # if submitted: # if name and contact and linkedin and summary and experience and education and skills and certifications and projects: # details = { # 'name': name, # 'contact': contact, # 'linkedin': linkedin, # 'summary': summary, # 'experience': experience, # 'education': education, # 'skills': skills, # 'certifications': certifications, # 'projects': projects # } # resume = generate_resume(details) # st.header("Generated Resume") # st.text(resume) # # Save resume as PDF and provide download link # pdf_filename = "resume.pdf" # create_pdf(resume, pdf_filename) # with open(pdf_filename, "rb") as pdf_file: # st.download_button( # label="Download Resume as PDF", # data=pdf_file, # file_name=pdf_filename, # mime="application/pdf" # ) # else: # st.error("Please fill in all the fields to generate the resume.")