File size: 9,315 Bytes
b110ab4 112a5cf a82a79d b110ab4 f1b6dad b110ab4 112a5cf fee5ac0 112a5cf a82a79d b110ab4 cfaa1f9 a82a79d 6bc6c8a a82a79d b110ab4 6bc6c8a b110ab4 6bc6c8a b110ab4 6bc6c8a 41fa798 6bc6c8a 41fa798 fa10662 41fa798 fa10662 41fa798 6bc6c8a |
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import streamlit as st
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from langchain_community.llms import OpenAI
from langchain_google_genai import ChatGoogleGenerativeAI
from fpdf import FPDF
import fitz
# Load environment variables
def generate_resume(details):
prompt = f"""
Create an ATS-optimized resume based on the following details:
Name: {details['name']}
Contact Information: {details['contact']}
LinkedIn Profile: {details['linkedin']}
Professional Summary: {details['summary']}
Work Experience: {details['experience']}
Education: {details['education']}
Skills: {details['skills']}
Certifications: {details['certifications']}
Projects: {details['projects']}
Provide the resume in a well-structured format.
llm = OpenAI(temperature=0.7, openai_api_key=st.secrets["OPENAI_API_KEY"],max_tokens=1500)
resume = llm(prompt)
return resume
def create_pdf(resume_text, filename):
pdf = FPDF()
pdf.set_auto_page_break(auto=True, margin=15)
pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12)
for line in resume_text.split('\n'):
pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, line.encode('latin-1', 'replace').decode('latin-1'))
def extract_text_from_pdf(pdf_file):
doc =, filetype="pdf")
text = ""
for page in doc:
text += page.get_text()
return text
def parse_extracted_text(text):
details = {
'name': "",
'contact': "",
'linkedin': "",
'summary': "",
'experience': "",
'education': "",
'skills': "",
'certifications': "",
'projects': ""
# Here, you would implement parsing logic to extract details from the text.
# For simplicity, this example assumes the text is well-structured and uses basic keyword extraction.
# In a real-world scenario, you would use more sophisticated text parsing techniques.
lines = text.split('\n')
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if "Name:" in line:
details['name'] = line.split("Name:")[1].strip()
elif "Contact Information:" in line:
details['contact'] = line.split("Contact Information:")[1].strip()
elif "LinkedIn Profile:" in line:
details['linkedin'] = line.split("LinkedIn Profile:")[1].strip()
elif "Professional Summary:" in line:
details['summary'] = line.split("Professional Summary:")[1].strip()
elif "Work Experience:" in line:
details['experience'] = " ".join(lines[i+1:i+5]).strip()
elif "Education:" in line:
details['education'] = " ".join(lines[i+1:i+3]).strip()
elif "Skills:" in line:
details['skills'] = line.split("Skills:")[1].strip()
elif "Certifications:" in line:
details['certifications'] = line.split("Certifications:")[1].strip()
elif "Projects:" in line:
details['projects'] = " ".join(lines[i+1:i+3]).strip()
return details
def app():
st.title("Resume Creation")
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a resume to pre-fill details", type=["pdf"])
if uploaded_file:
if st.button("Submit"):
extracted_text = extract_text_from_pdf(uploaded_file)
details = parse_extracted_text(extracted_text)
st.write("Extracted Text:", extracted_text) # Debug: Show the extracted text
st.write("Parsed Details:", details) # Debug: Show the parsed details
details = {
'name': "",
'contact': "",
'linkedin': "",
'summary': "",
'experience': "",
'education': "",
'skills': "",
'certifications': "",
'projects': ""
details = {
'name': "",
'contact': "",
'linkedin': "",
'summary': "",
'experience': "",
'education': "",
'skills': "",
'certifications': "",
'projects': ""
with st.form("resume_form"):
st.header("Enter your details to generate an ATS-optimized resume")
name = st.text_input("Name", value=details['name'])
contact = st.text_area("Contact Information (phone, email, address)", value=details['contact'])
linkedin = st.text_input("LinkedIn Profile URL", value=details['linkedin'])
summary = st.text_area("Professional Summary", value=details['summary'])
experience = st.text_area("Work Experience (provide details of each job including company name, job title, duration, and responsibilities)", value=details['experience'])
education = st.text_area("Education (provide details of degrees, institutions, and graduation dates)", value=details['education'])
skills = st.text_area("Skills (list your skills)", value=details['skills'])
certifications = st.text_area("Certifications (list any relevant certifications)", value=details['certifications'])
projects = st.text_area("Projects (provide details of your projects)", value=details['projects'])
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Generate Resume")
if submitted:
if name and contact and linkedin and summary and experience and education and skills and certifications and projects:
details = {
'name': name,
'contact': contact,
'linkedin': linkedin,
'summary': summary,
'experience': experience,
'education': education,
'skills': skills,
'certifications': certifications,
'projects': projects
resume = generate_resume(details)
st.header("Generated Resume")
# Save resume as PDF and provide download link
pdf_filename = "resume.pdf"
create_pdf(resume, pdf_filename)
with open(pdf_filename, "rb") as pdf_file:
label="Download Resume as PDF",
st.error("Please fill in all the fields to generate the resume.")
# st.title("Resume Creation")
# uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a resume to pre-fill details", type=["pdf"])
# if uploaded_file:
# extracted_text = extract_text_from_pdf(uploaded_file)
# details = parse_extracted_text(extracted_text)
# else:
# details = {
# 'name': "",
# 'contact': "",
# 'linkedin': "",
# 'summary': "",
# 'experience': "",
# 'education': "",
# 'skills': "",
# 'certifications': "",
# 'projects': ""
# }
# with st.form("profile_form"):
# st.header("Enter your details to generate an ATS-optimized resume")
# name = st.text_input("Name")
# contact = st.text_area("Contact Information (phone, email, address)")
# linkedin = st.text_input("LinkedIn Profile URL")
# summary = st.text_area("Professional Summary")
# experience = st.text_area("Work Experience (provide details of each job including company name, job title, duration, and responsibilities)")
# education = st.text_area("Education (provide details of degrees, institutions, and graduation dates)")
# skills = st.text_area("Skills (list your skills)")
# certifications = st.text_area("Certifications (list any relevant certifications)")
# projects = st.text_area("Projects (provide details of your projects)")
# submitted = st.form_submit_button("Generate Resume")
# if submitted:
# if name and contact and linkedin and summary and experience and education and skills and certifications and projects:
# details = {
# 'name': name,
# 'contact': contact,
# 'linkedin': linkedin,
# 'summary': summary,
# 'experience': experience,
# 'education': education,
# 'skills': skills,
# 'certifications': certifications,
# 'projects': projects
# }
# resume = generate_resume(details)
# st.header("Generated Resume")
# st.text(resume)
# # Save resume as PDF and provide download link
# pdf_filename = "resume.pdf"
# create_pdf(resume, pdf_filename)
# with open(pdf_filename, "rb") as pdf_file:
# st.download_button(
# label="Download Resume as PDF",
# data=pdf_file,
# file_name=pdf_filename,
# mime="application/pdf"
# )
# else:
# st.error("Please fill in all the fields to generate the resume.")